Resequencing DNA

Chapter 61

It was now three weeks since Ashleigh and Elijah made the big jump, moving in together. They were both excited and nervous, as it was a big step in their relationship. But what made it even more special was the fact that it was now Ashleigh's birthday.

It was somewhat of a weird situation for Ashleigh, it would have been her 33rd birthday if she had remained in her old, male life as Aaron. However, seeing as though Wesley's machine had not only switched her gender, it had also regressed her age, back into the body of a 22-year-old. It certainly had been the strangest of situations to find herself in, once again celebrating a 23rd birthday. And yet, more recently, she had never even given a second thought to her old life. Her new outlook on the whole situation was that without Wesley and his invention, Ashleigh would have never met Elijah, the man she was deeply in love with.

The weeks leading up to Ashleigh’s birthday, however, had still been rather awkward. Whilst Ashleigh never mentioned a word to Elijah regarding the information she had gotten out of Pippa about Wesley, Elijah, never broached the subject either. Instead, he had continued to busy himself with his work whilst also hiring various members of staff to manage their new home. He had conducted the interviews himself from home and within a few days, their new home boasted a fully staffed roster, including cleaning staff, kitchen staff and a domestic manager, as Elijah called the position, named Mrs Henry.

Mrs Henry, the woman whom Elijah had appointed domestic manager, was a rather tall, well-spoken, elegant woman in her fifties. Her dark hair was constantly tied back in a bun. She had a rather slim face, square glasses, thin lips, narrow brown eyes, and a pointed nose. She had the air of an old school teacher, rather hard-faced and stern-looking. At first, Ashleigh found her somewhat intimidating, often questioning Elijah on why he had hired such a woman for the role. But as time passed, she realised that Mrs Henry was a kind and caring woman, as long as you kept on her good side. Despite her intimidating appearance, Mrs Henry was a true professional when it came to managing the household. She had a keen eye for detail and ran the household like a well-oiled machine. Every morning, she would be up before sunrise, ensuring that the staff were up and ready to begin their daily tasks, often barking orders like a sergeant major, commanding her troops. She had a strict schedule in place and expected everyone to follow it diligently. Ashleigh was amazed by Mrs Henry's efficiency. She could coordinate the cleaning, laundry and cooking all at the same time without breaking a sweat. She was a multitasking master and Ashleigh couldn't help but admire her for it.

Ashleigh opened her eyes that morning and stretched out her arms, feeling refreshed and ready to start her day. As she turned over, she noticed that Elijah had already gotten out of bed and the sunlight was peaking threw the closed curtains of the bedroom. She climbed out of bed and adjusted her silk, nightgown before throwing on the matching robe along with her slippers and opening the curtains.

“I didn’t usually sleep this late,” she thought, gazing out of the window into the tranquillity of the large garden that surrounded their luxurious home. However, for the past week, Ashleigh’s sleeping habits had become somewhat strange. Sleeping till later in the day was becoming more frequent as the days went by. It’s not like these were due to late nights either, with Ashleigh retiring to bed slightly earlier than she was used to. 

As she left the bedroom and made her way down the stairs, she was greeted by Elijah, who stood in the hallway.

“Happy birthday, my love,” he said sweetly, a huge smile on his face as he handed her a bouquet of deep, red roses.

Ashleigh smiled,

“Thank you, Elijah, they’re beautiful,” she replied, leaning in for a tender kiss.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ashleigh spied Mrs Henry, making a dash into the kitchen.

“I was waiting for you, so we could have breakfast together,” said Elijah, taking her gently by the hand, “That’s where Mrs Henry has dashed off to, to let them know that sleeping beauty has arisen from her slumber,” he joked.

Ashleigh couldn't help but giggle at Elijah’s playful remark. He always found a way to make her feel special, just like a princess. It was something she still wasn't used to, but deep down, she loved it about him.

Just then Mrs Henry rushed over to the couple,

“The happiest of birthdays to you, Miss,” said Mrs Henry, a wide smile on her face, “Shall I take those for you,” she added, gesturing to the flowers in Ashleigh's hand.

“Thank you,” said Ashleigh with a warm smile as she relinquished the bouquet before turning to Elijah. “I shall be back soon, my love,” she said as she let go of Elijah’s hand and made her way towards the conservatory at the rear of the house.

