Resequencing DNA

Chapter 64

Ashleigh sat down on the bed, her face now devoid of any colour. Her mother, or rather, Aaron’s mother chose now to pay a visit. Aaron hadn’t spoken to his mother in the best part of a year, with it being even longer still since they last saw one another. And now, Aaron was seemingly no more, or so Ashleigh had thought, she had settled into her new life after realising that the person she had become was the person she was meant to be. On the evening of the best birthday she had ever had in her life. All it had taken was one simple message regarding her mother’s impending arrival and with it, it had brought a surge of emotions that she had long forgotten.

 As a guy, birthdays were never anything special, even though both parents had been present for every birthday up until the age of 15, their relationship had always been rocky. The last birthday Ashleigh could recall without an argument taking place between her parents was her, or rather Aaron’s 7th birthday. Even after moving in with Wesley, birthdays had become rather monotonous. Nothing but evenings spent in bars, getting intoxicated, sometimes to the extent there was no recollection of getting back home or occasionally waking up in the beds of others, after yet another one-night stand.

But this year had been different. Ashleigh had spent her birthday with the man she had fallen deeply in love with, being showered with exquisite gifts, laughing and joking every single minute. The evening she had spent with new, true friends, people who loved her, accepted her into their family with open arms. For the first time ever, Ashleigh had felt truly loved and appreciated. She was now to become a wife and a mother herself. However, one thing Ashleigh did know, was that if she was to be a mother to the child she was now expecting and a wife to Elijah, her own mother was not the sort of person she wanted to emulate.

Eventually, Elijah stumbled through the door, his steps unsteady and his body leaning heavily against Mrs. Henry for support. Ashleigh got up off the bed and rushed to his side, a mixture of concern and amusement evident on her face.

“I can take over from here, Mrs Henry,” said Ashleigh with a smile, as she took her fiancé by the arm.

“Ashleigh, my love,” mumbled Elijah, his words slurred, “You know, I can’t wait to call this woman my wife,” he added, looking towards Mrs. Henry with a broad grin.

“Well I must say, you are an incredibly lucky man,” replied Mrs Henry, her own smile mirroring the joy in Elijah's eyes.

“That I am,” Elijah acknowledged, as he turned back to look at Ashleigh.

“I shall fetch a glass of water,” said Mrs Henry, “I think someone may need it,” she added with a chuckle as she turned to leave the room.

With careful steps, Ashleigh led Elijah to their bed.

“You know, I'm really glad you're here. I mean, I love you so much, I couldn’t imagine my life without you now,” he said as she helped him undress. “Also…how did I even get home,” he added with a sheepish grin.

Ashleigh laughed, but at the same time, her heart melted at his affectionate words.

“I couldn’t imagine life without you either, my love,” she replied softly.

As Elijah lay down on the bed, Ashleigh tucked him in and kissed him tenderly on the forehead.

“Sleep well, my tipsy Lordship,” she whispered with a giggle.

Elijah closed his eyes, a contented sigh escaping his lips.

“I love you, my Lady,” he murmured, “You’ll make an amazing mother,” he added, his voice fading into a gentle snore.

“Wait…what?” she asked, but her question was met with silence. Elijah had already succumbed to slumber, his breathing steady and rhythmic.

Elijah’s words sent Ashleigh into a state of confusion. How did he know that she was pregnant? She hadn’t told him and she knew that Pippa hadn’t said a word. Besides, there was no way he could have discovered the pregnancy test that remained hidden in her handbag. Had Mrs Henry said anything to him?

“I…I love you too,” whispered Ashleigh as she gently climbed into bed beside him.

Just then, Mrs Henry returned with a tall glass of water that she had promised. She placed it down on the bedside table beside Elijah and quietly began to leave the room.

“Are you okay, Miss Ashleigh?” she whispered softly, her hand hovering above the light switch.

