Resequencing DNA

Chapter 12

With the help of Pippa, Ashleigh unpacked her new belongings, folding them neatly as they sorted them into selected outfits, with Pippa explaining what looks best with what.

“I don’t even know where I’m going to store this stuff,” stated Ashleigh as she pulled out a black dress and began to fold it. “It’s not like I’m going to ever need it again…after Monday that is,” she added with a giggle before Pippa quickly snatched the dress from her hands.

“YOU HANG DRESSES!” snapped Pippa, reaching into Aaron’s wardrobe and removing a shirt from the hanger, only to promptly replace it with the black dress whilst discarding the shirt onto a chair in the corner of the room

“Come on Ash,” she stated, “There must at least be a tiny bit of you that would be willing to do this again at some point…you even admitted that you’ve had fun.”

Ashleigh paused briefly after hearing the statement put forward by Pippa,

“Fun…I guess so…would I do it again…I don’t know,” she replied as she picked up a red, silk negligee, with a black, lace trim around both the bottom and the bust. “I do think you went a little over the top when it came to buying all this stuff…besides…what are my future conquests gonna say if they find stuff like this lying around my room,” she added, holding the negligee up against herself.

“Well…if you thought today was fun, Ash…just imagine the fun we could have…nights out on the town…holidays together…” proposed Pippa with a huge grin on her face.

“I guess…but haven’t you already got friends for that type of thing?” asked a bemused Ashleigh, “why would you need me for that when you could just go with Tiffany…and Rose…or even your cousin?”

“Yes of course…I just think it’d be fun to take you along too,” replied Pippa, the huge grin on her face a sign that her enthusiasm for her idea was not disappearing any time soon.

The pair fell silent as they continued to go about their job of unpacking the shopping bags before Pippa stood bolt upright, her neck almost snapping as she once again looked in Ashleigh’s direction. It appeared to Ashleigh as though a lightbulb had lit up in the head of Pippa, her eyes narrowed as she recalled what Ashleigh had said.

“HEY!” she snapped, “What do you mean…your ‘Conquests?’” she barked as Ashleigh began to giggle, causing Pippa to look rather annoyed.

“I’m sorry,” said Ashleigh with a giggle, “I didn’t mean anything by it…I just meant…well… what will future girlfriends think if they find all this stuff…they’ll think I’m seeing someone else,” explained Ashleigh in a panic, as to try and justify her words.

“I know your type…wanting nothing more from a girl than to add one more notch to your bedpost as a bit of fun,” hissed Pippa, “Is that all you thought of me at the time? Just another conquest…just another notch on your bedpost?”

“It wasn’t like that and you know it wasn’t Pip,” stated Ashleigh as she wrapped an arm around Pippa’s shoulder reassuringly. “We both know the reason you and I didn’t last your parents…but on that note, you weren’t quick to tell your daddy that I was the one for you either…” she explained.

Pippa’s expression quickly turned from one of annoyance to understanding.

“True…I guess,” she uttered, “And everything happens for a reason too…I just think you need to be more mindful of women…you know…maybe this experience as Ashleigh… will give you a bit of an insight…how would you feel if a guy treated you that way?” asked Pippa, looking deep into Ashleigh’s eyes.

“She has got a point…I guess,” Ashleigh said to herself as she considered Pippa’s words. “I guess…it would hurt to know a guy simply looked at me…as a piece of meat.”

“I…I…I guess you’re right Pip…Maybe…if nothing else… this will make me appreciate you all…a little more…okay?” replied Ashleigh rather softly.

“Sorry Ashleigh…” said Pippa empathetically, “I know…I know I shouldn’t have unloaded on you like that…I…I’m just stressed okay… what with what happened whilst we were out…the whole…getting married tomorrow thing…god…I’m just…nervous I guess.”

“And it’s okay to be stressed and nervous about your big day…” said Ashleigh compassionately, “I’m sure it’ll go perfectly,” she added with a warm smile as she squeezed her ever so gently, yet reassuringly.

“I…I’m sure you’re right,” replied Pippa, “I guess I just need to enjoy it all…including tonight…”

“Exactly,” answered Ashleigh, “Get tonight out of the way…have a little fun…and before you know it…and by this time tomorrow you’ll be a married woman.”

“You’re right…” said Pippa with a smile, “Speaking of which…we need to get your things packed…I’ll get everything sorted for you don’t worry.”

“Thank you…I think I need a cigarette break,” said Ashleigh with a giggle, hugging Pippa one last time before she returned to the living room which she found empty. Wesley was clearly in his own room, packing up a bag for himself, yet there was no sign of James.




A short while later, Pippa entered the living room carrying Ashleigh’s small holdall, along with two dresses over her other arm, still on their hangers.

“Here you go…all packed up and ready to go,” said Pippa with a huge grin on her face, “I picked out an outfit for tonight, one for the wedding, some underwear and a nightgown, one for tonight one for tomorrow night.”

“Thanks, Pip,” replied Ashleigh, however of the nightgowns Pippa had chosen.

Pippa placed the holdall down by the entrance to the living room before looking at her watch and pulling out her phone.

“Yes…yes, Ashleigh’s things are ready,” stated Pippa, “Thank you,” she added before hanging up the phone, presumably to James.

“Where’s Wes?” asked Pippa, poking her head further into the living room to look across to the kitchen.

“In his room, I guess,” replied Ashleigh as she lit up another cigarette.

“WES!” bellowed Pippa before she knocked on his bedroom door.

“I’ll be out in a second…I’m just about packed,” replied Wesley, just as the front door opened and in walked James.

“This bag James, as well as these dresses for Ashleigh,” stated Pippa, handing the dresses to James as she pointed toward the bag which lay at her feet.

“And Master Wesley?” asked James, looking around for Wesley’s luggage.

“It’s fine James, we will meet you at the car, Wes can carry his own luggage,” answered Pippa.

James tipped his hat toward Pippa before picking up Ashleigh’s bag and heading back from where he came.

“ a girl could get used to not having to carry her own luggage…” thought Ashleigh, before the smile suddenly left her face, her eyes widening at what she had just thought. “Did…did I just really refer to myself as a girl…Come on… pull yourself together…I honestly can’t wait till Monday.”

Shortly after that, Wesley came out of his bedroom carrying a small bag along with the suit he was to wear for his sister’s wedding.

“About time Wes,” snapped Pippa, “You will have to take those to the car yourself, James has already been up to collect Ashleigh’s luggage.”

Wes simply nodded his head in response before making his way down the hallway,

“MAKE SURE YOU LOCK UP ASH,” shouted Wesley before the sound of the front door could be heard as it closed behind him.

“Ready to go Ash?” asked Pippa, grinning like a Cheshire cat as she did so.

“Here goes…let’s get this over with,” thought Ashleigh, stubbing out her cigarette and getting to her feet,

“Sure,” said Ashleigh with a smile as she walked to Pippa, linking her arm as they made their way down the hallway and to the front door.

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