Resequencing DNA

Chapter 45

Ashleigh watched Elijah lose consciousness and slump down in his position within the chamber.

“He’ll be like that for a short while,” stated Wesley, “But when he comes around…he’ll be a whole new person…just like you were Ashleigh.”

Ashleigh nodded as she continued to stand by the chamber,

“I…I can’t believe it…” Ashleigh pondered, “So…we will never see Eloise again…he…he will get his wish…and Elijah will be who he is…forever now.”

“So…erm…Ashleigh…” muttered Wesley.

Ashleigh glared in Wesley’s direction,

“Look…I know you are doing this for Elijah…and for that…I thank you,” snapped Ashleigh, “But as far as you and I go…Wes…you’re nothing to me.”

“I…I totally understand, Ashleigh…I truly do…and for everything that I put you through…well…I know it’s not enough…but all I can say is I’m sorry,” said Wesley, his voice sounding the most sincere that Ashleigh had ever known.

“Not enough?” snapped Ashleigh, “Not enough…Wes…you tried to rape me…Wes…you physically tried to force yourself on to me…a simple, oh I’m sorry, isn’t going to make that right. If it wasn’t as awkward for me to do so…I’d have had you arrested that very night…you should be locked away right now, Wesley…but then…who’d change me back? Who would do this…for Elijah? Huh…Wes…” she added, as tears began to well up in her eyes.

Wesley quickly diverted his eyes towards the ground,

“I…I don’t know what came over me…I don’t know what to say,” muttered Wesley in response.

“I…I thought you were my best friend…Wes…” mumbled Ashleigh, “but best friends…they don’t do what you have done to me…and that’s without deceiving me and trapping me like this in the first place,” she continued.

Ashleigh watched as tears began to roll down Wesley’s cheeks. It was evident that he now regretted his actions, yet nothing would ever make up for what he had done.

“It’s a shame…Wes…it’s a shame you couldn’t climb into that machine of yours and make YOURSELF a better person first…before trying to fix or…or meddle with the lives of others,” said Ashleigh. “The worst part is…if you had said to me in the beginning…will you go to Pip’s wedding in disguise…but as friends…I’d have done it…no questions asked…because you were my friend Wesley…I’d have done it for a fun weekend, knowing I’d change back afterwards. But instead…instead you tried to create your own perfect girlfriend and look how it turned out Wes.”

Wesley stood completely silent, continuing to look at the ground before closing his eyes. Ashleigh returned to the side of the chamber, trying to catch a glimpse of Elijah within.

Peering inside, Ashleigh could see the shape of Elijah inside the chamber, but with the flashing lights within, she was unable to make out any notable changes other than his frame appeared much larger than it had been.

“So…Wes...tell me about this machine of yours…how exactly does it work?” asked Ashleigh in an attempt to make small talk and change the subject in order to pass the time.

“Well…” stared Wes, as he approached where Ashleigh was standing.

“The cliff notes version please Wes…I don’t need all the science jargon,” said Ashleigh.

“Understood,” replied Wesley. “You see…in the case of Elijah…I simply adjust the fact that he was ever female…so Elijah should still look similar to how Eloise looked…however…he will look as he would have if he had been born male,” he proceeded to explain.

“Oh…And…in my case?” asked Ashleigh, giving a sideways look at Wesley.

“Your transformation was almost identical…you are almost precisely how you would have looked if you had been born as  Ashleigh,” replied Wesley, “However…I did make a few…minor tweaks.”

“Minor tweaks? Such as?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…the colour of your hair for example…it should…by all counts have remained dark brown…however, with a few code changes…I gave you red hair,” Wesley explained, “And your age…you went from being 32 as Aaron…but as Ashleigh…you now have the physiological body of a twenty-two-year-old.”

“Oh…I see…” muttered Ashleigh in response.

“So…in a nutshell…your DNA would still be a perfect match to that of Aaron…same as Elijah’s would be a perfect match for Eloise,” explained Wesley. “We do have the capabilities to completely rewrite if needed…but in the case of these transformations…that is completely unnecessary.”

“Oh…okay…cool,” said Ashleigh with a smile, “I kinda get it…but I think I’ll leave the science stuff alone,” added Ashleigh with a nervous giggle.

Wesley returned to the computer and proceeded to check the screens.

“So…why did you decide to stay this way a while longer?” asked Wesley.

“Well…I…I agreed to spend time with Elijah,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“And you had to stay as Ashleigh for that?” said Wesley, glancing up from the screens for a brief moment. “Kinda sounds like more than just…spending time with someone if you ask me,” chuckled Wes, “Are you two…dating?” he continued to ask.

