(Spin Off) Erind/Deen – 5.21.12

Amber Deen Leska

I want more, Amber Deen Leska finally admitted to herself. But she stopped the thought from forming into words and leaving her mouth—Blanchette didn’t need to hear it.

This was no longer about her mini-rivalry with Erind; Deen couldn’t even say what they were really competing about. Moreover, she was with Blanchette, not Erind. This time, Deen wanted to continue because she felt good—it was that simple—and she wanted more of what Blanchette was doing to her.

She should stop at some point; Deen knew that. This could get quite out of hand if it went on, and she should stop it.

But not now…

Deen subtly pushed her breasts out to Blanchette’s finger, timing it with a deep inhale to pretend it was her chest expanding from breathing. Blanchette’s claw poked a little more into Deen’s left areola, right at the base of her nipple. Deen hoped Blanchette wouldn’t notice what she did; she was incredibly reluctant to reveal her neediness.

She was used to men chasing after her, willing to make fools of themselves just to have her glance their way. She was used to being in power.

This was different. Blanchette was in charge, and Deen could only accept what was done to her. The vulnerability stoked the embers smoldering right below the pit of Deen’s stomach. But with vulnerability also came embarrassment.

Right now, Blanchette could see her aroused face—she didn’t want to see Blanchette’s reaction to her helplessness. Deen quickly closed her eyes.

She expected something more to happen, perhaps the sensation of a tongue on her skin, but Blanchette only continued to trace a circle around her nipple, with the claw scratching a bit deeper, dragging the fabric of her shirt.

It didn’t hurt. It was equal parts ticklish and itchy. If there was anything that ached, it was Deen’s painfully erect nipples. She could feel the blood rushing through her body, especially her chest, as she got more aroused. When was the last time she was this turned on?

She neared the point of no return, about to cross the line where she’d let Blanchette do anything. But though she had challenged Blanchette, the latter wasn’t doing much.

Do something more, Deen pleaded in her head. Lick me again, please…

What could she say to goad Blanchette into taking it up a notch? It was apparent that Blanchette was letting her simmer. Blanchette knew that she won—Deen would’ve been annoyed by the thought earlier but didn’t care now—and dragged it out to play with her.

Then Deen felt a pinch. She let out a soft “Oh!” of surprise and opened her eyes.

Held between Blanchette’s index finger and thumb claws was her nipple, looking like tweezers squeezing a small grape hidden under a blue cloth. Another squeeze. Deen clenched her teeth to stop a moan.

Blanchette raised a brow at her.

“It’s cold, okay?” Deen breathlessly explained. “I-it’s not…”


“We’re both girls. You should know—god!” Deen bit her lip before she could say more. Blanchette pinched harder. But not enough to hurt. It felt more like an incredibly ticklish shock radiated outward from that point. Her nipples had become exceptionally sensitive; they couldn’t get more erect than this.

Deen wanted to scream. She couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Please, Blanchette… Huh? Why did you stop?”

Blanchette released her hold. She guffawed, mixed with growls.

“No! I don’t mean ‘why did you stop’ because I liked it!” Deen scrambled to explain. “I didn’t like it, okay? I swear I didn’t.” She felt her cheeks burn. Another lucid moment where her sane part questioned why she still hadn’t tried to escape.

“Hroaargh hraarh?”

“I meant, like, like, uh, that was nothing! What you were doing was basically nothing… It didn’t affect me at all.”

Blanchette rolled her eyes. Her wolf ears atop her head flapped a bit. “Ghroarr…”

This was the perfect time to stop, Deen realized. She should tell Blanchette to take off her mask and return to Erind. But those weren’t the words she spoke next. “So, are you just gonna give up?” Deen said, almost in a whisper.

Blanchette narrowed her eyes as she let a low growl that made the hair at the back of Deen’s neck stand on end.

“If you give up, then I win,” Deen continued in a scoffing tone. It was so stupid that she was still doing this. She was apprehensive about what would happen next—but also excited.

Blanchette’s strong arms encircled Deen around the waist, pulling her even closer. Deen didn’t resist as their bodies pressed more against each other. Her heart pounded the hardest it had ever.

Then Blanchette raised her snout, meeting Deen’s eyes. Their noses almost touched. Against better judgment, Deen raised her arms and wrapped them around Blanchette’s neck like they were sort of lovers about to kiss. Blanchette let out a snort, clearly chuckling at what Deen had done.

“Hey, don’t do that!” Deen protested, scrunching her nose. Blanchette didn’t smell bad or anything, but it was weird getting blasted by someone’s breath. “Bad dog!”

Blanchette laughed out loud in a throaty, raspy manner, opening her mouth to reveal menacing fangs. Deen reflexively leaned back. Seeing Deen’s reaction, Blanchette snapped her mouth shut, an inch from Deen’s face, the fangs clashing against each other in a noise more like metal than actual teeth.

Deen succeeded in not flinching. “Is that supposed to scare me?” She stared down at Blanchette.

Blanchette opened her mouth again. Her sizeable pink tongue unfurled itself like a carpet over her fangs. It was so wide and long that Deen balked for a moment. She knew Blanchette wasn’t sticking her tongue out at her.

Deen closed her eyes, thrusting her chin forward as an invitation.

This is so wrong, she thought. But like the many times she had disobeyed her uncaring parents, the thrill of doing something forbidden called to her. And this was with her best friend… so it wasn’t that wrong.

Was it?

Something wet and slimy slid across her mouth. She tensed, her hands behind Blanchette’s neck balled into fists, her nails digging into her palm. She gathered every ounce of will to fight the urge to break off. This is wrong! Very wrong. But she wanted to stay.

