Resequencing DNA

Chapter 66

Soon enough, it was time to head out and meet Pippa, Elle and Vivian. The latter had chosen a renowned establishment for their rendezvous, a place not quite as opulent as the exclusive Sheridan but still carrying a reputation for exorbitant prices.

Ashleigh stood in the main hall, awaiting her mother to come back downstairs.

“Mrs Henry, would you mind fetching my mother otherwise we will be late,” said Ashleigh, her voice laced with irritation. After all, it had been Grace who insisted on accompanying her daughter in the first place, much to Ashleigh’s annoyance.

Just as Mrs Henry went up the stairs, the sound of a door closing was shortly followed by Mrs Henry’s voice, accompanied by the clicking of heels.

As soon as Mrs Henry reappeared down in the hallway, she looked at Ashleigh, knowingly. The sound of heels clicked clumsily on each stair, as her mother descended.

“Come on Mother,” Ashleigh snapped, her tone no longer hiding her annoyance. “We are going to be late for heaven's sake.”

 However, as Grace reached the bottom few steps, Ashleigh’s eyes widened in disbelief,

“Is…is that my top,” she exclaimed, referring to the red, satin, cowl-neck blouse with long sleeves, that her mother was wearing, even though it was clearly a size too big given Ashleigh’s bust.

“Sorry dear, I didn’t think you’d mind, just thought I would make an effort,” replied Grace nonchalantly, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “ besides, I’m only borrowing it”.

Ashleigh continued to inspect her mother’s outfit,

“And my suede boots too,” she exclaimed, “Are those Jeans even yours?”

“Come on sweetheart, we are going to be late,” said Grace, without so much as acknowledging her daughter’s frustration, instead walking past her and towards the front door. “How are we getting there…are we getting picked up by somebody?”

“I AM driving us…Mother,” replied Ashleigh, putting up her hands as if to strangle her mother, much to the amusement of Mrs Henry.

As the pair got in Ashleigh’s car, Ashleigh slammed the door in frustration. Grace, oblivious to her daughter's annoyance, admired her reflection in the rear-view mirror.

“Ashleigh, sweetie,” said Grace, “you wouldn’t happen to have a lippy I could borrow in your handbag would you?”

Ashleigh rolled her eyes,

“Does she just want to BE me?” she thought, tossing her handbag onto her mother’s lap.

“Be careful and don’t use too much,” instructed Ashleigh as she started up the car, “That’s my favourite lipstick.”

“There…thank you, sweetheart,” said Grace, as she finished applying her lipstick, “I can see why you like it…it’s absolutely gorgeous.”

With her borrowed lipstick nestled back in her handbag, Grace sat back and watched as her daughter drove down the gravel driveway. As they drove, Ashleigh noticed her mother looking at her silently.

“What?” Ashleigh asked her tone a mixture of curiosity and irritation.

“Oh nothing darling,” replied Grace, “I just can’t get over you,” she added with a smile.

“Me?” asked Ashleigh, sounding surprised, “What about ME…exactly?”

Silence hung in the car for a few moments before Grace answered her daughter’s question,

“Well…you know…” she muttered, “This morning, I arrived here expecting to see my son,” explained Grace, “And instead, I discovered a daughter, a very beautiful daughter at that.”

 A playful smile spread across Grace's face as she teased her daughter,

“I must say, you definitely get your looks from my side of the family sweetheart. But the red hair and large breasts…God only knows where you got them from.”

Ashleigh rolled her eyes and sighed at her mother’s comments. Even though she meant them as a compliment, Ashleigh also knew that deep down it had been a dig at her father and his side of the family who Grace, was never too fond of, even when she was married.

Something else Ashleigh had picked up on was the way Grace was now speaking. It was as if Grace was trying too hard to sound more sophisticated than usual, forcing her words to come out in a way that was unnatural and contrived. The thought then occurred to her, that she had sounded that way when she had first met Vivian and the rest of Elijah’s family.

“Mum…what are you doing?” asked Ashleigh, sounding slightly amused by her mother’s façade.

“I have no idea what you mean, my dear,” replied Grace with a smile.

“Mum, you don't have to pretend,” Ashleigh said gently. “Do you have any idea how you sound,” she added.

“How do I sound? I sound like you, my dear,” answered Grace, still retaining the accent she had forced on herself.

“Honestly Mum…you're good enough just the way you are…just…be yourself,” said Ashleigh, her voice soft and reassuring.

Grace’s gaze shifted to the window as she watched the world pass them by,

“Maybe…maybe you’re right,' she said, with a hint of vulnerability in her voice. “Maybe…I’m just…I’m trying to adapt to all of this…you know,” she explained.

“Adapt…you don’t need to adapt to anything, Mum,” stated Ashleigh.