As she entered, she closed the adjoining door behind her behind her with a soft click. The sound echoed in the quiet room. As she took in her surroundings, she couldn't help but notice that the heating lamps were already switched on. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about Mrs Henry’s attention to detail and thoughtfulness, already knowing Ashleigh’s usual routine. She opened the outer door and smoothed out her nightgown and her robe before sitting down beside the large, empty ashtray that was by the door. Reaching into the pocket of her robe, Ashleigh retrieved her cigarettes. She lit one and took a long drag, feeling the familiar rush of nicotine. However, over the past week, Ashleigh had noticed that she hadn’t been smoking even as half as much as she usually did. In fact, she hadn’t been eating anywhere near as much as usual either. Everything seemed to taste slightly off, and she had a constant metallic taste in her mouth for the first few hours after waking, making her feel rather nauseous. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something just didn't feel right and it usually felt worse on a morning, easing off later in the day.  She hadn’t said a word about it to anyone, not Elijah, not Pippa, as she didn’t want anyone to worry.

“Is it stress?” she pondered, before quickly dismissing that notion. “Am I coming down with something?”

It wasn’t long before Ashleigh stubbed out her cigarette and made her way back through to the hall, where Mrs Henry greeted her before ushering her through to the dining room.

As Ashleigh entered the room, Elijah was already sitting at the table, upon seeing Ashleigh, he got up from his seat until she too was seated. The table was already set for breakfast, with a steaming cup of coffee waiting for Ashleigh.

 She took a sip, relishing in the warmth and the familiar bitter taste of the coffee. She looked up and saw Elijah watching her with a concerned expression.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry, “you look a little… off colour... maybe you should see a doctor.”

“I’m fine,” replied Ashleigh.

Elijah looked at her with a furrowed brow,

“Honestly, Elijah…I’ll be okay, I promise,” Ashleigh replied with a smile, in an attempt to reassure her boyfriend.

The pair began to assemble their breakfasts that Elijah had instructed the kitchen staff to specially prepare for Ashleigh’s birthday. Laid out on the table was a full assortment of breakfast food, from tea cakes, pancakes and waffles, all the way through to eggs, sausage and bacon.

Ashleigh, however, selected one egg along with two slices of toast, a far cry from what Elijah had known her to eat.

“Is everything alright?” asked Mrs Henry, as she approached the dining table.

“Can I…erm…get a glass of water?” asked Ashleigh placing her hand on her tummy.

“Of course, Miss,” replied Mrs Henry with a smile before quickly dashing off to the kitchen.

As Ashleigh turned back to face Elijah, he was once more looking at her with a concerned expression.

“I am fine Elijah,” Ashleigh reiterated before she began to eat her toast, all the while fighting the urge to be sick.

“Mmhhmm,” replied Elijah, with a stern look on his face.

Mrs Henry soon returned carrying a large glass of water in her hand,

“Here you are Miss,” she stated, placing the glass down on the table in front of Ashleigh.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, taking a sip from the glass after finishing the slice of toast she was eating.

“Is everything alright?” asked Mrs Henry, to which Ashleigh simply nodded in response.

“I shall cancel this evening's plans, it is obvious you are not feeling yourself,” stated Elijah.

Elijah and Pippa, together, had organised a small gathering for Ashleigh’s birthday, which was to be at the Ashton-Burns Manor, hosted by Pippa and Edward. It was to be nothing over the top, just a few members of the family gathering for a meal.

“No…I’ll be fine,” replied Ashleigh as she got up from her seat. “I…erm…I need the bathroom,” she muttered as she left the dining room with haste, heading straight to the closest bathroom.

As she locked the door and leaned against it, she let out a deep sigh, before she quickly dashed to the toilet and began retching, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and frustrated with herself.

“Come on Ashleigh, get it together,” she thought as she managed to stop and breathe for a moment. How she had been feeling the past few weeks, seemed to be getting more intense, day by day, but she had never felt this bad. Not to the extent she was actually vomiting.

As Ashleigh flushed the toilet, there was a gentle tap on the door,

I’m fine, Elijah, I just need a moment,” she said as she turned on the tap and began to splash her face with cold water.

“I'm sorry to disturb you, Miss. It's Mrs Henry. Can I come in?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.

“I’ll be fine Mrs Henry, you can tell Elijah that too,” replied Ashleigh as she proceeded to splash her face again.

“We’re all concerned for you Miss, I promise what is said between you and I, will stay between you and I,” said Mrs Henry.

Ashleigh hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Mrs Henry's kind and understanding expression made her feel safe and comfortable.

“I don't know what's wrong with me,” Ashleigh admitted, tears welling up in her eyes.

Mrs Henry put a comforting arm around her and led her to sit on the edge of the bathtub,

“It's okay, Miss. Sometimes our bodies react in unexpected ways, and that's perfectly normal,” she said reassuringly. “Now, explain to me what is going on,” she added softly.

