Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 388 - 996 is not a blessing!

Looking at the various praise comments and screenshots below his Weibo, Peng Liang was a bit aggressive.

What do you mean? ?

“Working Dog Survival Manual”?

what game is this? Did the low-light studio do such a small game?

What’s more, how about the low-light studio and Zhong Ming!

Is this the same thing as me? ? ?

Peng Liang is not good at all. In retrospect, it seems that every time he makes a speech, Zhong Ming and his studio always come out to sing against him directly or indirectly?

The “Working Dog Survival Manual” really caused a lot of sensation when it was first launched, but this effect is mainly concentrated in the player group. As the founder of i evaluation, Peng Liang usually obtains the main information from technology. Circle, I was not very interested in these things in the game circle.

What’s more, when developing the “Working Dog Survival Manual”, Weiguang Studio was still a small workshop, and Peng Liang didn’t know this game was taken for granted.

He searched a bit on the Internet and found that this game was really developed by Weiguang Studio!

Moreover, this game was designed to attack the phenomenon that many companies frequently work overtime, which caused a lot of sensation at the time.

But today, many things have changed.

Seeing this, not only was Peng Liang not hit, but he became happy, as if he finally found a flaw, or a breakthrough.

“Hehehehe, my heart is different, hasn’t this caught me? I have to thank these players for bringing ready-made bullets to my mouth.”

Peng Liang found the timetable for Weiguang Studio to develop games directly on the Internet.

He was keenly aware that since the creation of Weiguang Studio, it has basically maintained a very fast development speed. On average, a game is launched in two or three months, and the development speed of some small-scale games is even more limited. The compression was so amazing that it was done in more than a month!

Of course, Peng Liang doesn’t know the specific project establishment time of these games, but even if the next game is set up immediately after the release of the previous game, the development speed is quite abnormal!

For the gaming industry, fast game development is of course a good thing, and a great advantage.

But what does this mean on the other hand?

This means … it’s absolutely impossible for Twilight Studio not to work overtime!

That is to say, whether it is the big man who said “996 is a blessing”, or Peng Liang from the i evaluation, and Zhong Ming, a low-light mutual entertainment, everyone is actually doing the same thing.

How can you avoid overtime if you want to increase your output?

Peng Liang can almost speculate on the ins and outs of this matter.

Previously, Weiguang Studio did develop such a game as “Working Dog Survival Manual”, and Peng Liang also believed that Zhong Ming at that time really thought so. After all, at that time, Zhong Ming had just jumped out of a large company and was only in his early twenties. It was normal when he was young and vigorous, and hated such things as overtime.

Therefore, at that time, Weiguang Studio, as a small workshop, produced such a game that attacked overtime, which could maximize the favor of the players. The game naturally had a gimmick and a promotion direction, which was undoubtedly a very successful marketing.

But now?

Weiguang Mutual Entertainment has developed to such a huge volume, and the games developed are also various large-capacity 3a masterpieces. Whether it is gameplay, art materials or programs, it requires a lot of labor costs, and it still maintains this kind of R & D speed, no doubt, must be overtime!

“Hehe, don’t blame me for Zhongming. Who told you to sing against me five times and three times? It’s just that you’re just shooting yourself in the foot.”

Peng Liang directly compiled a “Weiguang Studio Game R & D Timetable” using the materials on the Internet as a picture to corroborate his point of view, and then wrote a Weibo.

“Many enthusiastic netizens use the” Working Dog Survival Manual “to refute my point of view, and refute me with the example of low light mutual entertainment. Then please take a closer look at the following table. What does this mean? If low light mutual entertainment It ’s really like you are talking about a Buddhist company, so it ’s two-thirds or less of the time it takes to develop a game? Such a company says it does n’t work overtime, do you believe it? ”

“Obviously, Weiguang Huyu is also a company full of wolf and spirit of struggle. It is through the hard work and hard work of each employee that we can grow from an independent game studio a few years ago to the current behemoth. This This is exactly what I believe. “

After sending out this Weibo, Peng Liang couldn’t help himself.

I was such a genius that I could find a way to turn around in such a detailed place!

Sure enough, as Peng Liang expected, after he posted this Weibo, the comments below Weibo obviously reversed.

The number of netizens who supported and opposed before was about half and half, but now, the voice of support for him is much louder.

“Ha ha ha, Zhong Ming has made a game long ago just for the sake of enthusiasm, so many silly chants are still serious?”

“Dare to say that Weiguang Mutual Entertainment’s conscience? Look at the speed of this research and development, you must not work overtime to death?”

“General Peng Peng! People who are always willing to tell the truth, unlike some bosses, while squeezing employees to the death, they also pose as white lotuses, making netizens feel like they are a heaven on earth, It’s like laughing overtime! “

Many netizens who support the “996 struggle theory” have jumped out, and don’t know how many of them are real netizens, and how many of them are recruited by some companies.

Many netizens were really confused by this Weibo, and even began to question: “Really fake? Zhong Ming also forced overtime? The Dragon Slayer turned into a dragon?”

This kind of worry is not unreasonable. Like many game designers in Zhong Ming’s previous life, when he first joined the industry, he also had a love for the game industry and was full of hope that he could make an artistic game. But after struggling in the industry for a few years, he began to compromise on commercialization in an all-round way and became the type of person he once despised.

Many netizens feel that they have been deceived, instead they have clamored for Zhong Ming.

In the studio, Fu Xing’an flipped through the comments on the Internet and was furious with smoke.

“Well, isn’t this Peng Liang’s brain a problem? He’s idle and has brought rhythm to us?”

For the i evaluation, all employees of Weiguang Huyu didn’t like it. Even if it was a little bit long ago, it was already lost.

