Resequencing DNA

Chapter 72

Ashleigh quickly dried her hair and put on fresh clothes,

“Come on Ash…Pull yourself together,” she thought as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She opted for a simple ponytail, tying her hair back to clear her mind and focus her thoughts.

“Mrs Henry was right…Elijah and I…we can work this through,” she pondered, instinctively resting on her abdomen, “Especially for your sake.”

A glimmer of determination sparked in her eyes as she rose from the dressing table. With a deep breath, she made her way to the door and began making her way downstairs.

As she descended the stairway, the house seemed much quieter than usual, with no sign of the usual hustle and bustle of the household staff going about their daily chores.

Reaching the bottom step, she tentatively made her way across the polished marble floor of the hall and towards the living room, where she knew Elijah would be awaiting her arrival, along with her mother and Pippa.

With trepidation, she placed her hand on the handle of the living room door. taking one last deep breath, she closed her eyes and turned it without giving it a second thought, stepping inside.

As she entered the room, all eyes turned towards her. Elijah sat in his chair, he was the first to capture her gaze. His chin rested on his hand, his brow furrowed in contemplation. The familiar lines of worry etched around his eyes deepened as he met her gaze. His love, as always, was evident, but it was overshadowed by a concern that had settled upon him like a shroud.

Across the room, her mother, Grace, stood by the window, her arms folded, the afternoon sun painting one side of her face in a golden hue. The light couldn't quite mask the shadow of anxiety that clung to her features. Ashleigh could see the flicker of hope in her mother's eyes, but it was a hope tinged with a deep-seated fear.

Finally, there was Pippa, her best friend, who had been pacing the floor, her hands wringing in anxiety. As Ashleigh entered, Pippa stopped abruptly, her usually bright eyes now filled with a mixture of worry and fierce loyalty.

Despite the differences in their expressions, there was a singular thread that bound these three individuals together, a thread that connected them to Ashleigh in a way that transcended words. They all looked at her with a blend of love and concern, a love that was fierce and unwavering, and a concern that was rooted in their deepest desires for her happiness.

The unspoken question hung in the air, heavy and palpable. What was it that had brought them together, their faces etched with worry, their hearts appearing to be filled with a similar mixture of hope and fear as Ashleigh, herself felt.

Ashleigh's eyes drifted from one face to the next, her mind racing to find an answer.

“What's going on…Elijah?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. “Why did you fetch me here?”

Elijah cleared his throat, his gaze never leaving hers as he got up from her seat,

“We're here,” he began, “because we're worried about you.”

“You’re worried about me?” asked Ashleigh, “What the fuck for? Where is Sofia?”

Elijah took a step forward towards Ashleigh,

“Please…my dearest…sit,” said Elijah, gesturing to the sofa.

Ashleigh did as Elijah asked, sitting on the sofa that was positioned between the chair in which Elijah had been sitting and another chair to the right.

At that moment there was a tap on the living room door,

Elijah nodded to Pippa who promptly opened the door, allowing Mrs Henry to enter, her hands filled with a silver tray containing tea cups and a large teapot. At her feet was Sofia, who darted into the room with the energy of a tornado, almost sweeping poor Mrs Henry off of her feet.

“Mummy, Mummy,” she cried out, her face radiant with a smile that could melt the coldest heart. Her eyes, bright and sparkling, landed on Ashleigh, and a wave of joy washed over her., “You came back…like you promised,” she exclaimed, throwing herself into her mother's arms. 

“Of course, I have, sweetheart, I told you, Mummy only needed a shower,” Ashleigh said softly.

“Mummy…are you mad at Lijah and Grandma?” asked Sofia, her voice filled with innocence as well as a touch of concern.

Ashleigh's expression softened,

“No, sweetheart. I'm not mad. I just needed some time to…to think,” she explained gently.

Elijah, who had been observing the scene from the sidelines, stepped forward towards the pair,

“Sofia, it's true that your mother and I had a little disagreement,” he said, his voice calm and reassuring. “But we're talking about it, and we're all okay now.”

Sofia's eyes widened in surprise,

“'Really?” she asked, a glimmer of relief lighting up her face.

“Yes, really,” Ashleigh confirmed. “We're a family, and we always will be. We just need to learn how to communicate better with each other…that’s all.”

Sofia seemed to process this information carefully,

“'re not going to leave again…are you?” she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty.

“Of course not,” Ashleigh said, her eyes filled with unwavering love. “I…I'm your mummy, and I'll always be here for you.”