Ashleigh thought for a brief moment before replying,

“I guess so,” she whispered, “Mrs Henry…did you mention anything to Elijah about our little conversation earlier?” she asked.

“Of course not, I would never do that Miss Ashleigh,” replied the older woman, “why would you think that?”

“Nevermind…I shall speak with you in the morning…you know…just to be safe,” she added, gesturing with her eyes towards Elijah.

“I understand,” said Mrs Henry, “Goodnight,” she added, switching off the light.

“Goodnight…and thank you,” Ashleigh replied softly.

With a faint click, Mrs Henry closed the door behind her, taking with her the last remaining light that was in the room, leaving Ashleigh alone with her thoughts. As she sat in the darkness, Ashleigh’s mind raced. Even though her birthday had been the most enjoyable she’d ever had, the day had been a whirlwind of emotion, that was for sure.

As the night wore on, Ashleigh lay there, unable to sleep, no matter how hard she tried. Her mind was too full of thoughts and emotions. She tossed and turned, her body restless and her mind racing, accompanied by the symphony of light snoring from Elijah.

Before she knew it, Ashleigh could hear the sound of birds as they began their morning chorus. The soft chirping filled the room, a gentle reminder that the night had passed. Shortly after, the first rays of sunlight began to creep into the room from behind the curtains.

As the morning broke, Ashleigh was left exhausted and emotionally drained. The long night of sleepless thoughts had taken its toll on her, leaving her feeling weary and overwhelmed.

With a heavy sigh, Ashleigh decided to get out of bed and make her way to the bathroom. As she stood before the mirror, Ashleigh saw a reflection of her exhaustion. She quickly splashed her face with cold water before she decided to head downstairs.

Ashleigh threw on her silken robe and cosy slippers, catching a glimpse of the diamond ring that sparkled on her finger. Before leaving the bedroom, she glanced back at her fiancé, who remained rather peaceful and fast asleep, the sight of which, brought a smile to her face.

She left her bedroom, closing the door gently behind her. Ashleigh stood at the top of the stairs, observing Mrs Henry diligently issuing instructions to the other staff members. The sight of the household's efficient operation brought a sense of order to the chaos that often accompanied the morning rush.

Ashleigh descended the stairs, her steps soft and deliberate. As she did so, Mrs Henry looked up, noticing her descent,

“Good morning,” stated the sweet, older lady, with a soft smile, “I didn’t expect to see you up this early, Miss,” she added.

“Good morning, Mrs Henry,” Ashleigh replied, her voice nowhere near as upbeat as Mrs Henry. “I couldn't sleep,” she added, letting out a huge sigh.

Mrs Henry's expression softened,

“Oh no, any particular reason?” she asked, her tone somewhat empathetic.

“I have so much on my mind at the moment,” replied Ashleigh.

“Oh…I understand,” said Mrs Henry, “Anything particular you fancy for breakfast?” she asked.

Ashleigh shook her head,

“I don’t think I can stomach much,” Ashleigh replied, “Maybe just some toast…and maybe a little fruit.”

“   Very well, Miss. I shall have it prepared immediately,” Mrs. Henry replied, her voice soothing. “Can I get you anything else?”

Ashleigh stood for a moment,

“Actually, yes,” she replied, “can you bring through two cups of coffee to the conservatory,” she added.

“Okay, I can have that sorted too, Miss Ashleigh,” said Mrs Henry with a smile, looking slightly confused, before quickly making her way to the kitchen.

Ashleigh made her way through to the conservatory, turning on the heat lamps as she entered. As she sat in the conservatory, lost in her thoughts. The night had been restless, filled with worries and uncertainties that weighed heavily on her mind. She found her hand drifting to her pocket and retrieving her cigarettes out of habit, which had remained there since the previous morning, the last time she’d had one.

“I know I shouldn’t,” she thought, placing one to her lips, “but…I can’t help it just yet.”

