Resequencing DNA

Chapter 54

Ashleigh and Vivian made their way back out into the main hall. Once there, Ashleigh noticed that more people had arrived. Pippa was now deep in conversation with Elle, whilst Alistair, Edward, Elijah and Jude all stood together, no doubt discussing business or finances or something along those lines.

“Come dear,” said Vivian with a giggle as she led Ashleigh by the arm, “We shall go and join these two fabulous ladies,” she added as they began to head towards Pippa and Elle.

As they approached the group, Ashleigh couldn't help but notice Elijah. He looked so free, so different from a few weeks ago when he was still living as Eloise. Back then, he would have been stuck with the ladies, talking about things he didn't care for, and being expected to act in ways that didn't feel natural to him. But now, there he was, almost the centre of attention amongst the group of guys he was standing with, and clearly loving every moment of it.

As they got closer, Ashleigh could see that Elijah was having a great time. He was laughing and joking with the guys, his body language exuding confidence and ease. It was like he had finally found his tribe, a group of people who accepted him for who he truly was.

As they passed by the group of guys, Elijah noticed Ashleigh watching him. As their eyes met in passing, Ashleigh couldn't help but smile and he was quick to smile back at her. It was a small moment, but it spoke volumes. She was proud of who he was becoming and she knew that he was finally living his truth, to be himself and it was a beautiful thing to witness.

Eventually, Ashleigh and Vivian got to where Pippa and Elle were standing and seamlessly slipped right into the conversation. Or rather, Vivian did as Ashleigh quietly observed between glancing over at Elijah, until however, the conversation was turned on her, just as Gerard came around offering the ladies glasses of champagne.

“Oh my god, Ashleigh, you look incredible,” stated Elle, her eyes scanning Ashleigh's outfit from head to toe.

“Doesn’t she,” replied Pippa, grinning from ear to ear.

“That dress is to die for and it just looks stunning on you,” Elle added, “It helps that you definitely have the figure for it too.”

These compliments made Ashleigh’s cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. Ashleigh couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and joy at the compliments coming from two ladies who themselves had impeccable fashion sense and always looked incredible.

Pippa was wearing a navy blue, off-the-shoulder dress that sat just above her knees, whilst Elle was wearing a figure-hugging gold, halter-neck dress that stopped around her mid-thigh.

“Well, as much as I appreciate the comments, ladies, you both look fabulous too,” replied Ashleigh, her cheeks still feeling rather flushed.

Pippa smiled and playfully nudged her,

“Oh, don't be modest. We all know you have a great sense of style,”

Ashleigh couldn't help but grin, feeling a sense of validation for her choice of outfit.

“Excuse me,” giggled Vivian, “am I not dressed nice enough for the cool girl club?” she joked. The four women all laughed together before Pippa spoke up,

“You always look gorgeous Mum,” she said with a smile on her face, “Doesn’t she ladies,” she added to which both Ashleigh and Elle nodded in agreement, “Where do you think I get my fashion sense from…certainly not Daddy,” she joked, the group all laughing along with her once more.

“Hey, leave your Father alone,” said Vivian, “he tries his best,” she added.

The girls continued to laugh with one another before Pippa smiled as she looked at Ashleigh once more,

“Your makeup looks absolutely flawless too,” she said, “Did you have it done for you?” she proceeded to ask with a rather mischievous smile on her face.

“Aww thank you,” Ashleigh laughed, “No, I actually did it myself. I've been practising my makeup skills lately, I’m glad to see the effort is paying off then I guess,” she added, sipping on her champagne.

Pippa and Elle were both impressed and showered her with more compliments, making Ashleigh feel even more confident and proud.

“Excuse me, Vivian,” said Ashleigh,

“Yes dear,” replied Vivian.

“Is there somewhere I can go to have a quick cigarette?” asked Ashleigh.

“Yes of course dear,” replied Vivian, “There’s a small area out in the garden where Alistair is allowed to smoke his cigars,” she added, pointing towards the back of the hall.

“I’ll show her Mum,” said Pippa with a smile, “Come, Ashleigh, I’ll take you through,” she added, taking Ashleigh by the hand and leading her past the group of guys to a door nestled in the far right corner of the hall.

As they stepped outside, the sky was now completely dark and Ashleigh was greeted by the sight of a beautiful garden, illuminated by twinkling fairy lights and flickering candles. The serene ambience instantly made her feel calm and she took a deep breath, relishing in the fresh air. Pippa led her to a cosy seating area, complete with plush cushions and a small table, a small wooden shelter and heat lamps that automatically switched on as Ashleigh entered the shelter.

