Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 401 - This is part 1 of the plot

After finalizing the plan of Weiguang Mutual Entertainment Headquarters, the next step is the relatively long waiting time. Such a large-scale civil engineering has a lot of pressure on ordinary companies. For example, there were some companies in Zhong Ming’s previous lives who had broken down the company because they repaired the building for themselves.

However, for the current low-light mutual entertainment, the conditions for building such a large-scale project are already available.

As for making games, is it really that profitable?

Make money, of course, but only if every game can be sold …

In the months waiting for the completion of the Weiguang Mutual Entertainment Building, the work of the three studios, Weiguang Live Broadcast and Yu Nuo Technology is still in accordance with daily planning.

Twilight Studio is still responsible for the follow-up development of Extreme Speed, including the game’s dlc, and will continue to develop some new historic buildings, new models, new tracks, and subsequent competitive events.

The focus of Tianji Studio is still promoting “Ziqi”. This game has been loved by players since its launch. In addition to weekly balance updates, it is also using the experience of “Guard of the City” to further expand. And promotion, especially in tournaments and live streaming.

In contrast, the Salary Studio was temporarily idle.

Salary Studios became famous with the game “Wolves”. It successfully taught players around the world how to write “dead” characters and impressed them.

However, so far, the follow-up update work of “The Wolf” has been basically completed. The dlc and the linkage contents are also available. All the customs clearances have been cleared. It is estimated that they will not be cleared. The heat has gradually declined.

This is the popularity of stand-alone games. There is no need to pursue a hot trend, as long as a wave of existence and sales can be formed after the game is launched. Even if the enthusiasm for “The Wolf” continues, it is a topical game for players in this world.

Firewood Studio.

Hu Bin is very clear that it is time to make a new game, but he has no clue about what to do.

It’s not that he can’t think of a plan for a new game. On the contrary, he has thought of several plans recently, but all of them have been rejected by himself.


Because the starting point of “The Wolf” is too high!

When the game called “The Wolf” was set up, Hu Bin was full of doubts about the game. Although the game could fly, use props, and assassinate, the high difficulty made him take out shit. It ’s time to clear the level, let alone other casual players.

It turned out that after the launch of “The Wolf”, it was quite well received!

Of course, at the beginning, the players were also abused and suspected life, but soon, the players found the fun in the abuse and soon enjoyed it.

Even Hu Bin and Shenhuo Studios, highly praised by a handful of players, have been blown to the sky!

Suddenly received so many praises, Hu Bin himself was aggressive.

Too ridiculous!

Happiness came too suddenly, making Hu Bin a bit uncomfortable. Before that, he had been playing a money game, and he wasn’t scolded a lot when he was working on Yi Jian Tian Ya.

After doing “The Wolf”, he was shocked to find that he could still do this game?

This time he was not scolded, he was boasted every day, and even he was ashamed of himself. What’s even more outrageous is that “The Wolf” obviously tortured the players to death, and as a result, the players did not even hold any resentment!

When thinking about “Reliance to the Sword”, players can scold and scold for two yuan less for special packages during the event. This treatment is really heavenly and underground.

Hu Bin’s life is quite good now, but then he encountered a problem.

What is the sequel to The Wolf? Do you want to continue doing this suffering game?

It ’s definitely not possible to suffer without suffering. The reason why Salary Studios won praises from players is that they are making a unique hard-core suffering game in the world. Suddenly a mowing game came out. Do n’t say players do n’t agree. .

But if he continues to play the suffering game, Hu Bin really feels that he has some power to catch.

Although “The Wolf” is Zhong Ming’s idea, after repeated research as the main designer, Hu Bin naturally knew the success factors of “The Wolf”.

In short, a suffering game like “The Wolf” can be more than just increasing the numerical difficulty and letting the player go crazy on the street.

Behind the difficulty of “The Wolf”, hidden are super-class game design levels, including top-level level design, extreme battle experience, confusing plots, unique art style …

After all these contents are done to the extreme, then you can control the difficulty of the game to form a unique suffering game, which is what the players call a “salary style.”

