Resequencing DNA

Chapter 56

Eventually, the rest of Alistair’s immediate family made their way to the hospital. Ashleigh and Elijah were the last to arrive, choosing to go to be in support of Pippa. As they entered the hospital, Elijah wasted no time in informing a nurse that they were there because his Uncle Alistair had been rushed in via ambulance. The nurse immediately guided them to a room where the rest of the family was anxiously waiting.

As the couple walked in, Pippa was busy trying to calm her mother as she sat in the corner of the room, tears streaming down her face. Jude, Alistair's eldest son, paced up and down frantically, his hand on his head, clearly unable to contain his worry for the well-being of his father. On the other side of the room, Edward and Elle were sitting quietly, exchanging worried glances with each other.

Upon seeing Ashleigh and Elijah enter the room, Pippa made her way across to greet the pair, tears streaming down her face as she immediately threw her arms around her cousin.

“Any news?” asked Elijah, softly, as he gently stroked the back of Pippa’s head in an effort to console her.

“All we know up to now is…it was definitely a heart attack,” said Pippa, barely able to speak through her sobs.

 “I’m sure Uncle Alistair will be fine. He’s a lot tougher than he looks, he’ll pull through this,” Elijah softly said, trying to reassure Pippa.

Pippa nodded as she continued to cry,

“I hope so Elijah…we can’t lose him, we just can’t…not yet,” she said.

Ashleigh could feel herself beginning to well up with tears. She knew how close Pippa was to her father and how much he meant to the whole family. Alistair was not just a father, but a mentor, a friend, and a rock for all of them. An awkward silence fell over the room once again as the family waited for any updates on Alistair’s condition, with mere minutes feeling more like hours.

Finally, a doctor walked in and the family all turned to him, hoping for good news.

“Mrs Ashton-Burns?” said the Doctor, to which Vivian quickly got up onto her feet. “I'm afraid Alistair's condition is critical. He's been rushed into emergency surgery and I assure you, we're doing everything we can to stabilise him,” added the doctor, his tone serious, “I’m sorry,” he said, and with that, he left the room once more

The room fell silent as the news sunk in. Tears streamed down the family's faces as they all held onto each other for support. They were all overwhelmed with fear and worry for Alistair, wishing for his safe recovery.

“I hate to say this…but…has…erm…anyone informed Wesley?” asked Ashleigh, trying hard to keep her voice steady as she broke the silence.

All eyes turned to Ashleigh as she remained standing rather close to the door.

“That is not a concern right now,” replied Vivian, her words stunning everyone in the room. And yet, what she said next, shocked everyone to the core.

“I think…I think that it’s about time…you all learnt the truth,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion, her hands shaking anxiously.

All eyes shifted to Vivian as she stood in the centre of the room, looking around at her family around her.

“Mum…what do you mean…the truth?” asked Pippa, taking a step towards her mother, who instantly raised a hand.

“Jude…Pippa…” started Vivian, her voice beginning to break, as a tear rolled softly down her cheek. “Wesley…he……he’s only your half-brother,” she said, the words barely audible.

The room fell silent once again, as everyone tried to process what they had just heard. The news was like a bombshell, shattering the family’s perception of their relationships with each other. For years, they had believed that Wesley was their full-blooded brother, but now they were being told that he was only their half-brother.

“Mother…what…what do you mean?” asked Pippa, her voice filled with confusion and disbelief. “But…but…” she muttered, only to be interrupted once more by Vivian.

“'It's true…I…I had an affair many years ago, with a man who knew your father… and Wesley…Wesley is the result of that affair,” said Vivian, her voice shaking with emotion. “Your Father…well…he finally forgave me…albeit, some years later…I regret what I did, as I love your father more than anything else in this world. We kept it a secret, hoping to spare you all from any pain or hurt, but now…now I realise that it was a mistake. You all deserve to know the truth,” she continued, tears streaming down her face.

The family sat in stunned silence, as the truth began to sink in.

“So…Wesley’s father?” asked Pippa.

“He…he died…a few years ago…completely unaware that Wesley was his,” explained Vivian.

“This is absurd,” stated Jude, “why would Father have stayed with you, if you’d had an affair?”

Vivian bowed her head in shame and looked down towards the floor, unable to meet her son’s gaze.