“Oh, Ashleigh,” retorted Grace, “Of course I need to adapt. Look at this, look at all of this,” she continued. “Look at the life you have here now. It is a far cry from the little boy I brought up. The one who would go out and play in the streets, coming home to our terraced house with grazed knees or with a black eye after getting into fights with other boys.”

“Mum…I’m still the same person that you raised,” replied Ashleigh.

“Oh really…Miss, I live in my la-de-da mansion with my millionaire fiance, just look at the huge diamond that sits on my finger,” Grace snapped, her words dripping with sarcasm. “Your child will never have the same experiences you did as a kid…hell, will they even go to public school? I highly doubt it, will they have to fight for what they want in life? I think not. Everything will be handed to them on a big silver platter, just because Mummy and Daddy have money,” she said with a sense of bitterness clear in her voice.

Ashleigh knew not to take her mother’s words to heart, she knew she wasn’t mad at her, she was clearly just venting. The world Ashleigh lived in now, was indeed a far cry from the one she had grown up in. She knew the struggles her mother had faced, back when Ashleigh had been a child. She knew that her mother had done the very best for her and yet clearly felt it hadn’t been enough.

“Are you quite done?” asked Ashleigh softly.

“I…I’m sorry sweetie,” muttered Grace, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.

“Don’t be,” replied Ashleigh, “Please…just…be there for me, be the mother I need, rather than the absent one you have been,” she added gently.

“It’s just so jarring…you know,” explained Grace, clearly fighting back the tears, “To see all this…I am proud of you my girl.”

A moment of silence passed as they savoured the weight of the moment. Then, Ashleigh broke the silence with a playful remark.

“Thank you, Mum,” she whispered, “Now…don’t cry… your mascara will run,” said Ashleigh jokingly, referring back to the conversation with her mother earlier that morning.

Grace laughed,

“Some pretty sound advice there,” she joked, realising what her daughter was referring to.

“You know what, it is, isn’t it,” replied Ashleigh.

“Must have been a wise woman who passed that on to you I’m sure,” said Grace with a chuckle.

“Hmmm…I wouldn’t go that far,” teased Ashleigh.

Grace gently placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder,

“I do love you, Ashleigh,” she said, “I love how you have blossomed into this…this beautiful, intelligent, caring young woman. I always knew you were someone special, but now…you’re more than even I imagined.”

Ashleigh's eyes welled up with tears as she listened to her mother's heartfelt words.

“Mum, stop, you’ll make me cry,” said Ashleigh, her voice barely a whisper.

“Now…I promise, I will be myself,” said Grace, “That, a wise young woman did tell me,” she added with a smile etched on her face.

Ashleigh smiled at the sentiment behind her mother’s words.

“Is there anything else I should know, besides the fact that you have ALWAYS been my daughter?” asked Grace.

Ashleigh explained how yesterday, had technically been her 33rd birthday, it was in fact her 23rd birthday, according to the age that Wes had made her.

“Oh…I see,” exclaimed Grace, “At least I wasn’t a mother as early as I had been then,” she joked. “Instead of being 19 when I gave birth to you, I was actually 29.”

“Technically…yes…but try not to bring any of that up…the whole thing with you…and dad…you may trip yourself up,” said Ashleigh.

Soon after, Ashleigh parked the car in a car park, close to the restaurant. As she and her mother got out, she noticed the limousine as it pulled in a few rows down from them. As it came to a stop, she watched as James got out and as always, opened the door for his passengers, with Elle climbing out, followed by Vivian.

“Remember everything I’ve said,” Ashleigh whispered to her mother, as the pair made their way to greet the two other ladies.

“Oh my darling Ashleigh,” stated Vivian, walking up to Ashleigh and embracing her tightly, “You look stunning as usual my dear.”

“Thank you, Vivian,” replied Ashleigh as Vivian bestowed a tender kiss upon her cheek. Elle then enveloped Ashleigh in a heartfelt hug.

“Vivian…Elle…I would like you to meet my mother, Grace,” said Ashleigh, introducing her mother to the two women. “Mum, this is Vivian and Elle…technically my future mother-in-law and sister-in-law,” added Ashleigh with a rather anxious smile on her face.

“Ah…technically I guess you’re right,” replied Vivian with a chuckle, “how lovely to meet you, my dear,” she added.

“Has anyone heard from Pippa?” asked Elle.

“No…” responded Vivian, “That sweet girl of mine would be late for her own funeral,” she added with a laugh.

“That’s children for you, they never change,” said Grace, playfully nudging Ashleigh as she did so. Ashleigh noticed her mother had gone back to using her ‘more sophisticated tone’ much to Ashleigh’s annoyance. However, it wasn’t quite as bad as it had been in the car.

“Indeed,” replied Vivian with a smile, as the group continued their conversation, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the last member of their party.