Through tears, Ashleigh shared with Mrs Henry that over the past few days, everything she had eaten or drank, specifically first thing on a morning, had tasted slightly off as well as made her feel nauseous.

As Ashleigh explained how she had been feeling and that she thought she was coming down with something, Mrs Henry nodded understandingly.

“Miss, I think I might know what's going on,” Mrs Henry said with a small smile.

Ashleigh looked up at her, confused.

“You might be pregnant, Miss,” Mrs Henry said gently.

Ashleigh’s eyes widened in shock as she tried to process what Mrs Henry had just said.

“Pregnant?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.

 Mrs Henry nodded,

“Yes, Miss. I'm almost certain of it.”

Ashleigh couldn’t believe it,

“No…that can’t be true…can it?” she thought to herself.

Ashleigh shook her head profusely,

“No, I just have a bug or something,” she stated, trying to convince herself more than Mrs Henry.

Mrs Henry then began to ask Ashleigh when her last period had been, to which Ashleigh didn’t actually answer. In truth, it had been the month before last. What Ashleigh didn’t admit is that the one was new to this whole thing, having actually experienced menstruation but twice now. With the first time being the time she thought she had been physically dying.

“I’ll be fine, Mrs Henry, honestly,” said Ashleigh, still continuing to dismiss Mrs Henry’s notion that she may be pregnant.

Mrs Henry didn't push the subject any further, but she did offer to acquire a pregnancy test for Ashleigh, to be sure, or at the very least, have her see a doctor. Ashleigh declined the offer of either, still in shock and not ready to face the possibility that Mrs Henry may very well be right.

“I’ll…I’ll be fine,” stammered Ashleigh, just tell Elijah that I needed a moment, that you too think I caught a stomach bug of some sort…and that I simply need a moment.”

Mrs Henry smiled and nodded, patting Ashleigh’s shoulder softly, in a calm, reassuring manner, before she got up to leave the bathroom.

“Oh…and Mrs Henry…” said Ashleigh, her voice barely above a whisper, as Mrs Henry reached the door.

“Yes my dear?” replied Mrs Henry in a soft, gentle tone.

“Please…not a word of this…to anyone,” Ashleigh murmured, her eyes pleading with Mrs Henry to keep her secret.

Mrs Henry nodded and gave Ashleigh a small, understanding smile,

“It’s simply between you and I dear,” she said before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Ashleigh was left alone in the bathroom with her thoughts, mostly feeling overwhelmed and scared. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She had been a woman for merely months and had a boyfriend for even less than that. And yet here she was, facing the possibility that she may be pregnant.

Ashleigh returned to the sink once more and splashed her face with cold water before looking in the mirror.

“No…I’m definitely just feeling ill,” she reassured herself before leaving the confines of the bathroom.

Ashleigh headed across the hall and returned to the doorway of the dining room. She took a deep breath to steady herself and put on a smile as she opened the door.

“See…all better, nothing to worry about,” stated Ashleigh, in an attempt to reassure Elijah who remained at the table.

Elijah smiled at her words, but Ashleigh could see the worry as it lingered in his eyes.

“Good,” he replied as he continued to watch her every movement rather curiously, “I assume you are done with your breakfast?”

Ashleigh nodded as she continued to avoid eye contact with Elijah. Mrs Henry called to the kitchen staff to clear the table before she made a hasty exit from the dining room.

“Okay…” started Elijah, wiping his mouth with a napkin before getting up from his seat and adjusting his suit. He made his way around to Ashleigh and took her by the hand. “If you would like to follow me,” he instructed with a somewhat mischievous smile.

Ashleigh looked at her partner curiously,

“What is he up to?” she thought as she followed Elijah’s lead, exiting the dining room.

“Close your eyes,” instructed Elijah, a huge grin on his face as the pair came to a stop.

Ashleigh looked around the hall and laughed, noticing Mrs Henry who stood not far from the front door, watching and smiling. Ashleigh then followed Elijah’s instructions, closing her eyes as he continued to lead her along. She thought she heard the front door as it opened, along with a cold breeze that confirmed her suspicion.

“He’s leading me outside…but what on earth for?” thought Ashleigh, continuing to be led along.

As they made their way outside, Ashleigh could hear the rustling of leaves and the sound of birds chirping. She could also feel the cool breeze on her skin, making her shiver a little. But she trusted Elijah and knew that he had something special planned for her.

“Are you ready?” asked Elijah, the excitement clear in his voice as it was clear they had arrived at their destination.

“Elijah…what are you up to?” asked Ashleigh with a giggle.