The tip of Blanchette’s tongue found the gap where Deen’s lips met. Deen sharply inhaled. She pressed her lips tight together, reluctant to let it in. But it didn’t try to enter.


Deen was sure it’d eventually progress to that.

She hoped.

Oh god, what am I thinking? Deen asked herself in a moment of clarity. But the deep longing took over, and she resigned to her fate.

Blanchette’s tongue, big but soft, gently licked Deen’s mouth with small flicks, almost like powder puff dabbing makeup. Deen was caught off guard. She expected something forceful. It was a stark contrast to the assault on her breasts earlier.

Seconds dragged on. Probably a minute had already passed of the light licking—Deen didn’t know. She had her eyes closed; all attention focused on her lips. She didn’t mind the coldness on her chest from her wet shirt. The drying saliva made the cloth crusty. It felt like someone slathered glue on her right breast. Disgusting, peeped a small part of her brain. But the rest of the gray matter wanted to bathe in pleasure.

Deen let out a sigh of contentment. It could’ve been a moan. She didn’t care. It felt so nice. If she weren’t hanging to Blanchette’s neck, she would’ve melted onto the counter.

Blanchette was very patient with her, and Deen was thankful for that. Very gentle. Very secure.

This is really sexual, Deen thought at the anticipation building up. There was no other way to describe what was happening.

This was not what was on Deen’s mind when she dared Erind to lick her. But what was she thinking when she said that? It could only go this way. Nowhere else.

Maybe part of her expected this… wanted this…

Erind had already done it with her before—tonguing her. Deen liked it. She probably shouldn’t. But she did. Deen wanted a repeat. If not with Erind, then she was okay with Blanchette. Deen paused, trying to regain a semblance of coherent thought. There’s really no point lying to myself, she concluded.

Blanchette hadn’t even progressed as far as Erind. Though Blanchette’s tongue was becoming more insistent, more vigorous brush strokes traced Deen’s lips. Deen braced herself, but Blanchette didn’t force herself onto her again.

Would Deen allow it if it did come to that? She didn’t know the answer.

What happened with Erind was miles different from having a monster’s tongue stuffed down her throat. When people used that phrase—tongue down their throat—it was just hyperbole for intense making out because it was impossible to do, like physically.

For humans, that is. Blanchette could do it.

Deen shuddered at the thought. Would she choke on Blanchette’s tongue?

My Guardian Angel would warn me, she assured herself. While that was true, Deen knew deep inside she was justifying letting Blanchette do whatever—only two of them here, anyway. No one would know the shameful things she’d do.

Well, three of them. Erind was inside Blanchette and would know about Deen’s descent into degeneracy, making out with an Adumbrae. But it was way past the point of worrying about that. Deen would endure Erind’s teasing later, but she already had her prize now.

Oh, wait. There were four of them here. Deen’s eyes flew open, remembering her Guardian Angel.

Blanchette’s long snout greeted Deen, a large tongue flicking this way and that. At the opposite end of the snout sat Blanchette’s eyes, fully open, looking intently at Deen.

Deen thought Blanchette had closed her eyes too, but that turned out wrong. Deen felt even more vulnerable, self-conscious, and also intimidated. This cemented that Blanchette was in charge.

Averting her gaze, Deen looked to the side without turning her head. She caught a glimpse of the floating ball of feathers that was her Guardian Angel. Gabe seemed to have his eyes closed, which was a relief. It meant there was no danger from Blanchette. Also, Deen didn’t want Gabe to look at her with judging eyes. Was she really feeling embarrassed getting seen making out with someone by a paranormal creature?

Deen closed her eyes again as the licking continued. How long will this last?

Was Blanchette waiting for her to make a move? Deen parted her lips half an inch. Some hesitation was still there. Blanchette’s tongue found the opening, probing the entrance but not entering. It was up to Deen what’d happen next. Blanchette’s tongue was more aggressive but not intrusive. Deen finally opened her mouth to receive it.

Blanchette moved closer, tilting her head and opening her mouth wider so her tongue could reach further inside Deen.

Hot monster breath washed over Deen’s face; fangs scraped her cheeks. But that was the least of her worries. A fat tongue suddenly surged into her mouth, filling it, pushing back her own tongue and her cheeks out. It was like she swallowed a live eel! The invasion was so much more shocking than when Erind tongued her.

Deen tried to protest, but it came out as muffled whines. Her heart stopped when she felt the tip of Blanchette’s tongue slide over the back of her own, creeping into her throat.

She expected it. She knew it’d happen but couldn’t have prepared herself for it. She held on to Blanchette’s shoulders for support as she got penetrated for the first time by her best friend. If this went on, this wouldn’t be the last time.

Calm down! Deen tried to breathe evenly through her nose as Blanchette’s tongue slithered further down her throat. Then she couldn’t take it anymore. She gagged, trying to cough out, but the invader continued to burrow deeper. She pounded her fists on Blanchette’s shoulders. But not with super strength. She could’ve punched for real to stop this, but she couldn’t bring herself to.

She didn’t know why. She didn’t want to know.

Is this really happening? Deen could feel her throat stretch, her eyes starting to water. It was becoming difficult to breathe. The thing inside her throat wriggled. She flailed her legs, kicking out in a panic. She pushed Blanchette away, seriously this time.

And Blanchette complied, breaking off.

Relief washed over Deen as her throat was unblocked. She coughed a few times as she rubbed her throat. The sensation of having it stretched was disturbing. She peeked at Gabe, wondering why it didn’t come to her aid.

Then Deen wiped a teardrop rolling down her cheek as she gathered the courage to face Blanchette after getting humiliated. “I… I can’t believe you did that…” She coughed a couple more times. “You’re such a bully.”

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