Resequencing DNA

Chapter 6

“Fuck it…here goes,” thought Ashleigh as she slowly began to open the door before pausing once more. “I…I can’t do it…” she said to herself. One of the main reasons that Wesley’s parents dislike Aaron as much as they do, was down to events that took place 3 years prior. Wesley’s sister, Pippa was engaged to be married to the son of their father’s friend. That was until, however, it became public knowledge, of a fling that occurred between Aaron who was 29 at the time and Pippa who was 20 years old. Naturally, Wesley and Pippa’s father, Alistair, was outraged by the situation and pinned the entire blame on Aaron. From then on, Aaron had been banned from even stepping foot in their home and even attending any of the events that Wesley’s family hosted or even attended.

“Erm…Wesley” stated Ashleigh,

“Yes…what’s wrong?” answered Wesley, rushing to the bathroom door which was now ajar.

“Where’s Pippa?” Whispered Ashleigh nervously peering through the crack in the door.

“She’s in the living room waiting for us,” replied Wesley, “Why? What’s the issue?”

“Erm…I’m just a little nervous…that’s all,” stated Ashleigh.

“She’s not going to bite Ashleigh, she’s here to help you…us with this whole thing,” said Wesley.

“I know…it’s just…I’m nervous about her seeing me like this…you know…” muttered Ashleigh in a hushed tone as not to let Pippa hear what was being said.

“Oh…oh I get you…this is because of what happened all those years ago isn’t it?” asked Wesley, trying his hardest not to laugh, even though he was slightly amused.

“Well…maybe…maybe a little,” muttered Ashleigh.

“Well… maybe this will help,” stated Wes, “Hey Pip…Ashleigh wants you to come and speak with her here, she’s not one hundred per cent comfortable coming out here right now,” he shouted to his sister down the hall, much to Ashleigh’s annoyance.

“Wesley you bastard…” whispered Ashleigh before soon after Pippa’s voice could be heard.

“Hey…what’s wrong honey? Let me in,” stated Pippa, pushing Wesley to one side.

Ashleigh reluctantly opened the door, just enough to let Pippa squeeze through and enter the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

“Hey Pip…” said Ashleigh nervously, as she put her head down and looked at the ground.

“Oh…Oh my god, Aaron…is that…is that really you?” said Pippa curiously to which Ashleigh gently nodded her head. “He…he really did this to you…that bastard…he really did it!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah…he did it alright…I guess…” giggled Ashleigh, sounding rather nervous, as Pippa continued to circle around her. Ashleigh could almost feel Pippa’s eyes as they looked her up and down, from top to bottom.

As Pippa finally stopped circling around Ashleigh, she stood in front of her, silently, for what seemed like an eternity. Throughout the awkward silence, Pippa stood before Ashleigh, her mouth almost wide open as she was unable to believe her eyes that the woman that stood before her was actually once her brother’s best friend.

“This is…rather uncomfortable to say the least…” thought Ashleigh, not knowing quite where to look, finding her eyes bolting from left to right, lost for words.

“I just…I can’t believe it…I can’t believe that’s really you…” mumbled Pippa, eventually bringing an end to the unnerving silence.

“Well…believe it Pip…” started Ashleigh, “We all knew your brother was slightly crazy…but just when we thought he couldn’t get any more outrageous…well…here I am as proof,” she added with an anxious giggle.

“I HEARD THAT,” shouted Wesley from in the hallway.

“SHUT UP WESLEY!” replied both Ashleigh and Pippa in unison, before they both began to laugh.

“So…Pip…what do you think of the new me…at least…temporarily anyway?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well first of all…oh my god…you are stunning,” replied Pippa with a smile.

“Erm…thank you…I guess,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

“Aw come on you really are, look at you, you are beautiful…your skin is just so damn perfect and not a single ounce of makeup,” giggled Pippa. “And damn girl…those tits…oh my fucking god girl, they are bigger than mine,” she continued as she giggled, “I’m a B cup but mine must be only half the size of yours at the very most, that and those legs…I’m jealous.”

Ashleigh glanced at the floor anxiously, her nerves were soon picked up on by Pippa however.

