Resequencing DNA

Chapter 30

The newlywed couple left the marquee, closely followed by the photographer, the bridesmaids and Edwards's best man, Warren. As they did so, the marriage officiant announced to the guests that after a short break, there will be food and drinks served inside of the marquees and that they will be called for in due course. With that being said, the guests then began to make their way back outside and into the garden with some, returning to the house.

“What did you think of that?” asked James with a smile on his face, as he linked arms once more with Ashleigh, as the pair left the marquee.

“It was…it was beautiful,” replied Ashleigh, “Pippa…her dress…the ceremony…they were all so beautiful,” she added.

As the pair emerged from the marquee, they stepped to the side, to not block anyone else who was yet to leave behind them.

“So…a short break…” stated James, “Where do you want to go?”

But before Ashleigh had the chance to respond to James’ question, she was quickly hijacked by an excited Eloise, who rushed over to the pair.

“Ashleigh!” exclaimed Eloise, a huge smile on her face as she grabbed Ashleigh by the arm.

“Whoa…whatever is the matter?” asked Ashleigh, rather confused after being accosted in such a manner.

“Photo time!” exclaimed Eloise, with a huge smile on her face.

“But…but I thought that it was the bridal party who were getting their photos taken…” muttered Ashleigh, as Eloise began to drag her by the arm before quickly stopping to look at her.

“Well silly…it is…but you have been requested by the one and only Mrs Goldman herself,” stated Eloise, beaming from ear to ear. “She wants you to be included, along with the bridesmaids as you are one of her best friends…remember,” she added with a giggle before once again, leading Ashleigh by the arm.

Ashleigh glanced back over her shoulder towards James, who was now laughing at the situation.

“Go…enjoy yourself,” he said as he laughed, watching Ashleigh being shepherded away rather quickly.

Ashleigh and Eloise quickly arrived at the spot where Pippa stood waiting, by the hedgerow, along with Tiffany, Rose and the photographer. Pippa had a huge smile on her face, one that appeared to get even wider as she noticed the approaching duo.

“I couldn’t have my wedding photos taken with just my bridesmaids…without one of my dearest friends,” said Pippa as the pair got to where she was standing.

“She is milking this for all it’s worth,” thought Ashleigh, “she just wants it documented as much as possible…me being this way.” 

“Of course,” said Ashleigh with a smile as she stood beside Tiffany.

Rebekah, the photographer then began to snap away on her camera, whilst directing the group on where to move and how to stand.

Within the first few shots, however, it was noted that Ashleigh looked rather uncomfortable, being instructed to loosen up and relax, something she, in time, managed to comply with.

Once the last few pictures were done, Ashleigh approached Pippa,

“You…you look stunning Pip…” stated Ashleigh as she hugged Pippa, the sound of the camera clicking away becoming noticeable once more.

“Aw, thank you so much, Ash…you look beautiful yourself,” replied Pippa with a smile.

“I think I’m going to head back inside for a while,” said Ashleigh, “I kinda need a break from all this,” she added with a giggle, gesturing to the camera that was still pointing in their direction.

“You do,” giggled Pippa, “How do you think I feel…that husband of mine has wandered off inside already. In the meantime, I have more wedding duties to attend to…photographs etc,” she added.

“Yeah…I can imagine you’ll be busy all day long,” replied Ashleigh.

“Hey…Pip…I wouldn’t mind going with Ashleigh to keep her company…that is…if you don’t need me at this very moment,” stated Eloise.

“I have James to keep me company,” thought Ashleigh.

Pippa glanced around at Rebekah then looked back toward Eloise and Ashleigh,

“That will be fine…I’ll send for you when you’re needed again,” answered Pippa with a smile.

“Great,” said Eloise, taking Ashleigh by the arm once again.

“I will catch up with the two of you soon…hopefully,” said Pippa with a giggle. “Oh…and if you see Edward…tell him he is needed…he was with Warren and my dad…in fact…send them all this way please,” she added with a smile.

Ashleigh and Eloise both nodded in response to Pippa’s instructions, before heading back towards the house.

“I do have James to keep me company you know,” said Ashleigh with a giggle, trying not to sound harsh as she spoke.

“I know…I just thought you and I could hang out a little,” replied Eloise with a grin.

As the pair made their way to the house, Ashleigh looked over at the spot where she had parted ways with James. only to find that he had since moved on too.

“Hmm…he must be inside already,” thought Ashleigh.

A short while later the girls were back inside the main hall and making their way across to the sitting room. As they entered the sitting room, they were quickly met by the strong, almost overpowering odour of cigar smoke, stronger than it had been on any previous occasion. The reason being as they looked towards the fireplace, all stood around in a group were Alistair, Edward, Warren, Jude, Lawrence, William and Jasper, all smoking cigars, along with an older man that Ashleigh presumed was Edward’s father.

As they approached the exclusively male group standing by the fireplace, Ashleigh noticed a strange look on Eloise’s face. A look that Ashleigh couldn’t quite make sense of.

