Resequencing DNA

Chapter 34

Despite the look that Eloise had given her, Ashleigh continued to make her way back to her seat beside James. However, upon taking her seat, James continued to sit in silence, his arms remained crossed as he sat slouched down in his chair.

“Ashleigh…darling girl, is everything alright?!” asked Bridget.

“Yes…everything is fine,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, glancing at James as she did so.

“Oh, lovely,” declared Bridget, “I was a little worried that I had upset Eloise…that daughter of mine can be quite highly strung at times, I can tell you that…always has been…ever since she was a young girl,” she added with a cackle before taking a gulp of her drink.

“That’s just it…you don’t even realise…Eloise has always been a show…what you wanted…Elijah is who he truly is…he’s your son…but you’re too blind to see that…and yes you did upset him,” thought Ashleigh, forcing herself to smile in response to Bridget.

“Would you…erm…would you like a drink…Miss Ashleigh?” asked James as he got up out of his seat, adjusting his suit jacket as he did so.

“Miss Ashleigh…why have we gone back to the formalities?” thought Ashleigh.

“Erm…yes please…sure,” replied Ashleigh.

With that, Ashleigh watched as James began to walk away from the table, before disappearing in amongst the other guests.

“So…Ashleigh…” started Bridget.

“Oh boy…this is gonna be a long day,” thought Ashleigh.

“How are you enjoying your time here in my brother in laws home, isn’t it splendid? Have you been before?” asked Bridget.

“No…It’s my…erm…my first time…here,” answered Ashleigh, rather preoccupied in trying to watch for James to return.

“Doesn’t Pippa look stunning,” proceeded Bridget, “and that Edward…I hope one day my Eloise can find such a handsome young man and settle down.”

“Indeed,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, yet in all honesty, she wasn’t paying much attention to what Bridget was actually saying any longer, her eyes firmly fixed on James’ last visible position.

“Come on James…save me from this…don’t leave me here with Bridget,” thought Ashleigh.

With that, Bridget then leaned in towards Ashleigh,

“Between you and I dear…I always wanted to match my Eloise up with James…but no…my dearest brother won’t have any of it,” laughed Bridget.

“Of course,” replied Ashleigh, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. “I…I’ll be back shortly,” she added rather abruptly, getting to her feet and smoothing out her dress and following in the direction that James had gone.

As Ashleigh made her way through the crowd of guests, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, followed by a familiar voice.

“Ashleigh…isn’t it?” asked the voice.

As Ashleigh turned to see who it was, she noticed it was Edward’s best man, Warren.

“Yes…yes it is,” she replied with a smile before turning to be on her way once more only to be stopped by Warren once more.

“Has anyone ever told you… you are by far the most beautiful woman…in this room,” mumbled Warren.

“Thank you…but I really have to g…” replied Ashleigh only to be cut off by Warren.

“I…think it’s only right that…the best man…gets a dance with the prettiest bridesmaid…don’t you?” mumbled Warren once more, however, this time placing his arm around Ashleigh’s waist and pulling her in close to him.

“Ooo,” squealed Ashleigh with a nervous giggle, unable to fight off Warren’s grip on her.

“Just…just the one dance,” said Warren with a smile.

“I really can’t…I have to…” started Ashleigh.

“Please,” begged Warren one last time, looking Ashleigh directly in the eye as he smiled at her.

“I guess…I guess one wouldn’t hurt…but only a little one,” stated Ashleigh before letting out a nervous giggle.

 No sooner had the words left Ashleigh’s mouth, than Warren pulled her to him even closer, before taking Ashleigh’s arms and draping them around his neck then returning his hands to her waist.

“Oh…okay…” giggled Ashleigh as the pair started gently swaying to the soft piano music that filled the air within the marquee.

Before she knew it, Ashleigh was close enough to smell not only the musky scent of Warren’s aftershave, but she could also now smell the whisky on his breath. All the while Warren was pulling her in closer and closer to him, she could now feel a hard bulge within his trousers as it pressed up against her.

“A little too close for comfort,” thought Ashleigh giggling to herself, “He’s clearly enjoying this a little more than I am.”

“So…Ashleigh…I hear you and Wesley split,” stated Warren.

“You could say that,” replied Ashleigh, whilst thinking to herself, “I know where this is going.”

“I see,” answered Warren.

“But I am…kinda…here with someone…you know,” stated Ashleigh.

“Ha…lucky guy,” said Warren with a smile on his face.

“Are you seeing anyone, Warren?” asked Ashleigh.

Warren shook his head,

“Not right now…I got divorced two years ago,” explained Warren.

“I see,” replied Ashleigh, “I’m sure your Mrs right will be out there somewhere,” she added with a smile.

Warren looked deep into Ashleigh’s eyes,

“Maybe…but she can wait right now,” joked Warren.

“What do you mean?” asked Ashleigh, as she continued to match Warren’s gaze.

Warren began to laugh,

“Well for now…I just think to myself…Warren…you’re young…why bother to settle down just yet…why look for anything serious right now,” he said with a rather mischievous smirk on his face.

“Oh…you’re one of them,” giggled Ashleigh.

“One of those?” asked Warren.

“One of those…play the field…one night stand kinda guys,” giggled Ashleigh in response, “I know that kind all too well.”

