Resequencing DNA

Chapter 11

The girls left the store and were once again greeted by James who took the bag from Pippa and returned to the car as the girls walked on ahead. However, as the girls passed by the alleyway in between the store and the nail salon, the pair was grabbed and dragged into the alleyway and pinned to the wall, where Ashleigh quickly realised it was the shady couple that had been watching them in the store. It was evident during the tussle that the couple intended to snatch the handbags yet both girls managed to keep their grip on their possessions.

“Give us your bags and nobody gets hurt,” demanded the man as he held Ashleigh by the throat, keeping her pressed up against the wall

As Aaron, muggers were something he had been confronted by on numerous occasions, especially with his job, the part of town he worked in and the times of the night he finished work. Because of this, Aaron was never really afraid of them, he was usually well equipt and strong enough to deal with them and look after himself. Yet as Ashleigh, felt much more vulnerable, she tried to push away her attacker yet now she was no longer strong enough to do so. She could feel her heart as it began to pound in her chest, her breath quickened as she began to panic.

“Do as he said,” snapped the woman as she had a tight grip on Pippa similarly, as she pulled out a small pocket knife.

“If we do as they ask…will they really leave us alone? Will they hurt us?” thought Ashleigh.

“A couple of posh bitches like you must have some money,” snarled the man, “Or maybe you want something in return,” he added as he glanced down.

“Oi” shouted James as he ran into the alleyway, stopping a few feet from where the girls were being held.

“FUCK OFF OUTTA HERE,” screamed the woman, “This has nothing to do with you!”

“Leave them alone,” James demanded as he walked up behind the man and prised Ashleigh free of his grip, tossing him back a few feet.

“I swear to you mister, I’ll fucking kill her,” bellowed the woman who still maintained her grip on Pippa.

James pushed aside his suit jacket, revealing a concealed handgun,

“C’mon, it’s not worth it,” said the man, grabbing the woman before they both ran off down the alleyway.

“Why the fuck does James carry a weapon?” thought Ashleigh, “I can only guess it’s for events just like this…I’m grateful though…does this happen often…has he ever had to shoot anyone?”

“Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you?” asked James as he approached the girls.

“No…I’m fine,” replied Ashleigh, turning to look at Pippa who replied with a simple nod, still looking fairly shaken after the incident.

James escorted the two ladies from the alleyway, looking back over his shoulder to ensure the couple hadn’t returned.

“So where to Pippa?” asked Ashleigh looking at Pippa who still hadn’t spoken a word since the incident with the two attackers.

Pippa however remained silent, her body was still visibly trembling nervously.

“She’ll be fine eventually, she often clams up after stressful events,” stated James as he guided the girls back towards the car.

“Not that I’m not grateful…in fact I find it rather cool,” began Ashleigh, “How come you carry a gun?” asked Ashleigh before glancing at James.

James glanced at Ashleigh before opening the car door with Pippa climbing inside first.

“Well…It’s part of my job role…” replied James, “You see…Mr Ashton-Burns is a very wealthy man…and before he retired he used to travel all around the world, so not only am I his driver for the last 10 years I’ve always been part of his security detail,” he continued to explain.

“10 years…but you don’t look old enough,” stated Ashleigh to which James smiled.

“Thank you, Miss,” said James as he gestured for Ashleigh to climb inside the car also.

  Once Ashleigh was inside the car, she heard the doors lock as James walked away. To her surprise, however, James didn’t simply climb inside the car, instead, he walked to the salon to which the girls were intending to go.

“Hey…Pip…are you okay?” asked Ashleigh, looking at his friend who was still slightly shaken by the ordeal yet not as bad as she once was.

“Y…ye…yes…I’ll be fine,” mumbled Pippa before reaching into the mini-fridge once more and beginning to pour herself another drink.

“Does…erm…does this type of thing…erm…does it happen often?” Ashleigh continued to probe or at least attempt to get Pippa talking again.

“Once…maybe twice…” replied Pippa, “Luckily James has always been there for me…it always seems to happen up this end of Regent Boulevard,” she added with a smile. “Cheers,” she said, holding up her tall champagne glass, before downing its contents in one gulp. “And to think…I have just bought a property not far from here,” Pippa stated with a giggle.