“Excuse me, ladies,” announced Grace, before retreating a few feet away from the group to light up a cigarette.

Ashleigh remained with Vivian and Elle as they made small talk, yet Ashleigh could sense her mother’s eyes on her. She turned and smiled at her mother who was indeed watching her. After the conversation they had shared in the car, Ashleigh couldn’t help but recall how she had felt when she first met them all. She had felt like an outsider in a strange new world, was that how her mother was feeling?”

A short while later, the group watched as Pippa’s car pulled into the car park,

“Oh, thank heavens…finally she arrives,” said Vivian with a sigh of relief, as Pippa parked her car.

As Pippa approached the group, she had a smile on her face. Ashleigh walked over to meet her,

“Are you ready for this,” she whispered nervously.

“I am…are you?” replied Pippa.

Ashleigh closed her eyes and nodded to her friend,

“I am…now that you’re here,” stated Ashleigh with a smile as the pair made their way towards Vivian and Elle, with Grace still standing alone a few feet away.

Pippa was greeted in the typical way, with both her sister-in-law Elle and her mother Vivian hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. Grace quickly reunited with the group and Ashleigh introduced her to Pippa.

The five ladies made their way into the restaurant. Eventually, they were seated at a round table and Ashleigh found herself sandwiched between her mother and Pippa.

The group of women ordered their food and drinks, with Vivian being the first to make conversation within the group.

“So…Pippa…Ashleigh, we are here today because of you two,” said Vivian, “Now, would either of you care to enlighten the rest of us, as to what is going on?”

 A hush fell over the table as everyone's attention turned to Ashleigh and Pippa. it felt as though not only did they have the attention of everyone at the table, but to Ashleigh, it felt as though the entire restaurant had their eyes fixed on the two young women.  

As the tension in the air thickened, Ashleigh and Pippa glanced at each other, both looking rather timid as they did so. Ashleigh took a deep breath before the pair looked across the table to Vivian.

“Well…Mum…I have something important to tell you,” said Pippa, her words faltering slightly.

“As do I…Vivian,” said Ashleigh, her heart pounding in her chest.

Vivian's eyes widened in surprise, and the other women leaned forward, eager to hear what the two had to say.

“Go on…my dears,” Vivian urged, her voice trembling with a hint of nervousness.

Ashleigh and Pippa looked at one another once more, with each of them appearing to gain confidence from the other as they both gave each other a nod before looking back towards Vivian.

“Edward and I…” Pippa began hesitantly.

“Elijah and I,” Ashleigh interjected.

Then, in unison, they uttered the words that would change their lives forever: “We’re pregnant.”

Vivian's face erupted in joy, a radiant smile spreading across her lips. The tension in the air dissolved, replaced by a sense of overwhelming relief and happiness.

“Oh, my precious girls! This is wonderful! This has got to be the best news I've ever heard. I can't wait to be a grandmother,” exclaimed Vivian, jumping up from her seat as she made her way around to the two young women, to embrace them both.

Amidst the jubilation, Ashleigh's gaze drifted to Elle, her sister-in-law. Elle wore a strained smile, a hint of reluctance etched upon her face. Ashleigh sensed a twinge of jealousy beneath Elle's façade. After all, she and Jude had been together for several years, yet it was clear that Jude had no interest in starting a family anytime soon.

As Vivian sat back down, Grace then got up to congratulate the girls, emulating Vivian’s actions exactly.

As the food and drinks arrived, it was clear to Ashleigh that Vivian was at least attempting to make a conversation with her mother. And yet, Grace seemed to be answering only in short, brief, sentences.

“So, Grace, we are to be Grandmothers, you and I,” remarked Vivian, a huge, smile etched on her face.

Grace beamed with pride.

“Yes, Vivian, it is a wonderful moment for us all,” she replied, all the while, Ashleigh was making eyes at her mother, trying to encourage her to keep the conversation flowing. And yet, the table fell briefly silent once more, that was until Vivian spoke up once again.

“Well I do I have to say, Grace, you've raised a remarkable daughter,” said Vivian. “Ashleigh is a credit to you.”

“Thank you, Vivian. I'm very fortunate to have her,”  replied Grace with a huge smile on her face. “She tells me you are all awfully good to her,” she added, finally acknowledging her daughter's subtle cues to keep the conversation going.

“Ah yes, of course, we do try our best,” said Vivian, her voice filled with warmth. “She has very quickly become one of the family has our dearest Ashleigh.”

Ashleigh was struck by the genuine affection in Vivian's voice.

“Well for that I sincerely say thank you,” replied Grace, “From what I have known so far, Elijah is a remarkable young man, they suit each other well.”

“That they do,” said Vivian with a smile, “As you are no doubt aware, Elijah is technically my nephew.”

