Renzaimeiman: Grant It And You’Ll Get It Back 10,000 Times!

Chapter 356 The Rise Of The Bastard [Please Subscribe! ! 】

In fact, not only was Bucky approaching the fight, but Natasha Romanoff was not approaching the fight at all.

Since she joined the Avengers as a liaison officer, she has been funded by both parties, and she has many weapons at her disposal.

Bucky's ability to hold on for so long with his bare hands is really the result of Natasha Romanoff's kindness.

After rubbing her slightly frizzy red hair, Natasha Romanoff stood up and looked at Bucky who was in a hurry to leave, her eyes flickering, "Why are you in a hurry to leave?

Our accounts haven’t been settled yet.”

Bucky glanced at the flashing electric shock baton in Natasha Romanoff's hand and said a little helplessly. "What do you want?

I made a mistake, but I think I got it back for you!"

With that said, Bucky opened his arms and said, "Should I stand here and give you a few blows?

Do you still have the ability to kill me?"

As soon as Bucky finished speaking, a red flying rope flew out from the other side of the street and flew towards the dark alley.

The crack happened very quickly, and Bucky's legs were tied up. He staggered slightly, and then he saw a sexy woman in a red swimsuit rushing forward with an iron ruler, a fierce expression on her face, as if Seeing her ex-boyfriend's happy life now.

Bucky's legs were cramped, and he struggled helplessly with Natasha Romanoff and Erica who rushed up. Then he forcibly tore the flying rope from his legs and shouted to Erica: "Who are you?"

As soon as Bucky finished speaking, Erica kicked him between the legs.

This tough guy with a murderous heart and a heart of stone let out a grunt of extreme pain, fell to his knees, and closed his legs.

He really didn't expect that this was just a "game" and that a beautiful woman he had never met would attack him so hard! This made him very uncomfortable.

Erica raised an eyebrow at the surprised Natasha Romanoff and said: No mercy for this scoundrel! He is a very good person.

If he can throw you once, he can throw you twice!

Natasha Romanoff was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She glanced at Bucky who was kneeling on the ground and scratching the ground with his head. Then she looked at Erica and said... "I just have a little conflict with him."

Erica, who has been in the underworld for a long time, waved her hand grandly and said. "We women have something to say to all our ex-boyfriends!"

Don't worry, I just missed a beat a little, just let it rest for a few days if you still want to use it.

But such a man needs to be taught a lesson!"

As she said that, Erica looked at Bucky, who snorted softly. "I'm just warning you, there is no such thing as equality between men and women.

When will it be over when we are satisfied!"

Natasha Romanoff said humorously, pointing at the helpless Bucky. "He is not my ex-boyfriend. Do you have any doubts?"

Erica froze on the spot and said. "Then why do you look like you want to bite him to death?"

When a woman hates a man so much, it’s usually for emotional reasons!”.

And he just said something about revenge and taking it out on you."

As she spoke, Erica looked at the strange expression on Natasha Romanoff's face and said with a bit of hesitation. "No way! Did I really misunderstand?"

Natasha Romanoff took two steps, smiled, spread her hands, and said. "Yes, but the result is good"

After saying these words, Natasha Romanoff fired all the stun guns on her wrists. Helpless Bucky could no longer bear the blow, trembling and losing consciousness, with smoke coming out of his body.

Natasha Romanoff looked at the surprised expression on Erica's face, smiled, and said that you are right about one thing.

We all hold grudges.”

Steve was speeding down the road on his motorcycle when Bucky was "killed"

He also did not expect that the game battle might develop in an unpredictable direction.

Steve quickly introduced the situation to Lin Yu, and he had just seen a female warrior, which made him a little scared.

Former S.H.I.E.L.D high level agents Natasha Romanoff-Normanova and Barbara Moore, Bionic Bird, and famed Gardener Snowy Night, pose for some serious competition

If they were all just a blocking group, things would definitely be worse for Edgar and the rest of the school.

Lin Yu is out, and it is simply an impossible task for Edgar, J.J., Bourne and the four Winter Soldiers to hold on to the hotel.

Steve himself didn't want to get involved in this inexplicable fight, but Lin Yu's words about being "manly" and "friendly" told him to go back to school quickly.

Given the "pathetic" state of men in Hell's Kitchen, it's time to work hard as a man for the sake of the future for all of us!

As soon as Steve reported the situation, a police car followed.

After the police car blared its piercing siren twice, it began to honk its horn at Steve to tell him to stop.

"Stop the motorcycle ahead."

Steve looked back and saw that it seemed to be a police car on routine patrol. The always obedient captain "reluctantly slowed down."

He leaned over and looked into the cab of the police car driving parallel to him, and said loudly. "Sorry, officer, I'm in a hurry."

Steve thought the Hell's Kitchen police would let him go when he saw Beckett wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses in the driver's seat in the middle of the night, while Laps was in the passenger seat, holding a camera and filming with a greasy smile. Hold yourself.

Steve knew immediately that this was bad, he raised his middle finger to the excited Laps, and then sighed. "Rick Laps, you traitor"

After saying these words, Steve sped up and sped away, trying to use the speed of his motorcycle to get away from Beckett and Laps' ulterior motives.

Laps raised the camera in front of Steve, and he kept encouraging Beckett: "Come on, baby!

I want to take a picture with Steve Rogers in handcuffs."

Beckett was outraged by Laps' childishness; she turned up the gas and waited to say: "You betrayed your FHM for a picture of (Lino)?"

Laps was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and said. "I hope they don't call me when they go to nightclubs.

Even if I were happy to volunteer to foot the bill, this is not the way to treat a one-man gang!"

Also, that’s Steve Rogers, catch him and my fans will go crazy!”

As he said that, Laps looked at Steve running away in front of him for a long time. "Famous author Rick Laps chases a handsome country captain who speeds late at night.

How scary is this title?”

Beckett insisted on teaming up with her from Laps, but she no longer had the same energy as before. She gently picked up the radio and said. "Watch the interception ahead, I'm losing the captain

Laps scratched his head in confusion and shouted. "Oh no

We're going to catch him!".

Esposito and Kevin are in ambush just ahead. "

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