“Well…I’m sure that venture will turn out for the best Pip,” replied Ashleigh, “And I’m pretty sure every time you’re there, James will be only a few feet behind you,” she added with a reassuring smile.

A short while later James returned and climbed into the driver's seat and the car began to move before James began to speak through the intercom.

“Miss Ashton-Burns, there will be a nail technician from that salon calling at your parent's house this evening at 7 pm for both you and Miss Ashleigh,” stated James.

“Thank you, James…I truly sincerely appreciate it and all you do for me,” replied Pippa.

“You’re welcome ma’am,” answered James before the intercom went quiet once more.

“So…” stated Ashleigh, pouring herself another drink, “Tell me more about James.”

“Oh…you want to know about James,” replied Pippa with a giggle, “what do you want to know exactly?”

“Well…he told me he’s been your father’s driver and bodyguard for the past 10 years…but he doesn’t look old enough…” answered Ashleigh looking a little perplexed.

“Yes that’s true… my father hired him as a driver when he had just turned 18, my father says there were way better candidates…but he saw something in James I think…and ever since, he’s treated him more like one of his sons than an employee…and yes…I was 13 at the time so it was about 10 years ago,” explained Pippa.

“Oh wow,” exclaimed Ashleigh, “I didn’t realise he was that close to your family…I thought he was just an employee of your dad.”

“Yes…he’s just like an extra brother to me, he doesn’t speak to or see his biological family, he has no wife, no girlfriend, no children and even lives in my parent's home. I do feel sorry for him at times…but it’s almost like he lives…just…just for my father... he doesn’t even treat the house as his home either. It’s like he’s at work…constantly,” continued Pippa.

“Wow…he…he…never mind,” said Ashleigh before she began to blush slightly.

“Never mind what? What’s wrong Ash?” stated Pippa.

“He’s…he’s quite handsome,” said Ashleigh, letting out a slight giggle, “I need another drink,” she added.

“Oh my God, Ash,” giggled Pippa, “You like James,” she added in a hushed tone.

“C’mon Pip…I just said he’s handsome…that’s all….have you and he ever…you know…” said Ashleigh.

“Noooo,” replied Pippa sternly, “As I explained, he’s like my brother and it’d just be…well…weird.”

The girls finished their drinks and before they knew it, they were pulling up outside of Ashleigh’s apartment. James opened the door for the girls to step out of the car before he began to unload the many shopping bags that the pair had accumulated throughout their trip. Ashleigh stood and looked up towards her apartment,

“I wonder whether Wes has noticed that we’re back?” she pondered before her thoughts were interrupted by Pippa.

“I wonder what Wesley will think when he sees you now,” said Pippa with a giggle.

“Hmm…yeah…me too,” replied Ashleigh.

“Come on Ash, you look amazing,” stated Pippa with a smile as she linked Ashleigh’s arm.

Ashleigh glanced down at her outfit before turning her attention to James unloading the bags. Noticing the sheer amount of bags, Ashleigh stepped toward the car and began to pick up some of the bags. Quickly, however, she felt a rather firm hand, grab her gently around the wrist. Ashleigh looked up and noticed that the hand belonged to James.

“I…I…I just thought I would help…seeing as though they’re my bags…and that there’s way too many for one person to carry,” mumbled Ashleigh.

“It’s fine Miss Ashleigh, honestly. You and Miss Ashton-Burns go ahead upstairs and I will bring these up to you…okay,” stated James as he tipped his hat to her and smiled.

Ashleigh stood speechless for a moment as James’ hand seemed to linger on her wrist. The moment appeared to last an eternity to Ashleigh, however, as she gazed into his deep, soulful, dark brown eyes, almost feeling as though she could get lost in his eyes.

“Oh…wow…his hands…so firm…yet equally as soft and gentle…and those eyes…” thought Ashleigh, as she felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach, almost like a kaleidoscope of butterflies all deciding to take flight together at the same time.

“I insist,” stated James as he continued to look at her and smile.

“Come on Ash,” said Pippa, taking Ashleigh by the arm once more, as she began to lead her inside the doors to the apartment building.

Once inside the lift, Pippa pressed the button to begin their ascent to Ashleigh and Wesley’s apartment. Once the doors closed, Pippa turned to Ashleigh with a huge smile on her face.

