Resequencing DNA

Chapter 73

Three weeks had elapsed since Elijah had convened a meeting with himself, Ashleigh, Pippa, Vivian, and Grace. During that period, they had celebrated both Christmas and New Year with both festivities taking place at the Ashton-Burns Manor, where Pippa and Edward hosted for the first time.

Before Christmas, Ashleigh had received a phone call from Dr Reid, bearing the joyous news that all her tests had yielded perfectly normal results. Furthermore, Dr Reid informed Ashleigh that she would be scheduling her for her very first ultrasound scan at the outset of the new year. The prospect of this filled Ashleigh with both a sense of awe as well as a great deal of anxiety. After all, never in her life did she imagine that she would be female, let alone an expectant mother.

However, the festive period was not quite what Ashleigh had envisioned mere weeks ago. Going back a few weeks, Ashleigh had developed the perfect Christmas idea, curled up by the fire, sipping hot chocolate, with Elijah by her side. Yet, due to events that she had never seen coming, none of what she had planned came to fruition, instead, she had found it incredibly hard to move on from the stunt that Elijah and Wesley had pulled. And as much as she knew that it was mostly Wesley’s doing, she couldn’t find it within herself to move on or forgive Elijah for not giving her so much as a warning. And yet, whilst she knew that Sofia was once Wesley, she found herself unable to hold anything against her. Instead, each time she looked at the young girl, as confusing as it felt, she felt nothing more than a maternal love for her. Whilst she was angry at Wesley, holding him more accountable than Elijah, Sofia was an innocent little girl, who, regardless of who she once was, was now caught in the crossfire of all of this.

In the wake of these events, Ashleigh's relationship with Elijah had spiralled into uncharted territory. She had made the difficult decision to pause their romance, yet they continued to cohabit, albeit in separate bedrooms. The home they shared was now divided. On one wing of the house was Ashleigh, living out of the master bedroom, with Sofia in the room next door to hers and Grace on the other side of Sofia, whilst on the other wing lived Elijah. The only real-time Ashleigh and Elijah were now spending together was at mealtimes, with the once-unbreakable bond between them fractured beyond any temporary fix. And yet, it was clear to any observer, the hurt the pair had in their eyes, the longing they both shared for one another's company.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm toast wafted through the air as Ashleigh and Sofia walked into the spacious dining room. The morning sunlight streamed through the large windows, illuminating the polished mahogany table and the gleaming silverware. It was a familiar scene, one that played out every morning like clockwork.

Sofia, skipped ahead of her mother, eager to reach the table. Ashleigh, followed closely behind, her hand gently resting on Sofia's shoulder. As they entered the room, a warm smile spread across Mrs. Henry's face.

“Good morning, Miss Sofia,” said Mrs Henry, crouching down to greet the young girl, her voice soft and soothing. “Did you sleep well?”

Sofia smiled and nodded in response, Her eyes, bright and curious, scanned the table, already anticipating the familiar spread.

“Well…we have your favourite this morning Miss Sofia,” said Mrs Henry with a chuckle, “What did you tell me you liked?”

Sofia put her finger to her lips as she turned back to look at her mother.

“What did you tell Mrs Henry, Sofia?” asked Ashleigh with a chuckle.

Sofia approached Mrs Henry and whispered in her ear.

Mrs Henry smiled in response and then took Sofia by the hand,

“Chocolate pancakes, just for you,” she declared, her voice filled with warmth as she took Sofia by the hand. With a playful grunt, she lifted Sofia into her chair, settling her comfortably amidst the array of silver and china.

Mrs Henry turned to Ashleigh,

“And how are you Miss Ashleigh?” she asked with a warm smile.

“I…I’m fine, I guess,” replied Ashleigh, avoiding eye contact with Mrs Henry, knowing fine well the elder woman would read her like a book.

Ashleigh sat down at the table beside Sofia and poured herself a coffee.

“You don’t have to tell me lies, Miss Ashleigh,” said Mrs Henry, giving Ashleigh a knowing look, “I know just how hard it can be when you’re pregnant,” she added with a chuckle.

She was right, Ashleigh was finding it much tougher than she’d anticipated. She was now 9 weeks along in her journey and it seemed to be getting harder by the day.

“It's been…a little harder than I thought it would be,” confessed Ashleigh, her voice trembling slightly. “The nausea, the fatigue... I feel like I'm failing before I've even started.”

