Resequencing DNA

Chapter 20

“That is the idea…” said Ashleigh as she tried her best to retain a smile on her face.

The two girls began making their way towards the door leading out to the hallway when Eloise gestured to the onlooking Pippa to let her know where they were going.

“Driveway or garden?” asked Eloise as the girls closed the door behind them.

“Excuse me?” asked Ashleigh, whose thoughts were still on the whole reason she was escaping Eloise’s non-stop questioning if only for a brief moment.

“Where do you feel like going for some air…the garden or the front of the house?” Eloise proceeded to ask.

 “I hadn’t really thought about it,” thought Ashleigh.

“I guess the garden will be quiet and look pretty…with all the lights and everything now that it’s dark…” replied Ashleigh.

“Did I really just describe the garden as pretty…” thought Ashleigh, shaking her head in disbelief at her own words.

Eloise nodded before the pair made their way across the hall and to the doors leading out into the vast garden to the rear of the house.

“Wow…it really is stunning out here,” thought Ashleigh, as she looked out onto the garden with its lamps now partially illuminating the dark, chilly, nighttime air.

Eloise closed the doors behind the pair and grabbed Ashleigh by the hand,

“Come, let’s enjoy a nice quiet stroll,” she said with a smile, towing Ashleigh along behind her. “Pippa and I used to spend so much of our time out here as children, it must be almost a decade since I walked right down to the pond and the trees at the far end,” she proceeded to explain.

As the girls got onto the path that led down between the hedgerows, Eloise slowed her pace and released her grip on Ashleigh.

“Out here, we can talk in private without the risk of anyone eavesdropping,” stated Eloise.

“Hmm, that’s a relief,” replied Ashleigh.

“So what you mean is you can continue to bombard me with questions,” she thought whilst smiling rather apprehensively.

“So…Ashleigh…how are you finding womanhood?” asked Eloise, not wasting any more time with small talk.     

“I…erm…okay…I guess…” replied Ashleigh, a little taken aback by Eloise’s upfront questioning, even though she knew it was coming.

“I still can’t believe that you were a guy…” started Eloise, “So…is this you now? Is Ashleigh who you are? Did you ever feel like you wanted…you know…to change?” she continued with her relentless grilling.

I…I…I…” mumbled Ashleigh before halting in her path and taking a deep breath to try and regain an ounce of composure.

“Oh…I’m sorry…” said Eloise with a giggle, “If you ever need to…just tell me to ease up…everyone else does…I get told quite often…Eloise, you are rude…you never shut up…you’re talking too fast…blah blah blah,” she added in a tone that was deliberately intended to imitate either Vivian, Bridget or even Pippa from what Ashleigh could infer.

“It’s fine…honestly,” replied Ashleigh, who could not contain her amusement at Eloise’s short, yet rather unexpected outburst.

“To answer your question…no this is not who I am…Wesley has promised me that all this is reversible…” answered Ashleigh. “I’m still very much…” continued Ashleigh before coming to a rather abrupt pause, “I’m still…I’m still…” she tried to continue but till the words would not leave her mouth, “I’m Ashleigh…”

“GOD DAMN IT WESLEY!” thought Ashleigh, “My name is AARON…not Ashleigh…I’m…I’m a…I’m a guy..not a girl…”

Eloise looked at Ashleigh with a look of confusion.

“Okay…” replied Eloise.

“Sorry about that…it’s just…the stupid thing Wesley’s done to me…stupid Wesley…” explained Ashleigh.

“Oh…I see…” replied Eloise.

The girls fell silent for a brief moment as they continued to make their way down the path by the hedgerow.

“So…how long till you…you know?” asked Eloise, her voice no longer sounding as enthusiastic as it once was.

Ashleigh stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Eloise,

“I’m not dying Eloise,” replied Ashleigh as she struggled to contain her laughter.

Eloise began to giggle before she put her hand on Ashleigh’s shoulder to steady herself.

“I know you aren’t…silly…I mean how long till you…change back?” asked Eloise.

“Monday…” replied Ashleigh as the pair began walking once more, with Ashleigh now looking down at her feet as they walked.

“Hmm…bet you can’t wait huh?” Eloise asked with a smile.

“You could say that…” Ashleigh answered.

The pair fell silent once again for a short while as they walked. Before Ashleigh had realised, the pair were standing, looking out over the rather large pond, with a large woodland surrounding the far side.

Ashleigh turned back and looked toward the house,

“It really doesn’t look AS big from down here,” she thought before turning to look at Eloise who was now standing right by the water's edge and staring out across the pond.

“Yes…Pippa and I would spend so much of our time down here…” explained Eloise. “I remember, there were many occasions Aunt Vivian or Uncle Alistair would instruct Gerard to come and fetch us at meal times and so forth, so Pippa and I would hide in the woodland,” stated Eloise with a giggle.

“Sounds like you had a lot of fun growing up…and that you and Pippa were incredibly close,” replied Ashleigh.

