Resequencing DNA

Chapter 29

Ashleigh retrieved her handbag and linked arms with James before the pair began to make their way back out of the sitting room and into the main hall.

“Oh, James…Ashleigh,” stated Vivian as she rushed towards the pair, looking rather flustered. “Come now…it’s almost time,” she added, ushering them towards the doors that led out to the garden.

The pair quickly headed out of the house and across to the garden where the large, white marquees were set up, the entrance to which looked to be held open as guests were entering and making their way to their seats. As they approached, Ashleigh noticed that Warren and Eloise were standing on either side of the aisle, directing the guests to their seats.

As they stepped through the entrance and into the marquee, Ashleigh quickly glanced around as she waited to be seated by Eloise. Ashleigh noticed the strips of what looked to be, white, twinkling fairy lights, that lined the top of the tent, giving the interior a soft glow.

“Oh wow…it looks so pretty…and magical,” thought Ashleigh, before shaking her head after realising the thoughts she was having.

In the two corners of the marquee, near the entrance, were small, yet rather powerful, heat lamps, that effectively took the edge of the chilly, winter air, along with a rather large set of speakers. At the far end of the tent, was a rather long table, draped in a crisp white cloth, along with a small podium containing a microphone. Standing a few feet from the table, with their back to the congregation, was Edward, who looked to be in conversation with a short, older-looking woman, with grey, cropped hair, a black pair of thin-rimmed glasses and wearing a pink, trouser suit and white blouse along with Edward’s best man, Warren, standing to Edward’s right. To the left-hand side of the tent was the entrance to the adjoining marquee, yet this was currently closed off.

Ashleigh and James stepped forward to Eloise, who smiled as she saw the couple approach.

“Guests of the bride,” she stated with a huge smile, clearly trying her best to act rather formal and professional on her cousin’s big day.

Ashleigh quietly nodded and smiled back at her friend.

“Please be seated to the left,” added Eloise with a smile.

As Ashleigh and James went to walk on to go to their seats, Ashleigh abruptly stopped and approached Eloise once more.

“Eloise…I…I’m sorry…for the way I acted earlier…can you forgive me?” whispered Ashleigh.

Eloise turned and looked at Ashleigh with a huge smile.

“Oh, Ashleigh…of course, you don’t even have to ask, sweetie,” replied Eloise with a smile before hugging her friend. “I’ll speak with you afterwards…okay,” she added.

Ashleigh nodded and smiled before catching back up with James and sliding into their row of seats, the third row on the left, with each row containing no more than six seats per row, with five rows per side. Ashleigh sat down in her seat, to find she was seated just behind Bridget and Jasper, as Bridget turned around and smiled at her. Seated in the same row as Jasper and Bridget were Lawrence and William, along with Jude and Elle. On the very front row, sat Vivian, clearly anxious as she awaited her daughter's arrival. The seats beside her currently remained empty, reserved for Alistair and Pippa’s bridesmaids.

Ashleigh watched in silence as the remainder of the guests filtered into their seats, as Rebekah made her way around, capturing the guests as they arrive, as well as Edward as he eagerly awaited his bride.

Ashleigh glanced to her left, where she noticed James was looking at her with a smile on his face.

“What? What’s wrong?” asked Ashleigh, nervously.

“Oh, there’s nothing wrong,” replied James, the smile not leaving his face. “I’m just…I’m just simply admiring the beauty that is you,” he added, his grin becoming wider as he did so.

“Oh stop,” exclaimed Ashleigh, feeling her cheeks begin to flush. “I…I’ve never been to a wedding before,” mumbled Ashleigh, in an attempt to change the topic of conversation.

“Have you not?” replied James, “I’ve attended a fair few now…be it the likes of Jude and Elle or accompanying Mr and Mrs Ashton-Burns to a few….” Stated James. “never had a date to one though,” he added.

Ashleigh looked back towards the front and took a deep breath.

“This is going to be crazy,” stated Ashleigh, “I’ve known Pip for many years now…I can’t believe we’re about to watch her…marry,” said Ashleigh.

“Shit!” thought Ashleigh, “I almost said to watch her marry another guy…that would have been awkward.”

James chuckled, “You’re telling me,” he said. “I’ve literally watched her grow up…she was 13 I think when I met the family…to say she’s now 23 and getting married…that is crazy…I feel old,” laughed James.

“Gosh…that must be strange,” exclaimed Ashleigh, “And to be fair…you don’t look THAT old,” she added with a smile and a playful giggle as she continued to look towards the front.

“Oh wow…that’s how it is going to be is it?” stated James with a chuckle, “I think I’m in for an amusing day,” he added as he looked at Ashleigh, who could feel him looking at her but remained looking forward.

Once all the guests were seated, the bridal processional song began to play over the P.A.

“Here we go,” thought Ashleigh, as she observed Edward looking increasingly anxious at the front of the congregation, as everyone arose to their feet.

Glancing to the back of the room, Ashleigh watched as the entrance to the marquee was drawn open and slowly in walked Pippa, arm in arm with Alistair. It was clear to everyone in attendance that with each step closer to the front they got, Alistair was fighting hard to hold back the tears. The look on his face told that at that moment, he was the proudest father in the world, as he walked alongside his youngest child, his only daughter, as she was to be wed. Pippa, however, wore a huge, radiant smile on her face, she was positively glowing.

“She looks…absolutely…breathtaking,” thought Ashleigh as she began to feel her own eyes well up. “This feels incredibly weird…what is this…right now…I don’t know whether…I wish I was the one marrying Pippa…or…do I wish I was the one in the wedding dress,” she thought, somewhat conflicted by her emotions, “Damn you Wesley.”

Behind Pippa and Alistair, came Pippa’s friends, Rose and Tiffany, along with Eloise, each of them also smiling widely, as they proudly escorted Pippa down the aisle and toward her new life as Mrs Pippa Goldman.

As the procession reached the front, the three bridesmaids made their way to their seats in the front row. As they did so, however, each of them gave Pippa’s hand a gentle squeeze of encouragement as they made their way past her. It was then that Ashleigh watched as Alistair took Pippa by the hand, and with a smile on his face and a tear streaming down his cheek, he placed her hand gently in Edward's before kissing her on the cheek softly.

“I love you, Daddy,” said Pippa as Alistair took his seat beside Vivian.

In what seemed like a flash, the ceremony went by in a flash, and there was almost not a dry eye in the place as a result of it. Ashleigh felt James as he took her by the hand. As she glanced at him, he too was trying not to cry as the marriage officiant announced, “I now pronounce you, man and wife.”

The guests once more arose to their feet, as the newly wedded couple made their way back down the aisle together as man and wife for the first time.

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