Last time, Peng Liang said that “no company that can’t be changed by capital” was a nonsense, and he fought with Zhong Ming on Weibo. Later, he had a little conflict with Tianji Studio. Output!

The key is that Peng Liang still has a certain influence on the Internet. In this rhythm, many people who do n’t know the truth really believe it.

Moreover, Weiguang Studio currently does not have a dedicated public relations department, and has never intended to control some of the speech on the Internet, so this matter is a bit tricky.

It’s not a problem that can’t be handled, it’s just nausea.

Zhong Ming was rather calm: “Go to the human resources department, make a table of all employees’ attendance data, and use the data to hit his face.”

Soon, a chart was handed to Zhong Ming.

This table is from the time and attendance data of the human resources department of Weiguang Mutual Entertainment. The above shows the average working hours of each department. The part of the legal working day exceeding 8 hours is handled as overtime, and the overtime is paid in full or in excess.

Individual departments will need to work overtime at special time points (such as the testing department on the eve of the new game launch). This is an inevitable problem for the game industry. These are also shown in the chart. In response to this situation, there are rest periods and additional overtime benefits.

All the data comes from Weiguang Interactive Entertainment’s attendance data, and a large part of it will be uploaded to the relevant regulatory department. If netizens have special channels, they can be verified.

Similarly, the employees of Weiguang Huyu can also prove the authenticity of this data sheet.

This chart can very clearly prove that not only does Weiguang Huyu not force overtime, it does not advocate overtime at all. Occasionally required overtime, all paid sufficient overtime, even far beyond the legal standards.

In addition, there are a few small tips at the end of the icon.

At Weiguang Mutual Entertainment, each department must declare in advance if it wants to work overtime, and it needs the approval of the superior department. Overtime work will only be approved when it is really stressful and difficult to complete during normal working hours, which may affect the progress of game development.

Moreover, each department, and even each employee, has an overtime limit. An employee has only 30 hours of overtime per month. Once it is reached, the company will not approve even if the employee volunteers to work overtime. As for what to do if the job is not completed, the supervisor thinks for himself. The most commonly used method is to recruit additional people or second to other idle departments.

In addition, some special departments, such as the testing department, are busy during game development, and will be busy when the game is online. These departments will have recuperation plans. After the game is officially launched, they can be recuperated directly for several days.

Zhong Ming checked it and confirmed that the data in this form is accurate and the content written above is all true.

As for why Zhong Ming has to make his own statement this time …

Does that matter? It is his usual attitude to oppose overtime. No matter before or now, he has never changed. As a result, Peng Liang did not hesitate to pour dirty water on Weiguang Huyu and Zhong Ming in order to prove that “996 is a blessing”. endure?

Decisively not!

What’s more, the poisonous chicken soup of “996 is a blessing” is really not harmful. The reason why this kind of remarks are not only because it is correct, but because public opinion is in the hands of capitalists.

The senior executives and founders of large companies advocate that “996 is a blessing” that can bring real profits to them. Employees work hard overtime, overdraft health, and improve output. In the end, they have become the real silver in the boss’s pocket. Can those big bosses not say “996 is a blessing”?

After all, all capitalists are the spokespersons of capital.

The bosses of these large companies have the money and resources to control the right to speak for the whole society. Of course, they can advocate “996 is a blessing” to brainwash all employees. However, although these employees know that this is poisonous chicken soup, they cannot Refute, because they have no ability to speak.

Therefore, Zhong Ming knows that he still has to stand up as before this time, just like when he produced “The Devil in the World” and “Working Dog Survival Manual”.

Log in to Weibo.

Zhong Ming hasn’t updated his Weibo for some time. The previous several Weibos were basically promoting his new game.

But this time, he is obviously going to post a Weibo with far-reaching impact and causing heated discussions.

“996 is a blessing? Sorry, I almost laughed.”

“Some outsiders have doubts about Weiguang Huyu’s game development schedule, and from this it is ignorantly inferred that Weiguang Huyu must also have very serious overtime behaviors like them. Please see the table below, Relevant data should be corroborated in many places. If you doubt the authenticity, you can verify it yourself. “

“I do n’t think” 996 is a blessing “, I think it ’s an IQ test. Some people are stupid and just believe it when they are fooled. Some people are bad and know what is wrong, but because of their own interests, And deliberately confuse right and wrong. “

“Every boss says that your 996 is fighting for yourself, but you ask yourself, in the process of 996, are you constantly improving your abilities, accessing new work content, or just repeating the labor? To create more value for the boss? “

“You screwed a thousand times in the factory, can you learn how to manage the factory?”

“The vast majority of people are doing repetitive work ~ ~ and repetitive work is not improved. If you want to improve, you have to break out of the existing cycle. Some people, working hard for 996, have reached 40. After the middle-aged crisis, the company found that there was nowhere to go after layoffs; and some people only took 8 hours of classes a day and learned new knowledge in their free time. Even if the company closed down, they could easily get more salary. “

“Most of the ‘996 struggles’ advocated by the boss are just tricking you into fighting for him. The life of 996 is the life of the boss, and the life of the 8-hour work day is completely your own. Life. The former is not struggle, and the latter is not pleasure. To be precise, the former is exploited and the latter is freedom. “

“Finally answer the question of President Peng: Why can Weiguang Mutual Entertainment maintain such a high R & D efficiency?”

“Probably because Weiguang Huyu has always adhered to the eight-hour work system. The employees have not been squeezed and can always handle each day’s work with an optimistic and energetic mentality. We have a group of the most talented employees with sound management. With consistent goals and directions. “

“Why is i evaluation always advocating overtime, but it is still inefficient? I think this can only be asked of President Peng.”

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