Resequencing DNA

Chapter 40

Ashleigh and Eloise enjoyed a nice quiet stroll back to the house. Heading back through the hedgerows and up the long path, laughing, joking and discussing Ashleigh’s return to Aaron as well as Eloise’s hopes and dreams for the future. Ashleigh did notice, however, that whilst discussing Ashleigh’s plans for the following day, Eloise seemed rather, distracted and distant.

As they got a few mere feet from the house, Ashleigh took her phone from her bag to check on the time,

“Holy shit…” exclaimed Ashleigh, “It’s 12.45 p.m…we’ve been out here for hours…I’m supposed to be leaving in fifteen minutes.”

“Oh…” responded Eloise, looking rather deflated.

“It’ll be fine El, I’ll see you tomorrow…right? “ asked Ashleigh with a smile.

“Sure…” replied Eloise, “You mean…when one of my best friends leaves me…”

“I’m not leaving you Eloise…I’ll always be your friend…you know that,” stated Ashleigh with a smile, “But…for now…I really must go.”

Eloise looked down toward the ground before nodding and agreeing. The pair then headed inside the back door to the house and into the main hallway. Once inside, they noticed Bridget, Jasper, Pippa and Vivian standing in the middle of the hall, as well as James making his way down the stairs, carrying more than just Ashleigh’s luggage.

“Ashleigh my dear, are you all ready to go?” asked Vivian with a smile.

“I…I guess so,” Ashleigh answered.

“Oh my dear, we have only known you for a brief time…but always know our family will always welcome you with open arms,” stated Vivian, as she leaned in to hug Ashleigh.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh.

“And once more…I am sorry about that whole ordeal with that…that boy…” whispered Vivian as she embraced the young woman.

“You don’t even know the half of it,” thought Ashleigh.

“Has…has anyone heard from him?” she asked.

“I have,” stated Pippa, “He wanted me to let you know…he is staying with a guy from work…so you won’t have to deal with him right now,” she added with a smile.

“You mean until tomorrow…but I’ll cross that when I get to it,” Ashleigh thought as she nodded in acknowledgement to Pippa.

“Ashleigh…can I have a word…in private?” asked Pippa, tilting her head to the side for the pair to break away from the group.

“Erm…sure Pip,” replied Ashleigh.

Following Pippa’s lead, Ashleigh made her way across the other side of the hall, before Pippa glanced around, making sure they were no longer within earshot of anyone, before coming to a stop.

“Ashleigh…I just wanted to say…thank you so much…I know this weekend hasn’t been the best for you…but just you being here…means everything,” Pippa stated with a whisper. “And by that I mean…both of you…Aaron and Ashleigh.”

Ashleigh tilted her head and looked at Pippa rather puzzled.

“I’ve never stopped missing Aaron…trust me I haven’t…I still love him…in some ways…but now…now I realise it’s as a friend…and having you here…even under the circumstances…and it being the only way you could have ever come…it means the world to me…truly it does,” continued Pippa, it was evident she was fighting back tears as she spoke.

“Hey…Pip…I…I love you too…as a friend…I was so glad I could make it…yeah it’s been a little…weird…” said Ashleigh with a giggle, looking down at her body, “But…I guess it’s been fun…right?”

Pippa giggled and nodded in response.

“If I’m honest…this weekend…it’s definitely opened my eyes to a lot of stuff…you know,” said Ashleigh.

“Really? Like what?” asked Pippa with a giggle.

“That’s for another time I think,” answered Ashleigh with a smile, “Just know…all those years ago…what I did to you…how I made you and everyone else feel…I was wrong.”

Pippa smiled as she leaned in and hugged her friend before kissing her on the cheek,

“You know…I’m going to miss you, Ashleigh,” whispered Pippa.

“I’ll still be here when you’re home…” declared Ashleigh, “Well…kind of.”

“That’s just it…you won’t be…you’ll be Aaron,” whispered Pippa. “Is Aaron going to be one of the girls? Go on shopping trips to buy pretty outfits and makeup? Go on lunch dates? I can tell you the answer now…it’ll be a firm no.”

“It doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends,” stated Ashleigh.

“No…no you’re right it doesn’t…but the dynamic definitely won’t be the same,”  said Pippa, hugging Ashleigh once more. “And please…look after El for me…” she added before turning and heading back to where Vivian, Bridget, Jasper and Eloise were standing.

Ashleigh followed Pippa back to the group, as she did so, she noticed James returning from outside and he too approached the group.

“Are we all ready to go?” asked James, avoiding eye contact with Ashleigh as he did so. He stood before the group, his hands on his hips as always. And, just like always, when he was to leave the house, you could see the very edge of James’ holster peaking out from beneath his suit jacket, along with the distinct handle of a handgun.

“All…I thought it was just me?” pondered Ashleigh.

Ashleigh watched as Bridget and Vivian said their goodbyes.

“I…I ave one more thing to do…I’ll be right back,” stated Eloise, racing off up the stairs in a haste.

James then began to escort the group, minus Eloise, out of the front door, down the steps and to the black limousine that had transported Ashleigh here in the first place.

James held open the door of the car and watched as each passenger in turn climbed inside, beginning with Bridget and then followed by Jasper and finally Ashleigh.

When Ashleigh got into the car, she noticed Eloise rushing toward the car, carrying a handbag in her hands, as she raced down the steps toward the car.

“Sorry…I erm… forgot I’d left this bag under the bed…I…I knew that it would have been missed…so I thought I’d double-check,” mumbled Eloise, panting as she climbed into the car before James closed the door.

As Ashley looked at Eloise, she was rather puzzled, she hadn't seen her carrying a handbag since the weekend had begun. And now, all of a sudden, she was scared in case she left it behind, something didn’t quite add up for Ashleigh.

As the car began to move on its way, Bridget scolded Eloise. "You silly girl," you'd forget your own head if you didn't have it attached to your shoulders." she scorned.

“She is constantly belittling poor Elijah…no wonder he’s so desperate to break free…and be himself,” thought Ashleigh.

Eloise glanced down at her feet, clutching her handbag tightly as she did so,

“Mum…Dad…I have something to tell you…” started Eloise before pausing.

“Oh…what is it now Eloise…tell me you haven’t forgotten anything else,” replied Briget in a rather cold tone of voice.

“Holy shit…is El about to say what I think…right here and now?” thought Ashleigh as all eyes were now on Eloise who hadn’t looked up once.

“I…I…I erm…” she mumbled, as she clutched her bag even tighter.

“Well…what is it…we don’t have all day Eloise,” barked Bridget impatiently.

“I…erm…I won’t be coming home this evening…I’ll be back tomorrow,” stated Eloise.

“What? ” Ashleigh thought with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Oh…and why not? Where are you going to stay exactly,” asked Bridget, her eyes narrowing as she stared at Eloise.

“I’m going to see Ashleigh off tomorrow morning…when she leaves…It makes more sense if I stay the night at Ashleigh’s place…besides…I don’t want her to be alone… what if Wesley returns through the evening,” answered Eloise.

Ashleigh looked stunned, however, it did mean they could to Wesley’s lab earlier in the morning, instead of having to collect Eloise on the way.

“And how will you get home?” asked Bridget.

“I can make my own way home mother,” snapped Eloise.

“I…I can sort her a ride home in the morning…my friend can drop her off at home,” stated Ashleigh.

“I see…and I suppose you’re right about her not being alone in case that… ghastly boy returns…” said Bridget. “However…please…be safe and be careful…the two of you,” she added.

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