“Uncle Alistair,” stated Eloise as the pair approached. Her attempt of getting her uncle’s attention failed, being drowned out by the sound of the men all laughing with one another. “Edward!” she said, much louder than her previous attempt.

Edward turned and looked towards the two approaching young women.

“What are you both doing in here…men only at this moment, right chaps,” laughed Edward, to which the rest of the group laughed once more.

“Your wife requires you…outside,” stated Eloise, a rather sharp tone in her voice.

“Oooh the wife calls you,” joked Alistair.

“You to Uncle,” snapped Eloise.

Edward, Alistair and Warren, stubbed out their cigars before heading out of the sitting room rather quickly.

“Gentlemen…we shall reconvene, later this afternoon,” said Alistair as he left the room.

“What are you doing in here anyway, as Edward said… this was a men-only thing…no place for my little girl,” laughed Jasper as he too stubbed out his cigar. “Even your mother never followed me in here this time.”

“Ashleigh came for a cigarette break…right Ashleigh? And I’ve come to keep her company,” stated Eloise.

Ashleigh simply nodded, feeling rather uneasy at being placed on the spot as an excuse by Eloise in that fashion. However, one thing Ashleigh did notice once more, was the switch in Eloise’s facial expressions.

Slowly the rest of the men stubbed out their cigars and began to make their way out of the room and Ashleigh observed the strange look on Eloise’s face.

“Is everything okay?” asked Ashleigh, sitting down on the now vacant chair whilst taking out the pack of cigarettes from her handbag and lighting up.

“Hmm? Yes…everything is fine,” replied Eloise, however, her face told a completely different story, she looked uncomfortable in some way.

“Eloise…I haven’t known you for very long…but I do know that you aren’t quite yourself and something is troubling you…plus…the constant pacing is making me uncomfortable,” stated Ashleigh with a giggle in an attempt to lighten Eloise’s mood.

“You’re right…I’m terribly sorry,” replied Eloise as she sat down on the sofa and smiled, “so…how are things between you and James? have you heard from Wes?” she asked.

“It’s going…okay…I guess…and no, I haven’t heard a thing from him,” replied Ashleigh.

“Maybe things between me and James would have moved along…if he were here with me…” thought Ashleigh, trying her best not to allow her face to show her true thoughts.

“Aw…I’m glad things…are going well…between the two of you,” said Eloise with a smile. However, it remained clear to Ashleigh that Eloise was also attempting to cover up how she really felt.

“Does…does she have a thing for James…is that why she’s acting unusual…trying to keep us apart…warning me not to hurt him?” thought Ashleigh, glancing across at her friend who now appeared deep in thought.

Ashleigh continued to smoke her cigarette in silence, periodically looking across at Eloise who stared into the crackling fireplace. That was until Eloise quickly sat entirely upright, in a moment best described as when someone has a moment of inspiration. She quickly turned back to look at Ashleigh.

“So…Ashleigh…” started Eloise in a rather hushed voice, “I know I’ve asked you similar questions to this before, but…” she suddenly took a pause and began to look Ashleigh up and down, from head to toe.

“Aw man, what…what now?” pondered Ashleigh, “I have a feeling a know which direction this question is going.”

“Well…I just wondered…because of what Wes did to you…are you like…fully…does everything…I don’t know…work the same?” asked Eloise.

Ashleigh stopped dead in her tracks and looked Eloise in the eye, before stubbing out her cigarette.

“And what the hell do you mean by that?” asked Ashleigh. “Let me just give you a quick run down,” she added rolling her eyes and letting out a rather uncomfortable giggle before Eloise had the chance to speak again. “Hair…definitely not a wig, breasts…they’re one hundred per cent real and downstairs…I have to sit when peeing right now…does that answer your question?”

Eloise began to smile before letting out a giggle.

“As for the…functionality…can’t say I’ve tried it out,” giggled Ashleigh as she got to her feet.

Eloise stood from her seat and looked her friend in the eye,

“Thank you,” she said with a smile.

Ashleigh looked back at Eloise with a puzzled look,

“Thank you? I haven’t done anything,” said Ashleigh.

“Oh, Ashleigh,” started Eloise, “You do more than you realise,” she added, linking Ashleigh’s arm as the pair made their way out of the sitting room.

“Really…what do you mean?” replied Ashleigh.

“Well…you’re so pretty, you’re intelligent,” explained Eloise.

“Not the first time I’ve heard that these past few days,” thought Ashleigh as she giggled to herself.

“And not only that…you always know how to make people laugh or smile…I am so glad I got the chance to meet you…get to know you…I just wish that…” explained Eloise before pausing once more.

As the pair made their way across the main, towards the door leading to the garden, Tiffany came rushing in to greet them.

“Come on you two, back to the marquee,” said Tiffany.

Ashleigh and Eloise simply nodded and followed along behind Tiffany, back out into the garden.

“You were saying?” asked Ashleigh, “you just wish that what?”

Eloise looked at her and smiled,

“Maybe later,” she said.

“And what was bothering you earlier?” asked Ashleigh.

“That too…maybe later…I promise,” replied Eloise with a smile as the pair continued to walk arm-in-arm to the marquee.

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