Resequencing DNA

Chapter 53

Ashleigh returned to her apartment, fresh off the back of her conversation with Mrs Goodwin.

“Ashleigh, as I was saying, we are to be picked up in 2 hours 40 minutes,” stated Elijah, leaning on the wall where the hallway meets the living room.

Has he literally waited there till I came back in?” thought Ashleigh, fighting off the urge to giggle.

“Picked up…by who?” asked Ashleigh, tilting her head to the side whilst raising an eyebrow.

“Well…it’s Aunt Viv and Uncle Alistair’s party, so the safe bet would be on James,” laughed Elijah, as he pushed himself off the wall and approached her.

Elijah stopped just short of the bathroom, a good few feet away from Ashleigh. Yet, from where she was standing, she could already smell the scent of his rather musky aftershave. She always seemed to find its scent rather intoxicating indeed. It had become his signature scent, one that appeared to linger in the apartment, even when he wasn’t there, reminding her of him.

“I guess I had…erm…go get ready then,” said Ashleigh before racing into her bedroom, once again, avoiding eye contact with her friend.

She could feel her heart racing, the palms of her hands were now sweating and her cheeks were turning a rosy pink.

“Jesus Ashleigh, get it together,” she thought closing the door behind her.

She sat on the end of her bed briefly as she tried to compose herself, she shook her head, trying to push those thoughts away. She couldn't risk their friendship by confessing her feelings. Besides, she didn't even know if Elijah felt the same way, especially if she planned on changing back to Aaron.  So, she kept her feelings to herself, hoping they would eventually fade away.

 “It’s clearly a hormonal thing…this must be normal after being on a period and whatever,” she assumed. “Right…on with getting ready,” she thought as she began to trawl through her wardrobe looking for something to wear.

Ashleigh picked out a set of black, lace underwear before choosing an outfit. Eventually, she set eyes on exactly what she was going to choose. It was a daring choice, one that she initially hesitated to make, yet for one last outing as Ashleigh, why not. She opted for the most expensive thing she and Pippa had purchased with Wesley’s money on their shopping trip, something that she had promised to Pippa as a gift when she finally returns to her old life as Aaron. It was a stunning red, silk dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. The plunging neckline showed off a generous amount of cleavage, and the skirt hung just above her knees, giving her a sense of confidence and allure. As she slipped into the dress, she couldn't help but feel a sense of empowerment. It was a daring choice, one that she initially hesitated to make, yet in the back of her mind, a little voice told her for one last outing as Ashleigh, why not go all out?

She tied her long hair back in a simple, yet elegant bun in the way that Rose had taught her during her time at the Ashton-Burns Manor.

“Now for makeup,” she thought as she began to rifle through the cosmetics that had accumulated.

With a deep breath, Ashleigh began with the basics, following the motions that her friend Pippa’s friend Rose on the cosmetics counter had shown her. She had also received tips and tricks from Pippa, who was an avid makeup enthusiast. Armed with this knowledge, Ashleigh started with a little primer to create a smooth base for her makeup. She then applied a light concealer to cover any blemishes, followed by a touch of foundation to even out her skin tone. As she continued to apply the products, Ashleigh couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

“I’m getting the hang of this,” she thought to herself with a smile, gently sweeping the brush across her face as she applied a base layer, “Something I never thought I’d do,” she giggled to herself.

Ashleigh then carefully applied a light dusting of blush to her cheeks, followed by a touch of bronzer to give her a sun-kissed glow. She then moved on to her eyes, using a neutral eyeshadow palette to create a subtle yet defined look. With a steady hand, she applied eyeliner and mascara, which instantly made her eyes pop.

Finally, it was time for the finishing touches. Ashleigh carefully chose a matte, deep red lipstick and applied it with precision. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t believe the transformation. She felt confident and beautiful. Ashleigh then picked out a silver, sparkly pair of shoes with a two-inch heel and picked up her handbag, before inspecting her appearance one last time.

“I…I…I actually look and feel…so beautiful,” thought Ashleigh, her eyes fixed on the beautiful, elegant young woman staring back at her, she couldn’t help but smile.

Just then there was a knock at her bedroom door,

“Ashleigh, ten minutes till we are to be picked up,” stated Elijah.

“I’ll be out in a moment, Elijah, don’t worry,” replied Ashleigh, as she gave herself a quick spritz of perfume, one which had a light and flowery scent.

