Resequencing DNA

Chapter 46

Ashleigh looked around as Elijah ushered her out of the lab quickly, back along the corridor and to the reception area, which was now much more populated than when they'd first arrived, as she glanced around the corridor. She was now fully aware of people stopping in their tracks, their eyes fixed upon the pair as they made their exit. Much to Ashleigh’s surprise, however, they finally made it outside of the building and back to the car park unhindered. Ashleigh was sure that the girl behind the desk was calling for security as she watched a man almost drag a young woman along by the hand.

“Elijah…Elijah, What the hell,” exclaimed Ashleigh once they were out of earshot of anyone else, finally dragging her hand free of Elijah’s grasp and coming to an abrupt halt.

“I’m sorry Ashleigh…I…I just had to get out of there…I hope I didn’t hurt you…” replied Elijah, “I don’t know what came over me…I know Wesley is my cousin…but…when I think about what he did…to you…I hate him.”

“Oh…Elijah, you didn’t hurt me…” said Ashleigh softly, taking him gently by the hand, “Honestly…he’s not worth it…but please…no more dragging me about…I don’t know how much more I can take,” she added with a sweet smile as she looked up at Elijah who now towered over her by a good few inches.

Elijah looked into her eyes and couldn’t help but smile back at her.

“You’ve just become who you’ve always wanted to be…do you really want to end up locked in a jail cell to celebrate this moment?” giggled Ashleigh.

“Honestly…if you weren’t there…I don’t know what I’d have done,” chuckled Elijah.

“Come on…let us think about Wesley no more…I only have to deal with him once more in my life then no more,” stated Ashleigh, as she started to lead Elijah back towards the car. “Let’s get out of here,” she added with a smile.

As they arrived back at the car, Ashleigh unlocked the doors and the pair climbed inside.

“You have to deal with him once more, huh?” asked Elijah, glancing across at Ashleigh as he fastened his seatbelt.

“Exactly…just once more,” responded Ashleigh with a smile.

 “Well…” began Elijah, flashing her a smile, “Ashleigh…if I do my job properly…you’ll never want to see him again,” he added with a chuckle.

“Oh…wow…confident much?” thought Ashleigh, smiling in response as she started up the car, “Even though it’s only been a short while…Elijah already seems…much happier…he seems free...that glint in his eye…the way he smiles at me.”


“So…where to, Elijah?” asked Ashleigh as she backed out of the parking space and headed to the main gate.

“First…home…I need to pay my dearest mother a visit,” replied Elijah with a smile as the car stopped at the gate.

Ashleigh looked over at the gatehouse, where she could see Frank, the security guard, peering from the window. Ashleigh smiled and gave him a wave to which he responded in the same manner, before opening the gate and allowing the pair to leave.

After a short journey, following Elijah’s directions, Ashleigh turned off down a private road and began to drive up a gravel road, much like the way to the Ashton-Burns estate. However, she soon noticed that the trail was nowhere near as long, pulling up outside of a gate, a short distance up the road.

“Well…here goes…” stated Elijah, climbing out of the car and approaching the gate to call the intercom.

As Elijah was in the midst of a clearly frustrating conversation, Ashleigh observed the house that could be seen from the gate. Whilst the house looked to be in no way, shape or form as grand as the Ashton-Burns manor, it was still incredibly large when compared to Ashleigh’s apartment or even any houses that Ashleigh was accustomed to.

After a short while, Elijah climbed back into the car.

“Everything alright?” enquired Ashleigh, noticing the shift in mood that was clear on his face.

“Yes…” responded Elijah, “Or rather it will be…soon,” he added as the pair watched the metal gates begin to open, allowing Ashleigh to continue driving along the gravel road and up towards the house.

As they got to the house, Ashleigh noticed Elijah’s brother, Willam, who was waiting outside and watching as they approached.

“Just as I thought,” stated Elijah, “They send William, instead of coming to greet me themselves,” he added as he began to climb out of the car once more.

Ashleigh watched as a look of astonishment came over William’s face as Elijah climbed out of the car and approached him. Elijah, now stood a good three inches or so, taller than his older brother, yet it wasn’t until seeing them together that Ashleigh could clearly notice the likeness the two shared.

Ashleigh then observed Elijah and William as they exchanged words, unable to quite hear what they were saying to one another, however, it did appear to be somewhat light-hearted, with the pair often laughing together. William handed Elijah a bag before Elijah appeared to walk towards the front door, to which William quickly stopped him. After the pair continued their conversation, Elijah looked over at the car and began to signal for Ashleigh to get out and join them.

“What does he want me for?” thought Ashleigh as she stepped out of the car and carefully made her way across the gravel and over to where the two brothers were standing.