“Mum…why tell us all of this now?” asked Pippa.

“Well…my darling girl…the reason is…” said Vivian before she paused and looked back and forth between her daughter and her eldest son who were both now standing before her. “We must inform James…of this situation…with your father. Although he is aware he is in hospital…I think it only be fair that he be updated on his condition,” she stated.

This statement brought a look of further confusion to Vivian’s children,

“Dare I ask the relevance of James to all of this?” asked Jude, his face becoming rather flushed, looking like he too was about to have a heart attack…

“Well…Your father…he…he is James’ father also,” explained Vivian, dropping a further bombshell on her children. “That was why he stayed with me…It was because of my infidelity…your father took it upon himself to have a one-night stand…and James… was the result of your father’s drunken antics on a business trip out of the city. The boy turned up when he was 18…that was why your father hired him. He thought it was easier to explain to you all, especially considering he was the same age as Wesley.”

The room was filled with a deafening silence as Vivian's children tried to process this new information. They were struggling to come to terms with the fact that their family was not what they thought it was. It was a lot to take in, and they were all still in shock.

“And…James’ mother?” asked Pippa, rather curiously.

“That vile woman,” stated Vivian, her voice filled with contempt, “She apparently worked in a hotel where your father stayed. She attempted to blackmail your father, threatening to tell me everything if your father didn’t pay her a substantial amount of money,” she explained. “Your father did pay her a sum, but that was for her to cut ties and never to see the boy or contact your father again.”

The news was a lot to take in, Jude and Pippa were struggling to come to terms with the fact that both their father and their mother had been unfaithful. This was also whilst covering the fact that their other sibling was only their half-brother and also hiding that they had another half-brother that was a part of their lives, yet they didn’t know the true reason. It was a lot for them to take in, and they couldn’t help but feel like their entire childhood had been a lie. They had grown up believing in the perfect image of their family, only to have it shattered in an instant. It was a harsh reality to face, and it left them feeling confused, angry and hurt.

“I…I need some air,” stated Pippa, as she stormed out of the room.

Ashleigh looked at Elijah before quickly following Pippa out of the room.

As they stepped out into the cold night air, Ashleigh could see the pain and confusion in Pippa’s eyes.

“Hey, Pip, are you okay?” asked Ashleigh, watching as one of her closest friends began to pace back and forth.

“Okay? Am I okay?” replied Pippa, “I just found out that my entire childhood has been a lie…Ashleigh,” she added,  her voice breaking.

“It hasn’t all been a lie Pip, Wes is still your brother,” said Ashleigh, “And James has always been a part of your lives, you said yourself, he was like an older brother,” she explained as he retrieved her cigarettes from her bag.

“You know…it’s not even just about the affairs…or even the sibling I didn’t even know we had,” Pippa said rather bitterly.

 Ashleigh could feel the tension and hurt radiating off of Pippa, and she knew that there was nothing she could say to make it better. The only thing she could do was listen intently to her friend.

“It’s the secrecy and the lies Ash, I just don’t understand how my parents could do this to us,” Pippa continued, “They were supposed to be our role models, our examples of love and loyalty. And now…now I don’t even know what to believe anymore.”

Ashleigh lit up a cigarette as she propped herself against a wall, listening to her friend as she continued to rant.

“All this…to find out all this…now…Ashleigh, as my father lays in there, possibly taking his last breath and my mother drops this on us now,” said Pippa.

“You don’t have to forgive them for their lies right now, or ever if you don’t want to,” Ashleigh said, “But just remember that they are still your parents and they love you. And as you said, your father is in a bad way right now…and with that, your mother needs you Pip,” She added, taking a drag from her cigarette.

The two friends stood in silence for a few moments, taking in the cool night air and trying to process the events of the evening.

“You’re right…I’m sorry for ranting Ash,” Pippa finally said, breaking the silence.

“Don’t be sorry, I’m always here for you,” Ashleigh replied, giving Pippa a small smile.

Pippa returned the smile, grateful for Ashleigh’s unwavering support.

“With the information you now have, Pip…I know it may be a bit soon…but do you think it’s fair that James be sat over there in the car park…alone…when all this is going on,” said Ashleigh, tossing her cigarette to the ground. “I mean…it’s his father too…maybe…he could…I don’t know…maybe he could benefit from being around his family too,” she added with a smile.