As she walked out of her bedroom, she found Elijah waiting for her in the living room. He looked handsome as always, and the sight of him made her heart skip a beat.

“Ashleigh…” stated Elijah before becoming almost lost for words “You look…you look, beautiful,” he said with a smile.

In that moment, she could feel her cheeks flush and her heart flutter as her eyes met his.

“Thank you,” she replied with a smile, her heart once more beating hard in her chest.

Elijah’s phone, however, buzzed and interrupted the moment.

“They’re here,” stated Elijah.

Ashleigh quickly scooped up her phone and her cigarettes, placing them in her handbag. Elijah, ever the gentleman, held out his arm and flashed his charming smile,

“Ready?” he asked.

Ashleigh linked his arm and the pair made their way out of the apartment and into the elevator.

As the elevator began to descend, it stopped on the floor below them and in stepped Mrs Goodwin, who smiled at the couple as she pressed the button for the ground floor As the three of them stood in the elevator, the silence was almost deafening. Ashleigh was taken aback by Mrs Goodwin's reserved demeanour, something she had not expected from her cheerful and friendly neighbour. But every now and then, Mrs Goodwin would make eye contact with Ashleigh, smiling as she did so.

However, as the doors pinged and opened, Elijah stood to the side,

“Ladies first,” he stated with a smile, allowing Mrs Goodwin to exit first, followed by Ashleigh.

“Ever the gentleman,” said Mrs Goodwin, “good ones like him are hard to find,” she added before stopping and turning back towards Ashleigh. “Remember dear the heart and the head should work together, not against each other,” she added with a wink and a smile before finally getting on her way.

Ashleigh smiled,

“What was all that about?” asked Elijah, looking at Ashleigh rather curiously.

“Oh…nothing,” replied Ashleigh, linking arms with Elijah once more as they began to leave the building. “Just…girl things…you wouldn’t understand,” she added with a giggle.

As they got outside the building, there in the car park was the familiar sight of the limousine with James standing beside it.

He greeted them with a professional demeanour, addressing Elijah and Ashleigh as “Mr Elijah” and “Miss Ashleigh” as he held open the door for them.

“How very nice to see you again James,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

James just gave a half smile and a nod of his head in response before gesturing for her to climb inside. As she did so, she was shocked to find Pippa and Edward already sitting inside.

“ASHLEIGH!!!” screeched Pippa, her face lit up with excitement at the sight of her friend. Edward also smiled warmly, “You look incredible,” Pippa added rather enthusiastically.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“That dress though,” said Pippa as she did a chef’s kiss, “I told you it would look stunning on you didn’t I,” she added.

Once Elijah was also in the limousine, James closed the door behind him and it wasn’t long before the group was on their way.

As they travelled, Ashleigh and Pippa made small talk, sipping champagne that was stocked in the mini-fridge, bringing back memories of their shopping trip, when Ashleigh first came to be who she presently was. Elijah and Edward chatted among themselves, with Elijah asking Edward questions and gaining business tips.

As the car turned onto a long, winding driveway, Ashleigh couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the countryside surrounding the house. The rolling hills and vast expanse of greenery were a far cry from the busy city life she lived. The anticipation grew as the house came into view, a large and stately home that was not as grand as the Ashton-Burns manor, but still impressive in its own right.

As the car pulled up outside the home, Ashleigh peered out of the window, noticing that Alistair and Vivian had come outside to greet their guests.

James opened the door and offered his hand to help Ashleigh out of the car. She stepped out, her eyes taking in the grandeur of the house and the warm welcome from her hosts.

“Ashleigh my dear,” stated Vivian, her face lighting up as she saw Ashleigh. “I wasn’t expecting to see you, what a pleasant surprise!” She exclaimed as she approached and threw her arms around Ashleigh in a warm embrace.

“I was talked into coming, by Elijah,” said Ashleigh with a smile as she looked around to see him approaching the pair.

“Aunt Vivian,” said Elijah with a smile, as Vivian hugged him.

“Well, I’m so glad he did,” she said smiling as she turned back to Ashleigh, “He did say he had talked you into staying in town a little longer and that he had been staying with you,” explained Vivian. “And for that Ashleigh, I express my thanks.”

“It’s my pleasure, honestly,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“Honestly, I am so proud of him. Such a handsome young man my nephew has become,” stated Vivian, “And he told me that he could never have done it without you,” she added, looking at Ashleigh with affection.

