(Spin Off) Erind/Deen – 5.23.7

I lifted Deen’s head and kissed her; just going for the basics first. Her eyes closed, and she kept on mumbling my name as our lips met, seemingly oblivious to what I was doing to her. I tried tonguing her, but she was just babbling as if in a trance.

Her strokes became more furious, her moans of my name, louder. I grabbed her breasts and massaged them, not really knowing what I was supposed to do. Her breasts were firmer and a bit enlarged from getting aroused. I ran my palms across her hardened nipples. Still, she didn’t show any signs of acknowledging what I was doing. She was lost in her mind as she played with herself.

Frankly annoyed by this since I was supposed to turn her on, and not that she’d do her own thing and ignore me, I groped for her nipples and gave them a hard twist.

“Erind!” Deen exclaimed as her eyes flung open. “Oh my god!”

“Shut up!” I furiously whispered at her. This wasn’t my intended outcome.

“Oh my god, oh my god…” Deen whimpered. “Erind, Erind, Erind…” Her voice was slowly rising. “I’m so close… I’m cumming! I’m—!

I covered the bitch’s mouth with my hand and hugged her while she thrashed as if electrocuted. Her breasts wildly swung about, threatening to burst out of her blouse. She reminded me of those possessed characters in old-school exorcism horror movies. She continued to scream into my palm for several seconds.

Through it all, I kept a tight lid on her mouth, hoping Mom wouldn’t wake up. I wondered if I should take this opportunity to throw Deen out the window. When turned on, she didn’t listen to her Guardian Angel and was pretty much defenseless.

Deen eventually calmed down. Her convulsions stopped except for an occasional twitch here and there. Her hand was still in her pants. She looked up at me, eyes half-closed.

“You done enjoying yourself?” I uncovered her mouth and kissed her. Just a light peck. Not sure why I did that. It made me appear caring, I supposed.  

“That was amazing,” Deen breathlessly said. Her chest heaved, her breasts rising. “I’m not sure… but it… it might be the hardest I came. Ever.”

“Sure sounds like it. We’re lucky Mom’s tired from her trip. If she were awake, she would’ve thought I was torturing you in here or something.”

“This is a torture of sorts. The good kind.” She winked at me. “Also, I’m fine if she heard us doing freaky things. Aren’t you?”

“Yeah, right.” I snorted. “You were scared of the cashier at the airport finding the blood. Now, you’re saying you’re alright with getting caught by Mom masturbating in my bed?”

“Maybe…? Just so the cat’s out of the bag.”

“What cat?”

“The cat that says you’re into girls.”

“I’m not—”

“Your words and actions are incompatible,” Deen said in a lecturing tone. “But enough of your denials.”

She got up from leaning back on me and rearranged herself to sit facing me. She removed her hand from her pants and held her fingers up. They glistened. She made scissoring motions, playing with the sticky liquid coating them. She made a V-sign. Strings of her juices dangled between the fingers like hanging bridges.

“Proof I’m really this,” she proudly said.

Keep your stupid proof to yourself. This wasn’t a court that she needed to provide evidence.

She brought her fingers closer to me. A musty scent. Equal parts sweet and salty. “Now then…”

“No escaping my turn,” I mumbled. Remember the rewards, I told myself. Money, future sight, superpowered ally. Simple. So, why did it feel like this was worse than getting nuked?

“But before that,” Deen said, mimicking my earlier tone when speaking those words. Her sticky fingers were half an inch from my lips. “Lick these.”

I jerked back. “Wha-what?” It was outrageous but also something I should’ve expected to happen next.

“Lick my fingers.”

“Why would I do that?” Even as I uttered those words, I knew that the trap had been sprung. There was no getting out of this one.

“Because I want you to taste me,” said Deen. “I hope you’re not thinking I’m dirty?”

She was red as could be; still, she kept composure in her demands. Good that she had a shred of sanity left to be embarrassed with this bullshit, she was willingly letting go of it.

“I wasn’t thinking you have a disease or something,” I said. “It’s just that this is…”

“Just do it. Pretty please. For me?” She brushed her sticky finger across my lips.

I shouldn’t be squeamish. That was tantamount to showing weakness. On the disgustingness factor, there was none. I’ve eaten actual people—though that was technically Blanchette. Deen’s juices should be nothing compared to blood and guts. And, eventually, I’d have to do more degenerate things than this. No point in trying to avoid the unavoidable.