“Sofia,” said Elijah as he crouched down in front of the little girl, “could you be a good girl and stay with Mrs Henry for a short while. As your Mummy said, we’re going to make everything alright,” he added, “Plus…I need you to take care of Mrs Henry, can you do that for me.”

Sofia climbed down off the sofa, taking Mrs Henry by the hand with a huge smile on her face. Mrs Henry smiled at Elijah before guiding the young girl out of the room.

However, one more surprise was in store for Ashleigh. As she watched Sofia and Mrs Henry leave the room, her eyes stopped at the doorway where Vivian stood watching the scene unfold.

“Now…if everyone would like to take a seat,” said Elijah, his voice calm and steady, breaking the silence, drawing everyone's attention back to the present.

Grace, Ashleigh's mother, settled beside her daughter, her hand resting reassuringly on Ashleigh's arm. Vivian, her expression unreadable, took the seat opposite Elijah, leaving one space next to Ashleigh for Pippa, who handed out the cups of tea to each of them already sitting down, before finally taking a seat beside her friend.

“Where to begin,” said Elijah, casting his gaze on Ashleigh. “Ashleigh, my darling, let me start with an apology…it is the very least you deserve,” he continued. “I know…I know I should have come to you regarding the whole…Sofia…thing but, please…understand, I panicked. I so desperately wanted to ask you…but events…certain events…they left me with no option towards the end, other than to hasten my plans and act quickly.”

His words hung in the air, heavy with regret. Pippa, her face etched with concern, finally broke the silence and spoke up,

“Elijah, Mother and I both told you that if you and Wesley were to carry out your…ridiculous idea, you had to run the idea past Ashleigh first, as she is affected by this more than anyone else,” her tone rather sharp. “And what do you mean by 'no option'? And events?”

Elijah, his face flushed, took a deep breath.

“It was…it was a difficult situation, Pippa. Let's just say that the choices I had were…unpleasant. I didn't want to burden anyone else with those choices, with the weight of my decision. In hindsight, it was wrong of me, but I thought it would be easier for everyone if I just…went along with it. Did you, dearest sister, did you understand the full situation surrounding Wesley? How he felt deep down regarding his background and how he was lied to his entire life regarding his father?” stated Elijah. “No…up until this point, only I knew the truth…the truth of how we could have just as easily been attending the funeral of a loved one…as much of an arsehole he was…knowing I could do something about it…I had to make that call…Pippa…I had no choice...hence the reason I panicked…okay.”

He paused, for a moment, his gaze darting between Ashleigh, Vivian and Pippa. Vivian, her lips pressed together, finally spoke, her voice cold and sharp.

“Easier for everyone? You mean easier for you, Elijah. You didn't consider the consequences for Ashleigh, for any of us. You made your choice, and now you want to apologise? What good is an apology when it comes after the damage is done?” she said, her eyes fixed on Elijah. “I love you, dear boy, you know that…that is why Alistair and I call you our son, rather than our nephew…but dear lord you can be pigheaded at times…just like Bridget.”

The room fell silent again, the weight of the unspoken accusation hanging heavy in the air.

“I understand your anger, Vivian,” Elijah said softly, his voice laced with desperation, “But please, I beg you, listen to me….” He began before Vivian cut him off once again.

“Oh you don’t understand half of my anger boy,” she snapped, startling everyone else in the room. “Elijah…Wesley is dead anyway…don’t you get that…do you not comprehend…Wesley is no more…you and he saw to that…he got his wish after all,” she explained.

“But…” Elijah began.

“BUT, that is not where my anger comes from…no…it infuriates me, that you have pinned all of this on poor Ashleigh…and without her consent no less,” Vivian continued, “All of this…without the knowledge that she is currently with child Elijah…she is already carrying YOUR child. My God you surely get your brains from Jasper and Bridget. I thought you had changed, that you were no longer Eloise. But your impulsive behaviour hasn't changed one bit, has it…you’re still the impetuous little brat you have always been…If you had the intelligence of the man you wish to call Father…you wouldn’t make such stupid bloody mistakes…God help me…pardon my language.”

Vivian's words, sharp and unforgiving, cut Elijah deep, that much was evident as it was written all over his face. He had gone from sitting in his usual, proud and confident manner, to now slouching in his chair, as if he were some child being scolded by its mother. Elijah wasn’t the only one taken aback by Vivian’s scathing assault. The rest of the room fell silent, those who had witnessed her words, were both unable and unwilling to speak up after Vivian.

Vivian was right, however, he had been so consumed by his own guilt, his own actions, that he had completely overlooked the impact on Ashleigh, the woman he loved. The weight of his actions, the consequences he had so carelessly ignored, now crashed down upon him with the force of a tidal wave.

