Resequencing DNA

Chapter 41

The limousine pulled up outside of Ashleigh’s apartment.

“Well…I guess this is goodbye,” stated Ashleigh with a smile, looking at Jasper and Bridget “It’s been lovely meeting you both.”

Jasper simply smiled,

“Surely we will see you again my dear…won’t you ever visit our darling Eloise?” asked Bridget.

“I…I’m not sure I’ll get the chance…who knows what the future holds,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

Ashleigh noticed James beginning to unload her luggage from the back of the car.

“Is your luggage to come home with us Eloise?” asked Jasper.

“Yes…it makes more sense,” replied Eloise with a nervous look on her face. “I won’t require it overnight,” she mumbled nervously.

“Oh…I see,” Bridget remarked, “What about your handbag? Surely you won’t need that will you?”

Ashleigh watched as Eloise appeared to grip her handbag even tighter as soon as it was mentioned.

“No…no Mother…I’ll be keeping this with me…okay…” replied Eloise rather abruptly.

“If you are sure my dear…” said Bridget before turning her attention back to Ashleigh. “Well…Jasper and I wish you all the very best on your new adventures my dear,” she added warmly.

“Thank you so much,” answered Ashleigh, still observing Eloise who now looked rather fidgety and somewhat nervous. 

“Well…James has unpacked my things so…” mumbled Ashleigh as she made a move towards the door.

“Ashleigh…” mumbled Eloise, “please…just one second…I have something…I have something important that…I have something important to tell Mum and Dad…” she added.

Hearing this made Ashleigh stop in her tracks, she too was now feeling rather anxious on behalf of Eloise, as she anticipated what it was that was to be said.

“Really…now El?” thought Ashleigh,  looking at her friend who now had an incredibly anxious look about her. Despite her best efforts to hide it, Eloise's nervousness was clearly visible as her body trembled, she turned her gaze toward Ashleigh and flashed a rather timid smile before looking back in the direction of her parents.

“Mum…Dad…I have something to tell you…something I have been wanting to tell you for a long…long time,” said Eloise as she giggled nervously.

“Oh…exclaimed Bridget, “Well spit it out girl, we can’t have James waiting too long.

Ashleigh felt the change in the atmosphere around them as it became incredibly tense.

“Would you prefer me to wait outside…while you speak in private?” asked Ashleigh.

“No…” snapped Eloise, gripping her friend’s hand tightly, “I…I would prefer you to stay for this Ashleigh…I need your support.”

Ashleigh smiled and lightly squeezed Eloise’s hand in support before gently bowing her head.

“Well come on Eloise, we haven’t got all day,” said Bridget impatiently, as Jasper sat back and waited to hear what was to be said.

“I…I don’t quite know how to say this,” muttered Eloise.

“But I thought you had been waiting a long time to say this…surely you know what you want to say,” barked Bridget once more.

“Just shut up for once…let El speak,” thought Ashleigh.

“Bridget…with all due respect…please let El speak,” snapped Ashleigh.

Bridget looked stunned at Ashleigh’s outburst.

“I was just explaining we haven’t got all day,” muttered Bridget.

“Eloise…just take your time. Take a deep breath, I’m listening,” said Jasper softly with a smile.

Eloise closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“You can do this Elijah…in your own time…I’m with you,” thought Ashleigh.

“Okay…” said Eloise, “Mum…Dad…I…I…I want to be Elijah” stated Eloise.

Jasper sat silently as he listened, completely the opposite of Bridget.

“Elijah?” said Bridget, “You mean your dress-up character from when you were a child? What on earth do you mean girl?”

“That’s just it Mother…he wasn’t a character at all…and…well…I’m not a girl…I…I’m a man…or at least…I feel…I feel I am and should be,” explained Elijah, as tears began to well up in his eyes.

Bridget looked dumbfounded by Elijah’s revelations, she became silent, for a brief moment at least. Jasper simply sat back in his seat and nodded.

“I…I feel…I feel so relieved…to finally get that off my chest,” said Elijah with a smile.

“I’m proud of you…my friend,” whispered Ashleigh.

