Resequencing DNA

Chapter 62

The rest of the day appeared to fly by, with Elijah continuing to shower Ashleigh with gift after gift for her birthday, jewellery, clothes and beauty products, the list seemed almost endless.

After getting dressed, Ashleigh and Elijah decided to venture out into the city for several reasons. As another gift, Elijah had booked a complete makeover for Ashleigh, starting with her hair. Her auburn locks, which she had been sporting since her transformation, were now complemented with blonde highlights. She also got a fresh trim and bangs, giving her a whole new look. Ashleigh also got a full set of long, red, almond-shaped, acrylic nails. She couldn’t help but feel like a new person with her stunning new look. Yet the only thing that had gotten to her, was the smells that bombarded her in the salon, which made her feel somewhat queasy. Yet she still never spoke a word of it to Elijah.

But the main reason they went out, was because Ashleigh could no longer contain her excitement about driving her new car. The shiny red SUV was the car she had dreamt about for years and here she was, thanks to the love of her life, driving her brand new car.

As darkness began to fall, Ashleigh drove the couple back home, ready to get dressed for their evening plans. With a quick kiss, the couple parted ways to get dressed. Ashleigh dashed upstairs to her closet, eager to pick out the perfect ensemble for the night. She scanned through her dresses, but there was only one thing on her mind, the black, satin, ruched dress that Elijah had bought her that day for her birthday.

As she carefully pulled the dress over her head and zipped it up, she couldn't help but admire how it hugged her body in all the right places. The fabric was soft against her skin, making her feel like she was wearing a second skin. The ruched detailing added an elegant touch, adding dimension and texture to the dress.

The dress hung at her mid-thigh, showing off her legs and making her feel confident and sexy. The plunging neckline showed a small amount of her ample cleavage, yet still maintained its look of class and elegance. Elijah’s choice had been impeccable,  this dress seemed to strike the perfect balance between being alluring and modest.

“There’s no way he chose this on his own,” Ashleigh thought, admiring her reflection, “This has Pippa’s help written all over it.”

Ashleigh paired the dress with a pair of black strappy heels and some delicate jewellery, which was also a birthday gift. She quickly added a touch of mascara and her favourite red lipstick and gave herself another once over in the mirror and she was ready to go.

“I feel amazing,” she thought as she smiled at her reflection, unable to resist giving one last twirl in front of the mirror.

As she picked out a small black clutch bag and began to head back downstairs to meet Elijah, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness. She wanted everything to be perfect for their evening together.

Before she began her descent down the stairs, she noticed Elijah was already waiting for her in the hallway. He stood there wearing a navy blue suit, white shirt, and blue tie. He was talking with Mrs. Henry, while also glancing at his watch. Ashleigh couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He always looked so handsome in a suit.

Elijah turned his back to the staircase, and Ashleigh decided now was the time to make her entrance. She slowly descended the stairs, savouring the moment. Mrs Henry first noticed her, she clasped her hands in front of her, a huge smile on her face as she quickly called for Elijah’s attention.

As soon as he saw her, Elijah's jaw dropped in awe. He couldn't believe how stunning Ashleigh looked in the dress he had picked out for her. He rushed over to meet her, taking her hand gently in his as she made her way gracefully towards him. As her feet touched the hallway floor, Elijah wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him,

“Ashleigh…You look absolutely breathtaking,” he whispered in her ear.        

Ashleigh couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness and love at his words.

“Elijah…you are too kind,” Ashleigh whispered back, feeling the warmth of his embrace. She could feel his love and admiration for her in his touch, and it made her feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

No…truly… you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Ashleigh. And this evening…I didn’t think it was even possible…but…you look even more stunning. I am so lucky to have you in my life,” said Elijah sincerely, his eyes never leaving hers.

Ashleigh couldn't help but blush at his words. She knew that Elijah was sincere and genuine in his love for her, and it made her heart flutter with happiness. She was grateful to have someone like him by her side, and she knew that the evening ahead was truly going to be a memorable one.

“You both look incredible, enjoy your evening,” said Mrs Henry with a huge smile.