“Look…I made a mistake, a grave one. I took the easy way out, and I hurt Ashleigh in the process, that…I do not deny,” explained Elijah, his voice quivering with emotion. “But…I want to make things right, I want to be with her...I do not even ask forgiveness if you cannot grant it to me, simply as I do not believe I am worth it…all I ask is that we move forward…and you give me the chance to put this right.”

Vivian turned her attention to Ashleigh, her voice softening,

“Ashleigh my dearest, do you have anything to say right now?” she asked.

“I…erm…I don’t know…” muttered Ashleigh hesitantly.

“It’s okay Ash…” said Pippa, placing her hand on top of Ashleigh’s, “You can change the subject if you need to and come back to how much of an absolute dick Elijah has been,” she added with a reassuring smile.

“PHILLIPA!” exclaimed Vivian, “Watch your language.”

“Change…change the subject?” said Ashleigh, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find her words.

“Ashleigh…upstairs…you opened up to me about how you were truly feeling, I think you need to tell Elijah,” stated Pippa, “ honest…if you don’t want to say…everything you told me…don’t…I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul and still won’t. But sweetie…I have your back.”

Once more all eyes shifted to Ashleigh, watching and listening expectantly.

Ashleigh looked her friend in the eyes, she was right to some degree, Elijah needed to know how she was feeling. Besides, in a roundabout way, it has to do with the whole Sofia/Wes situation, it was how it made her feel.

Pippa smiled reassuringly as Ashleigh took a deep breath. She then turned to look Elijah in the eyes.

“I…I’m sorry…I’m sorry Elijah…you aren’t the only one to have made a mistake,” she stated as she fought back tears. “I shouldn’t have reacted…quite the way I did…” she explained.

Pippa gently squeezed her hand as Ashleigh watched Elijah squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

“Go on, Ash,” whispered Pippa.

“You…you wonder where I was last night…okay…I’ll tell you,” Ashleigh continued, “I took a drive…to clear my head, I sat out by the coast…for maybe an hour or two…after that, I went to visit the old apartment…from there…I went to a bar…and…well….”

Ashleigh glanced around the room, the expression on everyone’s faces was as if they knew where this was going. Vivian sat, her hand resting on her cheek, Grace looked stunned, whilst Pippa watched on, proud that her friend was able to get it all off her chest. Ashleigh looked at Elijah, she could see tears as they began to roll down his cheek.

“You…you met someone else…didn’t you?” asked Elijah his voice trembling with both pain and resignation.

“I…I didn't mean to hurt you,” Ashleigh whispered, her voice barely audible above the silence that had descended upon the room. “I was just so angry...and confused.”

The weight of her words, however, carried the burden of her actions. Her confession, though born of remorse, was a confirmation of his worst fears. He had hurt her, deeply, and in her pain, she had sought comfort elsewhere.

Elijah got up from his seat and took her hand in his.

“I know,” he replied, his voice heavy with emotion, “I…I understand, I…I hurt you…and…you went seeking solace elsewhere…it’s my own fault.”

Ashleigh sat in contemplation, her mind racing as she grappled with the gravity of her next words.

“Elijah…there’s far more to it than that,” she explained, her voice choked with sobs.

Elijah looked at her, her eyes now bloodshot as she wept.

“Last night…for the first time since…you know…I felt free…Elijah,” she confessed, her voice barely a whisper.

“What…whatever do you mean?” mumbled Elijah, returning to his seat, the words of Ashleigh’s confession weighing heavily on him.

“I mean…for the first time…since we met…I felt a freedom, that I haven’t felt in…well…ever,” she continued, “Last night…there were no societal expectations…I wasn’t a wife-to-be…I wasn’t an expectant mother…I was…me.”

Elijah struggled to process Ashleigh's words. He had always assumed that their relationship was a source of happiness for her, but now he realised that he had been blind to her true feelings.

“I...I never wanted to make you feel trapped,” he said, his voice filled with regret, “I...I love you, and I wanted to spend my life with you.”

'I know… And I love you too,” replied Ashleigh, “But…ever since I met you all…I have felt like I don’t belong…in your…in your world.”

“My world? What do you mean…my world?” asked Elijah, sounding perplexed.

Ashleigh sighed,

“Your world is filled with wealth, status, and expectations. A world where my dreams and aspirations are overshadowed by the expectations of society and your family,” she explained.

However, before Elijah could respond, Vivian cut in,

“I fully understand what you mean, my dear,” she said, “I was the same when I first met my beloved Alistair.”

“What…you felt like you didn’t fit in?” Pippa asked her Mother sounding surprised.

