Resequencing DNA

Chapter 7

Pippa said her goodbyes to Ashleigh before hugging her brother and making her way out of the apartment. Wesley closed the door after Pippa had left and returned to the living room where Ashleigh was now sitting watching t.v.

“Sooo….Ashleigh….” muttered Wesley, sitting down on the sofa beside her, “And it’s back to just being the two of us…”

“Yeah…I guess so,” replied Ashleigh, giving her best friend a side-eyed glance before returning her focus to the television.

“So…what….what are we going to do…for the rest of the evening…my…date…” Wesley added with a slight smile on his face, inching his hand towards Ashleigh, eventually placing it down on her thigh.

“Don’t even dream of it Wes,” snapped Ashleigh, grabbing Wesley’s hand and squeezing it as hard as she possibly could. Even though it wasn’t maybe quite as hard as Aaron could, it was still enough to make Wesley let out an almighty yelp as he pulled his hand back. “Just because I’m going along with this stupid idea of yours…not fully by choice as you may recall…doesn’t mean you get to try any funny business, regardless of those crazy fantasies of yours you implanted in my head…you got that!” Ashleigh said rather sharply.

“O…Okay,” muttered Wesley, still clenching onto the hand that Ashleigh had squeezed.

“Those so-called memories that you gave me of the two of us…they can just remain inside that little twisted head of yours…okay Wes,” added Ashleigh before turning away and looking at the television once more.

“Jesus Wes…you really are a horny little bastard aren’t you?” thought Ashleigh, after noticing the bulge in Wesley’s pants once again.

An awkward silence descended upon the room as the pair continued to watch the rather dull programme that was on the T.v screen. Ashleigh once again gave a side-eyed glance at Wesley, his erection was still clear to see as he continually glanced at the beautiful, redhead sitting beside him, not realising she noticed him watching her.

“For fuck sake Wesley,” thought Ashleigh, unable to shake the image from her mind of knowing what exactly lie beneath Wesley’s trousers. Ashleigh picked up her cigarettes and took one out of the pack, placing it to her lips before she lit up. Sitting back in her seat as she crossed her legs, she could feel Wesley’s eyes almost undressing her. “I know exactly what’s on his mind,” she thought, noticing Wesley’s gaze as it followed her every movement as she placed the cigarette to her lips before he too crossed his legs.

“Too late to hide that Wes,” thought Ashleigh as she almost began to giggle, yet somehow she managed to maintain her composure. However, unable to shake the images that Wesley had implanted in her mind, Ashleigh found herself unable to focus any longer on the television, along with a strange sensation, deep within her stomach, almost like butterflies. “WHAT THE FUCK! Am I…am I aroused?” she asked herself, “I….I need to take myself out of this situation,” she thought, stubbing out her cigarette and getting to her feet.

“I’m tuning in for the night,” said Ashleigh, stretching her arms above her head.

“Oh….okay,” replied Wesley.

Ashleigh quickly made a beeline for the bathroom, closing the door behind her, she took down her jeans and boxer shorts and sat down on the toilet.

“What the actual fuck is this… am I…am I turned on by Wesley?” thought Ashleigh, “Surely not...”

Ashleigh glanced down and noticed the rather large, wet patch in the boxer shorts she had been wearing.

“FUCK….” She said to herself, placing her head in her hands for a brief moment. “It’s got to be those memories Wes put in my head…memories of him…naked…his…his hard cock…WHAT THE FUCK! SNAP OUT OF IT ASHLEIGH!” she said to herself as she finished up on the toilet and began to pull up her jeans. “WAIT…I just referred to myself as Ashleigh…WHAT THE FUCK!”

Ashleigh wandered over to the sink and stared in the mirror. Throwing cold water on her face she attempted to compose herself.

“Come on…pull yourself together…it’s only a few days…you can do this…it’s for your best friend…besides…it could be a little fun,” she contemplated as she stared in the mirror.

After turning off the tap and drying her face, Ashleigh quickly made her escape from the bathroom and across to her bedroom, promptly closing the door behind her to any contact with Wesley.

Ashleigh got undressed and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, looking over her new, temporary body.

“Damn…I am hot to be fair,” thought Ashleigh as she giggled to herself in the mirror, turning from side to side before pulling a series of faces that she had seen women pull before.

