Resequencing DNA

Chapter 35

After standing and gathering her thoughts in the spot James had left her, Ashleigh decided to head inside also. Making her way across to the sitting room, she opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to find the room completely empty. As she made her way across the room, to the fireplace, the only sound that she was able to hear, was that of the fireplace as it proceeded to crackle whilst filling the room with its warm, inviting glow.

“Finally, somewhere quiet,” she thought, smoothing out her dress before sitting down in the chair closest to the fire, leaning forward to warm her hands.

“Poor James,” thought Ashleigh, “It was never my intention to hurt him, I just thought…it could have been a little fun this weekend…the quicker Monday comes around, the better.”

Ashleigh then sat back in the chair, staring into the glowing flames, before reaching into her bag to retrieve her cigarettes and placing one to her lips.

Ashleigh’s silence, however, was soon interrupted as she heard the sitting room door open. She looked across to see who had entered the room to notice it was Edward, closing the door quietly behind him, almost as if he was sneaking into the room. Once inside the room, he began to make his way across to where Ashleigh was sitting. As soon as he noticed Ashleigh, he quickly put his finger up to his lips, telling her to remain silent, presumably until he was close enough to speak in hushed tones.

“Ashleigh…isn’t it?” he whispered as he got close to her.

Ashleigh nodded in response as she took a drag of her cigarette.

“Finally, a moment of quiet,” he quietly laughed, sitting down on the chair that was positioned beside Ashleigh.

“It was until you walked in,” Ashleigh thought to herself.

“Yes…that’s exactly the reason I’m here,” she said with a smile.

“Yes…it’s all a bit manic out there,” joked Edward as he pulled a cigar from his pocket and began to light it up.

“Taking five minutes from married life already,” giggled Ashleigh.

“I promised Pip that I would knock these things on the head…but surely one more won’t harm…besides…it’s my wedding day,” laughed Edward, “So please…not a word,” he added.

“You have my word,” laughed Ashleigh, “Day one and you already have me keeping secrets from your wife…my best friend… tut-tut Edward,” she added jokingly.

“Indeed…perfect start to married life,” chuckled Edward. “So Ashleigh, are you staying over this evening?” he proceeded to ask.

“That was the original plan,” replied Ashleigh, after exhaling a steady stream of smoke.

“Original plan?” asked Edward.

“Yes…I know I’m welcome here but…I don’t know…after the whole Wesley ordeal…I’m contemplating heading home this evening…I have a big day Monday…so I might use tomorrow to prepare…if that makes sense,” explained Ashleigh.

“It makes perfect sense…” replied Edward, “But honestly, Ashleigh, I know that Pippa would be crushed if you left early,”

“I didn’t think it would matter to her that much…I was never invited originally…I mean…Aaron…was never invited…so why would it matter if Ashleigh stayed around or not,” pondered Ashleigh.

“Really?” she asked, “I…I honestly didn’t realise it would matter so much to her,” she added, taking one final drag of her cigarette before stubbing it out in the ashtray.

“Ashleigh…” started Edward, sitting back in his chair as he puffed on his cigar, “I myself have only known you since yesterday…and even I have noticed how much you mean to Pip…” he explained.

“Really?” asked Ashleigh once more with a rather puzzled look on her face.

“Indeed,” replied Edward, “If I’m perfectly honest…I would even go as far as to say she holds you and Eloise in a higher regard than Tiffany and Rose…or her family…or even me for that matter,” he scoffed.

“Huh…” exclaimed Ashleigh, once more staring off into the flickering embers of the fireplace.

“I wonder…I wonder if she will think the same of me…when I’m Aaron once again,” contemplated Ashleigh, “Highly unlikely…I’ll just return to being relatively nobody in her life…someone that…even her parents despise.”

“Just something for you to think about Ashleigh…I hope you will consider sticking around this evening,” stated Edward with a smile.

“Thank you…” answered Ashleigh, rather sheepishly, before she got up out of her seat and smoothed out her dress.

“Before you go…I just wanted to say I apologise,” said Edward.

“Apologise…what on earth for?” asked Ashleigh, somewhat bemused.

“Oh just for the way Warren has been conducting himself,” stated Edward, “I would hate to think that he was making you feel uncomfortable.”

“Oh…” replied Ashleigh, “No it’s quite alright, I find him rather…amusing shall we say,” she added with a giggle and a wry smile.

“Oh yes…he’s definitely something alright,” joked Edward, “I just know he can be a bit…full on at times…you know I feel like I have apologised for his behaviour more than anything else today.”

“Well,” replied Ashleigh as she began to leave, “He is quite the charmer,” she giggled.

“I assure you, he is a rather nice guy…once you get to know him at least…and when he isn’t so bloody intoxicated,” laughed Edward.