Her fingers traced a gentle circle on her stomach, a hint of apology in her touch. She knew she had to quit smoking, but the stresses of the moment proved too overwhelming. The nicotine calmed her nerves, providing a temporary escape from her anxieties, yet the metallic taste she had experienced for the past few days quickly returned.

As she sat there, lost in contemplation, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted into the conservatory. Mrs. Henry entered, carrying a silver tray with two steaming cups. She placed it on the table next to Ashleigh.

Ashleigh looked up, her housekeeper’s presence snapping her out of her reverie,

“Anything else, Miss Ashleigh?” asked the ever-polite Mrs Henry.

“Actually…Mrs Henry…” mumbled Ashleigh, “the second cup is for you…if you wouldn’t mind taking a seat”

Mrs Henry's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure.

“Very well, Miss Ashleigh,” she replied with a warm smile, perching herself on the chair opposite Ashleigh, “thank you, that's very kind of you,” added Mrs Henry.

Ashleigh took a drag of her cigarette, her thoughts racing as stubbed it out and picked up her cup of coffee.

She could feel Mrs Henry’s eyes on her, watching her every move. As she looked over at her, she could see she was waiting for her to speak and explain what was going on.

“So…” muttered Ashleigh rather nervously, sipping her coffee and savouring its bitter flavour.

“Is everything alright, Miss Ashleigh?” asked Mrs Henry, her voice filled with concern.

Ashleigh placed her cup back down on the table and gently placed her hand on her stomach,

“It appears that you were correct in your assumptions yesterday Mrs Henry,” said Ashleigh.

“Oh my, Miss Ashleigh,”  exclaimed Mrs Henry, her eyes widening with joy, “that's wonderful news!”

Ashleigh smiled and caressed her tummy gently,

“Yes…it is a wonderful thing I guess,” she said, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

“You don’t sound too thrilled my dear,” said Mrs Henry, “Does Elijah know of this yet?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.

Ashleigh sighed and looked down at her hands,

“No…not yet, I'm not sure how to tell him,” she replied softly.

“There’s something else… isn’t there dear?” asked Mrs Henry, tilting her head to the right.

Ashleigh's body tensed up.

“I'm not sure if I can go through with this,” she whispered. “I don't think I'm ready to be a mother…I don’t think I ever will be.”

Mrs Henry's face softened.

“Oh heavens, Miss Ashleigh…my poor dear,” she said, her voice laced with empathy. “Why would you think like that?”

"I…I don’t know," said Ashleigh, as tears began streaming down Ashleigh's cheeks. "I just...I don't think I would be a very good mother."

Mrs Henry sighed and reached out to take Ashleigh's hand.

“I…I just…don't know what to do,” sobbed Ashleigh, “I'm so scared.”

“Oh, you are not alone, my dear,” Mrs. Henry said, her voice soothing. “But, do you want to hear my opinion?”

Ashleigh nodded, trying to wipe the tears from her face.

“I believe that every woman has the potential to be a wonderful mother,” Mrs Henry said. “It is a journey, not a destination. You will learn as you go, and you will have the support of those who love you.”

Ashleigh listened intently,

“I...I guess you're right,” she said, her voice still trembling slightly. “I need to give myself a chance.”

Mrs Henry smiled and got up out of her seat, hugging Ashleigh tightly.

“Yes, my dear. And remember, you are not alone. I know I’m not alone when I say we will all be here for you every step of the way,” replied Mrs Henry. “And besides, you are the sweetest person I have ever met…I am sure you will be the best mother any child could wish for.”

“Thank you,” Ashleigh sniffled, getting to her feet to embrace Mrs Henry once again.

“Oh my dear,” replied Mrs Henry, “No need to thank me, I will always be here for you.”

Ashleigh smiled at Mrs Henry’s unwavering support and encouragement.

“So…what are your plans for today?” asked Mrs Henry.

“Well…I have a lunch date I must attend this afternoon,” Ashleigh replied, “With Pippa, Elle and my future mother-in-law.”