As they made their way to the car, hand in hand, Elijah couldn't stop complimenting her on how beautiful she looked. It was clear that he was just as smitten with her, as she was with him.

As he always did, Elijah held open the car door, waiting for Ashleigh to climb into the driver’s seat.

“Ever the gentleman, my sweet Elijah,” said Ashleigh with a smile.

Elijah bowed in an over-the-top, dramatic fashion as Ashleigh slid into her seat,

“Anything for her Ladyship,” he replied with a playful twinkle in his eye. They both continued to laugh as Elijah closed the car door and made his way to the passenger side.

“You know…that does have a ring to it,” joked Ashleigh as Elijah climbed into the car.

“What does?” asked Elijah, raising an eyebrow.

“Lady Ashleigh Pritchard,” she replied with a playful grin, as she started up the car.

Elijah chuckled and reached over to take her hand.

“Well then, I will gladly be your loyal subject,” he said, placing a kiss softly on her hand.

Ashleigh began to giggle as she began to drive, she felt her heart flutter at his words and she couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. She was lucky to have someone like Elijah in her life, someone who treated her like a princess.

“Loyal subject…I don’t think so,” she joked.

“Oh really,” replied Elijah, feigning disbelief.

“Well of course,” said Ashleigh, “I couldn’t be without his Lordship now could I,” she added with a huge grin on her face.

The pair continued to laugh and joke with each other as they made their way to the Ashton-Burns Manor. And because of this, before they knew it, they were pulling up outside the gates. Elijah got out of the car and pressed the buzzer, announcing their arrival. Soon enough, the large iron gates crept open, allowing them to begin their journey up the long, winding driveway towards the house. Ashleigh, however, couldn’t help but notice that Elijah appeared to be getting somewhat nervous, the closer they got to the house.

As they approached the house, the couple noticed Pippa and Edward standing in the doorway, ready to greet them. Ashleigh pulled up the car by the side of the house and Elijah quickly made his way to open Ashleigh’s door. As Ashleigh stepped out, she took a moment to smooth down her dress and fix her hair.

“Shall we, my Lady?” asked Elijah, extending his arm for Ashleigh to take.

“We shall,” she replied with a smile, taking his arm.

Together, they walked towards Pippa and Edward, who were both beaming with excitement. No sooner had they reached the top of the steps, than Pippa dashed to Ashleigh and threw her arms around her friend.

“Happy birthday, Ashleigh,” squealed Pippa, kissing her on the cheek.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, returning the hug.

Edward, who was standing by, also leaned in and kissed Ashleigh on the cheek, wishing her a happy birthday. Ashleigh's heart swelled with warmth as she felt the love and affection from her dear friends.

“Thank you so much,” Ashleigh replied with a smile before the four of them began to make their way inside the house. Elijah and Edward walked behind the two ladies, having a conversation of their own.

As they entered the main hall, Ashleigh was greeted by the beautiful decorations and the sweet smell of fresh flowers. Pippa and Edward had truly outdone themselves. They had transformed the house into a magical wonderland, fit for a princess.

'Wow, this is amazing!' Ashleigh exclaimed, taking in the sight of the beautifully decorated room.


The main hall was transformed into an ethereal wonderland, illuminated by twinkling fairy lights that danced like celestial stars. Delicate floral arrangements bloomed in vibrant hues, weaving a tapestry of beauty upon the tables. A colossal banner stretched across the room, emblazoned with the words 'HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY ASHLEIGH,' casting an aura of celebration. The room looked like something out of a fairytale, and Ashleigh couldn't believe that it was all for her.

 “Thank you, Pippa. You and Edward have truly outdone yourselves, you really didn’t have to,” she replied.

“Oh nonsense, Ashleigh,” Edward interjected. “You’re family and naturally, you are worth it,” he added with a smile before he and Elijah appeared to hurry off towards the dining room, leaving the girls to chat alone for a moment.

“This is more than anyone has ever done for me…I’m not worth all of this…I’m truly not,” thought Ashleigh.

“'Edward is right, Ash,” Pippa said softly. “You are family. One of us. Therefore, it's our duty to make your birthday as special as possible,” she added with a smile on her face.