“Ashleigh…this is my brother…Willam,” stated Elijah.

Ashleigh smiled in response,

“I do believe we met…at Pippa’s wedding,” said Ashleigh.

“Yes…briefly, but you were never formally introduced,” explained Elijah.

 William slightly bowed as he gently took hold of Ashleigh’s hand and kissed it softly,

“How very lovely to meet you, Ashleigh,”  stated William.

“It’s lovely to meet you too,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“I honestly can’t believe that it’s you,” stated William, turning back to look at Elijah, “You look so…so different.”

“I feel so different too…I feel good,” Elijah responded with a huge smile on his face.

“Well…as long as you are happy…brother…that is all that matters to me,” said William before he hugged his younger brother. “I am sure mother and father will come around eventually,” he added.

“Father…maybe…but mother…I highly doubt,” stated Elijah.

As the two brothers hugged, something caught Ashleigh’s eye. Then she noticed that one of the curtains in one of the upstairs windows had moved just a little bit. When she looked up, she instantly recognised the rather familiar figure of Bridget, who was glaring with a look of disdain before quickly disappearing out of sight as soon as she realised she had seen her.

“Look after this one, Ashleigh, make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble,” joked William, even though Elijah was making eyes at his brother to stop talking.

Ashleigh looked at the pair rather confused.

“What does he mean…look after him?” she thought with a puzzled look on her face.

“Ashleigh…I…I never got the chance to ask you…” started Elijah, glaring at William as he did so. “May I…would you mind if…if I stay with you…just for a few days?” he asked.

Ashleigh stood in complete silence. She said she would always be there and support Elijah, but now he was asking if he could move in with her…on day one.

“I…I guess so…” muttered Ashleigh in response.

“What else can I say?” she thought, still rather taken aback by the situation she had quickly found herself in. Whilst she would never have said no, she would have much preferred it if Elijah had discussed it with her first, not just put her on the spot.

“Thank you…and I promise you, Ashleigh, you won’t regret it,” said Elijah with a smile.

Ashleigh said goodbye to William and climbed back into the car, with Elijah following soon after and a few moments later they were on the way back to Ashleigh’s apartment. The entire journey back was in silence before Ashleigh eventually spoke up as they stopped in the car park to the apartment building.

“So…I guess we’re roommates for a while huh?” stated Ashleigh with a nervous giggle.

“Listen…Ashleigh…about that…I’m terribly sorry…I wanted to ask you…I didn’t want it to be put on you like that…” said Elijah. “I’ll pay for everything…whilst I’m here…and I’ll be out of your way in a few days…I promise… I just need to get on my feet…start my new life…you know.”

Ashleigh turned to look at Elijah, his deep, soulful brown eyes that had previously been so happy, now looked full of sadness. And yet, on the exterior, Ashleigh could tell that he was trying so hard not to show how he was feeling, yet his eyes told her everything.

“He finally gets to be who he wants to be…and his parents turn their back on him…it’s not fair,” thought Ashleigh.

“Elijah…you staying with me…that’s not the problem…I would have just…you know…liked to have discussed it first,” replied Ashleigh, placing her hand gently on top of his. “I told you before…I’m here for you,” she added with a smile.

“At least someone is,” joked Elijah smiling ever so briefly before letting out a sigh.

“There is no doubt that I will always be there for will always have William...and Pip no doubt when she is home...we all love and care for you Elijah...if your parents cannot handle who you are...fine, that's fine...their loss," said Ashleigh with a smile on her face. 

“Thank you, Ashleigh,” said Elijah as he smiled back at her before climbing out of the car. He quickly made his way around to the driver's side and opened the door for her, taking her by the hand as she climbed out of the car.

“Ever the gentleman,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“You know…it used to irritate me…when people used to treat me that way,” laughed Elijah, “It just…it didn’t feel right…you know,” he added as they made their way across to the building.

“Really…” exclaimed Ashleigh with a giggle, “I don’t mind it if I’m honest…makes me feel…respected,” she giggled.

Once again, Elijah kindly held the door for Ashleigh to enter after Ashleigh scanned her key fob to open the door.

“You know…everything seems so much smaller now,” joked Elijah as they stood and waited for the elevator.

“Oh, I bet,” joked Ashleigh, “Yet to me…it all seems so much bigger,” she laughed as the doors opened and the pair stepped inside. “You know…I had better be careful…I’ll be getting a name for myself with the neighbours…first Wesley…now you…they’ll be wondering how many men can a girl go through in less than a week,” Ashleigh joked.

“Ah let them talk,” Elijah chuckled, “They’re only jealous of your beauty anyway,” he added with a smile.

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