Mrs. Henry reached out and took Ashleigh's hand in hers,

“You're not failing, my dear, every woman experiences this journey differently. It's a time of both joy and challenge, a roller coaster of emotions,” she said with a warm smile, “Besides, how was it when you had Miss Sofia?”

Ashleigh gulped, hard, how was she to answer that question when she didn’t actually give birth to Sofia? She couldn’t really tell her anywhere near the truth, especially after the backstory Elijah had told her.

“I…erm…Sofia was relatively straightforward,” muttered Ashleigh, hoping that her housekeeper couldn’t see through her story.

“Oh…really?” replied Mrs Henry, “Well I guess, as I said before, every journey is different,” she added with a smile.

Ashleigh forced a smile, sensing that she had gotten away with her story before turning her gaze to the child who sat stuffing her face with chocolate-covered pancakes.

“I erm…I think I’ll take my coffee through to the conservatory,” stated Ashleigh as she got to her feet.

“Do you want me to have your coffee brought through Miss?” asked Mrs Henry.

“No…no,  I can manage,” Ashleigh replied, “Can you watch Sofia for me please?”

“Sure thing,” answered Mrs Henry with a tender smile.

Ashleigh began to make her way out of the dining hall, just in time for her and Elijah to awkwardly cross paths.

“Ashleigh,” began Elijah cautiously, his voice low, “You… are you okay?” he whispered, his concern etched on his face.

She tried to force a smile, but it came out strained, a thin crack in the facade she was desperately attempting to maintain.

“Just a little nauseous,” she mumbled, her eyes meeting his for a fleeting moment, “All this…it’s exhausting, you know…the whole…grow a little person inside you thing,” she added with a feeble chuckle.

“Ashleigh,” said Elijah, his voice sounding soft and gentle, “You don’t have to lie to me. I…I do still love you…and I care for you…more than you will ever probably realise,” he explained, his voice laced with vulnerability. He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, a gesture that spoke volumes of his unspoken feelings. “I…I know I was a fool before, I should have at least warned you of Wesley’s intentions…and I know by not doing so…I hurt you…and for that, I can never forgive myself.”

His apology hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the pain he had inflicted. Ashleigh's lips trembled as she met his gaze, her heart a tangled knot of conflicting emotions.

“Look...Elijah…I still...I still love you,” she mumbled in response, “I just need time…okay… time to get my head around all of this…to figure it all out.”

Elijah nodded in response to her words,                   

“And I shall remain forever waiting, Ashleigh, if that is what must be done,” he said softly.

“I need to do what’s right for me…Sofia…and…” she paused, her hand resting gently on her abdomen, which was now not as flat as it once was. A faint smile began to emerge on her lips, one that reflected pride and excitement yet carried an undercurrent of anxiety.

“Our child,” Elijah finished the sentence for her, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and understanding.

Ashleigh simply smiled meekly before continuing on her way, leaving Elijah standing by the door to the dining room as she made her way to the conservatory, coffee mug in hand.

She slowly opened the door to the conservatory turned on the heat lamps and opened the door to the outside, only to be greeted by the wintery blast of cold air that was soon displaced by the heat lamps. She took her usual seat and picked up her pack of cigarettes, feeling rather proud of the fact she had now managed to limit herself to a single one on a morning and one last thing before bed.

She took a long drag from her cigarette, the smoke swirling around her head like a halo, as she gazed out across the snow-laden garden, lost in silent contemplation. The trees stood bare, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers towards the grey sky. The silence was broken only by the crackling of the heat lamps.

A short while later, Ashleigh was snapped out of her thoughts as her Mother joined her in the conservatory.

“Good morning, my love,” said Grace, her voice tinged with an underlying concern. She knew it was Ashleigh's morning routine - coffee, cigarette, and the silence of the conservatory. But today, the silence felt heavier, the air thicker.

“Morning Mother, sleep well?” replied Ashleigh.

Grace simply smiled and nodded before taking a seat opposite her daughter as she lit up a cigarette of her own, her eyes remaining fixed on her daughter.

“The question is, how are you feeling, darling?” Grace asked, her voice gentle, her gaze unwavering.

Ashleigh paused for a moment, glancing down at her tummy,

“Tired,” she replied, “I’m not feeling as nauseous as I was before…and is it normal for my boobs to hurt so much?” ”

Grace let out a chuckle, getting a glare from Ashleigh as she did so,

“It’s not funny,” snapped Ashleigh with a scowl.

