Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 389 - Material extraction

Many people are waiting for Zhong Ming’s response. As soon as this Weibo is posted, the people eating it will repost it immediately!

“Strength face! Attendance data are posted!”

“Also said that Weiguang Mutual Entertainment was working overtime overtime? Oh, you have low work efficiency. Don’t treat others like you think!”

“Zhong Ming is also straightforward enough. Is it okay to laugh directly?”

“I see. All the bosses, including those in the Internet technology industry, and Peng Liang, all speak for the capitalists. They know that this is a kind of oppression, but they continue to beautify the work system , I hope to squeeze more profits! “

“Anyway, thanks for Zhong Ming’s voice, it really is a person who is not dominated by capital!”

On the Internet, a large number of onlookers immediately supported Zhong Ming, and by the way, trampled down those supporting 996 remarks.

Only 996 is struggle?

Only 996 can improve work output?

996 is a blessing?

It’s nonsense, farting!

Just look at Weiguang Mutual Entertainment, Zhong Ming has never squeezed employees, and never used poison chicken soup to brainwash employees, but everyone is working hard, and the efficiency is far better than those mediocre game companies with high income and mental state. OK, this is the normal employment relationship, this is what a really good boss should do!

As for other bosses who advocate the 996 working system, it is nothing more than stealing the concept. It is clearly squeezing employees’ time, but it is so well-known that it “fights for itself” and does not even want to pay overtime, it is absolutely shameless!

For a while, on Weibo and real question and answer, Zhong Ming’s speech was reprinted one after another, and even used by those who rejected 996 as a weapon against 996.

Moreover, to everyone’s surprise, Zhong Ming’s remarks not only provided strong support to those who opposed 996, but also advertised his own company.

Before, everyone knew that Weiguang Mutual Entertainment was a game giant that produced a lot of well-known games. Designers, artists and programmers in the industry have longed for this.

And now, people who want to go to the low light mutual entertainment have another new reason: here do not work overtime!

Of course, it is not absolute not to work overtime, but it is not necessary to work overtime most of the time. In rare cases, overtime is paid enough overtime, and you must apply with your superior to allow overtime!

Look at those other “sweatshops”?

In some interviews, he asked “whether he can accept longer working hours and work pressure” in a side-by-side manner, which actually implies 996;

Some seem to say “we have no hard and fast rules for overtime”. After joining the post, I found that everyone does not leave after work. Overtime is actually a hidden rule. It is clearly stated that overtime is not mandatory, but it will still be interviewed on time;

Even more exaggerated, internally declared that Saturday is normal work, not even overtime, and blatantly ignored laws and regulations.

As the saying goes, it depends on your peers!

The game industry has always been the hardest hit area for overtime, because the game industry often has strong requirements on timeliness. A game is released one month earlier or one month later, and the ending may be very different. Therefore, many game companies also use this as an excuse to do everything possible to work overtime and catch up with progress, and basically do not pay overtime, which has become a hidden rule.

However, Weiguang Huyu is completely different from these sweatshops. Many people have sought confirmation from the industry, especially the internal staff of Weiguang Huyu, and the answer is indeed: No overtime here, just like Zhong Ming said!

For a while, Weiguang Mutual Entertainment became a company that many people dreamed of wanting to join, and indirectly received a wave of excellent publicity. Many cattle who received multiple offers at the same time, even if the salary was low, they would give priority to it. Choose shimmer mutual entertainment.

In contrast, those bosses who blatantly advocated 996, their company was organized into a form by enthusiastic netizens: 996 company form.

It is said that companies that do not work overtime but actually default to work overtime, companies that are 996 or even 8107 all year round, companies that are tricking their employees … all these companies have been included in this 996 company list, and many job seekers When I joined the company, I was accustomed to take a look at this table to see if the salary I got after I changed jobs was not worth my life.

Peng Liang of i-evaluation has performed well in this battle, and his hatred is very strong. Therefore, i-evaluation also got a debut on this “996 company watch”, which made Peng Liang annoyed enough.

It ’s almost like stealing chicken and not rotten rice. Originally, I wanted to add poisonous chicken soup behind the big guy ’s buttocks, and take a little advantage. By the way, I beat chicken blood to my employees. The result is good now. Being caught in the ocean of the people’s war, not only failed to gain any benefits, but also solved the problem of squeezing employees and inefficiency of the company!

“Zhong Ming, your uncle !!”

Peng Liang was scolded on the spot by online comments, and had to turn off Weibo ’s comment function.

A month later.

Squads travelling around the world to gather materials are back.

The next day when I went to work, the members of the art group just came into the company and startled the others.

Fu Xing’an just arrived at the company, took a cup to prepare for a cup of coffee, and was shocked to see Xiao Mu’s appearance.

“Crouching! Haven’t you gone to play, why … the whole person is thin? It’s still dark?”

Fu Xing’an was almost shocked to spill coffee on the ground.

Xiao Mu was one of those employees who joined the Weak Studio earlier. He was a tall guy. During my time working in the Weiguang Studio, because of a more comfortable life and better meals, I have gradually become blessed. From the time I started to work, I have gained 20 pounds.

As a result, I went out to play for a month, and the whole person was thin and dark, and Fu Xing’an was a little bit disgusted.

Xiao Mu faced bitterly: “What to play with, I was helping to carry the equipment all the time. When I was not carrying the equipment to rest, I had to take pictures of my sisters, and I was tired … I ran this month, and I followed You said, if there is such a good thing in the future, you should go, I will never go again … “

Fu Xing’an smiled: “Your art team is going to get material, I am not qualified to go, I have to write a design draft.”

