Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 7 - This project is getting cold

It didn’t take long before, a young man who was careless and unrefined, seemed to be twenty-seven or eighty-year-old to Liu Yuxin’s office.

“Director Liu, you’re looking for me,” said the young man, nodding his head.

Liu Yuxin nodded: “Yes. Let me introduce. This is our new intern, Zhong Ming. This is our project’s world architect, Xiong Kai.”

“Hello.” Zhong Ming held out his hand.

Xiong Kai shyly shook his hand: “You are the newcomer who is very good at painting? Welcome.”

Liu Yuxin said: “Xiong Kai, you take Zhong Ming to the project and get to know other people. As for work … you look at giving him points, he has no experience, you take him with him.”

Xiong Kai nodded: “Okay, director Liu, don’t worry.”

Xiong Kai took Zhong Ming out and introduced Zhong Ming to the whole project.

“There is the program group. They are all uncles. They have to ask them to fulfill our needs. Look at the guy in a plaid shirt … forget it, they all wear a plaid shirt. I mean the one who is drinking water now, that is Main program. Don’t call them technicians, otherwise don’t blame me for not reminding you when they hit you. “

“There is the art team, and they are all uncles, but they are a bit better than the procedures. My usual job is to deal with them. You should be the same later. However, the art team of our project is a bit understaffed. I went to another group. I heard that you are good at drawing, just right. “

“Here is the design team. You should be in this vacant seat next to me first. You can get to know other people slowly and give me the job first …”

“As for other departments, such as finance, human resources, and other project teams, many of them are on other floors. If you need it, ask again.”

Xiong Kai took Zhong Ming around and introduced the personnel of the project.

Although all the introductions have been introduced, Zhong Ming can clearly feel that Xiong Kai’s attitude is very perfunctory and not enthusiastic.

This is a little bit painful. Zhong Ming is just an intern now. There are not many opportunities to take the task directly from the main designer, let alone the director Liu Yuxin. Perhaps most of the time later, Zhong Ming mainly dealt with Xiong Kai, but in the end this man still had a bad face.

But after turning around this circle, Zhong Ming confirmed one thing: the situation of this project is really not good.

He had heard about the “Mecha Age” project before. This is a game on a bracelet. It can also be seen as a mobile game in this world. It has been online for half a year. The data at the beginning is not good. It is only over seven million, and it is now estimated to be even lower. It is doubtful whether it can reach one million.

Looking at the situation of the project team again, this point is more confirmed. There are several programs that are touching the fish, and the design team is also playing bracelets, secretly watching novels, and watching videos. The main designer has no control at all. meaning.

The most exaggerated thing is the art side. There are only four arts left in the entire project, two original artists and two modelers. The others have been transferred to other projects.

It’s no wonder that Manpower is not enough.

Zhong Zhongming sat down at his workstation and turned on the computer. Xiong Kai impatiently instructed him to log in to his employee account, go to the internal network and download some related design documents and game resources to the computer, and then download “Mecha Age” on the bracelet, first familiar with the game.

These design documents and game resources are encrypted and cannot be copied or taken away. Reading and modification must be performed on their own working computer, and each step of the operation has a detailed record.

After all, Zhong Ming is just an intern now and has very low authority.

Only on the first day of work, Zhong Ming hasn’t even played the game of “Mecha Age” carefully, and definitely can’t start working immediately.

Nothing happened all morning, Zhong Ming just flipped through the design documents, and then played the game “Mecha Age”.

In fact, Zhong Ming also played for two hours and thoroughly understood the game.

The gameplay is actually very simple. It is to collect mecha and mech battles. It is a turn-based war chess game. The payment point is to draw mech parts and match the new mech lineup.

In all aspects, there is not much difference from the mobile games that Zhong Ming played in his previous life. The biggest difference should be the form of expression. The game is represented by a holographic image of a bracelet. All mechas are three-dimensional images, and the fighting effect is very gorgeous.

But obviously I can feel that this game is quite deserted. Zhong Ming also deliberately chose a new district. After entering, the chat channels were all advertised, and there were few living people.

It seems that the game is not too far from the dog belt, there is no publicity funding, and there is no fresh blood flowing in. With the collective withdrawal of old players, it is estimated that this game will soon stop the version update. It will be closed in five months, and end of life.

At noon, Xiong Kai took Zhong Ming to eat in the staff canteen of Guangyi Huyu Building. Others sneak out at noon, bring their own meals, and some canteens with Xiong Kai and Zhong Ming, but no one talks about the project at dinner.

Obviously everyone has lost interest in this project.

Wu Zhongming and other people in the design team also knew each other. UU reads, but everyone’s attitude towards him is relatively general, and they are not particularly enthusiastic.

After all, everyone is eating and waiting to die. No one knows that the project will be gone after three months. If the project is cut off, these people will either be transferred to other groups or fired. In this state, everyone is too lazy to make new friends.

And Zhong Ming didn’t know if it was his own illusion. It seems that other people don’t have any good looks at Xiong Kai? Feeling very annoying.

In the afternoon, Zhong Ming continued to look at the design document.

世界 The design document of this world is still very different from the previous one. It is a special format file. After the design document is written according to certain rules, the editor can automatically implement a large part, which can greatly reduce the workload of programmers.

So the game production progress in this world is very fast. Mobile games such as “Mecha Age” can produce a new version in two weeks.

So if Zhong Ming wants to write the document by himself, he must learn this special format first, otherwise the programmers will definitely not do it for him.

Zhong Zhongming was looking at the document, and Xiong Kai sitting next to him said suddenly, “You draw well, don’t you?”

Wu Zhongming looked at him: “OK, what’s wrong?”

Wu Zhongming felt a bit wrong. Since he saw Xiong Kai, Xiong Kai has been deliberately or unintentionally bringing up the topic “You draw well”, at least three times.

Wu Zhongming does draw well, but that has nothing to do with his current job?

Xiong Kai said in a natural tone: “I sent you a concept map, and you can complete the concept map into the original painting.”

Zhong Zhongming looked at the computer screen. Xiong Kai had sent a drawing file, which was a conceptual drawing of the new mech.

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