Resequencing DNA

Chapter 44

“Good morning Ashleigh,” whispered a familiar voice.

“Morning? And…and Ashleigh…but…but I was just inside of Wesley’s machine…to…” thought Ashleigh as she opened her eyes, noticing the familiar sight of her bedroom. That’s when she noticed the sight of Elijah’s arm draped over her, as it had been the night before.

“E…Elijah,” muttered Ashleigh, still feeling rather groggy.

“Yeah…” replied Elijah, kissing her softly on the back of the head, just as he had done before the pair had fallen asleep.

“Good morning,” she muttered softly as she pulled him closer to her, “So…so, I’m still…Ashleigh?”

“Erm…last time I checked,” laughed Elijah, giving her breast a cheeky, rather gentle squeeze to which Ashleigh giggled. “Well…for now anyway,” he added.

“Was it…a dream?” thought Ashleigh.

“I…I dreamt that…I…that we…were at Wesley’s lab…I’d already gotten into his machine…and you were…you were so sad and everything,” explained Ashleigh.

“Of course I’ll be sad Ashleigh…but I imagine you’re looking forward to this…ready to be your old self again?” asked Elijah, not sounding quite as cheerful as he once was, “Especially now you’re even dreaming about it.

Ashleigh fell silent,

“You know…I wish you were staying this way…it’s no secret, Ashleigh” stated Elijah as he climbed out of bed.

“What other choice do I have though…really Elijah…I have a life…a job…people know the other me…not to mention my parents…what would they think if I suddenly go visit…looking like this,” replied Ashleigh as she too sat up in the bed before slowly placing her feet on the ground.

“Well I…” stated Elijah before pausing to think on his next words carefully.

Elijah looked at Ashleigh in the eyes,

“Well…I…I like you…I mean I really…really like you, Ashleigh…and I would love for us to be more…you know…than just friends,” he explained, “And…I know…I know it’s selfish of me to ask…but….can’t you just stay this way…just a little longer.”

Ashleigh sat deep in thought,

“Wait…what?” thought Ashleigh.

“What I propose…is…is…” muttered Elijah before pausing once more. “Ashleigh…I want Wes to use his… thingy ma jig on me…I want…I need to be Elijah…okay…” stated Elijah.

“Okay…” replied Ashleigh, still taken aback by Elijah’s confession.

“And…what I propose…is…Ashleigh…” started Elijah before pausing once more. “I want to date you…two months…all I ask,” Elijah blurted out, startling Ashleigh as he did so.

“Well…I…I don’t know what to say, Elijah,” replied Ashleigh, “I mean…my job and everything,” she added cautiously.

“Wait…am I actually considering this?” she thought.

“I’ve already thought of this…” stated Elijah enthusiastically. “You hate that place anyway, right?”

“Well…yeah but I can’t just quit,” said Ashleigh.

“If it’s about money…Ashleigh…I have money…you know that,” he explained. “If at the end of the two months…you still want your old life back…bam…I won’t object…and by that time…Pip’s bar will be almost open…you can work for her,” exclaimed Elijah with a huge grin on his face.

“I…I don’t know, Elijah,” replied Ashleigh.

“It doesn’t even have to be romantic…or serious even…just…just let me show you a good time,” stated Elijah. “Please Ashleigh…just… all I ask…please…consider it,” added Elijah with a smile as he left the room.

Ashleigh remained seated on the bed,

“Would it…would it be that bad…really?” she asked herself. “As Elijah said…it doesn’t have to be anything serious…just a little…fun I guess…”

Ashleigh finally got to her feet and headed to the bathroom,

“The last few days…I’ve wanted nothing more than to have my old life back…yet…now…now here I am considering spending…another two months as Ashleigh,” pondered Ashleigh, as she sat down on the toilet. “I really hated the way Elijah looked in that dream…he was distraught…I do really like him…as a friend…but romantically…I’m not sure,” she thought as she finished up on the toilet and made her way to the bathroom mirror, staring at her reflection. “Fuck it,” thought Ashleigh before making her way into the living room where she found Elijah, already dressed in the clothes Ashleigh had given him the previous day. Elijah was standing in the kitchen making two cups of coffee. Ashleigh sat down on the sofa and picked up her pack of cigarettes,

“Must remember to go and buy more,” she thought as she took one of the remaining few from the pack, placing it to her lips before fumbling around for her lighter, noticing the red polish that still decorated her nails.

Elijah walked over to the sofa, placed the two cups of coffee on the table and sat down beside Ashleigh.

“So…Ashleigh…have you put any thought into my proposal?” asked Elijah, sounding rather enthusiastic once again.

Ashleigh simply nodded as she took a drag of her cigarette.

“So…what do you say? How does spending two more months as Ashleigh sound?” asked Elijah, taking a sip of his coffee.

