Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 402 - Comprehensive optimization

Next, Hu Bin asked a few more questions.

But Zhong Ming all answered, “This is part of the plot.”

Hu Bin is very speechless, this is really a omnipotent answer!

Why are there giants who can only chop their necks when they are okay to chop other places, why human technology is so distorted, it is obvious that gas can be used without inventing weapons of mass destruction, why are there three inexplicable walls The giant outside the wall …

This worldview is full of irrationality and doubts from beginning to end, but no matter what questions Hu Bin asks, Zhong Ming just smiles and answers: This is part of the plot.

Part of the story of Shente!

If it was someone else, Hu Bin would feel that he had been tricked, but the other party was Zhong Ming, so Hu Bin would have believed it.

Anyway, when developing, I will always get the entire script of this game, and then I will naturally know what these plots are.

For Hu Bin, although he only saw a few concept maps, the game still impressed him in two aspects.

One is the combat system, and the other is the world view.

The development of the battle system by Shimmer Studio and Zhong Ming has always been a topic that has been talked about by players.

Before Zhong Ming joined the game industry, in fact, the game industry already had some conventional rules. Such as attack, defense, rollover avoidance, use of skills, etc., many designers gradually formed a set of specifications in the process of exploring the combat system.

This set of specifications is so perfect that when most games make combat systems, as long as they strictly follow this set of standards, they can get a passing score.

In this case, it is very difficult to make further innovations in the combat system.

But Zhong Ming has carried out three revolutionary innovations precisely on this basis.

“Guardian of the Zodiac” establishes a battle mode between humans and giant monsters. This climbing + fighting method makes “Guardian of the Zodiac” a paradigm similar to the combat mode, which has been used for reference by countless masterpieces.

“Ink and Cloud Smoke 2” establishes a battle mechanism that interacts with the environment in a game. Whether it is painting or calligraphy skills, it has greatly opened up the boundaries of battle.

As for “The Wolf”, it is a perfect parry design, the first time the fight in the game made a real sense of swordsman or samurai duel.

These three games have an indelible influence on the current battle system of a masterpiece, so that many players will think that the battle system similar to action games has been dug up?

The answer sheet given by Zhong Ming is now in the hands of Hu Bin.

This answer is “The Attack on Titan”.

Of course, “Attack on Titan” may not be as groundbreaking as the first three games in terms of combat system, but it is also very unique.

In Attack on Titan, the player moves through a three-dimensional device, and then cuts the giant’s neck with the blade in his hand. It is also a battle between humans and very large monsters, but it is obviously different from “Zodiac Guardian”.

In “Zodiac Guardian”, the player reaches the weakness of the large monster by climbing. Although there may be a risk of being thrown off by the monster during the climbing process, in general, the player’s spirit does not have to be so tight. stretch.

However, “Attack on the Giant” is different. After the player hooks the giant’s key parts through the three-dimensional maneuvering device, he only uses the iron wire to rotate around the monster. He must accelerate the approach and cut out a fatal blow at the right time to work.

In this process, players are always in danger.

The timing of the acceleration is not right.

The flight was delayed for too long, was caught by the giant’s investment skills, and failed;

In the air, he made a mistake and fell to the ground and failed.

Although it is still fighting against very large monsters, for players, the operation is more refreshing and intuitive, the confrontation is more intense, and the fault tolerance rate is lower.

This combat system is very suitable for the suffering mode of “The Wolf”.

“The Wolf” ‘s combat system is not complicated. It is nothing more than a trick. It will parry, see through, or jump according to the way the enemy attacks. Under the enemy’s high attack, the player’s gaming experience is both tense and exciting. Will be beaten out of breath, but the veteran is a continuous blow to the enemy with all the sparks.

The same is true for Attack on Titan. Its combat mode is very simple. It uses a three-dimensional maneuver to hook the giant, uses iron wires to surround the giant to aim at the back neck, and uses a three-dimensional maneuver to accelerate near the back of the neck and kill it.

In this basic combat mode, the player has some other options, such as attacking other joints of the giant to make the giant kneel on the ground or lose the ability to attack, or change the part of the three-dimensional mobile device hook to avoid the attack when the giant catches Wait.

It is conceivable that rookies playing this set of combat systems are likely to go on a mess and then be shot by the giants on the ground and die, while masters playing this set of combat systems are like killing melon and chopping vegetables. The whole process Flying in the sky, the movement is as smooth as flowing clouds.

In other words, “Attack on Titan” through this special combat system, made similar effects to “On Wolf”, and at the same time aimed at “methods to fight against giant enemies”, and proposed “Zodiac Guardian” Different solutions.

In addition, it is the world view of this game.

Obviously, “Attack on Titan” left all players with a world view that was difficult to understand or full of “holes” and “irrationalities” from the beginning. This is obviously a fantasy world. Giants are more like some kind of fantasy horror creatures. However, people in this world seem to have no extraordinary power and can only rely on a very limited level of technology.

Under this worldview setting, the horror of the giant is amplified indefinitely, creating a sense of despair that is completely powerless to resist.

For players, the most interesting question is: How exactly does this game explain this worldview? How to be logically self-consistent?

This is also the hot topic inevitably caused by The Attack on Titan.

“Some detailed setting drafts, combat system documents, and plot content, I will give you one after another.” After showing Hu Bin the content on the bracelet, Zhong Ming held his breath and stood up to leave.

“I have a request. Can you show me the script first?”

The previous questions still exist in Hu Bin’s mind, making him hope that they can be answered now.

Zhong Ming smiled: “Don’t worry, you will see soon. The storyline of this game is very important. Think carefully about the level design and cut scenes. This time is more abundant, and we need to be careful.”

