Resequencing DNA

Chapter 55

As Ashleigh and Pippa made their way back into the house, Ashleigh suddenly stopped before they got within earshot of anyone else.

“There was something, that I…” she said in a hushed tone before she paused “Never mind,” she added, the look on her face saying that something was on her mind.

Pippa looked at her friend quizzically,

“Ashleigh…what is it?” asked Pippa.

“I…I shouldn’t, it’s not my place to say or anything, come on,” said Ashleigh as she began to carry on into the house, but Pippa quickly grabbed her by the hand.

Ashleigh stopped and took a deep breath,

“It's just…” she said pausing once more, looking her friend in the eye, “It’s Wes,” she added.

Pippa rolled her eyes,

“No…Ashleigh, forget that bastard,” she stated, “This is about you and Elijah now. You deserve to be happy.”

“Oh I know,” replied Ashleigh, “don’t worry, there is absolutely zero feeling there for him. It’s just something that was said…earlier,” explained Ashleigh.

“Ashleigh…by who?” inquired Pippa, tilting her head to one side in curiosity.

“It’s probably nothing…” stated Ashleigh, “but, when I was talking to your mum, earlier, she said she had made a mistake, her exact words were ‘doing what I did and giving birth to Wesley.’ I’ve had this…this weird feeling that everything isn’t quite what it seems,” she explained.

Pippa looked stunned,

“I…I wonder what she meant,” muttered Pippa, stunned by what Ashleigh had just told her.

“I…I’m sorry Pip, I shouldn’t have said anything…but it’s been bugging me and you’re my best friend,” mumbled Ashleigh.

“Oh Ashleigh, It’s quite alright…I just find it rather curious,” replied Pippa, “And I think…well…if there is something odd with my family, I deserve to know, wouldn’t you agree?” she asked.

“Pip…please…don’t say that I said anything, please,” pleaded Ashleigh to which Pippa nodded in agreement.

“I won’t, don’t worry,” answered Pippa with a smile, “but please, I need you to try and find out more for me, otherwise…” she added before pausing.

“Otherwise…what, Pip?” asked Ashleigh.

“Otherwise, I will have to ask her myself,” stated Pippa with a smile.

“Why did I have to open my mouth?” thought Ashleigh as the girls continued to make their way back to the main hall.

As they arrived back in the main hall, Ashleigh noticed that since she had been outside, Elijah’s parents, Jasper and Bridget had arrived, as had William, Elijah’s brother.

Pippa leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Ooo, Ashleigh, there’s your potential future in-laws,” as she giggled, pointing towards her Aunt Bridget who was now chatting with Vivian and Elle.

“Pip…remember how you were convincing me to do this not long ago?” said Ashleigh in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Mmhmm,” replied Pippa with a mischievous grin.

“Well then, now is not the time to undo all your good work is it,” giggled Ashleigh.

As they approached the group of women, Ashleigh quickly glanced in the direction of Elijah, as she had been doing all night, but her attention was diverted when she noticed Elijah's father, Jasper, standing with his back to Elijah It was clear that Jasper was trying to force Elijah out of the conversation and insert himself into it instead. Ashleigh couldn't believe what she was seeing. Whilst she could have imagined that sort of behaviour from Bridget, she never imagined that she would witness it from Jasper, especially towards his own son.

 But before Ashleigh had the chance to mention what she had seen to Pippa, the pair had already made it to the group.

“Oh Ashleigh, Pippa you’re back,” exclaimed Vivian, welcoming the pair back to the group with open arms. But Bridget's reaction was quite different. She gave Ashleigh a once-over before turning her back to her, almost giving her the cold shoulder.

“Hmpf,” grunted Bridget, shuffling herself so that she was now facing just Vivian, Elle and Pippa, whilst almost giving Ashleigh the cold shoulder.

But Bridget's reaction was quite different. She gave Ashleigh a once-over before turning her back to her, almost giving her the cold shoulder.

It wasn’t long, however, before Pippa noticed Bridget’s behaviour,

“Aunt Bridget,” stated Pippa, trying to sound polite.

“Yes, dear?” Bridget replied,

“Do you have a problem with my dear friend Ashleigh?” asked Pippa rather bluntly.

“Uh oh,” thought Ashleigh.

“Not at all dear,” snorted Bridget, “Whatever would give you that idea?”

Ashleigh could see the anger in Pippa's eyes as she responded,

“Well, in that case, you must just be outright rude,” she snapped.

“Pippa!” exclaimed Vivian, taken back by her daughter’s words.

“Well mum, I can’t help it,” barked Pippa. By this point, both groups had fallen silent and were looking at the commotion. “It’s not just her who’s rude either, look at Uncle Jasper.”

“So Pippa had noticed too,” thought Ashleigh, remaining silent in the awkward situation that had arisen, besides, she knew Pippa would be able to hold her own without any need to intervene.

“Philippa, I demand you explain yourself this instant,” barked Vivian.

Ashleigh, as well as almost everyone else in the room, was stunned, it wasn’t often that Vivian would raise her voice at Pippa, let alone full name her.

“Well, Mother,” started Pippa, “Let’s just ask Elijah, shall we,” she added as she looked to her cousin. “Now, Elijah…has either of your parents, so much as acknowledged you since they arrived?”

“Pippa, please, it is fine,” replied Elijah softly.