Mrs Henry's eyes twinkled with excitement,

“Oh, that sounds wonderful! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time,” she said. “Now…I must get back to work, Miss…unless there is anything else you require of me,” she added with a smile.

Ashleigh shook her head and Mrs Henry started to leave the conservatory. However, as she went to open the door, Ashleigh stopped her in her tracks,

“Oh…sorry there is one last thing,” she exclaimed.

“Yes?” asked Mrs Henry.

Ashleigh approached Mrs Henry,

“I need you to make up one of the spare bedrooms…as a guest room,” she explained.

“Of course, my dear,” she replied. “I'll have it ready by this afternoon…are we expecting guests or have you had enough of Elijah already?” she asked with a chuckle.

“My erm…my mother may be staying with us…for a while,” Ashleigh answered, her voice revealing a hint of nervousness.

Mrs Henry nodded understandingly.

“Oh…I see. Well, I'm sure she will be delighted to have a comfortable place to stay. I'll make sure the room is perfect,” she said with a reassuring smile.

“Thank you,” replied Ashleigh, “for everything.”

Mrs Henry smiled,

“Well…can you do something for me?” asked Mrs Henry.

Ashleigh looked confused, Mrs Henry never asked her or Elijah for anything,

“If…if I can, I will,” Ashleigh replied hesitantly.

Mrs Henry smiled gently,

“Please…allow me to contact a doctor on your behalf,” she said, “The earlier you are under the care of a doctor, it will make everything so much easier, for both you and your unborn child.”

Ashleigh hesitated for a moment before nodding her head,

“Okay,” she whispered.

Mrs. Henry smiled,

“Thank you, my dear. I'll make the arrangements right away,” she replied.

“Thank you, Mrs Henry,” Ashleigh said softly.

And with that, Mrs Henry turned and left the room.

“Now onto the next problem…my mother,” thought Ashleigh, as she pulled out her mobile phone. The temptation to craft an excuse or simply ignore her mother's message, leaving her stranded, loomed large. But deep down, she knew that truth, however difficult, could not be buried forever.

Inspired by her conversation with Mrs Henry, an idea sparked within Ashleigh. She swiftly messaged her mother to inquire about her arrival time at the coach station, and a prompt response came back: 11 am. Glancing at her phone, Ashleigh realized it was already 9 am. Time was of the essence if her plan was to come to fruition, she had to move swiftly.

Ashleigh realised that if she could arrange for Elijah to pick up her mother from the coach station, she would feel more comfortable revealing the truth to her mother in the safety of her own home. The only obstacle was Elijah's lack of a driver's license.

Undeterred, Ashleigh dialed Pippa's number. She knew that Pippa would understand her predicament and help her navigate this delicate situation.

With Pippa's assistance, Ashleigh devised a plan. James would drive Elijah to the coach station, where he would pick up Ashleigh's mother. This would allow Ashleigh to avoid the awkwardness of having her mother discover the truth in a public arena.

As Ashleigh hung up the phone, she felt a sense of relief. She had taken the first steps, now she had to go and wake her fiancé and get him onside with the plan.

Ashleigh made her way upstairs. With a gentle push of the bedroom door, Ashleigh entered the room and approached the bed. Elijah lay soundly asleep, oblivious to the unfolding events.

“Elijah,” Ashleigh said softly, to which there was no response. She tried again, speaking louder this time. “Elijah, wake up,” she said, this time rocking her fiancé gently.

Elijah stirred and opened his eyes, confusion evident in his gaze.

“What's going on?” he asked groggily.

“I need your help,” Ashleigh said, her voice filled with urgency.

Elijah sat up in bed as Ashleigh explained the situation and outlined the plan she had devised with Pippa. Elijah listened intently, his expression gradually changing from perplexity to understanding.

“Ok…anyone else…it would be a firm no,” said Elijah, rubbing his eyes, “But of course for you, my love…I would move mountains,” he added with a chuckle.