If the content of level design, battle system, and art style can’t keep up, it will only become a handan toddler or a dogtail mink, which is absolutely impossible for players to accept.

Therefore, Hu Bin wanted to make a suffering game similar to “The Wolf”, and after repeatedly considering several plans, he eventually overthrew them without project approval.

Worrying, there was a knock at the door outside the office.

“Come in.”

Hu Bin looked up, and it was Zhong Ming who pushed in the door.

“Zhong Zhong! Why are you here, please sit down.” Hu Bin hurriedly stood up.

Although the Salary Studio and Weiguang Studio are both in the same building, Zhong Ming does not usually move back and forth often, so Hu Bin did not expect Zhong Ming to be here.

“Today is just fine, come here and come in. Yes, the plan for the headquarters of Weiguang Mutual Entertainment has been basically determined. It can be moved in more than half a year. You can pay the employees of the Salary Studio in advance.” Zhong Ming sat on the sofa and took two drinks of soda from the coffee table.

Hu Bin’s own office is unavoidable to receive some guests, so in addition to tea, there are often some other drinks.

Hu Bin nodded. “I turned back and told them that this group of people should be looking forward to it.”

Relocation is not a trivial matter. The current office location is still in the center of Ming’an City, and the location of the Lightwing Mutual Entertainment Headquarters building is more than ten kilometers from the city center. Although the speed can also be reached, some new hires have not yet Employees who can buy a house may have to plan ahead to rent a house and move around the new headquarters building.

Of course, a number of staff dormitories have also been built in the supporting facilities near the Lightwing Mutual Entertainment headquarters building, but after all, not everyone is willing to live. The wage level of Weiguang Mutual Entertainment is higher than the average level in the industry. Even young employees will not have any financial burden to rent a better house.

“Are there any clues for the new game?” Zhong Ming asked.

Hu Bin smiled helplessly. “Thinking about a few plans, but they all failed, I felt almost meaning.”

Game design is also a creative job, and it’s common to see whether a solution is rejected. What’s more, what Hu Bin is going to do is a sequel to “The Wolf”, for fear of smashing his own signboard, and in the case of fear and embarrassment, his thinking will also be limited.

“I do have an idea. If you think it is ok, just leave it to the Salary Studio.” Zhong Ming said.

In front of Hu Bin’s eyes, “Yes, Mr. Zhong, can you tell me?”

Zhong Ming clicked on the bracelet a few times and turned out several original designs.

Hu Bin looked at the original painting by Zhong Ming and found that it was a relatively special installation. From the appearance point of view, this thing is a round tank, but there are some other structures around the tank, including gas tanks, blade boxes and operating devices on the left and right sides.

The second design original picture shows the effect of the equipment installed on the human body. The soldier’s entire body is fixed with a belt, and the waist and feet bear most of the weight when moving. Blade cartridges are installed on both sides of the thigh. Soldiers can use the operating device to shoot iron wires directly, or insert blades into handheld double knives.

At the edge of the original painting, there are some brief introductions and instructions, including the gas gas contained in the tank, as well as the blade shape, material, and force analysis under load.

There is a logo in the blank part, which is probably the title of the game “Attack on Titan”.

After reading these two original paintings, Hu Bin was a little embarrassed.

What is this?

There is absolutely no such structured device in reality, and no other works, whether games or novels, have ever appeared.

In addition, Hu Bin did not understand what this thing is really useful for. From a structural point of view, its only use is to eject the iron wire with a pointed tip by using gas to generate thrust. At the same time, the blades stored in the blade box can also be used with the hand. The combination of operating devices becomes a weapon similar to a one-handed sword.

Hu Bin looked at Zhong Ming, who showed him the next picture.

This is a very simple setting picture, the size of the giant above. From the lowest three meters, five meters, to the very high 50 meters, all are drawn in a very intuitive way, and buildings are also drawn next to it as a reference.

