Resequencing DNA

Chapter 33

The trio made their way back along the garden path and back towards the entrance to the marquee, laughing and joking amongst themselves, keeping the convocation rather light-hearted. Just as they arrived, back at the entrance to the marquee, however, Ashleigh came to an abrupt halt.

“Wait…” said Ashleigh, with a rather thoughtful look on her face.

“What on earth is wrong, sweetie?” asked Pippa, she and Eloise now looking at each other wearing somewhat puzzled looks on their faces.

“Back there...I totally forgot to ask…and I need to get this out of the way…you know…whilst we can talk…privately,” said Ashleigh, quickly glancing around to ensure nobody was within earshot and turning back to Eloise before continuing. “I wanted to ask…which name…are we using now? What about pronouns…I would hate to think that I upset you…by…you know…” she explained.

“For now…just…just keep everything…as it is, okay…just for now,” replied Eloise with a smile, “For now…I’m still Eloise…as confusing as that is right now…I just…I need time…I need…I need to think things through,” she added.

“Either way…you’re still my beloved cousin and I love you… no matter what you decide,” said Pippa with a smile.

“Thank you…I love you too…both of you…I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted,” stated Eloise, the look of relief on her face was clear for all to see.

“Oh sweetie,” stated Pippa, placing her arms around her cousin and hugging her tightly. “Come on Ash,” she added, gesturing for Ashleigh to join the pair.

  “Oh…What the hell,” thought Ashleigh, approaching the pair before embracing them both. “The old me would have done anything to be in this very position…but this feels different…very different indeed…it’s…weird.”

After a few moments, the trio ended their embrace and began to make their way inside the marquee. As they entered, there was Edward, about to make his way out.

“Oh…there you are my darling,” stated Edward, “Is everything alright? I was just about to come to find you,” he added, placing his arm around his wife’s waist, pulling her in close to him.

“Everything is just fine...” replied Pippa with a radiant smile as she looked up at her new husband. “Eloise was just a…erm…little overwhelmed…she needed a breath of fresh air…so I just wanted to check on her and spend a little time with my dearest…that’s all,” she added.  

“Your dearest huh,” said Edward with a smile before looking across to Eloise, “I hope you’re feeling better, Eloise,” he added before turning his attention to Ashleigh. “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced...Edward,” he stated, reaching out his hand to Ashleigh.

“I’m Ashleigh,” she replied, reaching out her hand in response to Edward. However, as Ashleigh was anticipating a handshake with Edward, she was somewhat shocked when Edward gently took her hand in his as he bowed his head.

“Wow…I am not used to being greeted in such…a gentle way,” thought Ashleigh.

“Nice to meet you, Ashleigh,” replied Edward with a smile.

“Nice to properly meet you too,” said Ashleigh, “Once again…I apologise for the whole…bumping into you thing last night…I think the champagne went straight to my head,” she added with a rather bashful giggle as she recalled the incident.   

“Oh yes…of course…last night…that was you…Ashleigh…” replied Edward, “Quite alright…as long as you had a good night,” he added with a smile.

“Isn’t he such a gentleman,” stated Pippa, placing her hand on her husband’s chest.

“Yes…yes of course,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“I think I need a drink…do excuse me,” said Eloise making her way into the hustle and bustle of guests, leaving Ashleigh standing with Pippa and Edward. However, this wasn’t to be the case much longer as Vivian’s voice could soon be heard.

“Oh, Pippa my darling,” she shouted whilst beckoning to Pippa.

Pippa raised her hand in acknowledgement, “Mother calls,” giggled Pippa, “You two play nice,” she laughed as she headed off.

“So…,” said Ashleigh with a rather uncomfortable smile.

“Indeed…” replied Edward, sounding almost as uncomfortable. “So Ashleigh…tell me…how long have you known Pippa?” he asked.

“Jumping straight into the awkward stuff I see,” thought Ashleigh.

“Oh…a few years now…” Ashleigh anxiously replied.

“Hmm…I see,” answered Edward, a look on his face indicative he was clearly deep in thought.

The pair stood in silence for a brief moment before Edward’s questions continued.

“From what I hear…you and Pippa are…really close…am I right?” he asked.

“Yes…reasonably close,” responded Ashleigh, rather puzzled at where the questions were leading, whilst now feeling as though she was under cross-examination in a legal case.