“Thank you, my sweet Elijah,” Ashleigh replied sounding slightly relieved before kissing Elijah gently on the forehead. The smell of alcohol still lingering on Elijah from the night before.

Ashleigh pulled out her phone and sent a text to Pippa,

“Plan is on! go, go, go,” Ashleigh typed and quickly hit send.

Ashleigh got up from where she had sat on the side of the bed at Elijah’s side.

“Where are you going now?” asked Elijah, turning onto his side, his eyes still bloodshot.

“Breakfast,” replied Ashleigh with a smile, “I’m hoping I can trust you to get out of bed and not fall back off to sleep,” she added with a small giggle.

“Of course, you can rely on me,” said Elijah, managing to drag himself up out of bed.

As Ashleigh left the room, where she could now hear Elijah moving around inside, getting ready to face the day.

“I do love you, Elijah,” she whispered as she made her way back downstairs.

As Ashleigh sat at the dining table, eating her toast and sipping on coffee, Elijah entered the room and sat down close to her.

“Hey, my love,” said Ashleigh, her tone sounding rather more upbeat than it had been, even though she was still anxious beneath the surface.

Elijah smiled before turning to Mrs Henry to tell her what he would like for breakfast.

“So…Ashleigh,” said Elijah as Mrs Henry departed the room. “I get to meet one of my future in-laws, it seems,” he said with a chuckle.

Ashleigh explained that James was due to arrive within the next hour and that he was to meet her mother at the coach station at 11am. All he was to tell her was that he was a friend of Aaron’s, that was until they had arrived and the truth would be revealed.

As they enjoyed their breakfast, Elijah and Ashleigh talked about their plans for the day.

“Seems like that is the order of the day,” said Ashleigh with a chuckle.

“What on earth do you mean,” replied Elijah, looking somewhat amused by Ashleigh’s statement.

Ashleigh proceeded to elaborate that she had scheduled a lunch date with Vivian, Pippa, and Elle. Given the recent revelation about Elijah assuming the Ashton-Burns name and Alistair's intentions to treat him as his own son.

“This means that Vivian will technically become my future mother-in-law,” Ashleigh said with a grin. “And Pippa and Elle will be my new sisters-in-law.”

Elijah chuckled.

“I suppose you're right,” he said. “I hadn't thought of it that way before.”

“I also have some business to attend to this afternoon,” explained Elijah. 

 “What business?” she asked, her curiosity piqued. Elijah was usually quite open about his appointments, and Ashleigh often had a better grasp of his schedule than he did.

Elijah hesitated for a moment before replying,

“I shall be gone a few hours.”

Ashleigh looked at her fiancé, a hint of concern in her eyes. It was unlike Elijah to be evasive about his plans. She wondered what business could be so important that he would need to keep it from her. In fact, the only thing he had failed to be upfront with her about was the whole Wesley situation.

“Is this about Wesley?” thought Ashleigh, her mind wandering back to the conversation between her and Pippa a few weeks ago. But she knew she couldn't confront Elijah directly without revealing Pippa's involvement.

Instead, Ashleigh opted for a moment of silence, observing Elijah as he finished his breakfast. The air crackled with unspoken words, a subtle tension hanging between them. Ashleigh's heart fluttered with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

“I may not be able to ask him directly…” thought Ashleigh as she sipped her coffee.

“Have you heard from Wes, recently?” she asked, hoping to approach the topic indirectly.

Elijah remained silent for a moment, his expression inscrutable. It was evident that he was carefully weighing his words before responding. He wiped his mouth with a napkin before looking his fiancée in the eyes.

“Actually…I have,” he said, checking his watch. “And yes…that is whom the business is regarding. He’s been in a rather bad way recently…over what he did to you…as well as the whole…family issue,” he explained.

Ashleigh nodded as the room fell silent once more,

“Is this what marriage is to be like…constant secrets?” she pondered.

Elijah stood up from his seat and stretched,

“Almost time to be collected by James,” Elijah muttered.