Ashleigh simply stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of what Pippa and Edward had organised, all for her.

“You look absolutely stunning, Ashleigh,” Pippa said, with a huge smile on her face.

Ashleigh blushed at the compliment,

“It would appear being in a relationship with my dear cousin seems to do well for you Ash,” Pippa continued. “Look at you…you’re positively glowing,” she added, her words laced with a sense of profound affection and her smile growing ever wider.

A flicker of nervousness crossed Ashleigh's face. She’d heard terms like 'radiant' and 'glowing' in the past and often they carried connotations of pregnancy. A sense of unease washed over Ashleigh as she realised that Pippa's words might have alluded to such an assumption, especially after her conversation with Mrs Henry earlier. Her palms grew clammy, and her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

“What…what do you mean?” she inquired.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Pippa responded,

”Why, Ashleigh, have you not noticed? You have a newfound radiance that emanates from within,” she explained.

“Well…I…I guess you're right, Pip,” Ashleigh mumbled, her voice trembling slightly. “I have to admit…I do feel..different...recently.”

Pippa squealed with excitement,

“You just come across as the happiest I have ever seen you,” she explained, “It's as if love itself has touched your very core. It is absolutely lovely to see,” she grinned.

Ashleigh giggled nervously,

“Ah…of course,” she said to herself, as she laughed, finally coming to the realisation of Pippa’s words. However, she didn’t mean for her words to be heard, it was more that she was thinking out loud. “Yes, Elijah makes me so happy. I have never felt this way before,” she continued, quickly trying to cover up her thinking aloud, but it was too late.

Pippa's eyes began to narrow, and a curious expression spread across her face.

“Why…what did you think I meant?” she asked, her tone laced with a hint of suspicion.

Ashleigh began to giggle as she looked at Pippa, trying quickly to come up with an excuse. If she were to tell her the truth, she would no doubt wonder what led her towards those sorts of ideas, causing her to probe further.

“I…erm…” mumbled Ashleigh,

“Come on Ashleigh…think…” she thought,

“I erm…I’m too embarrassed to say, she muttered in response, “I…I didn’t actually understand what you meant,” she said, trying to act as sheepish as possible.

The pair stood in silence for a brief second before Pippa began to chuckle,

“Bless you, Ash,” replied Pippa, taking her friend by the hand and beginning to lead her towards the dining room.

The clicking of heels on the polished marble floor, was the only sound present before Pippa opened the door to the dining room. The dining room also appeared to be illuminated by nothing more than fairy lights and the candles that were placed on the dining table. Ashleigh stood in the doorway, her eyes wide with wonder. The room seemed to shimmer with magic, its beauty enveloping her like a warm embrace. From the doorway, she could see that the table was already set, yet nobody was sitting at the table.

“Where did Elijah and Edward go?” thought Ashleigh, as Pippa took her by the hand once more and led her into the room.

Pippa, with a mischievous smile, took her hand once more and guided her friend into the room. But before Ashleigh could fully comprehend her surroundings, the door behind them closed with a gentle thud.

In that instant, the silence was broken by a chorus of voices that filled the room with joy and excitement.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEIGH!” everyone exclaimed in unison, their voices echoing through the enchanted space.

Ashleigh gasped in surprise, her heart now racing in her chest as she turned to notice the group emerging from the shadows, on either side of the door, their faces beaming with love and laughter.

“Oh…my…god!” exclaimed Ashleigh, placing her hand gently on her chest, “You all almost killed me,” she giggled as Elijah approached her, giving her a tender kiss on the forehead.

Ashleigh smiled as her eyes swept around the room, taking in the familiar faces of Alistair and Vivian, Jude and Elle, Pippa and Edward and William. But there was also James who seemed to be accompanied by a tall, elegant-looking, blonde woman whom Ashleigh did not recognise.

Elijah, still amused by Ashleigh’s reaction, turned to look at Pippa,

“I hope you managed to catch that,” he said with a chuckle.

“Of course,” replied Pippa, holding up her mobile phone, “It was too priceless to not.”