“Oh you do huh,” laughed Warren, as Ashleigh felt his and reach a little lower, now sitting just above her bottom.

“Yes! In fact, I am…was one of those guys,” thought Ashleigh with a rather playful smile. “He does have a sort of…I don’t know…roguish charm.”

“That I do…all too well in fact,” answered Ashleigh whilst moving Warren’s hand back to where it had previously been positioned.

As the pair continued to sway to the music, Ashleigh caught a glimpse of James, returning to the table, out of the corner of her eye.

“Excuse me…but I have to go,” stated Ashleigh.

“But we were having fun…weren’t we?” asked Warren, sounding rather disheartened.

Ashleigh removed herself from Warren’s embrace and with a simple smile, she turned to head back through the crowd of guests.

“Maybe…maybe again…later then?” asked Warren.

Upon hearing this, Ashleigh turned slightly and glanced back over her shoulder, flashing her smile at her newfound dance partner, who smiled back at her before turning and he too disappeared from sight.

Ashleigh returned to the table and rather sheepishly, took her seat back beside James.

“Where did you go Miss Ashleigh?” asked James, a look on his face of one that was rather upset.

“I…I went looking for you,” replied Ashleigh, throwing James a smile.

“I see,” replied James, his expression unchanged as he proceeded to avoid looking directly at Ashleigh, instead choosing to look down at the table. “A drink…as promised,” he added, pointing to the tall glass of champagne that sat in front of Ashleigh.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, smiling once more as she retrieved her glass.

Eloise was right…I should have never gotten involved with James…I…I’m not the person he needs,” she thought, sipping on her champagne.

“I…I think…I think I’m going to head…back inside the house…I need to get out of here,” stated James, standing from his seat once more.

“Want me to join you?” asked Ashleigh, feeling extremely guilty about the possibility that it was her actions triggering James to feel this way.

“If you so wish,” replied James, rather coldly and emotionlessly, especially in comparison to how he had spoken to her the rest of the day.

 With that being said, James then began to head towards the exit of the marquee. Ashleigh quickly got to her feet and began to follow. By the time Ashleigh had caught up with James, he had already left the marquee and was standing outside taking a deep breath and staring up at the sky.

“James…I,” started Ashleigh.

“Miss Ashleigh…please don’t…there’s nothing to explain,” stated James. “I had best get ready anyway…I’m sure there will be guests requiring a ride home,” he added.

“Guests…requiring rides home?” said Ashleigh sounding rather astonished, “But the day is not yet over…surely they will remain until later this evening.”

James shook his head,

“No Miss Ashleigh, the evening meal is planned to be back in the house, only to be attended by close family, bridal party and groomsmen,” explained James.

“Oh…I see,” replied Ashleigh, “well may I walk with you…back to the house?”

“If you so wish,” answered James, once again his response being rather cold.

Ashleigh tried to take hold of James’ hand, to walk hand in hand, just as the pair had earlier that day. Yet this time, James settled with linking Ashleigh’s arm, in a much more formal manner, just as he would walk with Vivian, Pippa or any other female member of the Ashton-Burns family.

The pair strolled back in the direction of the house, completely silent for a few brief moments before Ashleigh spoke up.

“James…what is with returning to formalities…what has changed since this morning?” asked Ashleigh, already knowing what the answer was most likely to be.

“Well…Miss Ashleigh…I am here to accompany you…not date you,” replied James, “That was the instruction I had…from Mr Ashton-Burns,” he added.

“Yes, but I thought that…I don’t know…we had a…” started Ashleigh.

“I…I thought…” started James in a tone that started to show glimpses of emotion before letting out a sigh and pausing briefly. “It’s just…it’s my job, Miss Ashleigh…I do as Mr Ashton-Burns instructs me to do,” he added, seemingly composing himself before returning to his emotionless demeanour.

Ashleigh looked down at the ground as the pair walked,

“I…I guess this…is for the best…he was looking for something… long-term…something I just can’t deliver…especially after Monday,” thought Ashleigh.

“I…I’m sorry…James…however…I had explained from the outset…this could never be…anything more than just a weekend thing…Monday…on Monday I have to go…I can’t stay…” explained Ashleigh.

“That’s part of the reason…I made my decision,” stated James.

“I know…I know deep down…I just…I didn’t want it to end like this…I never intended to cause you any hurt…” explained Ashleigh.

“I can’t believe I’m gonna use this as an excuse,” she thought.

“It’s just…after Wes…and everything…especially this soon…I…I just can’t allow myself to…I hope you understand,” she proceeded.

James turned and looked Ashleigh deep in her eyes, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity. “I know…” he muttered as the pair came to a halt at the door leading back inside the house.

Ashleigh placed her arms around James and squeezed him tightly. The scent of his aftershave filled her nose.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry James,” she whispered softly.

Much to Ashleigh’s surprise, James hugged her back.

“I know…I know Ashleigh…I know you didn’t mean anything…maybe sometime…in the future…” he whispered into her ear so sweetly. “I will always be here…for you…no matter what…just call,” he added, before smiling and heading back inside the house, leaving Ashleigh standing alone with her own thoughts, gazing back out across the garden.

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