“This thing is called a three-dimensional maneuvering device.Its usefulness is to allow soldiers to fly into extremely high air and accurately hit the giant’s neck.”

Zhong Ming simply introduced Hu Bin’s combat system to the game, and spoke about Hu Bin in a slap.

Hu Bin’s first feeling is that this game has a little similarity to “The Wolf”, that is, they can move quickly in the air, except that “The Wolf” is a hook with a left hand to bear the right hand, and ” Attack on Titan uses this three-dimensional mobile device.

In terms of freedom of movement, “Attack on Titan” has a higher degree of freedom. If it is designed by Zhong Ming, then “Attack on Titan” has two ways of movement.

The first type of movement is conventional movement. The protagonist played by the player shoots out iron wires and inserts them into a wall or a tree at a high position to fix it. After that, he can pull himself back into the air by pulling back the rope to generate a pulling force. To reach high places, or move quickly with the help of nearby terrain.

The game will use the operation mode of the handle. In this process, as long as the player pushes the left joystick + presses the left trigger key, the character will automatically shoot the iron wire to the surrounding environment to move, without the need for the player to find the hook and lock point.

Of course, players can also choose to run on the ground if they are not afraid of death.

The second type of movement is movement in battle. After encountering the giant, the player can use the right shoulder key to enter the combat state to lock the perspective of the giant, and switch the locked target and locked position by pushing the right joystick.

In the locked state, press the left trigger key, and the shot iron wire will be directly fixed on the giant’s body. At this time, the player pushes the left stick to circle around the giant to find a suitable opportunity, or press the b key to sprint. Pressing the attack button as soon as you approach the giant’s neck, you can attack the giant’s neck and cause damage.

In the locked state, players can attack any part of the giant, including hand and foot joints, eyes, neck, and so on. The amount of blood in different parts is different, and the effect of the attack is also different. Broken hands and feet can make the giant lose its balance, blinding eyes can make the giant lose sight, and cutting through the back of the neck can directly kill the giant.

The player’s attack on the giant can be said to be very fancy, but the giant’s attack on the player is simple and rude.

The giant will work hard to attack players flying in the air. If you are hit by the giant, you will be directly blown away and lose a lot of blood. If you are caught, you will be instantly killed and eaten by the giant ~ ~ The reaction speed and Although the action is much worse than the mobs in “The Wolf”, once the move is made, the consequences may be more serious than in “The Wolf”.

If you are hit by a fly, you can prevent falling injuries by shooting iron wires to catch surrounding buildings before landing. After being caught by the giant, he presses the attack button madly to resist, and there is a certain chance to cut off the giant’s finger to escape. The giant will not be sent into his mouth, but the more powerful the enemy, the more difficult it will be for the player to break free.

After listening to this combat system, Hu Bin was even more embarrassed.

He can roughly figure out what kind of fighting scene this is. In the face of a giant that is several meters tall, humans shuttle through towns and forests through a three-dimensional mobile device. They fly into the air and face the giant’s back neck fiercely. Cut it with a knife …

But this did not answer Hu Bin’s previous doubts, but made him have more doubts.

“Wait a minute, why do humans use this stupid way? Since you already know how to use gas, ca n’t you use a cannon? Or can you just open a tank to flatten the giant? High-precision high-powered firearms should also be more melee Much more effective? “

Hu Bin throws up a series of questions.

Hu Bin’s question is also the question that most people had when they first came into contact with “Attack on Titan”, that is, they feel very inexplicable about the world and have no clue at all.

Zhong Ming smiled. “Because the giant’s setting is that in addition to cutting off the back of the neck, other positions will be restored soon.”

Hu Bin “Why? This is not in line with scientific principles!”

Zhong Ming smiled and said, “It does not conform to scientific principles, but this is part of the plot.”

Hu Bin’s words were immediately stung back, “This is part of the plot”, really a omnipotent answer!

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