As Elijah turned back towards Ashleigh, she playfully slapped him on the arm,

“REALLY!” she exclaimed, with a laugh, “You almost scared the life out of me and you wanted it recorded,” she added, pouting and batting her eyelashes.

“Oh, I’m sorry, your Ladyship,” joked Elijah, wrapping his arms around her, “It was all in the spirit of fun,” he explained, kissing her softly.

“I suppose…with everything else you have done for me…I can forgive you,” Ashleigh replied with a smile.

Just then, the familiar voice of Gerard boomed through the dining room,

“If you would all like to take your seats, dinner shall be served,” he stated.

The guests took their places at the table. Ashleigh couldn't help but notice that Edward and Pippa were now seated at the top of the table, with Edward as the head, a position she was accustomed to seeing occupied by Alistair, with Vivian alongside him. Yet, his house did now belong to Edward and Pippa, after all.

As everyone sat eating, Gerard began his rounds, filling up the glasses of champagne for everyone who wanted one.

As Gerard got to Ashleigh, she raised her hand and shook her head,

“No…thank you…I had better not,” she said sheepishly.

“Very well, Miss,” replied Gerard, before moving on.

“That’s not like you,” quipped Elijah.

“I…I’m driving…remember,” said Ashlegh softly.

“Suit yourself,” Elijah replied with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with affection.

“Ashleigh, it’s fine, we’re here to celebrate your birthday, James can take you both home if you wish to have a drink,” said Edward.

“No…thank you, I’m fine,” Ashleigh reiterated, her voice unwavering.

Much to Ashleigh’s surprise, she found herself placing her hand on her tummy briefly once more, when she thought that nobody was looking in her direction. As soon as she realised, she quickly moved her hand. Was Mrs Henry right in assuming that Ashleigh was now pregnant?

The thought seemed to permeate her mind, despite her attempts to dismiss it. Even if Mrs. Henry's assumption was incorrect, the mere possibility seemed to weigh heavily upon her.

As Gerard continued his rounds, he arrived at Alistair, who was seated opposite Ashleigh at the table.

“No, thank you,” said Alistair, who was seated across from Ashleigh at the table, “I would kill for a scotch though, Gerard my dear boy,” he added with a mischievous smile.

However, Ashleigh observed as Gerard's gaze shifted towards Vivian, who swiftly intervened,

“Absolutely not,” she exclaimed, “No alcohol for my husband, thank you, Gerard, a water will suffice,” she added firmly. Her unwavering stance demonstrated her concern for Alistair's health and her determination to protect him from his own indulgences.

Gerard gently bowed his head before moving on to other guests.

Ashleigh observed the interaction with a mix of amusement and intrigue. Alistair was clearly a man accustomed to having his own way, but Vivian's unwavering authority left no room for negotiation.

Vivian noticed Ashleigh watching the situation,

“Never let a man have his way all the time my dear,” said Vivian as she laughed, “They might think they have the say, but that simply isn’t true, especially when it comes to protecting them from themselves,” she added, whilst throwing a smile in the direction of Alistair, who now resembled a child who had been scolded by his mother.

Ashleigh found herself contemplating Vivian's words. She had always admired Vivian's strength and independence, but this incident had shed new light on the dynamics of their marriage. She glanced at Elijah, who was oblivious to the entire situation as he laughed and joked with Edward. He noticed her looking at him and smiled,

“Is everything alright my love?” he asked.

Ashleigh smiled and nodded, her mind still digesting Vivian's words. She then returned to her food, she looked up to notice Vivian had now been watching her.

“Exactly,” said Vivian, as she laughed, “Always bear that in mind my dear.”

Ashleigh smiled as she continued with her meal. As she contemplated what Vivian had told her, something then struck Ashleigh. Was that how all women thought and behaved? She had spent 32 years living as a man, she had so much to learn about being a woman, especially if she were to fit into a society such as her present company. However, she then quickly realised that technically, she was now a 23-year-old woman and as so, learning the standards and what was expected of her to fit in with them, is something that a woman of her age would still be learning. Especially for someone who didn’t have the same background as them. The likes of Pippa and Elle had been born into this way of life and therefore would know no different.