“Well…I…I kinda guess we are…I promised him I’d stay this way…for a short while…until I decide the time is right to change back…so yeah…we will be…kinda dating…I guess,” Ashleigh replied.

“Oh…I see…” Wesley responded, the disappointment noticeably showing on his face.

“What’s the matter Wes…jealous?” asked Ashleigh sounding rather conceited with a slight smirk on her face.

“Ashleigh…you know I am,” replied Wesley, “before you changed…I never imagined that I would find you so…so incredibly beautiful.”

Ashleigh paused for a moment, she wasn’t expecting such a blunt, honest answer from Wesley.

“Well, Wes…I guess you had your chance and you blew it…after spending the weekend like this…I admit…I did have fun…that’s why I’m willing to stay this way…just a short while longer,” stated Ashleigh.

Wesley closed his eyes in disappointment before nodding and looking at the computer screen once more. Whilst the pair had been in conversation, the whirring that emanated from the chamber had come to a stop.

“Elijah…can you hear me,” said Wes into the small microphone that was positioned by the computer monitor. “I’m unlocking the doors…now.”

As Wesley tapped away on his keyboard, Ashleigh heard a loud clunk, followed by a hiss that sounded like something being depressurised.

Wesley quickly made his way to the chamber and opened the door. Ashleigh watched as Wesley helped Elijah to his feet and out of the chamber. Ashleigh couldn’t believe her eyes as the man that Wes helped from the chamber now towered over Wesley. He now stood at around 6ft 1inch tall with short, dark brown hair and eyes that matched. No longer did he have the small, rather delicate-looking frame of Eloise, he now had rather broad shoulders and a chest to match. His frame now filled out Aaron's clothes which he had borrowed, in fact, the clothes now looked rather tight. Elijah, as Weley had stated, did bear a resemblance to Eloise, however, his jawline was now somewhat chiselled and sported a dark, 5 o’clock shadow, his lips were now much thinner and his nose was now slightly wider and a rather prominent adam’s apple, protruding from his throat. His eyes were the main tell of his previous life. Just as Eloise had rather large, brown soulful eyes, so did Elijah. However, they were now slightly deeper set, beneath his more prominent brow.

“I…I feel weird…Wes,” muttered Elijah, his voice now sounding far deeper but still well-spoken.

“You will…remember your body has changed significantly…not to mention hormone changes,” replied Wesley.

“E…Elijah,” shrieked Ashleigh with excitement, placing her hands in front of her mouth.

“Ashleigh…I guess it worked huh,” replied Elijah with a chuckle and a smile.  “I’m okay…I can stand properly…I think,” added Elijah, signalling to Wesley to let go of him.

As Wesley let go, Elijah wobbled slightly before regaining his balance.

“So…what do you think,” said Elijah with a smile. Ashleigh had seen Eloise smile in the past, but something about the smile on Elijah’s face just seemed so much more positive, so much happier, he was himself, finally.

“You…you look amazing…I’m so happy for you,” stated Ashleigh with a huge smile.

“I actually feel…amazing,” stated Elijah, looking down at his body before his eyes returned to Ashleigh. “You know…you’re much shorter than I remember you being Ashleigh…have you shrunk?” joked Elijah, to which Ashleigh playfully slapped him on the arm. The pair stood, laughing and joking with one another for a brief period before Wesley spoke up.

“So…I guess I’ll see you again when you decide you want to change back…Ashleigh,” stated Wesley, interrupting the pair.

“You shall…it’ll be a few weeks Wes,” responded Ashleigh, her eyes not leaving Elijah who stood in front of her.

“Okay…I guess I’ll see you out,” said Wes.

“Hold on…I have one more thing…” said Elijah, his voice becoming rather serious and the look on his face matched,  as he turned towards Wesley.

In the blink of an eye, Elijah grabbed hold of Wesley by the collar and forced him back against a wall.

“Wait…hold on…what is this?” asked Wesley sounding rather panicked, unable to break free from Elijah’s grip.

“Elijah…stop,” pleaded Ashleigh, as she tried to pry the pair apart.

“You…you may be my cousin…but what you did to her…I could kill you,” snarled Elijah.

“Elijah no!” shrieked Ashleigh. “He’s not worth it,” she added.

“I know…I know…I’m sorry,” whimpered Wesley.

“Sorry…you’re sorry…well that won’t cut it Wes…not this time,” stated Elijah as he slammed Wesley’s back to the wall once again.

“Elijah…please…just let him go,” Ashleigh continued to beg.

'You are lucky, Wes... there will be a time when you will receive exactly what you deserve day...I promise you that." Elijah snarled before he slapped Wesley on the cheek. “Come on Ashleigh…let’s go…we can see ourselves out,” stated Elijah as he took Ashleigh by the hand before the pair left the room.

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