“Anyway, I’m a dog when I go back!” Xiao Mu floated back to his seat.

Before long, other members of the team also came to work.

Jiang Wanna’s condition is not bad. It looks the same as usual. The girls in the art group don’t seem to have much influence. It’s just a few boys. Whether they are in the art group or the design group, they feel that they are too imaginary. .

Fu Xing’an pondered, also, one month to run around the world to get materials, of course, boys have to carry equipment throughout the process, this is really a little difficult.

Not to mention taking on shooting tasks, just going on a normal trip, and running around the world in a month, it was tiring.

I don’t know how well the task of collecting materials was completed.

In the morning, Jiang Wanna called several core members of the material group, Zhong Ming and Fu Xing’an, and had a meeting together.

On the big screen, the information of this material selection appeared, and Jiang Wanna began to introduce to everyone the results of this material extraction.

“This time, we have taken more than 100,000 photos and 7 hours of video. We are still conceiving a large number of sketches of the original paintings. We have temporarily categorized these materials, and according to the previous design team gave us The rough terrain plan in the game … “

While explaining, Wan Wan opened some pictures and videos that she was satisfied with and showed them to everyone.

When the art team’s material team left before, the design team once produced a rough terrain plan for the game, which divided the entire island in the game into several parts.

The game takes place on an island, with deserts, wilderness, snowy mountains, and cities … According to these established styles, the material teams go to the world to take pictures, and then store the framing information into categories.

“The scenery is so beautiful.” Fu Xingan said with emotion, “I regret that I haven’t gone.”

Xiao Mu said beside him: “I won’t think so when I really go … Do you know how it feels to walk with a tripod and a professional camera in the vast desert …”

The technology in this world is very developed, the material of the tripod has become a lot lighter, and the size of the camera has also been reduced a lot, but as a professional device, it must be much heavier than a bracelet.

However, the photos and videos are really good.

Many videos are shot with drones, taken from a high altitude location, and the scenery of the entire area is unobstructed.

I took a quick look at it, and there was really enough information. The material team did not toss this month, and it completed the task assigned by Zhong Ming very well.

“However, there is a problem …” Jiang Wanna said, “All the monuments and buildings did not go, and the materials were only taken from a few cities. How can this be supplemented? Go to the Internet to find information directly?”

According to the original design document planning, in addition to these natural scenery, the game content in “Extreme Speeding” also has a large number of historic buildings. These historic buildings will be incorporated into many urban scenes as the ground surface, thus making a clear regional difference.

However, according to Zhong Ming’s request, the team from this material did not consider this aspect at all.

Zhong Ming shook her head: “No, I’m ready.”

He connected the ring to the screen and opened the original painting of the ancient building he had prepared.

“Leaning Tower of Pisa?”

“Notre Dame?”

“Isn’t this the Temple of Heaven!”

“And the Taj Mahal!”

“Arc de Triomphe!”

“Oh, all the details of the Great Wall?”

“Opera? Didn’t you lose most of your materials, leaving only photos from a certain angle? The original painting even has the internal structure? God!”

“Is this building a Water Cube?”

“Is this the Burj Khalifa? Lying down, don’t you say that no data has been saved for a long time?”

“Wow, where did you get it?”

The original paintings of ancient buildings appear one after another on the screen, and they are not line drawings. They are all lurid versions.

Everyone in the art group was shocked.

Too ridiculous!

Because there are many ancient monuments in it, their information has been completely lost for a long time, and those who have kept some information are also incomplete.

Take the Maritime Opera House, for Zhong Ming, it is a building of the previous era, but for everyone in the parallel world, it is also a monument like the Temple of Heaven and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The opera house was damaged during the war, and a lot of information on the Internet is gone. The only thing people can see now is a photo of the opera house.

This photo is a physical photo, because some accidental factors have been preserved. Without this photo, people can only supplement the appearance of the opera with some textual descriptions.

However, this photo was taken at a specific angle, so even a specialized architect is not good at packing tickets for the real structure of the Opera House, and can only speculate.

But now, this structural diagram of Zhong Ming has drawn the entire structure of the entire opera house!

The original paintings of other monuments are also the same. Not only the appearance, but also the internal structure, all are clearly presented in front of everyone.

These historic buildings include the architectural styles of various eras and civilizations in the East and West. The details are full and the structure is complete. With Zhong Ming’s superb painting skills, it is more clear than the photos taken from the materials!

Moreover, a lot of historical buildings whose information has been completely lost, Zhong Ming also gave out here!

These materials must not be found online. How did Zhong Ming get it?

Designed yourself based on some torn text description?

Still rely on brain supplement?

It’s hard to say.

“Yes, then … can start work.” Jiang Wanna said.

Others may be surprised ~ ~ But for Jiang Wanna and several old employees, this is just the basic operation of Zhong Ming.

Don’t ask, ask is talent.

Obviously, these historic buildings will be a highlight in the game. This game not only has the beautiful scenery existing in the world, but also all kinds of places of interest not seen in reality, just ask if you want to play!

Now, the materials are all complete. The art team has collected a large amount of natural scenery and modern urban scenery. Zhong Ming has also given enough historical buildings here. The next work is to convert all of them into the artistic materials in the game. , And then complete the entire island in the game according to the plan.

After the meeting, Jiang Wanna called everyone in the art group and assigned some work tasks. For the next period of time, the work of the art group was to drive out all these architectural models, and then work with the design group to use the program editor. Make the island good.

On the other hand, various vehicle and system gameplay in the game are also being developed.

As the first game of driving simulator, Extreme Speed ​​Car will definitely give all players a big surprise.

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