Resequencing DNA

Chapter 39

Ashleigh was up out of her seat before the door had even closed behind Eloise.

“Go run after the crazy girl,” muttered Warren with a chuckle.

Hearing this caused Ashleigh to stop and face him,

“If anyone asked for your opinion…well…they just wouldn’t…why would they…you’re a vile, self-serving specimen, who shouldn’t even be classified as a human being,” snapped Ashleigh, before heading off in pursuit of Eloise once more.

“You weren’t saying that last night,” Warren sniped with a chuckle.

“Well…you weren’t such an arsehole…until after you got your own way were you,” Ashleigh snapped back before she headed out of the door and into the main hall once more. She looked around, but Eloise was nowhere to be seen.

“Ashleigh, dear girl, is everything alright?” asked Vivian, who was still standing with Gerard.

“Eloise…have you seen Eloise?” asked Ashleigh.

“She went towards the garden…is everything alright dear?” responded Vivian.

“Yeah…everything is fine,” said Ashleigh as she hurried off in the direction of the garden, as fast as her heels would carry her.

“Why is she so upset with me…I’ve come to think of her as one of my best friends…but this reaction…I don’t get it,” pondered Ashleigh as she got outside and looked around the garden. “I know where you’re heading,” she thought as she began to make her way up the garden path, between the hedgerows and out towards the pond.

“My feet are killing me already,” she thought as she walked along in haste.

As she approached the pond, Ashleigh realised she was right. There, sitting on a log, overlooking the pond was Eloise. Ashleigh could hear the sound of her sobbing as she quietly approached.

“El…” muttered Ashleigh, as she got close to her.

Eloise turned and glared at Ashleigh, her eyes were now puffy and red from crying. Without saying a single word to her, Eloise turned her back to Ashleigh once more.

“Ok…let’s try this a different way,” thought Ashleigh.

“Elijah…are you…are you okay?” asked Ashleigh, moving towards her friend ever so slowly.

“I…I will be…but for now…it’s Eloise…ok,” sobbed Eloise.

“Yes…of course…that’s…that’s fine…may I sit?” asked Ashleigh.

Eloise nodded in response, “Sure,” she said.

“What...what’s this all about, huh?” asked Ashleigh.

The thing doesn't matter much...Pippa's're going to go back to your old life very soon and will probably never want to see me again and everything so...just as I doesn't matter," sobbed Eloise.

“Hey…of course, I’ll wanna see you again El…you’re my friend…just because I won’t be Ashleigh anymore…doesn’t mean I’m gonna ditch you,” said Ashleigh with a reassuring smile. Furthermore, I want to be there when Elijah finally comes out to the world properly...remember that."

“You promise?” asked Eloise, as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, “You promise…you’ll be there?”

“Of course, El…I wouldn’t miss it for the world…” responded Ashleigh, her hand placed gently and reassuringly on her friend's shoulder. “You still coming with me tomorrow?” she asked with a smile.

“Sure…if you still want me there,” answered Eloise.

“Of course, I want you there…just don’t ditch me when I’m not as pretty anymore you promise,” giggled Ashleigh, retrieving her cigarettes and lighter from her handbag. “Fuck it…I won’t be here much longer to suffer the fallout from breaking these rules,” she added as she lit up a cigarette.

“May I?” Eloise asked, gesturing toward the packet of cigarettes in Ashleigh's hand.

“Sure,” replied Ashleigh, holding out the packet for her friend to take one before offering her the lighter.

“I can’t wait to finally be Elijah…you know,” muttered Eloise, “I’ll be able to do what I want…go where I want…say what I want…without any of this…oh Eloise…you have to be a lady…you can’t say this or do that…all you have to do as a woman in our family is look pretty and wait for some guy to sweep you off your feet…you know….I wanna own my own business…my own home…just like Uncle Alistair…or my Dad…you know.”

“I know…it must be so hard pretending to be someone you’re not,” replied Ashleigh.

“I guess you would know huh?” giggled Eloise before taking a drag of her cigarette.

“What do you mean by that,” laughed Ashleigh.

“What I mean is…you’ve had to be Ashleigh…these past few days…and you told us…that’s not who you are…you’re Aaron…right?” said Eloise. Ashleigh did seem to notice a little disdain in her voice as she mentioned her being Aaron.

“Yeah…and this time tomorrow…we will be on our way to getting him back,” stated Ashleigh.

“Huh,” exclaimed Eloise, “Bet you can’t wait huh? To be a man again?” she asked.

“I guess…” replied Ashleigh, “I’m not…like…begging to be back like I was originally…this has been kinda fun…took some getting used to…but fun nevertheless.”

“Oh yeah…we know you had fun…Warren…really?” scorned Eloise.

“I know, I know,” replied Ashleigh, “Something inside me…just…just wanted to experience…you know…what it’s like with a…erm…” she added, looking down at her skirt-clad lower body.

“Oh…I see…” responded Eloise, “And…erm…how did you find it?”

“Very…very different…very sensual,” joked Ashleigh, “It was…okay, I guess.”

“Well…when I’m Elijah…I think I would like a wife…you know,” stated Eloise. “Whilst I do like guys…I just find women to be so much more attractive…there’s just more to them…”

“Well…I hope to one day meet Mrs Elijah Burns when that day comes…I hope I will still be invited to the wedding,” said Ashleigh.

“Oh, I hope you’ll be there…I hope to meet someone…someone…never mind,” stated Eloise, taking one last drag of her cigarette before tossing it to the ground.

“Do tell,” said Ashleigh with a smile, “I will always listen to your hopes and dreams Eloise…And I will always do my damnedest to help you follow and achieve your dreams.”

“Oh, Ashleigh, bless you,” replied Eloise, “I hope, I hope that one day I’ll meet someone like you...I are so caring.”

“You will, sweetie…I know there will be someone out there, who is perfect for you,” replied Ashleigh as she extinguished her cigarette.

“Oh…yeah…I hope so too,” said Eloise, sounding rather downbeat once more.

“It’s time for me to head home soon, so let’s take a slow walk back. What do you say?” asked Ashleigh, linking arms once again with Eloise, as the two began slowly walking their way through the hedgerows together arm in arm.

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