“This…this is ridiculous…this is outrageous,” barked Bridget, “We shall discuss your foolishness tomorrow my girl.”

“There is nothing to discuss…mother…there really isn’t…you can either accept me…as your son…or…keep out of my way,” explained Elijah, opening the door and climbing out of the limousine.


“Let him go dear,” said Jasper, placing his hand on top of his wife’s hand.

“You mean HER…don’t you,” snapped Bridget, “She is my daughter and she shall do as I say.”

Ashleigh began to follow Elijah, sliding across the seat before starting to climb out.

“YOU…you knew about this…this…this nonsense,” snapped Bridget.

Ashleigh climbed out of the car before leaning back inside,

“I will always support your son…whether you do or not,” explained Ashleigh before closing the door.

Ashleigh could still hear Bridget ranting and raving, even after the door was closed.

“Poor Jasper…I feel sorry for the guy,” thought Ashleigh.

Ashleigh noticed James was carrying her luggage.

“I can grab that,” stated Ashleigh, as she went to take the bags from James.

“That won’t be necessary Miss…” said James, “I shall follow with your belongings…you just lead the way.”

Ashleigh noticed how James’ tone towards her had drastically altered. His attitude was now rather cold and distant, he was there to do his job, nothing more.

“I really hurt you…didn’t I?”  thought Ashleigh.

“Ok…thank you, James…” replied Ashleigh, leaning in for a hug, to which James pulled away.

Ashleigh smiled timidly before she and Elijah headed inside, pressing the button for the elevator.

“Oh hello, nice to see you again my dear,” said an elderly woman’s voice from behind the pair.

“Mrs Goodwin,” thought Ashleigh, turning around to confirm her suspicions.

“Oh…hello…Mrs.… Goodwin…right?” asked Ashleigh, pretending she had only met the old woman once.

“Yes…yes, that’s right my dear,” replied Mrs Goodwin, “You’re young Wesley’s girl aren’t you?”

Ashleigh shuddered at being referred to as ‘Wesley’s girl’ but understood that was the way the poor, frail, elderly lady would remember her.

“Yes, that’s right,” answered Ashleigh, trying her best to smile whilst also feeling somewhat relieved to hear the ping of the elevator arriving.

The three of them stepped inside the elevator as the doors opened and Ashleigh pressed the buttons for the two respective floors.

“I must say, you look absolutely beautiful my dear,” stated Mrs Goodwin as the elevator began to move.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“And where is that young man of yours?” asked Mrs Goodwin.

“Oh…he’s…erm…he’s out…at the moment,” answered Ashleigh, feeling rather uncomfortable with the question. “I’ve…I’ve just got back from a wedding…so…haven’t seen him.”

“Oh how lovely…and who is this young lady?” asked Mrs Goodwin.

“So many questions…” thought Ashleigh,

“Oh…this is…this is my friend…Eloise,” she replied.

“I’m sorry Elijah…It feels awkward for me to refer to you as Eloise…but…Mrs Goodwin…she’d never understand,” thought Ashleigh, noticing the awkward glare she received from Elijah.

“That’s a pretty name…I like that,” said Mrs Goodwin.

Elijah smiled at the elderly lady,

“Actually…I prefer to go by Elijah now,” he stated, as Ashleigh’s eyes widened.

“Oh…” said Mrs Goodwin, “But isn’t that…”

“A mans name…yes…you see…I am a man…or at least…I will be,” replied Elijah with a wide grin on his face.

“Oh dear god Elijah…I don’t know what she’ll think…It’s not like you’ll see her again,” thought Ashleigh.

“Oh…is that right,” replied Mrs Goodwin, “Well…good for you sweetheart…heaven’s knows why you would want to be one of those…but…if it makes you happy…life is too short not to do what is best by you,” she added with a smile as the doors to the elevator opened. “Well, it has been lovely to see you again dear…and good luck with everything Elijah.”

Mrs Goodwin stepped out and the doors closed behind her before the elevator moved once again.

“Sorry…I…I just didn’t know how she would react or what she would think…” explained Ashleigh.