However, Ashleigh still had one more burning question she wanted answered.

“Elijah!” Ashleigh she exclaimed, interrupting his movement.

“Yes?” he inquired, his expression inscrutable as he fixed his suit jacket and tie.

“Last night…before you went to sleep…” she muttered, looking around to ensure nobody was listening. “You said…you said I’ll be a good mother…what did you mean?” she asked, her eyes pleading for an answer.

“Ashleigh…I…I was drunk…okay,” said Elijah, “I will discuss this later with you…I promise all will be revealed,” he added, his face looking rather serious as he turned and left the dining room.

Ashleigh could feel herself beginning to get somewhat agitated by Elijah’s evasive behaviour. She too got up from her chair and stormed out into the main hall where she managed to catch up with Elijah.

“YOU WILL GIVE ME AN ANSWER, GOD DAMMIT ELIJAH!” she screamed across the hall, unable to contain her frustration.

Elijah's silence was deafening. He stood tall, his expression inscrutable. It was clear that his secrets were a tangled web that he was unwilling to unravel, just yet anyway.

“Ashleigh…please do not speak to me in that tone,” said Elijah, his voice calm and collected, as always. His expression, however, betrayed his irritation at her outburst as well as the constant questioning.

Ashleigh, deep down, knew that Elijah was not going to give her the answer she sought at that moment. She had to be patient and wait for him to open up on his own terms, however, this wasn’t going to deter her from pursuing it further.

“Now…if you shall excuse me, I have to run this errand you have me on,” he stated before turning sharply to leave the house.

“Elijah!” Ashleigh called out once more.

Elijah glanced over his shoulder, without breaking his stride. Before Ashleigh could say anything further, Elijah closed the door behind him.

As she turned to head up the stairs, she caught a glimpse of Mrs Henry standing by the kitchen door, it was clear that she had witnessed the exchange between the couple.

As Ashleigh ascended the stairs, she noticed Mrs Henry standing by the kitchen door, a witness to their altercation.

“Drama's over,”  Ashleigh said, her frustration still palpable. “Haven't you got a job to go back to?” she snapped.

A sense of unease crept into Ashleigh's heart. This was their first disagreement, and its weight settled heavily upon her. The realization that their relationship had taken a turn filled her with trepidation.

Ashleigh sought solace in the soothing embrace of a warm shower, before her mother’s impending arrival. As the water cascaded down her body, she stood with her head bowed, allowing its gentle touch to wash away the turmoil that surged within her, along with the tears that rolled down her cheeks. The steam enveloped her like a protective cocoon, shielding her from the harsh reality that lay beyond the confines of her sanctuary.

As the water continued to flow, Ashleigh's thoughts raced unchecked. She replayed the events of the past few days, over and over in her mind, searching for any glimmer of hope. Her birthday, her engagement to Elijah, discovering her pregnancy, her mother’s unexpected visit, her sleepless night, but on top of all else, she now had the disagreement she and Elijah had just had. Ashleigh felt the weight of her emotions bearing down on her. She found herself, partly longing for the simplicity of her past. How different her life had become in the past few months.

“Would I really go back to that…that life?” she asked herself, as the last drops of water trickled down her body, Ashleigh stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam from the mirror, revealing her reflection. “Right now…I wouldn’t like to say yes…but at this moment…I honestly don’t know.”

As she stared at her reflection, she noticed her eyes were red and swollen from crying. Yet, beneath the tears, a flicker of resolve emerged. She was determined to see all of this through.

“Girl…you can do this,” she whispered to herself, a newfound strength filling her voice. With a deep breath, she returned to her bedroom to dry her hair and prepare for the day ahead.

After drying off her hair, she carefully selected her outfit, choosing a white, satin, button-up blouse that exuded elegance and sophistication. A sleek black leather skirt and black heeled ankle boots completed the ensemble, adding a touch of boldness and confidence.