“Gosh, did I,” replied Vivian with a chuckle, “Unlike your father, I wasn’t born into wealth. Whilst my family was never short on money, we weren’t anywhere near the social standing of your Father and his family…trust me when I say I did have my…wild…moments too.” Vivian added.

“I couldn’t imagine that,” said Ashleigh, forcing herself to smile.

“Well…I was quite the rebellious youth…you know,” stated Vivian, chuckling once more.

“Mother…really,” exclaimed Pippa.

“Weren’t we all,” agreed Grace as she too laughed.

“In all seriousness though, Ashleigh, darling, just be yourself…we will love you no less,” Vivian explained, “I mean, backgrounds are irrelevant really aren't they, you’re proof of that anyway, aren’t you, my dear.”

Ashleigh’s eyes widened,

“What…what does she mean?” she thought.

It was Pippa, ever the inquisitive one, who voiced the unspoken question.

“What…what do you mean by that, Mother?” she asked, her voice echoing Ashleigh's bewilderment.

Vivian smiled at the two young women,

“I mean, my dearest girl…I know everything and yet…I don’t think any less of you, Ashleigh,” she explained. “I know who you really are…or rather who you were. And needless to say, I don’t care. You are a fine young woman.”

The room fell silent, Ashleigh looked around the room, everyone was just as stunned as each other to learn that Vivian knew the truth.

“Wait…what…” mumbled Ashleigh, the words seemed to catch at the back of her throat.

“Oh come on, I know the truth, no need to act dumb to me,” said Vivian. “The night before Pippa’s wedding…I knew there was something not quite right, the way you acted…the way you spoke and moved, the way you interacted with Wesley…It spoke more friends than lovers. Plus, if you truly were a friend of Pippa’s from college, I would have met you long before. She often had her best friends stay at the house over the summer, and yet it was the first time she mentioned you…Ashleigh. See it was all nothing major, it was just something that piqued my curiosity. Then…when I learnt what Wesley was capable of with Elijah here…the ability to switch someone’s gender…flawlessly, that simply furthered my suspicions. It was actually Elijah who confirmed what I suspected, however, when he and that other fool, enacted their plan, giving way to Sofia, that all but confirmed it.”

“And…you…you don’t…you don’t hate me?” asked Ashleigh nervously.

Vivian looked at Ashleigh and smiled,

“Don’t be so silly my dear girl, as I said before…you are becoming a fine young woman,” she said, “Besides…I doubt you are any threat to Pippa’s marriage now…unless…Phillipa…there is something you want to share…come out to us maybe,” she added before she started chuckling, “I’m joking. But…don’t worry, Alistair does not know a single thing, I doubt he would be so forgiving.”         

The room fell silent once more as it became clear that Vivian knew the truth concerning Ashleigh’s former identity. Until once again, Vivian spoke up, as she seemingly began to take command of the conversation as she often did, ever the strong matriarch of the Ashton-Burns family.

“Now, I’m guessing by the look on your faces I am going to assume that those in this room, are already aware of this little secret and it’s safe to say nobody else is aware…am I right?” she announced, her voice, a calm but steady force, demanding attention and respect.

Ashleigh nodded in response to Vivian’s assumptions.

“Oh goodie,” Vivian continued, a hint of amusement in her voice, “I feel I'm now part of some kind of... exclusive club or something.” Her chuckle, though light, held a certain edge, signalling that this was not merely a casual disclosure. “Come now…” she continued, with a clap of her hands, “We have come to establish, the past in this regard bares no meaning, back to the matter at hand.”

The room fell silent once more as each person within the room exchanged looks with one another. The only constant was Ashleigh and Elijah, who held each other's gaze.

“Oh for heaven’s sake, must I do all of this myself,” joked Vivian, breaking the silence once more. “Now…Ashleigh, if we are to move forward, you must tell Elijah…what are your feelings about Sofia? You’ve danced around the question long enough,” she added.

Ashleigh looked at Elijah, the sadness clear in her eyes,

“I…I just…I can’t believe…you basically…did this…without my consent…without so much as a heads-up…a warning…or even asking how I felt about the idea,” explained Ashleigh.

Elijah's gaze dropped to the ground for a fleeting moment before he looked back up at her, his eyes filled with remorse. The silence that followed was deafening, a tangible testament to the unspoken words that hung between them.

“I know I messed up, Ashleigh,” Elijah finally uttered, his voice low and pained. “I know I should have talked to you first. I should have asked you how you felt. I was so caught up in the whole situation… that I didn't stop to consider your point of view…the truth is…I didn’t realise Wesley was to carry out his plan, yesterday…he to me that he was basically going to give me the specifics of the plan so that I had a full understanding to explain it to you.”