“My apologies, my darling,” said Grace with a smile, “Yes it’s perfectly normal for your breasts to be tender and to feel tired my sweet. It's all part of the wonderful journey you're on.”

“Hhmph,” grunted Ashleigh as she stubbed out her cigarette.

“I know I shouldn’t laugh, but this was a conversation I never imagined having…you know, after giving birth to a son,” laughed Grace, yet once again, Ashleigh did not look impressed by her mother’s remark.

Grace reached out and took her daughter's hand, her eyes filled with love and understanding.

“I know it's a lot to take in, especially when you're not expecting it. But I'm here for you, every step of the way,” she said tenderly.


Ashleigh looked up at her mother, a mix of emotions swirling in her eyes,

“Thanks, Mom,” she said softly.

“When is your next appointment with the doctor?” asked Grace.

“This morning,” replied Ashleigh, her voice flat and emotionless.

“Want me to come with you?” Grace asked.

“I think I’ll be alright on my own this time, Mum,” Ashleigh quickly answered “Besides, I’d appreciate it if you’d watch Sofia for me,” she added with a smile.

“Of course, darling,” said Grace, her voice a whisper, “Whatever you need.”

“Thank you,” muttered Ashleigh, “I have an ultrasound booked in for today.”

“Oh how exciting,” said Grace, “You’ll get to see your little one for the very first time,” she added, her voice brimming with anticipation.

“Uh huh,” muttered Ashleigh, not sounding anywhere near as enthusiastic about the situation as Grace appeared to be.

Ashleigh got up from her seat and began to make her way to the door leading back into the main house.

“ precious girl,” uttered Grace, causing Ashleigh to pause before exiting.

“Yes?” replied Ashleigh, looking back over her shoulder.

“Can I give you my honest opinion, sweetie?” asked quietly.

“Do I have an option,” replied Ashleigh sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she did so.

“No…not really…I am your Mother after all,” laughed Grace.

“Well…” Ashleigh replied, a sigh escaping her lips.

“If I may be as so bold to suggest…Ashleigh…you’re scared…of doing this all alone…right?” said Grace, “And as much as I am here for you…and I always will be…I just think…well…how about you take…Elijah…with you.”

“Elijah?” questioned Ashleigh, her brows furrowing in confusion.

“Yes, Elijah,” Grace replied, her voice soft and understanding, “Ashleigh…He is the father, after all. And I know things haven’t been all sunshine and roses recently between the two of you, but this is a big moment in both of your lives. I think it would mean a lot to him to be there.”

Ashleigh’s eyes widened,

“I…I don’t think so,” Ashleigh uttered in response to her Mother’s suggestion. “I’ll be fine…on my own.”

“Ash…” exclaimed Grace, “That’s your problem, you know, you’re so stubborn…just like your Father. Whilst I’m fully aware of what Elijah has done and how he hurt you, he wasn’t truly to blame for someone else’s actions. And having gotten to know him like I have…he loves you…Ashleigh, he absolutely adores you…please…why not use this as an opportunity to move forward…nobody is saying jump into bed with one another, but everyone can see the strain it’s putting on both of you, with the way things are at the moment.”

Ashleigh paused for a moment, considering her Mother’s words. She did have a point, Ashleigh had come to realise that Wesley had been the driving force when it came to the plan he and Elijah had concocted. One thing that Grace had been right on the money about, was how the current situation was putting a huge strain on her. She still loved Elijah with all of her heart and not being with him was causing her pain way beyond anything imaginable. But in the same respect, how was she to just forgive him for not telling her anything, especially when the plan had involved her so heavily.

“I’ll…I’ll consider it,” Ashleigh announced, her voice tight with unshed tears. She turned away, unable to meet her mother's hopeful gaze, and stepped out of the conservatory, leaving behind the weight of her decision and the echoing words of her mother's plea.

As she left the conservatory, the words of her mother lingered in her thoughts. A flicker of doubt gnawed at the edges of her resolve. She knew Elijah loved her, and the thought of a future without him filled her with an unbearable emptiness.

Before she even realised, Ashleigh had retreated to the solitude of her bedroom. She began to undress, to get ready to leave for her appointment, but as she stood there wearing nothing but her underwear, her reflection in the mirror caught her attention. She gazed at her abdomen, whilst she wasn’t yet heavily pregnant, it was now undeniable that her body was beginning to change. It was a subtle change, a soft curve that had only just begun to emerge, but it was a change nonetheless. It was a stark reminder of the life growing inside her, a life she had never planned for, but now couldn't imagine not having. A wave of emotion washed over her, raw and unfiltered – fear, confusion, and a hesitant, burgeoning spark of something else – something she could barely name.