“Oh my gosh yes, we still are close…I just can’t believe this time tomorrow…that little girl I grew up with…my cousin…she will be married,” said Eloise with a smile, “Time goes by…so fast…”

“Too fast at times…” said Ashleigh, “but not fast enough at others…” giggled Ashleigh.

Eloise turned and looked at Ashleigh,

“Anyway…enough of me…” she stated, “Where were we…ah yes…so…what will become of Ashleigh then?” asked Eloise with a smile.

“You know what…I really don’t know…I’ll never be tricked by Wesley again…that’s for sure,” replied Ashleigh with a giggle.

“He tricked you into this?” asked Eloise, her voice becoming somewhat high in pitch compared to her usual sweet, rather delicate sound.

“Oh yes…did you think I did this…willingly?” stated Ashleigh as she looked down and gestured at her new, somewhat curvy form.

“Oh…I see…” replied Eloise, looking down as the pair fell silent once more. The silence, however, lasted mere seconds, as Eloise looked up once again. “So…I know you and Wes have kissed…have you never…you know…gotten intimate at all?” asked Eloise.

“What…ha…with Wes…no,” laughed Ashleigh, not knowing whether she should laugh or baulk at the prospect of being with her best friend in that manner.

“So…I’m guessing Ashleigh’s a virgin?” continued Eloise.

“Ha…that’s something that never even crossed my mind…I never thought I would ever be a virgin again…but I guess…I guess I am as Ashleigh,” pondered Ashleigh as she gazed out into the darkness of the surrounding woodland.

“I…I guess I am…” replied Ashleigh, unable to contain a slight giggle.

“So…aren’t you even a teensy bit curious… as too…” started Eloise before being promptly cut off by Ashleigh.

“No…no and one thousand times no,” said Ashleigh rather abruptly.

“Oh okay…so since you have been…Ashleigh…you’ve never…explored…shall we say?” asked Eloise with a giggle.

“Well…there was that one time…the night Wes did this to me…before I was interrupted by Wes…that did feel…different…to say the very least,” thought Ashleigh, reminiscing on the first time she had used the bathroom since her transformation.

Before she had answered Eloise’s question, Ashleigh began to giggle, she could feel her face beginning to blush.

“Shall I take that as in you have?” stated Eloise as she too began to laugh.

“No, you shall not… and no…no, I haven’t,” replied Ashleigh, her cheeks now feeling as though she was about to combust at any moment.

Eloise gave Ashleigh a knowing look, the kind of look that made Ashleigh almost pray that the ground would open up and swallow her right there in that instant.

“No…not…not properly…anyway…” confessed Ashleigh.

“I knew it,” exclaimed Eloise, her giggling now becoming full-on laughter.

“I’m gonna regret this…” thought Ashleigh, “You knew…what exactly?” she asked rather sheepishly.

“I knew it…I knew it was impossible for someone in your position… a guy to become a girl and resist the temptation to…explore their… new body… I just knew it,” stated Eloise with a rather smug grin.

“As I said…it wasn’t like… I didn’t get a chance to…fully…you know, admitted Ashleigh.

“And…it’s just natural sweetie,” said Eloise with a smile, “So…how did you find it?” she proceeded to ask.

“Different…” answered Ashleigh, “You must promise though Eloise…I trust you…now I know I can’t stop you telling Pip…but not a word of this to Wes…okay…” she added.

“I promise,” said Eloise with a huge smile.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, smiling back at her new friend.

“So…have you ever thought about…you know…trying it for real before you change back?” asked Eloise.

“Do your questions ever stop Eloise,” giggled  Ashleigh, “No…I can’t say I have…especially with Wes being the only viable option,” she added.

“Oh no you don’t…” stated Eloise, “Both Pippa and I noticed the way you were looking at James earlier this evening.”

Ashleigh once again felt her face begin to flush,

“I erm…I erm…” mumbled Ashleigh.

Just then, however, the pair were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching.

“Miss Eloise, Miss Ashleigh,” said Gerard, nodding his head at both of them as he greeted the pair.

“Gerard,” replied Eloise.

“I thought I might find you here Miss Eloise. I have been instructed to fetch the pair of you and to inform you that the gentlemen have returned for the evening, all with the exception of Edward and Warren,” stated Gerard.

“Come, darling, let us whisk you back to my dear cousin, your darling Wesley,” laughed Eloise as she linked arms with Gerard.

“I could kill you, Eloise,” thought Ashleigh as she too began to giggle, whilst linking Gerard by his other arm as he escorted the two young ladies back towards the house.

“Oh, Gerard,” exclaimed Eloise,

“Yes, Miss Eloise?” replied Gerard in his relatively well-spoken, yet rather gruff tone.

“Does this mean that James is back also?” asked Eloise whilst winking at Ashleigh.

“Eloise, I swear,” thought Ashleigh.

“Indeed he has, Miss Eloise,” replied Gerard, sounding rather confused yet did not care to question the matter any further.

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