As the evening progressed, everyone ate their meal amidst a backdrop of chatter and laughter. As the plates were cleared, a sweet indulgence awaited. A rich chocolate birthday cake, adorned with intricate piping and fresh berries and candles, took centre stage. With a chorus of 'Happy Birthday' resounding through the room, Ashleigh closed her eyes and made a wish before blowing out the candles. The guests, along with Gerard and the kitchen staff, erupted into applause, their voices echoing the love and affection they held for the birthday girl.

The cake was then skillfully sliced and served, revealing its moist, velvety texture that melted away in each bite. The chocolate ganache, smooth and creamy, coating the tongue in a symphony of sweetness, while the fresh berries burst with flavour, adding a touch of tartness that perfectly balanced the richness of the cake.

As the guests savoured the delectable dessert, Elijah, rose to his feet and tapped his glass, capturing everyone's attention. With a warm smile, he looked at Ashleigh with nothing but love and affection.

“To our beautiful birthday girl,”  he began, his voice filled with emotion. “You bring joy and laughter into our lives every day. May this year be filled with countless blessings and cherished memories.”

The guests raised their glasses in a toast, their cheers echoing the sentiment of Elijah's words.

“Getting to know you more and more over these past few months, has been like living a dream,” continued Elijah. “You gave me the strength and the confidence to become who I always wanted to be. And though it has been mere weeks since we became one, I cannot fathom my existence without you.”

Tears of joy glistened in his eyes as his voice faltered with emotion as he continued,

“That is why…Today, I pledge my unwavering love and devotion to you, Ashleigh. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, and the one with whom I wish to spend the rest of my days,” said Elijah.

Ashleigh sat there speechless, unable to comprehend what was happening right before her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as Elijah wiped away his tears and reached into his jacket pocket revealing a small, red, velvet box. With trembling hands, he knelt down on one knee and opened the box, unveiling a breathtaking diamond ring that sparkled under the soft light.

“Will you spend the rest of your days by my side, your Ladyship? Ashleigh Grace Pritchard …Will you be my wife?”

Time seemed to stand still as Ashleigh looked into Elijah's eyes. Overwhelmed with joy, she nodded enthusiastically tears of happiness streaming down her face. The room erupted in a chorus of cheers Elijah slipped the ring onto her finger, a symbol of their eternal love and commitment.

As Elijah got back to his feet, Ashleigh got up from her seat and kissed Elijah. She did, however, notice the flash of Pippa’s mobile phone as she captured the precious moment.

“I love you…Elijah…I love you more than anything else in this world,” said Ashleigh softly, “Of course, I will be by your side forever…my fiancé,” she added with a radiant smile, a moment that was again accompanied by the flash of a camera., this moment too was accompanied by the flash of a camera.

“Now if everyone would like to enter the main hall…it’s time for some dancing!” announced Pippa as enthusiastically as ever.

But, just before the guests got up to leave the table, Alistair got to his feet,

“Excuse me, everyone, I just have something I would like to say,” he announced.

A hush fell over the room as Alistair cleared his throat and began to speak.

“My dear nephew, Elijah, and my future niece, Ashleigh, I am truly overjoyed to witness this beautiful moment. Your love for each other is a testament to the power of true connection. May your marriage be filled with a lifetime of happiness, love, and laughter.”

Alistair raised his glass in a toast, unable to hide his disappointment, however, that his was merely a glass of water.

“To the happy couple, Elijah and Ashleigh. May your love story continue to inspire and touch the hearts of all who know you.”

The guests erupted in applause and cheers, clinking their glasses together to celebrate the newly engaged couple.

“And one more thing,” Alistair continued, “After all that has gone on…with people that we will not name on such a joyous occasion. I have not even told my dear wife I was working on this…and for that, I am sorry my dear,” A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he turned his gaze towards his beloved nephew, Elijah.

“My dearest would you feel about...about being known as Elijah Ashton-Burns?” said Alistair, “Meaning you can forget certain individuals who want no part in your life.