As she dressed, the memory of Grace's words echoed in her mind. “Just like your father”, her mother had said, a hint of exasperation lacing her voice. Ashleigh's father, a man of strong convictions, had often refused to see another's perspective, his stubbornness a barrier to understanding, this had been something that she knew had destroyed her parent's relationship. Was she repeating his pattern? Was her refusal to forgive Elijah, to see his side of the story, just another echo of her father's rigid nature? Would this fateful decision lead her down a path similar to her parents, a path that culminated in a broken family with a child shared but apart?

Ashleigh vehemently shook her head, determined to dispel the notions planted by her mother's words. She would not succumb to the same destructive tendencies that had marred her parents' relationship. She and Elijah were not her Mother and Father, they were stronger than that, besides, Ashleigh remembered her parents arguing frequently, but that was not the case with her and Elijah, especially considering they’d almost avoided each other since the day when Ashleigh had decided what was for the best.

Ashleigh threw on a loose-fitting pair of jeans and a comfortable, oversized jumper, the soft fabric a welcome comfort, caressing her growing belly. She tied her hair back in a loose bun before grabbing her car keys from her dresser.

“Let’s get this over with,” she said to herself as she grabbed her handbag and headed for the door of her bedroom, contemplating her mother's words once more. Did she truly have her father's stubborn streak? Was she being too inflexible, too unwilling to see things from Elijah's perspective?

Ashleigh made her way down the stairs and into the main hall. She took a deep breath and began to make her way towards the front door, with the intention of slipping out unnoticed. However, this was not meant to be.

“Mummy,” cried out the familiar voice of Sofia, just as Ashleigh reached the front door.

Ashleigh turned to look towards the living room door, the direction Sofia’s voice had come from. There she saw Sofia, in the arms of Elijah, a huge, warm smile on her face.

“Hey sweetie,” said Ashleigh, making her way over to the pair, kissing Sofia on the forehead.

“You’re…going out?” asked Elijah with a smile which was clearly forced.

“I…erm…I have my ultrasound appointment, with Dr Reid,” explained Ashleigh.

“Oh…okay,” Elijah muttered in response, “let me know…how everything goes…okay.”

Ashleigh smiled and nodded before kissing Sofia once more. As she turned to leave, Ashleigh took a deep breath,

“Fuck it,” she thought to herself as she closed her eyes,

“Elijah…I erm…” she mumbled, “I would…erm…would you like to come with me…to the appointment, I mean…I’d really like it if you would.”

Hearing these words, a radiant smile erupted across Elijah's face, illuminating his handsome features, like a sunrise breaking through the clouds. It had been weeks since Ashleigh had witnessed Elijah smile, and seeing it made her realise, just how much she had missed it.

“I…I would love nothing more,” he uttered in response, his words filled with a palpable sense of joy. Kissing Sofia on the head, he gently set her down and turned to face Ashleigh.

Ashleigh smiled before catching a glimpse of her Mother who was quietly watching their exchange.

“Sofia,” said Grace, extending her hand towards her granddaughter, “how about you come to play with Grandma whilst Mummy goes to her appointment,” she added with a gentle smile.

Without a second glance at her mother or Elijah, the little girl eagerly skipped towards Grace, her face beaming with excitement as her tiny hand clutched her grandmother's.

Ashleigh watched with fondness as her Mother and Sofia left the hall, leaving her and Elijah standing alone. The air suddenly felt charged with anticipation. Ashleigh's heart beat a little faster, matching the flurry of emotions swirling within her.

“I suppose we had better make a move, else I’ll be late,” uttered Ashleigh with a nervous chuckle.

“Yes…shall we, “ replied Elijah with a smile before walking to the front door, opening it for Ashleigh, and bowing his head as he did so.

“Ever the gentleman,” said Ashleigh her voice a breathy whisper, her gaze lingering on him for a fleeting moment, as she stepped out into the frigid winter air.

“Always for my lady,” said Elijah with a smile as the pair began making their way to Ashleigh’s car.

Ashleigh couldn't help but smile, she felt a warmth radiating within her. It was gestures such as these that made her heart skip a beat and reminded her of why she had fallen head over heels in love with Elijah. 

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