As she gazed at herself in the mirror, Ashleigh saw not only her physical reflection but also the reflection of her inner strength. The whisper that had once haunted her now transformed into a powerful affirmation.

“You got this,” she repeated to herself, her voice filled with conviction.

She sat down at her vanity table as her mobile phone buzzed. A text message from Elijah read, 'Almost home, about 15 minutes away.'

A sense of anticipation washed over her. She had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity, for Elijah's return also heralded the arrival of her mother. It was time to face her fears head-on and embrace her new identity.

Ashleigh added a touch of mascara, a hint of blush as well as her favourite red lipstick. The one that always made her feel bold and empowered.

Each stroke of makeup was a deliberate act of self-affirmation. It was a symbol of her transformation, a declaration of her readiness to confront the past and forge her own path.

Just then, there was a gentle tapping at her bedroom door.

“Come in,” stated Ashleigh, as she gave her reflection one last inspection.

Mrs Henry entered the room rather sheepishly,

“Oh, Mrs Henry,” said Ashleigh.

“I just wanted to make sure you were alright Miss,” said the older woman, her voice rather soft and empathetic.

“I…I will be…thank you,” replied Ashleigh, “Mrs Henry…I want to apologise…” she continued before Mrs Henry cut her off.

“No need to apologise, Miss,” she said, “I know you didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean to pry on your private affairs. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Ashleigh shook her head,

“No…you’ve treated me with nothing but respect. And for that, you deserve the same…I should never have spoken to you in that manner,” explained Ashleigh.

Mrs Henry walked over to Ashleigh and gave her a hug,

“Oh, my dear girl,” she exclaimed, “As I said earlier, I will always be here for you,” she added, smiling warmly.

Ashleigh heard her phone buzz once again,

“That will be Elijah,” she thought.

“Mrs Henry…I hate to ask…but I’m meeting my mother for the first time in many years,” explained Ashleigh, “I don’t know how this may play out…”

“I’ll make sure the staff and I are all well clear until you or Mr Elijah give the word Miss, don’t you worry,” replied Mrs Henry.

“Thank you,” Ashleigh whispered, her heart filled with a mixture of trepidation and gratitude.

After the pleasant exchange between the pair, Mrs Henry wished Ashleigh luck on seeing her mother and raced off to speak to the rest of the household staff. Meanwhile, Ashleigh gathered her courage and crept out of her room, her heart pounding in her chest. She hesitated at the top of the stairs, out of sight, her senses heightened.

Moments later, the front door creaked open, and Ashleigh peered down to see Elijah carrying her mother's suitcases. A wave of nerves washed over her as if a thousand butterflies had taken flight within her. Yet amidst the fear and anxiety, one emotion seemed to rise above the rest.

With a newfound determination, Ashleigh stood up straight, smoothed out her outfit, and began to take confident strides down the staircase as she held onto the rail. She was ready to face whatever the encounter might bring, armed with both trepidation and the unwavering support of those around her.

Her mother was deep in conversation with Elijah as Ashleigh descended the staircase. She glanced up briefly, noticing the confident, young woman, yet paying her no mind. However, at that moment, something must have clicked, as her gaze quickly returned to the stairs and she studied Ashleigh intently as she approached the bottom steps, a look of recognition on her face.

“Aaron…is that…is that you?” Grace uttered hesitantly.

“Hello, Mother,” Ashleigh replied, a huge, confident smile on her face.

Ashleigh watched as all the colour began to drain from her mother’s face, as she continued to stare at Ashleigh.

“But you’re…a…you’re a…” mumbled Grace.

“A woman?” Ashleigh said, completing her mother's sentence.

Grace nodded,

“How…how…can this…” she muttered, her face becoming paler with each passing second.

“Elijah!” stated Ashleigh noticing her mother beginning to sway.

Elijah rushed to Grace's side just as her legs appeared to give way. With swift and steady hands, he caught her and carried her up to the guestroom that had been prepared for her arrival.

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