A hush fell over the gathering as the significance of Alistair's words sank in. While Elijah may have been too old for formal adoption, Alistair's proposal carried a deeper meaning. By inscribing Elijah into his will and bestowing upon him the family name, he was effectively cementing him as his own son.

Ashleigh squeezed Elijah’s hand gently as she noticed more tears streaming down his face.

“Well son…what do you say?” Alistair proceeded to ask.

Elijah's gaze darted around the room, seeking the approval of those he held dear. His eyes met those of Jude, Pippa, and James, Alistair's children, who nodded their encouragement. He turned to William, his biological brother, who smiled and gave a reassuring nod.

Finally, Elijah looked to his Aunt Vivian, whose expression mirrored the astonishment of the guests.  Yet she too smiled and gave her nod of approval. A wave of realisation washed over Elijah as he understood that his life was about to take an extraordinary turn.

'Well...I erm...I don't know,' he replied, his voice trembling with emotion. His hesitation stemmed from the need to process the magnitude of this unexpected offer.

Ashleigh gently squeezed Elijah’s hand once more. This seemed to give Elijah the confidence and added reassurance he needed.

“I…I would be honoured,” stammered Elijah, still seemingly lost for words.

Once more, the room erupted into applause and cheers. Alistair's face beamed with pride as he looked at the newly engaged couple.

“Good, all I require is your signature on the paperwork, the rest is ready to go,” explained Alistair. “So… I guess I should change what I said in my toast,” he laughed, “To my son and future daughter-in-law,” he added.

“So…Dancing!” exclaimed Pippa once more, “seems we have much to celebrate.”

Everyone in the room laughed at Pippa’s insistence before all making their way out into the main hall.

As the guests made their way into the main hall, the room transformed into a vibrant dance floor, illuminated by the magical twinkling of the fairy lights. Couples took to the floor, their bodies moving in graceful harmony. The music, a captivating blend of classical and modern tunes, filled the air, inviting everyone to join in the revelry.

After around an hour of laughing and dancing, Ashleigh decided to take a short break, sitting on one of the chairs that were laid out at the side of the hall.

No sooner had she sat down, Pippa approached her and pulled her up by the arm.

“No more dancing for me, not just yet anyway,” protested Ashleigh, having to speak loudly to be heard over the music and laughter.

“I know,” replied Pippa, “I thought we could take a short walk to get away from this craziness,” she added with a laugh.

Ashleigh readily agreed, and the two friends made their way out of the bustling hall and stepped into the chilly garden air.

“So Ash, are you enjoying your birthday?” asked Pippa with a warm smile.

“It's the best,” replied Ashleigh, her eyes sparkling with joy. “Everyone's having such a great time.”

“Yes…everyone is…And you?” asked Pippa.

“I’m still lost for words…what with what you’ve done making all this happen…Elijah…and then Alistair,” Ashleigh explained.

They strolled through the garden, the cold air refreshing their senses after the warmth of the dance floor.

“So it looks like you will also be Mrs Ashton-Burns,” said Pippa, her eyes filled with excitement.

“I guess you’re right,” replied Ashleigh with a smile.

They continued to walk in silence for a moment before Pippa spoke again,

“You deserve all the happiness in the world, Ash. You're a wonderful friend, and I'm so proud of you and the woman you have become.”

Ashleigh reached out and took Pippa's hand.

“Thank you, Pip. I couldn't have asked for a better friend,” she said, “But you’re drunk,” she added with a chuckle.

“I’m not drunk, Ash, I haven’t touched any alcohol,” protested Pippa with a chuckle, “I’m serious…I’m just speaking the truth.”

Ashleigh blushed at hearing Pippa’s words. If it wasn’t for the likes of Pippa, who knows, Ashleigh may no longer be around, stubbornness may have prevailed and she may have returned to her life as Aaron.

They walked together for a while longer, enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the garden. As they made their way back to the hall, they couldn't help but smile at the memories they had created on this special day.

As they began to make their way back towards the house, Ashleigh noticed that Pippa's gaze was fixed upon her, seemingly watching her every movement. Yet every time Ashleigh looked at her, Pippa simply smiled.