In Zhong Ming’s previous life, the “Attack on Titan” comic book was all over the world, and he also produced two games with good reputation.

However, the popularity of these two games is not too high, and the evaluation of players is relatively average. Most positive comments are: the original is reproduced well.

Obviously, it is not enough to simply reproduce the original book in order to be an excellent game work.

In Zhong Ming’s view, there was only one reason why the previous “Attack on Titan” game wasn’t hot enough, which was rough.

Not well made!

On the one hand, this is because the producer’s strength is insufficient, and on the other hand, because there is a dimension wall between the two art carriers of animation and games, it is natural to encounter some setbacks when breaking through.

In terms of combat systems, although Attack on Titan has a unique combat system, it is far from being comparable to a game like Wolf.

In terms of plot, the original plot of “The Attack on Titan” is regarded as a god, but the expressiveness of the game version is far worse than that of games such as “The Last Survivor”.

In other aspects, such as level design, painting style, character modeling, action, derivative system, etc., “Attack on Titan” did not achieve the average level of a masterpiece.

Therefore, Zhong Ming’s previous “Attack on Titan” is just a work for comics fans. For players who have not seen the original anime, this game is not very attractive. From the picture to the battle to the plot, it is objective. Feelings are significantly different from a masterpiece.

And these are exactly what Zhong Ming wants to change.

“Attack on Titan” is already very suitable for changing the type of game in anime works, for example: its combat system is relatively pure, the numerical balance in combat is easy to control; all aspects of the settings are very complete, including technology, humanities, Combat strategies, etc., are all described in great detail.

But it still takes a lot of effort and bold attempts to improve.

What’s more, in this world, Zhong Ming did not launch the original comic of “Attack on Titan”. In order for players to accept this new ip, it is even more necessary to make it perfect. The grass snakes and gray lines in the original work are foreshadowing and complicated The characters and subtle sensations must all be displayed perfectly in order to truly make this game the ultimate.

In terms of style, Zhong Ming decided to adopt realistic style instead of sticking to the style of animation.

In other words, the scenes and character models in it may be closer to the style of “The Wolf”, turning the two-dimensional anime characters into real human models.

The original work of Attack on Titan is indeed an anime work, but first, Sheshan Chuang is not a well-known cartoonist; second, the style of comics can well show a desperate atmosphere, but once changed Become a d model, this atmosphere will be greatly reduced, and even give players a feeling of playing house.

Zhong Ming’s previous “Attack on the Giant” game had such a problem. The d model was completely made according to the anime image. The result is that although everyone’s face is familiar in the game, there is no feeling like comics. See more drama. When fighting, the houses are like paper, without the excitement and tension of fighting the giants at all.

Through the high-precision modeling, the style of “The Attack on Titan” is twisted. This realistic style of painting is more conducive to highlighting the realism of the world. When the giant is eaten, the player can be more truly Feel this despair.

Of course, the original character’s face shape, characteristics, etc., will still be retained, so as not to completely distinguish who is who.

In terms of combat systems, Zhong Ming’s previous “Attack on Titan” game has become a game of partial cutting grass, and in Zhong Ming’s hands, it will become a suffering game.

Fighting against giants is extremely dangerous, and even experienced investigators may die instantly if accidentally.

In the original “The Attack on Titan”, the scenes of sudden human violence are everywhere:

Confident trainee graduates perform tasks, and as a result, the whole team collapses when they see the giant for the first time, and they are eaten without effective resistance at all;

Experienced investigators have killed several giants, but when they encountered female giants and ape giants, even if they had a lot of drama, they were violent on the spot, and they immediately left the scene.

Every time the investigation corps returned, the people asked them what they had gained, and the investigation corps could only desperately answer: After paying a huge price, nothing was gained.

This is the charm of the work “Attack on Titan”. Human beings are absolutely vulnerable when facing giants. Except for a few open humans, others are even experienced investigators and die. It was just a moment of negligence.

If “Attack on Titan” is made into a mowing game, the difficulty will be reduced for players, but the atmosphere created by the original work will be completely destroyed. Imagine how terrifying the giants and how weak human beings have been for a long time. As a result, the player casually operated it ~ ~ A battle directly cuts a dozen giants like chopping melon and vegetables. How can players feel this? Desperate atmosphere.

Therefore, Zhong Ming’s goal is to make “Attack on Titan” to have an effect similar to that of “Wolf”. The newcomer suffers and the veteran mows the grass.

In the display of the plot, a lot of real-time calculations and cutscenes will be added to show many details in the animation.

For example, in the original comics, there were many foresights for the three people, Leiner, Bertot, and Ani: when the wall was destroyed and people were displaced, the picture of refugees receiving relief food was given, and among them An exile is Ani, Leiner and Bertot appear in the background not far away; Leiner had talked with Bertot many times when he was a training soldier.

These excellent foreshadowings buried from beginning to end are the embodiment of Sheshanchuang’s powerful control over the plot, and one of the reasons for “The Attack on Titan”.

And in the game, if you want to do a good plot, you must also show these details inadvertently, in order to let the player experience a heartfelt shock at the moment the mystery is revealed.

In addition, in the level design, character actions, derivative systems, etc., there are also many problems with the original “Attack on Titan” original work. For example, the structure of the level is poor. Basically, only a few giants are thrown in to a player in a semi-open scene. Chopping, unlike “The Wolf”, the route is strictly planned and customs clearance requires skills; character movements are not smooth; many cutscenes do not use a motion capture system, np is standing silly like a stake in the dialogue scene, which greatly affects the sense of substitution …

In these respects, Zhong Ming will be produced according to the standard of a masterpiece, and this game will be fully optimized.

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