Ashleigh's eyes softened slightly as she listened to Elijah's apology. She could tell that he was genuinely sorry for his actions and that he understood the hurt he had caused her.

“I... I don't know what to say, Elijah,” she admitted. “I'm still trying to process everything that's happened.”

“I understand,” Elijah replied. “I just want you to know that I love you, Ashleigh. And I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.”

Ashleigh hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly,

“I know, as I never intended to hurt you either…” she said. “I love you too.”

The couple exchanged smiles, the remnants of their pain still etched on their faces. The unspoken question, the elephant in the room, hung heavy between them.

“Would you have agreed to it…had I consulted you?” asked Elijah his voice barely above a whisper.

Ashleigh stopped for a moment as she considered Elijah’s question,

“I…I don’t know…Elijah,” she replied, “Would I have considered allowing my former best friend to become a child…and have me as her mother…I honestly…I can’t say either way,” she continued, her voice trembling slightly, as a tear escaped her eye, tracing a path down her cheek. “However…I do know one thing…and that is she is my child…and I will do my best for her…for that, you’ve left me no option.”

The words hung heavy in the air, a stark declaration of her unwavering commitment. Yet, a profound sadness permeated her voice, a stark reminder of the impossible choice she was forced to make.

Elijah, his face contorted with remorse, could only manage a choked,

“I…I am sorry…Ashleigh.”

The words, though sincere, did little to mend the gaping chasm that now separated them.

“She is such a sweet, innocent young girl…Elijah…what else CAN I do…abandon her…leave her to grow up…without a mother in her life?” stated Ashleigh, “Wasn’t the whole point of…of your stupid idea…so that Wesley could have a second chance…so that Sofia could grow up in a home where she wasn’t the black sheep that Wesley had been?” she added, her words laced with anger and a raw vulnerability.

“I…I…” muttered Elijah, unable to string together a full sentence.

“I have…a question…” stated Ashleigh, her voice strained.

“Go on…my love,” replied Elijah as he looked into her eyes.

“What…how…when I first seen Sofia…I knew…I knew instantly…that she was my daughter…how was that even possible?” she asked as she held back more tears than those that had already escaped.

Elijah took a deep breath,

“Ashleigh, when Wesley…inputted the data into his machine…I do not know the specifics…obviously…but in creating Sofia…he used a portion of your DNA…hoping it would create a biological bond between you and Sofia. And by all accounts…it clearly worked. You and Sofia are now biologically mother and daughter and you picked up on that bond…the instant you saw her,” Elijah explained.

“Not only did you and Wesley give me a daughter without my consent…but you bastards, used my DNA…without my consent?” exclaimed Ashleigh, her voice trembling with fury once more.

Elijah's head hung low, unable to meet her gaze,

“I know, Ashleigh. I know it was wrong,” he muttered, “But as you can imagine…I had very little understanding of this part…the genetics part…that was all on Wes...just as it was Wes who acted upon the whole thing…before even I was ready.”


“Ashleigh…I can safely say that Elijah is likely telling the truth in this regard,” stated Vivian, confidently.

“How can you be so certain?” replied Ashleigh, her scepticism somewhat evident.

“I know it sounds as though I am standing up for Elijah…which in this instant, I am not, he was just as foolish. It seems like you did not know your friend Wesley, quite as well as you thought you did,” explained Vivian. “It appears as though Elijah was simply a pawn in Wesley’s little game. Why do you think the rest of the family held Wesley at arm's length? As his mother, I realised long ago, just how manipulative he can be.”

There seemed to be a truth in what Vivian explained. As Ashleigh sat and pondered her words, more and more began to make sense. After all, he had tricked Aaron into becoming Ashleigh in the first place. Lying to his best friend to simply give him a lift to work before locking him inside the machine.

The group continued to discuss at length, Wesley’s manipulative nature, before moving on to how his ‘disappearance’ was to be covered up. Elijah explained how Wesley had simply left a note on his desk, stating that he was resigning from his position due to stress and that he was leaving town in an attempt to sort himself out.

Ashleigh then broached the subject of her mother, regarding her illness and how she planned on having Wesley use his machine in order to cure her mother. Ashleigh then went on to explain how she believed that, without Wesley, her plan was no longer feasible. However, Elijah then offered Ashleigh a glimmer of hope. He distinctly remembered Wesley explaining, that of all the people who work within the lab, there was one other, besides Wesley, who could operate the machine. Not to the same degree as Wesley could, however, it may still be an option.

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