Eventually, Pippa stopped just short of the door,

“Listen…Ash…there’s something…I want to ask you…okay,” Pippa said hesitantly. “And I want you to be honest…okay,”

Ashleigh nodded, her heart pounding in her chest,

“Erm…okay,” she replied, sounding rather puzzled.

Pippa took a deep breath and looked Ashleigh in the eyes,

“Ash…are you…are you pregnant?” she asked, her words tumbling out in a rush.

Ashleigh's body froze as her mind raced. A moment of stunned silence descended upon them, the unexpected question hanging heavy in the air.

“What…why…how would Pippa jump to that question…there’s no way she could know what I and Mrs Henry spoke about,” Ashleigh thought frantically.

Ashleigh diverted her eyes away from Pippa’s gaze,

“Wait…what…how?” she mumbled in response, “don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed.

Pippa gave her friend a stern look,

“Does Elijah know?” asked Pippa.

Ashleigh shook her head,

“God dammit,” she uttered after realising how she had contradicted her own response.

“Ashleigh…it’s okay,” said Pippa sympathetically.

“Look, Pip, I don’t even know that I am,” laughed Ashleigh rather nervously. “It’s just what Mrs Henry said this morning…I’ve been feeling a little under the weather this past week or so…and she jumped to the conclusion that I was.”

“Well…we can get you a pregnancy test…we can find out,” Pippa suggested.

“No…no…a thousand times no,” replied Ashleigh with a nervous laugh, “And no, I’m not telling Elijah, because I’m not…okay,” she added, her voice trailing off.

Pippa took Ashleigh by the hand and smiled,

“Ash, it’s okay,” she said.

Ashleigh took a deep breath before looking her friend in the eye,

“What…what gave you the idea anyway?” asked Ashleigh curiously.

“A few things actually,” Pippa replied.

Pippa explained that several observations had led her to suspect Ashleigh's potential pregnancy. Earlier that evening, Ashleigh had reacted with surprise to Pippa's compliment about her radiant and glowing appearance. She had also declined champagne, which was unusual for her. Additionally, Pippa had noticed Ashleigh subconsciously touching her stomach when she thought no one was watching.

Ashleigh's reaction to these observations revealed a mix of emotions: confusion, nervousness, and a glimmer of possibility. While she denied the possibility of being pregnant, her actions and words suggested otherwise.

“It would be pretty cute though if I’m honest,” said Pippa, placing her hand on her stomach as she looked at Ashleigh with a smile.

Ashleigh stood and stared at her friend for a moment, before a realization dawned upon her, and a faint smile spread across her lips.

“Oh my god are you serious Pip?” asked Ashleigh, to which Pippa’s smile widened as she nodded. “How far are you?” asked Ashleigh excitedly.

“I don’t know officially,” said Pippa, “But my estimation is probably around 7 or 8 weeks, but shh, I haven’t told anyone but you…okay,” she added, placing a finger to her lips.

Ashleigh nodded in agreement,

“I won’t say a word,” she said with a smile, leaning in to hug her friend tightly. “But please…likewise,” she added.

Pippa agreed on the condition that Ashleigh does a test to either confirm or deny her suspicions. Ashleigh reluctantly agreed, however, she didn’t know what was coming next. Pippa quickly took Ashleigh by the hand and escorted her friend back into the house and to the bathroom.

“Luckily, I have…a spare,” whispered Pippa as she began to root through the medicine cabinet, emerging with a pink and white box.

“What…you want me to do this…now?” Ashleigh asked her voice a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

Pippa nodded enthusiastically,

“No time like the present,” replied Pippa, “Come on, let's see what the future holds,” she added, her face beaming with excitement and anticipation, as she tossed the box to Ashleigh.

“I…I don’t even, know what to do…this is ridiculous,” mumbled Ashleigh.

“I can walk you through it, come on, Ash,” said Pippa.

With Pippa's guidance, Ashleigh followed the instructions on the test box. The two women stood in an awkward silence for what felt like an eternity as they awaited the results and yet it was only mere minutes.

“I…I can’t look,” thought Ashleigh, feeling as though she was unable to breathe until the test showed a result either way.

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