Resequencing DNA

Chapter 42

Ashleigh and Elijah spent the rest of the day discussing the events of that weekend, laughing and joking as they did so. Elijah also told Ashleigh his ambitions, namely how he wanted to become a successful businessman, much like his Uncle Alistair or his cousin Jude. Although his part of the family was somewhat well off, they were nowhere near as wealthy as Pippa’s side of the family. His father, Jasper, didn’t have the same amount of drive, determination or even the same flair for business as his Uncle Alistair. Where Alistair bought companies, doubled or sometimes tripled their value before selling them on, Jasper would rather play the stock market, yet never investing in anything too big or flashy, instead airing on the side of caution. It was always one of the reasons he had envied Pippa, Alistair and Vivian had always encouraged her, just as they did with Jude. Whereas, Jasper always told Eloise that business was for the men in the family, encouraging Lawrence and William, whilst he and Bridget always told Eloise that she was to do nothing but look pretty and marry a successful husband. However, this gave Elijah the fire in his belly to become far more successful than his father or brothers could ever dream of.

As night fell, Ashleigh decided it was better to have an early night, opting to go to bed, soon after the pair had eaten an evening snack, rather than a full meal. Ashleigh had also given Elijah a T-shirt and a pair of shorts for him to sleep in. The T-shirt hung more like a dress and the shorts resembled a pair of three-quarter-length trousers when he wore them. Ashleigh had unpacked her long, black nightgown, leaving the rest of her clothes packed away as she saw no point in unpacking them.

“You have a choice, Elijah,” stated  Ashleigh, “You can either sleep on the sofa, I’ll fetch you some blankets…you can take Wesley’s bed…or you can take my bed and I’ll have one of the other options….either way the choice is yours.... I wasn’t really prepared for a visitor,” she added with a giggle.

Elijah thought about it for a moment,

“The couch will be fine,” replied Elijah with a smile.

“Ok…I’ll fetch you some blankets and pillows,” stated Ashleigh, disappearing into her bedroom for a brief moment before returning with the items she had promised. “Well…goodnight Elijah…see you in the morning before we head over to Wes’s lab,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Yeah…I guess so…goodnight…sweet dreams,” replied Elijah as he began to organise his temporary bed.

“You too,” answered Ashleigh before heading off into her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

“So…my last night as Ashleigh,” she pondered, “I’ll wake up tomorrow…and within a few short hours…I’ll be my old self again.”

However, Ashleigh continued to fidget in her bed, unable to sleep. Every time she tried to close her eyes and fall asleep, she found her mind was racing.

“Will Wes do as he promised and turn me back?” she contemplated, “Will I ever see Pippa and Elijah again…once I’m Aaron? What will become of Elijah? I hope he finally becomes who he wants to be and fulfils all of his hopes and desires…the first time in a few days that I won’t be awoken by Rose…oh…sweet Rose…I hope she stays and continues to work for Pippa and Edward…I’m sure she will…even if it’s just her and Gerard they keep on…such a sweet pair they are.”

Ashleigh turned on her back and sighed as she stared up at the ceiling.

“Oh how I’d love a house like that,” she thought as she smiled to herself. “It’s just so…so beautiful…but my job would never pay for it….Oh…my job…I have a shift tomorrow night…that will be weird…working like that after…after living the life I’ve just lived…to live like that…is but a dream I guess….oh shit…how am I gonna afford to live here with only my income?”

 Ashleigh took a look at her mobile phone that was charging at the side of her bed. It was now a little after midnight and she had been laid there for hours.

Just then there was a gentle tap at her bedroom door.

“Wow…am I back at the Ashton-Burns Mannor,” she thought with a slight giggle.

“Ashleigh…” came a whisper from the other side of the door.

“Elijah…is everything alright? ” asked Ashleigh, “Come in,” she added.

Elijah slowly opened the door and stood in the doorway.

“Yeah…I was just wondering if you were still awake…I can’t sleep,” stated Elijah softly.

“Yeah…I can’t sleep either,” replied Ashleigh as she sat up in her bed.

“I’m…I’m so nervous about tomorrow…what if Wes doesn’t do what he promised you,” stated Elijah.

“I…I’m sure everything will be fine, Elijah…I’ll…I’ll make him if I have to,” joked Ashleigh.

“Okay…I’m gonna try and sleep again…goodnight Ashleigh,” stated Elijah as he turned around and started to close the bedroom door.

“Elijah…” Ashleigh said softly,

“Yeah,” he replied as he stopped and looked back over his shoulder.

“You can…I mean…if you want to…there’s plenty of room here…in my bed,” Ashleigh muttered.

Elijah paused,

“Are you…okay with that?” asked Elijah.

“Of course, silly…I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise,” giggled Ashleigh, patting the bed beside her, “I would like it too,” she added with a smile.

Elijah closed the door and walked around the far side of the bed before climbing in. Having laid down, Ashleigh turned over and lay on her side, keeping her back to Elijah. Ashleigh felt warmth as Elijah cuddled into the back of her, whilst wrapping his arm around her and holding her tight.

“Goodnight Elijah,” whispered Ashleigh softly.

“Goodnight Ashleigh…thank you,” replied Elijah as he sweetly kissed her on the back of her head.




In what felt like no time at all, both Ashleigh and Elijah were awoken by the sound of Ashleigh’s alarm. It had not taken long at all for either of the pair to fall asleep, once Elijah had embraced Ashleigh. In fact, neither of them had moved an inch throughout the night, with Elijah still holding Ashleigh just as tightly as before they went to sleep.

“Good morning Ashleigh,” whispered Elijah, kissing his friend on the head, just as he had done before he fell asleep.

“Hey…morning,” replied Ashleigh, turning over to face her friend with a smile.

“I…I imagine you’re looking forward to this…ready to be your old self again?” asked Elijah, not sounding quite as cheerful as he once was.

 “In some ways…yes…yes, I am…but in other ways…I guess I’m not as eager as I once was…but I can’t stay this way forever…it’s not me,” responded Ashleigh.

“You know…I wish you were staying this way…it’s no secret,” stated Elijah as he climbed out of bed.

“Oh I know,” replied Ashleigh with a smile. “But like I said…I can’t stay this way…it isn’t who I am…I have a whole different life,” explained Ashleigh, as she too sat up in the bed before slowly placing her feet on the ground.

“Well…I suppose we should get this over with…quick and painless…like pulling a plaster from a wound,” said Elijah as he left the bedroom, leaving Ashleigh perched on the bed, trying to pull herself around.

“Oh how I hate mornings,” she thought as she slowly dragged herself to her feet.

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