Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 12 - Split pot meeting

Although the new version has been vigorously promoted by Zhou Zhen and Xiong Kai, the new version is also important to others.


Because this new version has consumed a lot of manpower and material resources, the design team, art team and program team have not worked overtime recently, and everyone has worked hard.

If the new version is successful and the project’s revenue goes up, everyone can receive the bonus, which is naturally a joy; but the new version is unsuccessful and the project’s revenue is still deteriorating, which is equivalent to all your efforts in vain.

Moreover, there is basically no possibility of reuse of the written program, the original picture drawn, and the written design document, which means that everything has been thrown away.

Therefore, everyone in the design group is not very good-looking. The atmosphere of the program group and the art group is not bad for the time being, but that’s just because they don’t know the news yet.

Wu Zhongming is still looking through the design documents, as if what is happening in the project has nothing to do with him.

The new version of things is enough for Xiong Kai to worry about, so he is not in the mood to deal with Zhong Ming anymore, just keep brushing the data, hoping for a miracle.

When the work was about to end in the afternoon, Zhou Zhen and Xiong Kai were called away, apparently going to Liu Yuxin’s office.

At this time, the trend of the data is basically clear. It seems that there is no turnaround, and there is no turnaround.

Ji Zhouzhen and Xiong Kai are not necessarily scolded when they are called, but they certainly won’t be praised.

After all, the entire new version is Liu Yuxin’s decision. From the company’s perspective, the failure of the new version is the responsibility of Liu Yuxin’s supervisor; but from Liu Yuxin’s perspective, this responsibility should be Xiong Kai’s.

Probably tomorrow, the new version will have to tell other people in the project, and if you do n’t say it, everyone will know that it is impossible to hide it.

These two people went for more than an hour and did not see them until after hours. It is estimated that they did not suffer less criticism.

Bian Zhongming still exerts his fine traditions. When he gets off work, he never stays for another minute.

On the way back, Zhong Ming opened the official forum of “Mecha Age” to check players’ evaluation of the new version.

After all, this is a project that is going to be cold. There are not many posts in the entire forum. There are several posts that are activity posts from the administrator. They are still on the first page after two or three weeks.

However, Zhongming still found a few player comments, which can basically represent the players’ attitudes towards the new version.

“Looked at the login in the morning, I was quite looking forward to the new version, but after finding it online, I found that it was boring! This has updated some ghosts!”

“It’s a good thing to get a new mech, but it really can’t move. The guild now has a total of three or five living people. Who should I show the new mech to? I said, can the design team use their brains and do it? Save for events like the return of veteran players? “

感觉 “It feels like the game is going to be cold, and it will be even more noticeable after the update.”

“New mech backstory? Is this Nima comedy funny? Who wants to read the backstory? The key is that you write very garbage!”

“Well, now the updated version is all top-up and money-saving activities, and I almost wrote” I want to make money “on my face. I feel that the design team is no longer right. The current mentality is to run the last amount and don’t expect It ’s time for everyone to leave early. ”

Most of the players’ speeches are more restrained, but there is only one atmosphere: disappointment!

Players were very much looking forward to the new version, but after seeing the new version, there was a huge psychological gap, which will further promote more players out of the pit.

Moreover, in order to increase income and increase profits in this new version, the two new functions are related to 氪 金. The cool new mecha also needs 氪 gold to obtain, which further stimulates the player’s rebellious psychology.

Now the “Mecha Age” has inevitably fallen into an endless cycle and the income is not good. The design team wants to increase the revenue by joining the 氪 金 Activity and strive for more resources from the company, but the 氪 金 Activity further encourages players Retreat, causing income to fall again …

Moreover, once the trend of collective retreat of players appears, it is like an avalanche, it is difficult to redeem it.

When I came home, Zhong Ming made a little dinner by herself, then opened the hand-painted board, and continued to complete the original painting that was busy during the day.

In fact, many design ideas now exist, but they need to be turned into specific solutions.

Uh …

The next day, Zhong Ming had breakfast at home and arrived at the company on time.

There is a staff restaurant here at Lu Guangyi Entertainment. The price is much cheaper than eating outside restaurants, but it is a bit expensive for Zhong Ming. Therefore, Zhong Ming will make two meals at home in the morning and evening, and will eat in the staff restaurant at noon.

人 People came here very well this morning, because today is Friday and there is a regular meeting.

Legislative meetings are internal company regulations, and each company is different, even different projects.

The regular meeting of the “Mecha Age” project in charge of Liu is divided into two sessions. The regular meetings of the person in charge from 10 am to 12 am. The people in charge of the design group, the program group and the art group and the director Liu Yuxin have a meeting. is talking about some more macro issues; 2 to 4 pm are regular meetings of various departments, each department is held separately, mainly responsible for the division of departmental tasks.

The regular meeting on Friday is equivalent to summing up the work of this week. Everyone must submit a work report before the meeting. After that, the heads of various departments will also work out the work plan for the next week. No one must be late.

The regular meeting of the person in charge in the morning was of course without Zhong Ming, so he continued to do his business. As a world architect, Xiong Kai is also going to attend the regular meeting of the person in charge. Just because no one is bothering about Zhong Ming, he is very comfortable.

I ate until noon, and the regular meeting was not over.

Last night and this morning, Zhong Ming almost finished the things to be drawn, and the other contents are almost planned. Looking up at the watch, at 12:10, I just got up and went to the staff restaurant for lunch.

I came back after lunch, and it was not until about 1:50 that the door of the meeting room was opened, and those in charge came out.

I can see that these people are not very good one by one, they may not be all the reasons for being scolded, but also partly because of starvation.

Every two o’clock, a regular department meeting will be held. These responsible people can only continue to be hungry. People like Xiong Kai who do n’t like breakfast are even worse, feeling hungry and green, but he does n’t dare to say anything. After all, the failure of the new version counts, and his pot is not small.

其他 The other members of the project knew it when they looked at the people in charge. The new version is definitely not up!

In fact, everyone can feel this kind of cool atmosphere from games and forums before, but now the data comes out, it is the last hope.

Needless to say, the regular meeting of the person in charge must have become a branch meeting, but I don’t know what the regular meetings of the various departments will look like in the afternoon.

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