“Oh…I bet,” giggled Ashleigh.

As she began to leave, Edward stopped her in her tracks one last time.

“You aren’t like the others…are you?” declared Edward.

Upon hearing this, Ashleigh paused before half turning back to face Edward,

“Oh shit…here we go…am I that obvious?” thought Ashleigh.

“What…what do you mean?” she asked rather anxiously.

Edward stubbed out his cigar, got to his feet and began to approach Ashleigh.

“I just mean…there’s something about you…I just can’t place my finger on it,” stated Edward as he stopped beside her.

Ashleigh fell silent as Edward stood before her, his hand resting on his chin as he proceeded to look her up and down, or so it felt to Ashleigh who almost froze on the spot.

“I got it…” exclaimed Edward, clicking his fingers and pointing at her as he broke the awkward silence.

“Y…you…have?” murmured Ashleigh, as she could feel her face turn hot as she started to blush.

“You aren’t like the other girls…like Pippa…or Eloise…because you weren’t born into money…as they were…were you?” announced Edward.

“Phew,” thought Ashleigh.

“N…no…I…I wasn’t,” mumbled Ashleigh before giggling.

“Yes…I knew it!” Edward stated, “I knew there was something different about you.”

“Was it that obvious to tell,” giggled Ashleigh with a sense of relief.

“No…not at all…you put on an excellent façade,” laughed Edward, “You walk the walk and you talk the talk…but you just don’t seem as…I don’t know… hoity-toity as the other girls,” he joked. “No offence to either you or the other girls though,” he added with a chuckle.

“None was taken, honestly,” giggled Ashleigh.

“I mean don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it,” said Edward with a smile. “To be honest with you…it’s rather…refreshing,” he added.

“Really…how so?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…as someone whose parents were fairly wealthy…I can assure you, the world can get a little… dull. You see, you spend your entire life with…yes men… essentially…people who will agree to anything you say or do…just to keep you happy,” explained Edward.

“Yes but surely that’s not as boring as you describe,” replied Ashleigh.

“Take my darling Pippa for example if you will…for instance, she goes shopping at one of her favourite boutiques…now she is picking out some outfits or whatever you girls do…and she requires an opinion…but she is alone so she asks the shop assistants…now…Ashleigh…do you think they give her an honest opinion… or….do they just see a credit card that they can get as much out of as possible…hmm?” explained Edward.

“I…I guess the second option,” replied Ashleigh.

“Indeed,” stated Edward, “And when she was growing up…she tells me all the time, she always got what she wanted…why…because daddy always made it so…look around this place, she was waited on hand and foot from the very day she was born.”

“Well…yeah I guess,” answered Ashleigh.

“Now…don’t get me wrong, I am not saying there is anything wrong with my wife, her family or even mine for that matter…but when you have a life like ours…you’re incredibly shielded from what most deem to be the real world…if that makes sense,” explained Edward as the pair began to make their way towards the door leading back out into the hall.

“Yes…I suppose it does make sense really,” said Ashleigh.

“Whereas you on the other hand…you grew up in a world so different from ours, one where people were honest, I imagine sometimes brutally honest…one where people didn’t just see you as a walking credit card…where everything was not just gift wrapped with a pretty little bow and handed to you. A world where you can do what you want, say what you want…and nobody expects you to say or act a certain way,” explained Edward as the pair stopped at the door. “I guess what I am trying to say is…Ashleigh…you’re good for Pippa…she is so lucky to have a friend like you,” he added with a smile.

“I’m lucky to have a friend like her too…and thank you,” answered Ashleigh with a smile.

Edward leaned in and gave Ashleigh a hug,

“Thank you…for being there for her…and coming today…it means a lot to me…knowing she has good friends like you,” stated Edward.

“You’re welcome,” replied Ashleigh. “Now I think you had better go pull yourself together…because that’s clearly the alcohol talking… and you had better hurry back out there before Pippa sends a search party after you…we both know what she’s like,” she added with a giggle.

 “Indeed,” stated Edward, opening the door for Ashleigh to leave first.

The pair made their way out of the sitting room and across the main hall, with Edward heading towards his ground floor bedroom and Ashleigh began to ascend the stairs to her room.

 “Nice chatting with you, Ashleigh,” said Edward as he stopped at the door.

“You too,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, before continuing on her way up the staircase.

Ashleigh made her way back up to her room, closing the door behind her, she laid back on her bed and stared up at the ceiling.

 “I…I had no idea it meant so much to Pip…me being here,” thought Ashleigh, “This whole week has been crazy…what a change it will be once everything is back to normal. I wonder…what will my relationship with Pip be like…after Monday…will I ever see Eloise again…my life is just so…fucked up right now.”

As Ashleigh lay looking up at the ceiling, she felt her eyes begin to close, before drifting off to sleep.

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