“Oh really?” replied Grace.

“Yes…but as my husband and I are ever so fond of the young man, my sweet husband saw it fit to…one could say…adopt him if he had been young enough. But even so, with the help of his lawyers and whatnot, Elijah now bears our family name and we regard him as one of our own,” explained Vivian, “Isn’t that right, Pippa?”

“Yes, indeed Mother, Elijah is my brother,” answered Pippa, “And of course, I can’t wait for Ashleigh to become my sister-in-law,” she added with a huge grin on her face.

“Aw that is such a lovely sentiment,” said Grace.

“Hey, what about me…I’m your sister-in-law too,” joked Elle, as she glanced over at Pippa.

“Well of course, I will have the two very best sister-in-laws anyone could ask for,” replied Pippa with a chuckle.

“So Grace, tell us what we’ve all been dying to hear,” stated Vivian as she placed down her cutlery “Seeing as though she is to be a mother herself, what was our dearest Ashleigh like as a child? I bet she was an adorable little princess.”

Ashleigh’s eyes widened in shock, as she looked at Pippa, she too appeared worried as to what Grace was going to say.

Grace seemed to it for an eternity as she pondered how to respond, however, she did cover up her delay by finishing the last few mouthfuls of her meal.

“Oh good heavens no,” Grace began to explain, “At points in her childhood, I genuinely believed I had a son, instead of a daughter,” she added with a chuckle.

Ashleigh’s eyes widened even further, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her face began to flush, as she worried about where her mother was going with this,

“Mother, please,” she exclaimed.

“Oh, Ashleigh, relax,” said Grace in a rather relaxed manner.

“Oh really,” chuckled Vivian, “Come on Grace, do tell.”

“Well…she was always coming home with grazed knees, busted lips..even black eyes at times,” explained Grace. “She was always getting into scuffles with other boys,” she added.

Ashleigh felt her heart sink, hoping that Vivian hadn't noticed the significance of that last statement,

“Maybe Vivian didn’t hear that last bit…” thought Ashleigh.

“Other…boys?” inquired Vivian, sounding confused.

“Yes…of course she picked up on it,” Ashleigh thought to herself.

“We used to say ‘other boys’ because Ashleigh had more in common with them than the girls,” said Grace with a chuckle.

Vivian and Elle also started to laugh.

As the laughter subsided, Vivian turned to Ashleigh with a warm smile,

“Well, Ashleigh, it sounds like you had quite the adventurous childhood. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother to your own little ones.”

“Thank you…I’m sure it will be interesting,” Ashleigh replied whilst subtly nudging her mother under the table.

“Do you have any pictures?” asked Elle, expectantly, “I’m sure we would all love to see, the adorable little Ashleigh.”

“You know, I actually don’t,” replied Grace.

“Aw that’s such a shame,” teased Elle as Ashleigh glared at her.

“So,” stated Vivian, “What about you Grace?”

Grace looked at Vivian, somewhat confused,

“Excuse me?” she replied, “what about me?”

“Oh… nothing bad dear,” Vivian answered with a chuckle, “I was just going to ask, how long are you staying with Ashleigh and Elijah? Will you be back for the birth of our grandchild? Their wedding?”

“Well…actually,” started Grace,  “There was something I was meaning to speak to you about Ashleigh,” she added, turning to look at her daughter, the look on her face was somewhat serious.

“Oh shit…here we go,” thought Ashleigh, “I knew there was something! At least she’s telling me on day one.”

A hush fell over the group as Grace continued.

“Ashleigh…there IS other reasons I’m here,” said Grace, her voice steady but filled with emotion.

“What do you mean, Mum?” Ashleigh asked, her voice trembling slightly.

“I…I didn’t want to bother you…with any of this just yet…but…I’m looking for a place here to be nearer to you,” Grace explained.

It was clear to Ashleigh, however, that Grace was withholding something from her. The way her hands were trembling, the way it sounded as though she was choking back tears, none of that rang true with somebody simply moving.

“What else…Mum…what else is going on…why are you moving?” asked Ashleigh.

“I’ll…I’ll tell you later…sweetie…” Grace replied, “We’re here to celebrate, not to be upset.”

Ashleigh looked around the table as panic began to set in,

“No…No…you’ll tell me right now,” demanded Ashleigh, “If you don’t tell me…god dammit or you will walk home from here.”

“Grace. Is everything alright darling?” Vivian interrupted, “I should never have broached the subject.”

“It’s quite alright…honestly,” replied Grace with a forced smile.

“Mum…if there is something…if there’s something I need to know, just say it,” snapped Ashleigh.  

The room grew silent as Grace struggled to compose herself. Grace took a deep breath and with a heavy heart, she finally uttered the real reason she wanted to come and visit her daughter,

“I...I have cancer…Ashleigh.”

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