“So, Ashleigh, are you enjoying yourself?” asked Pippa, a huge smile on her face.

Ashleigh lit up a cigarette before turning to answer her friend,

“Actually, you know what Pip…I am,” she replied with a smile.

“You know what Ashleigh, not only am I proud of Elijah…I’m proud of you too,” stated Pippa, her smile growing wider.

Ashleigh took a drag of her cigarette and cocked her head to the side, looking at her friend with a look of complete confusion,

“proud of me…what on earth for?” she asked.

Pippa walked a few feet away and looked out across the garden and its twinkling lights,

“You know…a few weeks ago…when Weley first told me…you know…” started Pippa before pausing.

“What he’d done to me, you mean?” asked Ashleigh.

“Mm-hmm,” exclaimed Pippa before pausing once again.

“Why does that make you proud of me?” asked Ashleigh, the confusion in her voice ever growing.

“Because when we first met, you were a completely different person,” said Pippa.

“Well of course I was when we first met all those years ago,” giggled Ashleigh.

Pippa turned and looked at her friend,

“No…when I first met YOU Ashleigh…you were…different,” explained Pippa, “I’m not talking about the…other…you,” she added whilst looking around making sure nobody else was in earshot.

“What…how?” Ashleigh asked, her curiosity piqued.

“Well, I was thinking, back to our shopping trip…when you came to my wedding…I don’t know…it’s like…maybe because I knew…looking back…you were like a guy…pretending to be a girl…you know,” Pippa explained. “Whereas now…seeing you…the way you talk, the way you move, the way you act, your mannerisms…you ARE Ashleigh, you ARE a woman,” she added with a huge smile on her face.

Ashleigh stood there in silence, stunned by Pippa’s words,

“The way you were…that day we went for lunch together, how you are now…I look at you…Ashleigh…and that’s who I see. I no longer see a…a man who is trying to be a woman…in fact…I would go as far as to say, that I see a woman, who is trying so desperately hard, to pretend that she is still a man, when deep down…that is not the case,” continued Pippa.

Ashleigh took a long drag of her cigarette before looking down at the ground and letting out a sigh,

“You don’t have to pretend anymore, Ash. I see you, the real you, and I accept you and I love you for who you are,” Pippa said softly, approaching her friend and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “tonight, I saw Elijah, with the guys…you saw it too…right?” asked Pippa, to which Ashleigh nodded.

“Well…it wasn’t just Elijah…I…I saw you, where you belong, with me and…and Elle and my Mum…” explained Pippa supportively. At that moment, Ashleigh felt a tingling sensation in her chest, a sense of warmth, security and belonging that she had never felt before.

“Tonight…I…I was enjoying the company…the conversation…I…I kinda felt…normal…a sense of belonging,” thought Ashleigh before looking at Pippa, standing before her with a comforting smile on her face.

Ashleigh then felt tears begin to well up in her eyes,

“Don’t you dare cry Ashleigh…you’ll ruin your makeup,” joked Pippa, her voice beginning to break as she did so, “Plus…you’ll make me cry, sweetie,” she added, fighting back the tears.

 Ashleigh giggled,

“Thank you…Pip…I guess you’re right,” said Ashleigh, “I guess…that’s why I’ve been so…so hell-bent on changing back… yet when it finally comes around…I guess I become reluctant…you know,” she added, stubbing out her cigarette.

“I know, sweetie…but it’s okay, I promise you,” Pippa replied, softly and reassuringly as she hugged her friend. “And… can I please…please…please for the love of god say something else?” asked Pippa.

“Sure…why not,” Ashleigh replied with a kind of half sniffle, half giggle.

“Ashleigh…there is a man inside that house who loves you, just as much as you love him,” stated Pippa.

“That obvious?” asked Ashleigh with a sweet giggle.

“YES Ashleigh, I can see from a mile away, that you love Elijah and the whole world can see that he loves you,” exclaimed Pippa, “Even before he changed…the day of my wedding…I’m pretty sure he was crushing on you so hard,” giggled Pippa.

“It does explain a few things,” thought Ashleigh, “The way he tried to warn me off James, the way he was pissed over Warren.”

“The next wedding I want to be attending is the one where I’m welcoming you to our family,” said Pippa as both girls giggled. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Mr and Mrs Elijah and Ashleigh Burns,” Pippa giggled

Hearing Pippa’s words brought a blush to Ashleigh's cheeks as well as a bringing back the butterflies in her stomach.

“I tell you what, I’ll even host the wedding at my new home,” she added, sticking out her tongue as she did so.

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