Elijah laughed,

“Answer my question, birthday girl…are you ready?” he asked one more time.

Ashleigh couldn't help but smile as she nodded her head, her heart filled with anticipation,

“Yes,” she said with a giggle.

“Okay…open your eyes,” Elijah whispered in her ear.

Ashleigh did as she had been instructed, opening her eyes. Instantly her mouth fell open in awe at the sight of Elijah’s surprise.

There, sitting on the gravelled driveway was a brand new red, Porsche Cayenne Turbo S. Ashleigh’s dream car. She couldn’t believe it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to Elijah, overwhelmed with emotion.

“Happy birthday, my love,” said Elijah, gleefully.

“How did you…?” Ashleigh started to ask, but Elijah quickly interrupted her.

“I wanted to do something special for your birthday, something that would make you feel as special as you make me feel every day,” said Elijah, looking lovingly at Ashleigh.

Tears continued to stream down Ashleigh’s face as she hugged Elijah tightly, overwhelmed with love and gratitude. She couldn’t believe that her partner had gone to such lengths to make her birthday unforgettable. Ashleigh leaned in and kissed Elijah tenderly.

 As the couple admired the car, Mrs Henry made her way over to them, a huge smile on her face.

“Happy birthday, Ashleigh. You deserve it,” she said, giving her a warm hug.

Eventually, the three of them made their way back inside the house, with Mrs Henry returning to her duties.

“I can’t wait to take her out,” shrieked Ashleigh, unable to contain her excitement.

“I thought as much,” replied Elijah with a laugh, “That leads me to your next surprise,” he added, reaching into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and pulling out a brown envelope, handing it to Ashleigh.

Curious, Ashleigh opened the envelope and peered inside to find documents all neatly folded.

“Erm…Elijah…what is this?” said Ashleigh, sounding rather puzzled.

“Take a look,” said Elijah, “tell me what you think it could be.”

Ashleigh pulled out the pieces of paper that looked like legal documentation and began reading. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“Elijah…” muttered Ashleigh, “What…”

Elijah smiled,

“I pulled a few strings…had my lawyer go over some things,” said Elijah, sounding rather serious, “It’s funny…those bastards will jump through every hoop you ask when you’re paying them enough,” he added with a slight chuckle.

The documentation was a birth certificate, driving licence and a passport, all displaying the name Ashleigh Grace Pritchard and gender as female. Tears began to well up in Ashleigh’s eyes once more. Even the birth certificate had its date of birth changed, making her 10 years younger than what her original certificate stated.

“What…how…” thought Ashleigh.

“You…my love…are now legally named Ashleigh Grace Pritchard,” stated Elijah with a smile, “You now have a full complement of identification to say just that.”

Ashleigh embraced Elijah tightly,

“I love you,” she whispered in his ear.

“I love you too,” replied Elijah, overjoyed at how happy Ashleigh was.

Ashleigh then pulled back from their embrace, giving Elijah a puzzled look,

“Wait…” she mumbled, sounding just as puzzled as she looked. “Why do I have a middle name…and why Grace?” she asked.

“Well…” said Elijah, now sounding nervous, “I noticed on your birth certificate that it was your mother’s name,” he explained, to which Ashleigh appeared to wince.

“Why…Elijah?” asked Ashleigh, now sounding less than impressed.

Elijah knew all about Ashleigh and her parents, so why would he want her to bear her other’s name.

“Well…I happen to think it’s a beautiful name which matches an even more beautiful woman such as yourself,” Elijah replied.

Elijah certainly knew how to make her feel special, but Ashleigh could tell there was more to it than that.

“And?” said Ashleigh expectantly.

“And what?” said Elijah somewhat sheepishly, confirming Ashleigh’s suspicions.

Ashleigh simply gave him a look, which seemingly caused him to tell.

“And…it happens to be the name of my Grandmother, a lady I was incredibly close to as I was growing up,” explained Elijah with a smile.

“Elijah…that is so sweet,” said Ashleigh, “I much prefer that explanation,” she grinned, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

Ashleigh’s emotions were all over the place. She was happy, overwhelmed, and touched all at the same time. She couldn’t believe that Elijah had gone through all of this trouble just for her birthday, yet she was still rocked by her conversation with Mrs Henry. A conversation that still niggled in the back of her mind, every now and again. To the extent she found herself placing her hand gently on her stomach, wondering if it was true. Was Mrs Henry right? Was she indeed, carrying Elijah’s child? Yet she still wasn’t ready to discuss the matter with Elijah. It now seemed as though they both had a secret they were unwilling to reveal to the other, just yet.       

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