“I know,” replied Elijah.

“Besides Elijah…it’s not like you will ever have to see her again,” Ashleigh added.

“You know…that’s actually one of the reasons I did it…almost a practice run…if you will,” explained Elijah as the doors opened on their floor.

The pair stepped out of the elevator and Ashleigh couldn't stop smiling as she led the way to her apartment.

“I’m so proud of you my friend,” she thought as she unlocked the door and gestured for her friend to enter.

Elijah walked in so far before turning back to hold the door for Ashleigh,

“Ladies first,” he said with a huge, beaming smile on his face.

Ashleigh bowed her head as made her way into her apartment,

“Why, thank you kind sir…ever the gentleman,” she said with a smile, though, she was caught a little off guard, for she noticed a twinkle in Elijah's eyes, a glint in his eye that she had only ever seen briefly the previous day, during Pippa's wedding, that day, when he had revealed his true self to both Ashleigh and Pippa.

“Kind sir…I could get used to that,” said Elijah, laughing as he followed Ashleigh down the hall and into the living room.

“Take a seat…make yourself at home…you will always be welcome here,”  said Ashleigh with a smile as she made her way to the kitchen counter, noticing a white piece of paper.

“Erm…Ashleigh…I was just wondering…” started Elijah.

“What’s wrong?” asked Ashleigh, picking up the piece of paper, but turning her focus back to her friend.

“Erm…do you…you know…have any clothes I could borrow…” Elijah asked rather timidly as he continued to stand by the entrance to the hallway.

 “Oh…you mean Aaron’s clothes…sure…help yourself, my bedroom is just to the left as you go back up the hall.,” replied Ashleigh, “They may be a little big on you though,” she added with a smile.

As Elijah disappeared into Ashleigh’s bedroom, she unfolded the piece of paper, revealing a note from Wes.

Dear Ashleigh,

I wanted to write to let you know that I regret the actions I took over the past week and I apologize for them. I regret my actions not only on Friday evening, but I also regret the fact that I put you in the situation that you're in, to begin with. In the wake of my actions, I have felt an indescribable sense of guilt that will haunt me for the rest of my life. As my best friend for so many years, you were the only person who looked out for me and for that, I am sorry to say that I took advantage of you, which I am very sorry for. My actions have cost me a friendship that will never be mended and I completely understand that I will never be able to make up for what I have done. There is no doubt that I deserve any punishment you decide to impose on me and I will accept it fully.

In regards to my actions on Friday, as I was completely out of line and I do not know what possessed me at the time, if you wish to hand me over to the authorities or if you feel any other action would be acceptable, I will fully understand. As you know that behaviour was totally uncharacteristic of me, and whilst that is no excuse, again, all I can say is sorry.

What I must confess is I was completely taken aback by your incredible beauty and I was filled with a jealousy that I can not describe and wanted to keep you all to myself and that is wrong.

I am currently staying with Eric from work until I find more permanent accommodation. I will see you in person on Monday, as I reverse what I have done to you and we shall discuss where we go from here.




Ashleigh had a tear in her eye as she folded the note and threw it back on the kitchen counter.

“Damn you Wes…”  thought Ashleigh, “You’re right…I can never forgive you…but punishment…I don’t know.”

The front door opened and James entered the apartment carrying Ashleigh’s belongings.

“That is everything Miss, I shall bid you a good day,” stated James, turning to make a hasty retreat.

“Thank you…James,” muttered Ashleigh, yet James didn’t so much as glance in her direction as she heard the front door close once more.

Just then, Elijah walked out from Ashleigh’s bedroom, he was wearing a pair of blue denim jeans with a black leather belt and a grey hooded sweatshirt, both of which were clearly far too big for him.

“How do I look?” he asked with a smile.

“You look great,” giggled Ashleigh, “I told you they’d all be too big though.”

“I know…the belt is all that’s keeping the jeans up at this moment in time,” chuckled Elijah. “Is everything alright Ashleigh?” he asked, noticing the tear rolling down her cheek.

“Yeah…it will be,” she smiled in response.

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