Pippa looked her friend in the eye. Ashleigh could see the tears welling up in Pippa’s eyes, even in the low light, yet she was trying so valiantly to hold them back.

“I don’t know,” said Pippa, glancing over towards the car park where she knew James was sitting, alone and waiting.

“Pip, does this change things really?” asked Ashleigh, “you told me that James always felt like a brother to you. He has been in your life for so long and you have always loved him and treated him just like he were family. And now that you find out that your love and respect have been well placed…and you think it changes things? From what I have witnessed, the only reason things will change or get weird is if you let it. I mean, James has clearly known all along that you were his sister…and he has done nothing but care for you and look after you. Do you think he would have treated you any differently, had you known the circumstances?” she explained.

“Maybe…maybe you’re right…Ash,” mumbled Pippa, “I mean…he is my brother…I guess,” she added, trying her best to smile as she turned to look at Ashleigh once more. “Life has been so crazy recently,” she said taking Ashleigh by the hand. “I mean…who would have imagined a few weeks ago that you and I would be as close as we are.”

“Especially like this you mean,” joked Ashleigh, gesturing to her body.

Pippa laughed softly, grateful for her friend's sense of humour that never failed to lighten the mood.

“Yes…I guess so,” she said. “I have found myself in a position where…I could never be without you…Ashleigh I mean…not that guy…who was once in your place…I mean you, Ashleigh,” added Pippa with a smile.

Ashleigh smiled back, knowing exactly what Pippa meant. Their friendship had evolved into something deeper and more meaningful, and nothing could ever change that. The closeness they shared would never have come about between Aaron and Pippa, but since Aaron had become Ashleigh, she and Pippa had become almost inseparable.

Pippa stood there, holding tightly onto Ashleigh’s hand. Taking a deep breath, she looked her friend in the eyes,

“Come on,” she said, “If I’m gonna do this, I need you with me,” she added as she began to lead Ashleigh towards the car park.

As the pair headed towards the limousine, James clearly noticed the two women approaching, climbing out and standing beside the car as he usually did.

“Mrs Pippa, Miss Ashleigh…is everything alright?” he asked as the two women got close by.

The two ladies stopped just short of James, with Pippa looking at Ashleigh one last time before looking back to James. Ashleigh gave her friend’s hand a gentle, yet reassuring squeeze.

“James,” started Pippa, an understandable nervousness in her voice. “I erm…I thought it would be best if I were to inform you this in person,” she continued.

“Is everything alright? Do you need me to do anything?” asked James his concern growing.

“Yes…in fact I would like you to do something for me,” Pippa replied, “I would…I would like you to…” she tried to continue and yet the words appeared to stick in her throat.

“You can do this Pip,” Ashleigh whispered, her voice filled with encouragement. “I’m here with you.”

“Our Father…he erm…he’s currently in surgery,” Pippa explained, her voice breaking as she spoke of Alistair’s condition.

“What do you and your family require of me?” James reiterated, his professionalism never faltering.

“James…I would like you to come inside…be with us…your family,” said Pippa, her voice now trembling with emotion.

James' eyes widened in surprise, but without hesitation, he replied, “Of course, Mrs. Pippa. I will be there for you and your family.”

“No…James…you misunderstand me,” said Pippa,  with tears running down her cheek once more as she let go of Ashleigh’s hand and stepped towards James. “I want you to come inside and be with your family…dearest brother,” she explained before throwing her arms around James.

Ashleigh watched as James hugged Pippa back, she too, had to fight back the tears, stopping herself from crying as she watched the embrace between brother and sister.

“I…I know everything James…we all do…no need to hide the truth anymore,” Pippa said softly, as she wept, “That is why you need to come inside and be with us…after all…it is your father too.”

A few moments passed by before the three of them headed back towards the main entrance of the hospital.

“I’ll catch up with you soon…” said Ashleigh.

Pippa and James both nodded and headed inside, leaving Ashleigh outside, alone with her own thoughts.

“It is only right that I wait a while,” she thought, retrieving her cigarettes from her handbag, “Especially seeing as though it’s such a sensitive family matter.”

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