I gave Deen’s fingers a tentative lick. My tongue quickly retreated into my mouth. Reflecting the smell, the liquid tasted sweet and salty too. The closest comparison would be salted caramel. But this was sticky. And musty. And degenerate.

“Good girl…” Deen cooed. “Lick my fingers some more. I want you to clean it.”

Uh-oh. I’ve really created a monster, I thought. An abomination! That was saying something because I was an actual monster.

Again, I licked Deen’s finger. Just playing the timid half of this dance. I tilted my head and tried to wrap my tongue around her fingers. My tongue was too short and small. I settled with parting her fingers, my tongue sliding up and down between them.

Deen bit her lower lips as she focused on my tongue.

I stopped licking. I filled my mouth with saliva as I retrieved my tongue in the hopes of neutralizing the taste immediately. It didn’t taste bad. Salted caramel was a good flavor. Also not saying that Deen’s juices tasted good. I mean, it kinda did. But this was more of not wanting to literally savor the experience.

“Is that enough?” I meekly pipped. Submissive mode.

It did seem to have an effect because Deen suddenly wore a haughty expression. “No.”

“Your fingers are already—urk!”

She forced her fingers into my mouth. They slid over my tongue and pushed it down as they tried to reach further in. “Just be a good girl, okay?” said Deen, keeping me from leaning back with her other hand.

I tried to protest. My words came out as jumbled gibberish, my tongue trapped by her fingers. I coughed and gagged but she didn’t seem to notice. This bitch was in a daze again.

Rage built up inside me. I was super-duper close to swinging my fist and removing her jaw. However, a question came—what was wrong with this?

A lot, obviously. But it was par for the course.

My anger all drained away.

I’d let myself get abused for now. The more Deen did nasty stuff to me, the more hold I had over her. I’d get back at her someday for this. And it was sort of interesting to see Deen change. Or was she this sort of domineering pervert all along, only coming out now? There was a dark side to her, I was certain. Biting someone wasn’t normal. The irony.

“Just relax, Erind,” Deen gently said. She kissed my cheek as if that’d make this whole thing better. She had a dazed look in her eyes. “Your tongue’s really… really soft. Softer than your ear. I like it. Just relax. Open your mouth some more.”

Okay, she’s gone to cuckoo land. I sensed there was an incoming repeat of her sadistic side at the airport.

Still, I followed her instructions, opening my mouth wider and slowly breathing through my nose. She continued reaching deeper and deeper into my mouth. Soon, my teeth were scraping her knuckles. And what the fuck were these fingers? They were so freaking long!

They reached the back of my tongue.  

My eyes watered. There was a stupid high chance I’d puke if this continued. Wasn’t this the way to induce puking? Like touching the back of the tongue or something? No way I was vomiting all over my bed sheets.

I grabbed Deen’s wrist and tried to pull her off. What she did next surprised me.

Her hand behind my head grabbed my throat. She pushed me down to lie flat on the bed. Then she straddled me. She choked me as well as fucked my throat with her fingers. A wild expression was on her face.

Instead of getting angry, I was surprised that I found this funny. I wanted to laugh at this unexpected development. But I was also on the verge of puking.

Rather than yanking Deen’s fingers out, and probably losing a tooth or two—I didn’t want to risk bleeding—I squeezed her wrist until bones broke. For sure, her Guardian Angel was blaring alarms in her head.

“Ow!” She jolted and massaged her broken hand that I let go. Then she looked at me lying below her. “Oh, my god! Erind!”

“I’m not a god,” I said, giggling at my joke. This whole situation was such a riot that I couldn’t help but be giddy. Then I coughed a couple of times. The damage this bitch did in my throat was healing fast. “And will you tone it down?” I added as I massaged my throat. “You don’t want Mom barging in here to see her daughter getting choked, do you?”

“I’m really, really sorry,” Deen said. “I-I… I have no excuse.”

She jumped off of me. Tears poured out of her eyes. She kept apologizing as she scooped me off the bed and hugged me hard. I coughed some more to elicit sympathy and guilt trip her.

“I hope you can forgive me, Erind,” said Deen. “It won’t happen again.”

Won’t happen after the second time in a day? Those were the words of an abuser. And I thought I was the abuser in this relationship. Wait… relationship?

“You really had fun, huh?” I said after she released me.

“Yes—I mean, no!” Deen hung her head. “I-it was… ah, yes. I was turned on so that—”

“Sounds like an excuse.”

“I’m sorry,” she fervently said, locking eyes with me.

“I feel like I’m entitled to slap you,” I slowly said, raising my hand.

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