“Aw come on girl, how long have we known each other now…you need to loosen up…especially if we are gonna pull this off,” stated Pippa, a warm, reassuring smile resonated from her face. The type of smile that could put anyone at ease almost instantly, that, along with her big, brown eyes which Aaron had always found so comforting.  

“I…I guess…” replied Ashleigh.

“Exactly,” stated Pippa, “Now…follow me,” instructed Pippa, taking Ashleigh by the hand and dragging her from the bathroom, along the hallway and into the living room.

“Wes…get your arse in here,” commanded Pippa, to which Wesley scurried out of his bedroom promptly and into the living room to join the girls.

Ashleigh sat down on the sofa and lit a cigarette as Pippa paced back and forth, deep in thought as Wesley stood by the breakfast bar that divided the living room from the kitchen.

“Well…” stated Pippa, stopping in her tracks to glare at her brother, “Wes…you said you done something to Ashleigh’s memories… am I right? You said that according to her…she met you through  me…yes?”

“Yes…I made it so if anyone asked, you and Ashleigh are old friends and that we’ve dated a couple of times… nothing serious,” stated Wesley somewhat sheepishly.

“Nothing serious…Wes you’ve implanted memories of us sleeping together…” thought Ashleigh as she took a drag of her cigarette.

“Wes you’re an idiot,” snapped Pippa.

“Erm…why?” asked Wesley, looking confused.

“Because…if we were old friends Wes, chance are she would have been one of my bridesmaids… you know… with my three other friends I have had for years…” explained Pippa.

“Just because you’re friends…I didn’t say you were close,” muttered Wesley, which Pippa chose to ignore.

“Now…Ashleigh…my wedding is the day after tomorrow, which means we don’t have much time to sort this,” stated Pippa, turning to look at Ashleigh.

“What exactly needs sorting?” asked Wesley, “I mean…I made her pretty much perfect in every way,” he proceeded to mutter to himself to which Pippa turned to glare at him once again.

“I mean…GENIUS, what is she going to wear to the wedding…one of Aaron’s shirts? She needs a dress for the wedding at least,” explained Pippa. “I mean…how is she going to wear her hair on the day, Wes?... She’s going to need makeup Wes…she’s going to need underwear Wes, have you not thought about any of this?” snapped Pippa, as Wesley appeared to shrink as his little sister continued her tirade.

“I…I…I never really thought about it…” muttered Wesley.

“I fucking knew it…you’re a dumbass,” snapped Pippa almost red in the face with frustration. Once again, Pippa turned her attention back to Ashleigh. “And needless to say…no disrespect Ashleigh…but you don’t exactly…sit very ladylike…” she pointed out after noticing the way Ashleigh was rather slumped on the sofa, her legs positioned fairly wide apart.

“No offence taken,” replied Ashleigh, “I never really thought about it,” she giggled.

“So…what do you suggest Pip?” asked Wesley.

Pippa looked down at Ashleigh with a huge grin on her face,

“I recommend… shopping trip tomorrow with my very good friend Ashleigh, it’ll be nice to catch up and have a girl's day, won’t it Ash?” she said extremely enthusiastically, her grin appeared to get wider with each and every second that passed by.

“Oh…okay…so…you’ll take care of it…right Pip?” replied Wesley.

Pippa slowly turned her head towards Wesley, her smile suddenly disappearing,

“Yes…I’ll take care of it, Wes…” answered Pippa.

“Oh thank god…thank you, Pippa, you’re a lifesaver,” sighed Wesley, sounding relieved.

Pippa’s smile, however, returned to her face as she slowly stepped toward Wesley,

“By the way…Wes…We will need YOUR credit card for the trip,” stated Pippa with a giggle, causing Wesley to look more anxious than ever.

“Wh…wh…what?” mumbled Wesley, “my…my credit card…what…why?”

“Well…” said Pippa, continuing to giggle, “This is all YOUR doing so YOU need to pay and fix all this and pay for EVERYTHING YOUR date needs.”

“Wow…I never thought…I never imagined someone would refer to me as…Wesley’s date,” thought Ashleigh, causing her to almost physically choke on air.

“Oh…erm…okay…” said Wesley, almost resigning himself to his younger sister’s demands.

“So Ashleigh I will see you bright and early sweetie,” stated Pippa with a smile.

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