Ashleigh turned and looked at her friend looked rather hopeful, as Ashleigh continually replayed her dream in her mind over and over. The look Elijah had on his face in her dream and the look he currently had on his face were polar opposites.

“Elijah…I…I don’t know,” muttered Ashleigh as she sipped her coffee. “two months is…quite a long time…”

“Well…I tell you what…any amount of time you see fit…how does that sound?” asked Elijah.

Ashleigh took a sip of her coffee as she looked Elijah in the eye,

“He looks…so hopeful…how can I say no,” thought Ashleigh.

“I can check out anytime?” asked Ashleigh.

“Absolutely,” exclaimed Elijah with a grin, “As soon as you want to return to your old life…you’ll get no protests from me, I promise, Ashleigh…I promise, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy…the second you become unhappy, I won’t stand in your way, ” he added.

Ashleigh continued to smoke her cigarette, deep in thought,

“Zero resistance?” asked Ashleigh.

“Absolutely none…I mean…I’ll miss you…but I won’t stop you,” replied Elijah.

Ashleigh smiled as she extinguished her cigarette.

“I’ll do it,” stated Ashleigh with a huge smile.

“Oh my god…I love you, Ashleigh,” exclaimed Elijah excitedly,

Ashleigh’s eyes widened,

“Sorry,” laughed Elijah, “I’m just…oh my god I’m so excited…I promise we will have fun…you won’t regret this,” he added with a smile before he hugged her tightly

 “I suppose I had best go and get dressed,” stated Ashleigh, finishing her coffee before getting to her feet.

Ashleigh made her way to her bedroom, sending a text message to Wesley, letting him know that they wouldn’t be long. As she did so, she heard the sound of Elijah closing the bathroom door.

Ashleigh looked at the bags containing Ashleigh’s belongings,

“I guess I will need to unpack after all,” thought Ashleigh, “That can wait until later.”

Ashleigh retrieved the clothes she had taken off the previous day, the white bra to match the thong she was still wearing, the white blouse with capped sleeves, the black belt and the black pencil skirt along with the black high-heeled shoes.

Ashleigh admired her reflection in the bedroom mirror before placing Pippa’s beret on her head and securing it with hairpins, just had Rose had done for her. Ashleigh then picked up her handbag and took out the red lipstick she had used over the weekend before carefully colouring her lips to match her nails.

“Perfect,” thought Ashleigh, as she puckered her lips and blew herself a kiss in the mirror, giggling to herself, before turning to head back into the living room.

As Ashleigh entered the living room, Elijah came back from the kitchen where he had returned the two cups. When he looked up, he noticed Ashleigh standing by the hallway and it stopped him in his tracks.

“Ready?” asked Ashleigh softly as she smiled.

“Ashleigh…you…you look incredible,” mumbled Elijah, his eyes fixed on her.

“Elijah…” said Ashleigh, placing her hands on her hips, her smile becoming wider as she looked at him.

“Yeah…sorry…I’m ready,” said Elijah, “Does Wes know the plan?” he asked.

“He knows we’re coming…but not the change in plan…just yet,” said Ashleigh, “Come on…let’s get going,” she added, holding out her hand to Elijah.

The pair made their way downstairs, hand in hand, soon arriving at Ashleigh’s car, only separating as they climbed into the vehicle.

Just like Ashleigh’s dream, the car journey was done in almost complete silence, however, this time it was due to Elijah staring out of the window, his legs fidgeting the entire time.

Are you nervous?” asked Ashleigh, as they pulled to the side of the road, not far from the laboratory.

“Nervous…doesn’t even begin to explain, Ashleigh…I feel anxious…but also have this weird feeling…like butterflies in my stomach,” explained Elijah.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine…I’m here with you…remember,” said Ashleigh with a reassuring smile before she sent a text message to Wesley, letting him know they were close.

“But…but what if…what if Wes won’t do it…what if…I’m getting my hopes up…for nothing,” said Elijah.

“Elijah…I promise you…it’ll be fine…that bastard owes me…” stated Ashleigh, “I can guarantee…he’ll do this for you,” she added before setting off on her way once again.

A short while later, Ashleigh pulled up to the security hut, she wound down her window as she noticed Frank, the security guard, standing by the door.

“I’m here to see Mr. Ashton-Burns…he’s expecting me,” stated Ashleigh.

“Yeah, Mr. Ashton-Burns already said to look out for you, head on in, I’ll let him know you’ve arrived,” replied Frank as he raised the barriers.

Ashleigh drove the car into the car park and pulled into a bay.

“You can do this Elijah…it’s what you’ve always wanted..right?” stated Ashleigh, placing her hand gently on Elijah’s knee.