“What was all that about?” asked a rather enthusiastic Pippa, her tone matching that of a giddy teenage girl.

“What…what was what about?” mumbled Ashleigh, avoiding eye contact with her friend at all costs as she felt her cheeks begin to flush.

“Come on…you can tell me… you have a thing for James…don’t you,” said Pippa as she giggled, placing her arm on Ashleigh’s shoulder.

“What…no…no I don’t,” mumbled Ashleigh, yet still aware that her face must have been beaming, signalling her true feelings on the matter.

“Oh come on Ash, I can tell,” continued Pippa, “It’s okay to feel like that…I know it must be rather jarring for you, what with the change in hormones and everything…but trust me…it’s okay,” she continued.

“As I explained before...he is handsome,” stated Ashleigh in an attempt to justify her feelings to both Pippa and to herself, “And besides…I have had boyfriends before you know…it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s because of what Wes did to me.”

The pair stepped out of the lift and made their way along the hallway to the front door of Ashleigh’s apartment. Ashleigh rooted around in her bag and pulled out her door key.

“It might be completely unrelated…or…you just maybe becoming one of us…watch yourself, Ash,” stated Pippa with a giggle, nudging Ashleigh’s arm just as she opened the door.

“Watch yourself with what?” asked Wesley, as the front door swung open to find Wesley standing in the hallway.

“I…I…erm…” muttered Ashleigh, unable to string together a coherent sentence of any kind as she suddenly turned her gaze toward the ground.

“Ashleigh was just telling me that she…erm…she enjoyed our shopping trip…and I was just messing with her saying if she’s not careful, she will end up becoming a real woman,” Pippa quickly interrupted as she continued to giggle, “right Ash,” she added, playfully nudging Ashleieigh’s arm once more.

“Oh yeah…It was real fun…I never realised how…different life could be on the other side,” replied Ashleigh, letting out a slight giggle as she looked back towards Pippa once more who instantly gave her a telling look to say the giggle was both awkward and obviously simulated.

“Anyway…Wes…Ahem,” stated Pippa, in a bid to quickly change the subject matter, “Have you nothing to say? Have you not even noticed anything…remotely different?” she added, holding out her arms towards Ashleigh as if presenting a finished work of art as she grinned from ear to ear.

“Oh…oh my god…yes I’m…I’m truly sorry,” mumbled Wesley as his face began to blush. “Ashleigh,” he continued, “look at you…you look…you look absolutely beautiful,” he added as he looked Ashleigh up and down, from head to toe, admiring her new outfit and her perfectly applied makeup.

Hearing these words spoken and knowing they were directed at her, gave Ashleigh a similar feeling to what she had experienced downstairs with James, however, this time was ever so slightly different.

“I…I…I’ve never…been described…as beautiful before,” thought Ashleigh, unable to stop herself from smiling. She carefully tucked her hair behind her ear before looking up at Wesley,

“I erm…” started Ashleigh, only to be cut off mid-sentence,

“Doesn’t she!” affirmed Pippa as she continued to grin, “You’re welcome Wes,” she added before making her way down the hallway and into the living room.

Ashleigh smiled and let out a slight giggle as she bashfully looked at Wesley,

“Thank you…Wes…” uttered Ashleigh, “I know…I know it sounds…maybe a little strange…but…I do feel…nice…” she added rather timidly.

“Well... you are incredibly beautiful…I can’t believe I am going on a date…with someone as gorgeous as you,” said Wesley with a smile before James entered the apartment, shopping bags in hand.

Upon noticing the quantity of bags that James had carried through the door, Wesley turned to follow Pippa into the living room.

“Erm…Pippa!” shouted Wesley, “Just how much has this trip of yours cost me?”

Ashleigh could hear the sound of Pippa laughing from the living room as she stood in the hallway.

“And where would you like these bags placed Miss?” asked James,

“Erm…just through here…on my bed…thank you, James,” replied Ashleigh as she opened her bedroom door.

“No need to thank me, Miss,” stated James, “Just doing my job,” he added with a smile.

“Please James…less of the formalities, you can simply call me…Ashleigh,” said Ashleigh.

“Yes Miss Ashleigh,” replied James.

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