Renzaimeiman: Grant It And You’Ll Get It Back 10,000 Times!

Chapter 357: An Unforgettable Day [Please Subscribe! ! 】

Beckett suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped the police car. She turned to look at the disappointed Laps and said. "What a lovely night, don't you want to do something else?"

Laps said helplessly as he watched Steve's motorcycle disappear around the corner. "I want to track down Captain Beautiful Country, and I have a reporter from the Daily Mail waiting for me.

Beckett reached out to silence Laps's complaints and in an extremely sexy gesture removed her sunglasses that were used to portray calm, messing up her long blond hair in the process

The expression on Beckett's face was a little strange. She looked at Laps with a charming expression, bit her lower lip, and said softly. "My new apartment has been decorated and has a comfortable big bed"

Laps sighed, picked up the camera a little reluctantly, and said. "This, we"

Beckett angrily grabbed the camera, then grabbed Laps by the collar and said. "You can put it on our bed and if you try a little harder [it will be an unforgettable day]"

Do you want to make any special arrangements?

I can make an exception and take you to Pluto's pharmacy, where you can get some much-needed medicine."

Laps was excited when he heard the news. "How is this possible? I am a gold member of 6 high-level gyms.

And what good can Brut’s Pharmacy do?”

As he said this, Laps squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "A famous writer VS a sexy policewoman!"

This is also a good topic, Lin Yu and others may forgive me.

After all, I brought a female warrior with me and subdued her."

As Laps and Beckett make their way through the "battlefield," Speedy Steve runs into trouble as he approaches the school

A long-legged girl wearing bronze armor descended from the sky with an extremely strong posture, stepped on a large asphalt road in the classic superhero landing method, and blocked the school gate! This is Steve.

Facing Steve, who was getting faster and faster, Gisele walked forward with a smile, then clasped her hands and made a stiff cross.

An explosion of huge amounts outside the school gate startled everyone. Wanda, who had been lying at the root of a tree to cover Anna's bait and was preparing to act as the "oriole behind", was stunned for a moment.

Just then, when everyone was deep in thought, a black figure appeared on the other side of the big tree

Bourne, he suddenly touched Wanda's side, covered Wanda's mouth with one hand, and scratched Wanda's armpit twice with the other hand.

Wanda, who was about to resist, was surrounded by a red halo. As Wanda trembled like a convulsion, the halo dissipated into the air.

Bourne covered Wanda's mouth to stop her from screaming, and then whispered a warning: "You are a prisoner now."

After saying these words, Bourne stretched out his hand, touched the cramped area under Wanda's armpit with his index finger, and then said. "Need some more?"

Wanda rolled her eyes, stamped her feet angrily, and made a "woohoo" sound, as if she wanted to say something.

Bourne looked at Wanda's familiar cunning eyes, shook his head helplessly and said. "Why are they all so naughty?"

With that said, the stingy old naughty boy picked up the stun gun and gestured to Wanda: "Stop talking and follow me slowly into the cell. Your rude behavior is simply outrageous.

I finally understood why Principal Lin Yu conducted these “drills”! He said: “I don’t know.

I was too soft-hearted in the past. I thought that old Parker's routine was right. As a result, you little villains thought that our punishment was not terrible.

I want to correct my mistake!"

Wanda was a little panicked and kicked desperately, trying to scare Anna who was giggling about 10 yards away, but Bourne covered her mouth with one hand and held her waist with the other, keeping her completely under control.

Leaning against a big tree, Bourne stared upward for a while, and then he whispered to Wanda: "Who commands you? Tell me, and I will help you, Principal Lin Feng, for help."

This time we have something real, and at least old Parker won't be locked up for the next week. "

Wanda had no intention of controlling her red halo to resist, but she desperately fought for Bourne's attention.

Spider-Man, who had been absent until now (caci), slowly circled down from the tree with Cobweb in his arms, determined to capture the trainer in a losing battle.

After this fight, fight for all students, we have all lived under the power of punishment for too long.

They don’t know yet that things are starting to get complicated, and Lin Yu has been excluded from the game from the beginning, otherwise these little bastards might be more aggressive!”,

Definitely, they are more likely to back off, after all these ladies have very hot tempers and usually hold grudges like hell

Just when Spider-man quietly approached Bourne and was about to jump down and catch the deputy director of the correctional institution to complete his "guarantee mission" today, an explosion occurred on the other side of the tree.

Bourne had already noticed it. The moment he quietly approached the spot, he placed a disc more than two heights above the big tree. The ambushing Spider-man did not dare to look at these opponents for fear of being discovered. The result was.

Now, as the disc explodes, two thin steel cables burst from its interior

The spherical weights at both ends of the steel cable were released by the explosive force after the flight, and with the disc as the center, Spider-man, who had entered the attack state, was firmly tied to the tree's hand.

Bourne smiled, poked his tickling daughter's armpit, leaving her defenseless again, then suddenly pulled out his special stun gun and fired at the helpless Spider-man

Watching the trembling Spider-man continue to shake his head after being powered on, trying to warn Anna, who was 10 feet away, to run away, Bourne smiled and increased the voltage of the stun gun, making Spider-man shake even more.

Then, the cruel vice principal of Corrections took out a stun gun and decisively shot the most active bastard in the school, Miss Anna Stacey.

Watching the two helpless children being knocked to the ground, Bourne smiled and said to Wanda, who was still falling into her arms with uncertain eyes. "Wanda, you are a good kid.

I'll give you a chance. If you go back to the dormitory to sleep now, I'll pretend I didn't see you tonight. "

Wanda, who had mastered the fatal blow, shook her head desperately. How could she abandon her companions and escape alone?

Any Hell's Kitchen resident with such a "stain" will have a hard time making friends in the future!" I don't know.

"He who knows the current affairs is a wise man", this sentence is not suitable for Hell's Kitchen!

People here don't think highly of it. It's hard for a conspiracy master like Raymond to survive in Hell's Kitchen, which explains a lot.

Bourne seemed very happy, sighed and said. "Then let me make you Piero's cellmate. I originally wanted you to be the cook for a few days, but now it seems Piero is going


Wanda lowered her head and nodded, ready to accept her fate, when a small electronic dragonfly fell from a big tree, and then burst into dazzling light in front of Bourne's eyes.

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