“You seductive bitch,” giggled Ashleigh before turning out the bedroom light, climbing into bed wearing nothing but the boxer shorts she’d been wearing, the last remnants of Aaron for the time being. Pulling her bed covers over her new body, Ashleigh couldn’t help but notice how different everything felt. Her bedsheets felt so soft against her supple, silky smooth skin, making her much more comfortable and relaxed. However, as she moved around in her bed, Ashleigh couldn’t help but get frustrated as she constantly trapped her hair beneath her, which was now much longer than she was used to previously, yet despite this, Ashleigh soon fell fast asleep.


The following morning Ashleigh opened her eyes and jumped out of bed. Still somewhat groggy, Ashleigh made her way out of her bedroom and to the living room where she sat and lit up a cigarette.

A few seconds later, Ashleigh heard Wesley’s bedroom door open before he made his way into the living room.

“Good morning,” stated Wesley as he made his way to the kitchen, before stopping abruptly in his tracks.

“Morning,” murmured Ashleigh, stopping and putting her hand over her mouth.

“Shit…” thought Ashleigh, “It…it wasn’t a bad dream…”

“Erm…Ashleigh….you might want to…erm…you know…get dressed,” stated Wesley before beginning to laugh.

Ashleigh glanced down at the pair of bare breasts sitting upon her chest before quickly covering herself up with her arm as she continued her cigarette.

“SHIT!” she exclaimed.

 Whilst it was a common occurrence for Aaron to walk around the apartment wearing only his boxer shorts, in her groggy state, Ashleigh hadn’t given a single thought to her morning routine.

With haste, Ashleigh finished off her cigarette before jumping up from the sofa,

“STOP STARING THEN YOU PERVERT!” screamed Ashleigh, turning her back until Wesley had turned away whilst also trying to hide his amusement.

Once Wesley had turned away sufficiently, Ashleigh darted to her bedroom and quickly threw on a t-shirt, along with a pair of cycling shorts that clung to her body more than she was used to.

As she made her way back to the living room, she could hear Wesley’s voice as he spoke to someone.

“Yeah…yeah she’s awake… I don’t think so, not yet…Yeah…in her bedroom…aha,” said Wesley.

As Ashleigh entered the living room, she looked over at the breakfast bar where she noticed Wesley was talking on his phone as he sipped his morning coffee.

“Pippa’s on her way,” mouthed Wesley as he looked at Ashleigh standing at the entrance to the living room.

“He’s totally checking me out… especially my arse,” thought Ashleigh as she turned ad made her way back to her bedroom to throw on some clothes. Ashleigh chose to throw on a pair of black jogging bottoms and returned to the living room just as there was a knock at the door.

“Good morning beautiful, ready for a day of fun,” said Pippa, standing at the doorway, a huge smile on her lips that were painted red. She made her way passed Ashleigh and into the apartment as Ashleigh found herself admiring Pippa’s outfit. Pippa was wearing a pair of black, skin-tight jeans along with a pair of black boots that went up just below her knee. She was wearing a long white furry coat with large black buttons and a white belt, all of which were currently unfastened, showing off her white, high necked jumper beneath her coat and a white fur hat sitting upon her head.

“Wesley, dear brother,” stated Pippa as she marched down the hallway and into the living room with Ashleigh in tow.

“Yes Pip?” asked Wesley nervously.

“Credit card…” stated Pippa, her hand outstretched in her brother's direction.

Wesley picked up his wallet from the breakfast bar and apprehensively took out his card and handed it to Pippa.

“Thank you,” said Pippa with a huge smile, “We will see you later brother,” she added turning back towards Ashleigh.

“Come on sweetie, grab your jacket, let’s go have some fun,” Pippa stated with a smile and a wink at Ashleigh, as she looked Ashleigh up and down, looking rather unimpressed by her current outfit.

“This look does absolutely nothing for you my sweet,” Pippa declared, prompting Ashleigh to look down at her clothing.

“W…what do you mean…I didn’t really know what to wear,” replied Ashleigh.

“It’s okay…our first job will be to get you something more suitable to change into,” giggled Pippa.

Upon hearing this, Wesley placed his hand on his head, looking rather dismayed.

“Well, you started all of this Wes…I’m just the fixer,” stated Pippa, taking Ashleigh by the hand and leading her out of the apartment.

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