But Pippa was not one to back down easily. “Elijah, that wasn’t the question,” she barked, her eyes flashing with anger. Elijah looked across the room, staring his mother in her eyes,

“You know what Pip,” replied Elijah his voice becoming rather stern, “Neither of them has acknowledged me since I stopped pretending to be who I’m not.”

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Everyone in the room was stunned, shocked by Elijah’s words.

“And it will continue to be that way, Eloise, until you stop this silly charade,” scoffed Bridget.

“See Mother, they are awful to poor Elijah,” stated Pippa, coming to her cousin’s defence. “She is nothing but a bitter old cow and he is nothing but a snivelling, pathetic excuse for a man,” her voice dripping with contempt.

Pippa’s words were like daggers, aimed at her own aunt and uncle. Her loyalty to Elijah was evident, and her words only added fuel to the fire.

Bridget stood with her mouth gaping, unable to come up with a retort. Jasper, on the other hand, was quick to defend his wife.

Bridget stood with her mouth gaping, unable to come up with a retort. Jasper, on the other hand, was quick to defend his wife.

“You watch your tone with your Aunt, Pippa,” he said sternly, “Alistair, didn’t you ever teach your children how to respect?” he directed his question at Alistair, who had remained silent until now.

But as Alistair opened his mouth to respond, something unexpected happened. He turned red in the face, his body shaking with anger. Ashleigh thought he was going to burst right there.

“Jasper! Don’t you ever talk that way about any of my children,” snarled Alistair, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

The room fell silent once again, all eyes now on Alistair. His outburst had taken everyone by surprise, including Ashleigh. She had never seen him so enraged before, even with the matter between Aaron and Pippa, she had never witnessed him quite so angry.

Jasper, on the other hand, remained calm and collected. “I’m only stating the truth, Alistair,” he replied calmly, “Your children need to learn to show respect.”

With that said, nobody could envision what was to happen next. Alistair grabbed Jasper by the arm and turned him around to face him before punching his younger brother in the mouth, sending him sprawling to the ground.

“I warned you, Jasper, never speak ill of my children,” barked Alistair, “ And as for children, you should be incredibly proud of your Son, the man he has become and who he aspires to be,” he continued, “HE looked up to you. Elijah told me HE wanted to be like you, like me, like his brothers. Instead, you treat him like he’s a leper like he doesn’t fit in with YOUR family, he doesn’t fit YOUR ideals. The two of you are a disgrace to our family, now get out of my house, before so help me god I do something that I may regret.”


The whole room stood in silence as Jasper dragged himself up from the floor, clenching his jaw.

“LOOK, look what you have caused GIRL!” snarled Jasper, looking at Elijah as he got to his feet.

“Did I not make myself clear!” yelled Alistair, “GET OUT of my house, the pair of you! You are no longer welcome. And Anyone and I MEAN ANYONE who has anything bad to say about this man, can follow them and never show your face again,” he added, placing his hand on Elijah’s shoulder.

“Jasper and I will not go along with HER silly little games,” snorted Bridget, her voice laced with venom. “If Eloise wants her family, then she knows what to do,” she added.

“Bridget, I suggest you shut your mouth right this instant,” stated Vivian, “That is of course, unless you want the same to happen to you as what just happened to that husband of yours…now, you heard MY husband, get the hell out of my house and never come back.”

The room was stunned into silence as Vivian's words sunk in. No one had ever seen her so angry before. But Bridget, never one to back down, responded in a defiant tone.

“Hmph," grunted Bridget, “I’m not scared of you,” she retorted, looking down at the slightly shorter Vivian, “If you want…that…in your house then you can have it,” added Bridget, placing her hand on her husband's shoulder.

Vivian, in a move almost identical to Alistair's, swung Bridget back around to face her and slapped her with all of her strength across her face.

The sound of the slap echoed throughout the hall, followed by a collective gasp from the guests. No one could believe what had just happened.

Vivian's face was red with anger as she looked at Bridget, her hand stinging from the force of the slap. But instead of retaliating, Bridget's expression softened and she began to cry.

“William, come on dear, we’re leaving,” sobbed Bridget, looking towards her other son.

William’s response was like a dagger to Bridget’s heart. Instead of providing the comfort she desperately sought, he chose to prioritize his loyalty to his younger brother. Placing his hand on his brother's shoulder, he dismissively muttered, “I don't think so.”

Upon hearing William’s words, Bridget began to cry even louder.

“James, get rid of these two will you,” Vivian instructed.

With that, James, accompanied by Gerard, began to escort both Bridget and Jasper out of the house, with James to drive them home.

However, as Ashleigh turned around to look back at Elijah, she noticed Alistair, who was now doubled over, clenching his chest tightly.

“OH MY GOD!” exclaimed Ashleigh as she ran to his side, panicking and shouting for help.

“DADDY!” cried Pippa hysterically as she turned around to see what the commotion was about.

Elijah quickly dialled for an ambulance as everyone rushed to Alistair's aid, trying to figure out what was wrong.

“It’s his heart,” explained Vivian, “You silly old fool, the Doctor told you you had to take it easy,” sobbed Vivian, now sitting on the floor by her husband’s side.

Within moments, the ambulance arrived, and Alistair was quickly loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the hospital, with Vivian and Pippa by his side.

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