“Funny though…I’ve never heard Pippa mention you before two days ago…” stated Edward, with a look of slight suspicion in his eye.

“Oh well…” replied Ashleigh with a nervous giggle, trying to make light of the situation “You know Pippa…I’m sure if she wouldn’t have time to speak about all of her friends…she’s adored by everyone who meets her,” she added.

“Indeed,” retorted Edward, “Yet she does talk about Tiffany…and Rose...fairly often…and as I hear…she was responsible for introducing you to her brother…am I right?” he asked.

“Oh…Wesley…yes, we met through Pippa and we kinda…just…hit it off. We dated a few times…but that…that’s all over now…” answered Ashleigh, casting her mind back to what had taken place between herself and Wesley that previous evening. Reminiscing, however, filled her with both anger towards Wesley, yet also a strange sorrow.

“Why…why do I feel sad towards Wes…I want to kick his ass…yet I feel…I feel sadness…” pondered Ashleigh. “Am I sad…because…of how our relationship ended…wait…what relationship…I never really dated Wes, it was…it was…never mind…or is it because of how this has most definitely killed off our friendship…yes…yes that has to be it…right?”

“Oh…yes…I heard about how that…that ghastly little man behaved himself last night…I always believed him to be a little…strange,” stated Edward. “My only hope is that Pippa now distances herself from him…alas, I know she won’t…after all…as she continues to remind me he is her brother,” he continued. “Well…as long as you are unharmed…that is the important thing.”

 “Wow…it really feels like the only person to have any time for Wes, is Pippa…poor Wes,” thought Ashleigh.

“Yes…yes, I’m fine,” replied Ashleigh.

Just then, Warren approached the pair and placed his arm around Edward’s shoulders.

“There he is…my best friend,” stated Warren, “However, I’m pretty sure his fun days are behind him…now that he’s a married man…if you know what I mean,” he added with a laugh,  as well as a wink in Ashleigh’s direction. It was blatantly obvious that Warren had already had a fair bit to drink, sounding rather intoxicated as he slightly slurred his words.

“I have no idea what you mean,” laughed Edward, “Have you quite finished slobbering over the bridesmaids now…I don’t any of them are remotely interested,” he added.

“Not just yet…I don’t give up that easy” replied Warren with a chuckle. “I don’t believe we have met,” he added, his eyes now making their way across to Ashleigh, “I’m Warren,” he stated rather confidently, appearing to try his best to look somewhat composed, as he reached out his hand in Ashleigh’s direction, just as Edward had previously done.

“Ashleigh,” she replied with a smile, reaching out her hand to greet his.

“Enchanté,” replied Warren taking Ashleigh’s hand softly in his before leaning forward to kiss her hand gently.

Ashleigh began to blush as Warren kissed her hand before stumbling forward towards her.

“Come on Warren…I don’t think she is interested either… let’s get you sat down…before you hurt yourself,” stated Edwards, grabbing his friend by the shoulder to prevent him from falling any further.

“No…no…don’t be too hasty now Edward…I think I would like to get to know her a little better…and I think she probably thinks the same,” said Warren, his eyes still fixed on Ashleigh, however, it was clear that his gaze was now firmly on her chest, nowhere else.

“Miss Ashleigh…please excuse us,” stated Edward as he took a firm hold of his friend and began to lead him away.  

“Lovely to meet you Ashleigh…we shall talk again soon,” mumbled Warren as he was ushered away.

“Nice to meet you…too…I think,” replied Ashleigh with a giggle as she watched Edward guide Warren to the closest available seat. However, as she looked on, she noticed James, who was sitting or rather slumped down in his chair beside Bridget, his arms folded and had been watching the events unfold.

As Ashleigh began to make her way towards the table, at which James was sitting, she then noticed Eloise out of the corner of her eye. She too had observed what had taken place between Ashleigh and Warren. However, she too looked somewhat unimpressed by what had taken place. Ashleigh made eye contact with Eloise and smiled. And yet, in response, Eloise simply rolled her eyes, shook her head and turned to face the other way.

“Have I done something wrong?” thought Ashleigh. Why does Eloise seem to be so...disappointed with me? I don't understand. Could it be what happened with Warren? Does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm heading back to James? I just…I just don’t understand it.”

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