Resequencing DNA

Chapter 19

As Pippa and Eloise continued to chat amongst themselves, Ashleigh stared into the flames as she considered the words of advice the two girls had given her. Furthermore, Ashleigh pondered over the question posed to her by Pippa, more so, her own inability to give an answer to Pippa’s question began to trouble her.

“For someone who cannot wait to change back…why  are you going through so much effort to adapt?” Pippa’s question continued to play on Ashleigh’s mind, over and over she could hear the voice of her friend in a perpetual loop.

“Do I…do I like being this way? Is that it?” Ashleigh asked herself, “No…I…I don’t think that’s it…is it? I think…deep down…I have come to…not so much accept the position I’m in…but more so see it as a bit of fun…how often can guys say they’ve seen life from the female perspective…yes…yes, I think that must be it…I have always given my all…in everything I do…If I am to do something…something as bizarre as this weekend…I have to do it properly…yes…that must be it…I think so anyway.”

Ashleigh reached into her handbag that was positioned on her lap, retrieving her pack of cigarettes and promptly pulling one from the pack and placing it between her lips before lighting up. Just then she could hear the sound of voices and footsteps from out in the hallway. Ashleigh quickly adjusted her sitting position to the way that Pippa had instructed her to sit. Sitting almost on the very edge of the seat, Ashleigh made sure that not only were her ankles crossed and her legs were positioned slightly to the side of her, but also that she was not sitting hunched over in her seat, even though her new position made slouching almost impossible.

Both Pippa and Eloise quickly noticed the fact that Ashleigh was following their advice, as both girls smiled at her as they too had heard the rest of the ladies approaching the sitting room.

“I must admit…sitting like this…whilst not 100% comfortable…it does make me feel rather elegant,” thought Ashleigh as she smiled back to her two friends.

The sitting room door opened and in walked Vivian with the rest of the group close behind her.

“Remember Ashleigh…observe and listen to Pippa and I…then just imitate us as best you can…okay,” whispered Eloise with a smile, leaning towards Ashleigh as she did so before turning to face the ladies who had entered the room.

“There you are my darlings, we wondered where on earth you three had gotten to,” stated Vivian with a smile as she approached the trio.

“I just came to make sure Ashleigh was okay…after your little…joke,” stated Pippa.

“Very well,” replied Vivian before turning her attention to Ashleigh, “I sincerely hope I didn’t cause you any offence my dear, I was simply joking…and it has been brought to my attention I was out of line and the joke was in bad taste,” she added. However, it was rather obvious by the look on Vivian’s face that she had noticed the way that Ashleigh was sitting. Ashleigh looked up towards Vivian, noticing that Pippa and Eloise were now standing behind Vivian almost attempting to prompt Ashleigh into what they had discussed.

“Now remember Ashleigh… clearly and concisely… you have the body language down…up to now anyway…now pronunciation and enunciation…” Ashleigh thought to herself as she noticed her two friends turned cheerleaders and trying not to laugh.

“Oh… do not worry yourself about it…no harm done,” replied Ashleigh with a smile whilst getting a smile and thumbs up from Eloise who looked rather excited.

“Very good,” said Vivian, smiling before turning and walking across to Bridget who was sipping on yet another glass of champagne, not before glancing at Pippa and Eloise who both stood grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats.

Ashleigh was quickly approached once more by her two rather excited and eager friends, whose faces wore huge smiles.

“You were absolutely brilliant Ashleigh,” stated Eloise, “I think aunt Vivian was stunned,” she added with a giggle.

“I think she knew it was our doing,” stated Pippa with a giggle.

“Do you think so?” asked Ashleigh in exactly the same way she had spoken to Vivian moments earlier.

“Absolutely,” replied Pippa, “did you not see the look she gave the pair of us?”

“Not to mention…you almost sound exactly like Pippa,” added Eloise with a giggle.

“What…do I really?” asked Ashleigh as she began to blush.

“You even seem to be mimicking her accent,” replied Eloise who continued to giggle.

“I don’t hear it…” said Pippa, “Your accent has changed though…but I just put that down to you pronouncing your words much more clearly,” stated Pippa, “Besides…I’m rather flattered that you would choose to imitate me in that way.”

Pippa looked around the room which had now reverted almost to the way it was before they had been called to dinner. The ladies appeared to break off into small groups once more.

“Right…I shall have to go and circulate with my other guests…” stated Pippa, “The gentlemen will be soon returning and it’s not very polite of me not to mingle…will you be okay?” she asked as she looked at Ashleigh.

“I’ll be quite alright,” replied Ashleigh.

“If it’s okay, I will stay with Ashleigh…so she isn’t alone,” stated Eloise.

“That sounds like a great idea to me,” replied Pippa with a smile, “Ashleigh?”

“That would be great…thank you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

Ashleigh watched as Pippa made her way over to her friends Tiffany and Rose who were standing and chatting on the other side of the room. As she turned back, Eloise was sitting on the sofa, looking at Ashleigh with a huge smile on her face and looking rather expectant.

“I have so many questions, Ashleigh,” thought Ashleigh, as she recalled how their previous chat had ended. “Oh boy…this could be a long night,” she said to herself as she smiled back at her new friend and ally.

Eloise proceeded to shuffle further up the sofa, now sitting closer to Ashleigh and leaning in towards her as to speak with more of a whisper.

“So….Ashleigh…” started Eloise before looking at Ashleigh from top to bottom, “If Pippa hadn’t told me that you…my god…I would never have been able to tell…I mean…I know you looked a little awkward…but who wouldn’t…meeting their boyfriend's family for the first time…especially when that family is this one,” she added with a giggle.

“Oh…wow…thanks…I guess,” thought Ashleigh, trying her hardest not to show her true thoughts with her facial expressions, resisting the urge to roll her eyes and instead, simply smiling in response.

“So…are you…you know…” whispered Eloise whilst gesturing to Ashleigh’s body.

“Oh yes…plumbing and everything…” replied Ashleigh who instantly knew what Eloise was implying. Eloise giggled quietly before the girls returned to an awkward silence, even though Ashleigh knew that more questions were to follow.

“Fascinating…” exclaimed Eloise.

“I need a break from this…” thought Ashleigh.

With that in mind and before Eloise had the chance to utter another word, Ashleigh picked up her handbag and stood up from her seat.

“I…I think I could use a little fresh air,” stated Ashleigh. However, no sooner had those words left Ashleigh’s lips, Eloise was also up on her feet.

“What a wonderful idea,” stated Eloise somewhat enthusiastically, “It will give us chance to speak a little more openly,” she whispered as she leaned in towards Ashleigh.

“Oh YAY…” thought Ashleigh, “I can’t exactly say, Oh I want to be on my own…that would be rude of me…besides… oddly…I do enjoy Eloise’s company…even though I haven’t known her long… she and Pip are unbelievably similar in personality…Yet…this is strange…it’s like I love spending time with them both…and yet…in no way is it romantically…as it would have been before…”

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