Elijah took a deep breath, placed his hand on hers and nodded,

“I can…because you’re here with me,” Elijah replied with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled,

“Ready?” she asked.

Elijah nodded once more in response before the pair both climbed out of the car at the same time.  One thing that Ashleigh noticed, however, was unlike her dream, there was no apparent sign of Elijah’s mystery object.

“Ashleigh!” yelled a familiar voice from across the car park, to which Ashleigh turned to spot Wesley quickly approaching the pair.

“Oh…Eloise…what are you doing here?” asked Wesley both looking and sounding rather surprised to see his cousin standing beside the car.

“I promised my best friend that I would be here…you know…that’s what best friends do,” quipped Elijah, “And it’s Elijah…by the way…not Eloise.”

Wesley looked at his cousin, noticing the way they were dressed,

“Oh…okay…does Aunt Bridget and Uncle Jasper know about…well you know?” asked Wesley.

“Yeah..they know…well…sort of,” stated Elijah.

Wesley turned to face Ashleigh, she noticed the way he looked at her from top to bottom.

“Ashleigh…you…you look incredible,” stated Wesley.

Ashleigh simply smiled in response.

“I would have expected you to be dressed more like El…Elijah,” he continued, “The process won’t change your clothes…or any makeup you’re wearing.”

“Oh I know…” answered Ashleigh.

“So…I don’t get it,” said Wesley looking and sounding confused once more.

Ashleigh took a deep breath,

“Wes…there’s…there’s been a change of plan,” said Ashleigh in a somewhat serious tone.

“Oh?” uttered Wesley in response, “Well…do explain…” he added as the three of them began walking to the main entrance of the building.

“Well…I’m gonna stay…like this I mean…a little longer,” explained Ashleigh.

Wesley stopped dead in his tracks,

“So…why didn’t you say so…why are you here?” he asked.

“Well…you owe me you bastard,” snapped Ashleigh.

Wesley tilted his head and looked at her blankly,

“I explained in my letter Ashleigh…any punishment you see fit…I’ll accept…no questions asked…but still…why are you here?” he asked.

“Well,” stated Ashleigh, glancing at Elijah, “You’re going to give Elijah, EXACTLY what he wants,” she added.

“Erm…o…k...I guess we can sort that for you, Elijah,” answered Wesley.

Elijah beamed with joy after hearing Wesley agree to help him,

“Don’t think for a second this clears the air between us though Wesley…I’m still mad at you…and you were right…we will never be friends again…ever,” barked Ashleigh, gaining a few looks from passers-by.

“Okay, okay, okay, I understand,” mumbled Wesley whilst gesturing for Ashleigh to keep her voice down so as to not draw any attention to themselves. “Well…I guess…come with me,” he added, whilst glancing at his cousin.

Wesley began to lead the pair past the reception desk and through to his lab.

“Deja vu,” thought Ashleigh, as she entered the lab, seeing the familiar sight of the chamber she had been locked inside of as she changed from Aaron to Ashleigh. She looked across at Elijah who now looked fairly nervous, yet was in awe of his surroundings. Ashleigh reached out her hand and gave his a gentle squeeze,

“You’ll be fine,” she whispered softly, “Trust me, it’ll all go by quicker than you realise…and soon…you will be exactly who you want to be,” she added with a reassuring smile.

Elijah smiled back at her as they stopped just in front of the chamber.

“So…I may as well get on with the preparations…Ashleigh if you would like to show Elijah what sh…he needs to do,” stated Wesley as he headed over to the computer.

Ashleigh led Elijah over to the chamber,

“So…you basically stand in here, Wes will close the doors and mess around with his computer a little…” explained Ashleigh.

Elijah looked at Ashleigh anxiously,

“Does…does it hurt?” mumbled Elijah.

“No…no it doesn’t hurt,” replied Ashleigh, taking Elijah by the hands. “It feels funny and it tingles…oh you’ll feel light-headed…but definitely doesn’t hurt,” she added with a comforting smile.

Elijah took a deep breath and looked Ashleigh in the eyes,

“Let’s do this,” he stated as he stepped inside the chamber before the door closed behind him.

In addition to the door closing and locking into place, Ashleigh heard Wesley, who was constantly tapping away on his keyboard as he worked on his computer.

“Initiating sequence…now,” stated Wesley.

Ashleigh approached the chamber, placing her hand on the glass just as Elijah had done in her dream. When Elijah saw her hand there, he placed his hand in the same position as hers.

“I love you, Ashleigh,” mouthed Elijah from within the chamber before smiling nervously at his friend.

“I…I…I love you too,” replied Ashleigh, her eyes fixed on Elijah.

“Oh my god…do…do I love him…I do…as a friend…but…no surely not…I’ve known him a few days,” thought Ashleigh as she watched Elijah close his eyes and lose consciousness.

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