Ashleigh felt a rush of warmth and happiness at Vivian's words. Elijah had indeed come a long way since they first met and she was proud to have been a part of his journey.

But for Ashleigh, it wasn't about recognition or praise. She was just happy to see Elijah happy and thriving.

“I'm just glad I could be there for him,” she replied humbly. “He's a wonderful person, and I'm grateful to have him as a friend.”

Ashleigh believed that her role in Elijah's life was simply to be a source of support and encouragement. She never imagined that her impact would be so significant.

“Come on then,” said Vivian, “Let us continue inside, where it is warm,” she added with a smile.

The main hall, though not even half the size of the Ashton-Burns Manor, exuded the same sense of grandeur and sophistication as the old house. The marble floors shone under the warm glow of the chandeliers, and the walls were adorned with beautiful paintings and portraits. And yet, one thing was evident, this house looked much fresher, much more modern and up-to-date.

“This place is just as beautiful as your last home Vivian,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

“Thank you, dear, I’m glad you like it,” replied Vivian with a smile. “It only finished being built a few months ago by our dear, now son-in-law, Edward,” she beamed.

“Oh, wow,” replied Ashleigh.

Vivian led Ashleigh into the living room, which was just as breathtaking as the rest of the house. As they settled down on the plush couches, Vivian explained the reason behind their move as they sat beside the crackling fireplace.

“The old place was far too big for me and Alistair these days,” Vivian explained, “especially now all the children have grown up and moved out, you see. That’s why we wanted this place…we don’t require half as many members of staff to maintain the place. And naturally, our old home is more suited to Pippa to someday have a family of her own,” she added with a glint in her eye.

Ashleigh nodded, understanding Vivian’s reasoning. It made sense for the couple to downsize now that their children were grown and had families of their own. But Ashleigh also knew that no matter the size of the house, Vivian and Alistair would always have their children and grandchildren over, filling it with love and laughter.

“I shall continue our tour shortly my dear, but for now I need to rest my weary aching bones,” joked Vivian.

“It’s quite alright,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, looking around for Elijah who she hadn’t realised had left her and was now in conversation with Alistair and Edward out in the hall.

“Now, Ashleigh, how have things been with you since we last spoke?” asked Vivian with a smile.

Ashleigh went on to tell Vivian how she had gone out for lunch with Pippa to The Sheridan restaurant and met Chef Harriett.

“Ah yes, Nina is lovely isn’t she,” replied Vivian with a smile.

“Does this whole family… except Wes…know famous people,” thought Ashleigh.

“Yes The Sheridan is one of our favourite restaurants, Alistair and I have been many times,” explained Vivian.

“So who else is coming this evening?” asked Ashleigh,

“Oh just the usual, Jude and Elle shall be arriving shortly, as will Jasper and Bridget,  oh and Elijah’s brother, William,” replied Vivian.

“No invitation for Wes, huh?” thought Ashleigh.

“I See,” replied Ashleigh.

“Ashleigh…I know what you are thinking. And no, he’s not welcome, especially where you are my dear,” stated Vivian.

Ashleigh looked at Vivian with a look of slight confusion,

“But…I didn’t say anything,” Ashleigh started to say, but Vivian cut her off.

“I know you didn't, but I can see it in your eyes. Besides, I know how much pain Wes caused you, and I would never want you to be uncomfortable in my home,” Vivian said with a reassuring smile. “Speaking of which…have you seen or heard anything from that…creature?”

“Not since he helped Elijah with his…you know,” replied Ashleigh, “Have you?”

Vivian shook her head,

“Thankfully not,” she answered, “You know how sometimes in life there are just certain things you regret. Well doing what I did and giving birth to… never mind, I’ve said too much,” she added her tone filled with regret

Ashleigh could tell that Vivian was referring to Wes and the pain he had caused her. She wanted to comfort her, but she also didn’t want to pry. What did she mean? What was it she regretted?

“Anyway, enough of that,” replied Ashleigh, trying to change the subject, “Let’s focus on the present,” she said in a rather upbeat manner.

“ Well, food will be served in around an hour,” said Vivian, looking at the grandfather clock that stood in the corner of the room. “How about, we go back out into the hall and see what everyone else is up to,” Vivian added with a smile. Yet Ashleigh could still see a pain in the older woman’s eyes despite her attempts to hide it, it wasn’t there before, only once Wesley was brought into the conversation. Had Vivian just unintentionally let something slip? What had she said too much about?

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