Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 11 - New version, no!

“Sure enough, still minor repairs.”

Wu Zhongming quickly looked at several new features and found nothing bright.

In fact, he has already seen the design documents of all the new features of the new version before, and also tried out a few new features in the internal test suit. However, there is still a difference between the beta and the official version, so Zhong Ming played again.

This does not change Zhong Ming’s previous views. This version update is at most a “minor repair”, which will not play much of a role.

The content of the new version, what players are most looking forward to is the “new mech”, that is, several new mechas that players can spend money to buy or buy directly.

刘 For Liu Yuxin and Zhou Zhen, what they value most is this content, because this is directly related to the profit of the project.

玩家 If players particularly like the new mecha, pay more for it and the profit of the project goes up, then Liu Yuxin can use this month’s profit data to find more resources on it.

So Liu Yuxin puts a lot of energy on the new mech content, hoping to stimulate players and let them regain interest in the recharge button.

“Just modify it, it’s okay.”

Zhong Zhongming shook his head and quit the game.

He is very clear that the new mecha can indeed improve the current situation slightly, but the income is not necessarily improved.

Some people who are rich will buy new mechas, but the key is how much? And don’t forget, the game “Mecha Age” is constantly going downhill, losing a large number of players every month, the more this loss will become more obvious in the future.

If it is obvious that the game is no longer played, who will spend money on new mecha? Who will show the show after I buy it?

The loss of players is due to the decline in the fun of the game. They feel that they have lost their goals and motivation in the game, so they give up. It is too naive to count on a few good-looking pictures and a few good-looking models to leave them behind.

As for writing a backstory to Mech, it’s even more nonsense. It’s completely useless.

Of course, Liu Yuxin may also know this, but knowing that does not mean he has a way. In the case of limited resources, he could only make a few new mechas, and the dead horse became a live horse doctor.

Soon, the Airbus arrived.

Wu Zhongming came to the project team and found that the project team was empty. Ten minutes later, two arts were long overdue, neither the program team nor the design team.

I was obviously working too late yesterday and couldn’t get up today.

Wu Zhongming didn’t care, and he didn’t need to cooperate with these people anyway.

I happened to be nobody. Zhong Ming took out her hand-painted board from the bag and started drawing.

Regarding the planning of the new version, in fact Zhong Ming already has a rough idea in his mind, but he is not in a hurry to implement these contents.

Now Zhong Ming is drawing an original scene painting, but it is still in the draft stage, and I don’t see much content.

“咦? Are you new to the design team? Can you draw?” A voice said.

Tong Zhongming looked up and found that short round-faced girls with drinking glasses in their hands were looking at themselves in surprise.

My sister-in-law is not too close to 1.6 meters, but because of her small face and good body ratio, she does not look short, but she also has a little bird feeling.

妹 This girl Zhong Ming knows that she is a modeler in the art group. The two of them looked down and saw each other, but they never talked.

Looking at the girl like this, it should be that Zhong Ming was drawing when she went to receive the water. I was curious, so I came over to say hello.

Zhong Zhongming nodded: “My name is Zhong Ming, a new intern in the design team.”

“Hello, my name is Jiang Wanna, a modeler in the art group.” Jiang Wanna looked at Zhong Ming’s skillful technique and was surprised. “You are so skilled and professional?”

Zhong Zhongming nodded: “Graduated from Ming’an University in Fine Arts.”

“Hey? I’m also an art major from Ming’an University! You recruited this year? Then I’m your school sister!” Jiang Wanna was even more surprised.

Zhong Zhongming smiled: “Hello sister.”

Jiang Wanna wondered: “Since you are an art major, why didn’t you become the original artist?”

这个 “This, I am more interested in design.” Zhong Ming said.

Jiang Wanna feels a little regret: “It’s a pity. I think your technique is so good. It must be great to be an original artist. But since you like design, there is no way. Anyway, if you have any questions, you can find me. Dealing. “

Zhong Zhongming nodded: “Okay.”

Although the status of the modeler in the art group is generally lower than that of the original artist, a modeler like Jiang Wanna is certainly not simple.

Ebara artist is responsible for drawing, and the concept draft given by the design team is equivalent to art creation; while the modeler is to turn the original painting into a model, as long as the content of the original painting is faithfully reproduced.

相对 So relatively speaking, the original artist needs a higher level of art literacy, but things are not absolute. Some players who can both paint and model are very powerful. They belong to the treasure in the art group.

婉 Since Jiang Wanna majored in fine arts at Ming’an University, she must have a good professional quality in original painting.

I drew more than two hours, Zhong Ming saw Xiong Kai coming, UU reading www. put away the hand-painted board and put it back in his bag, so that he wouldn’t be remembered when he saw it.

Xiong Kai didn’t seem to sleep enough, and both eyes were black. Yesterday it was estimated that I worked overtime until three or four in the morning. I came back again at eleven in the morning and slept for a total of five or six hours.

Xiong Kai didn’t even see Zhong Ming, but turned on his computer and looked nervously at the new version of the data.

The version update has been completed, the server has been opened, and players should go online to receive the new version update package.

Xiong Kai, as a world architect, has relevant permissions. You can see players ‘recharge, consumption records, and activity. Although it has not been long since they started serving, they can also see some clues from players’ reactions.

Simply put, if the new Mecha didn’t sell much on the first day of launch, there will certainly not be many people buying it the next day.

Xiong Kai looked at the data, and the colder he looked, the more he looked at the data for more than half an hour, and he closed the page.

数据 This data, worry!

But before Xiong Kai was desperate, he could comfort himself that the players did not get up, the players were at work, and the players did not have time to play the game until noon …

It didn’t take long for Zhou Zhen to arrive.

Zhou Zhen turned on the computer the first thing is to turn the data, after the turn is also as ugly as Xiong Kai.

At noon, everyone else arrived.

The atmosphere of the program group and the art group is better, because for them, they have just finished a new version and can relax a little in spirit.

But the atmosphere on the design team side is different, because you can guess the expressions of Zhou Zhen and Xiong Kai, the data after the new version is not available!

And it’s not ordinary, but especially not!

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