Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 8 - Struggling again

Zhong Zhongming frowned: “I can draw a concept map, but the original one doesn’t.”

Xiong Kai’s face sank: “The concept map already exists, and the original painting is missing now.”

Zhongming shook his head: “Drawing a concept map can still barely count my work category. Painting the original painting is the job of the original artist, it has nothing to do with me.”

Xiong Kai was even more upset: “Now our project lacks the original artist. Can you temporarily paint it?”

Wu Zhongming still shook his head: “The lack of original artist should be solved by Director Liu, whether it is recruiting people or seconding from other projects, it can be solved. I am an intern in the design group, which is not my work.

If Zhong Ming is a newcomer who doesn’t understand anything, it is possible that Xiong Kai will give you a hug. Generally, the newcomer will do whatever the job is, and he will not know how to refuse.

But Zhong Ming is very clear that this is not a matter within his own scope at all!

The most important thing is, what is the salary of the original artist and what is the salary of the intern?

Ebihara’s artist earns at least 8,000 a month, and those who are a little more advanced will have 123, which is more expensive for a class like Zhong Ming.

Now Zhongming’s position is an intern in the design group, and the monthly salary is only 4,000. Painting this is basically equivalent to white dry.

Moreover, this is not a painting. If Zhong Ming accepted this time, there must be next time, next time, maybe at least more than half of the original painting will be handed to him, and he should not expect it in the future. Designing and writing documents, patronize painting, and get yourself into the art team.

So Zhong Ming didn’t even think about it and refused directly.

Xiong Kai’s face suddenly became a bit uneasy. He originally felt that a fresh graduate, a newcomer without any experience at all, wasn’t he just picking it up casually?

As a result, Zhong Ming gave him back without thinking!

Xiong Kai blackened his face: “You don’t do the work I gave you? What do you want to do?”

“Of course I do the work of the intern.” Zhong Ming was unmoved. “Will I ask Director Liu to confirm that the original painting does not belong to my work area?”

“… hehe.” Xiong Kai stopped talking.

He has nothing to say, because according to the normal division of responsibilities, this matter should not be handed over to Zhong Ming. It really caused trouble to Liu Yuxin, and Xiong Kai was totally unreasonable.

对话 The conversation between the two people ends with “Oh” and “Oh”, and it can be said that they broke up. The relationship was so stiff on the first day, and there is probably no possibility of repair in the future …

Wu Zhongming thinks that it doesn’t matter. This job is absolutely unacceptable. After picking up this time and next time, I will give people free work in the next few months. Why?

Wu Zhongming can probably guess this Xiong Kai’s idea.

Now the “Mecha Age” project is in a state of half-death. Seeing Xiong Kai’s meaning, he still wants to struggle. Whether it is really good for the project or just adding some resumes to himself, he wants to be the world in himself. I got some results as an architect.

But facing real difficulties is insufficient manpower and insufficient funding. Xiong Kai came up with a new version and a good-looking mech to increase income, but there were too few fine arts and insufficient staffing.

But Xiong Kai couldn’t make a charge against Liu, because Liu himself knew that this project was almost dead, and the original art had been seconded away. Now, isn’t it nonsense to pay for art? The company will not give this money.

So Xiong Kai started to use his brains. Since this new intern is good at painting, let him draw the original painting. The 4000 / month intern can be used as the original artist of 8000 / month. Beautiful art resources.

When the new version was released, a few beautiful new mechas were released. As soon as players paid for their money, the profit data went up. Naturally, these achievements must be attributed to Xiong Kai who has been promoting the design of the new version of mecha.

Wu Zhongming knew these twists and turns, but he refused not to say that he was aiming at Xiong Kai, but just defending himself.

Let me give myself selflessly, and then give you all the credit? How is that possible?

As a supervisor, Liu Yuxin would not make such a request to Zhong Ming, because he knew that such a request was excessive and unreasonable. This must be Xiong Kai’s own careful thinking.

As a result, Xiong Kai really didn’t say a word to Zhong Ming all afternoon, and even called him to eat at night, and left alone.

Wu Zhongming didn’t care. You happened to have dinner, so I went home.

Although the situation of the project is different, there are still several people working overtime, Xiong Kai is one of them.

For such things as “overtime work”, Zhong Ming has seen a lot in his previous life. In a simple sentence: it is indeed overtime work that is struggling for himself, no matter how much it is worth; That is wasting your life.

After half an hour, Xiong Kai and several other employees returned.

Looking at the computer shut down and pushing back the seat under the table, it is clear that Zhong Ming has left the work.

Xiong Kai was even more upset. He had thought that Zhong Ming would pretend to work hard the first day at work, but it turned out good now, and he patted his **** and left.

“Hum, beat him tomorrow.”

Xiong Kai sat down at his station and continued to work.

At this time, a message pops up in the internal communication software: “Xiong Kai, you and Zhou Zhen are here for me.”

Xiong Kai saw that it was sent by the supervisor Liu Yuxin. He didn’t dare to neglect, and hurried with Zhou Zhen to Liu Yuxin’s office. UU Kanshu

Zhou Zhen is the main designer of “Mecha Age”, and also came back to Liu Yuxin’s office together with Xiong Kai.

宇 Liu Yuxin was flipping through the design documents on the computer and saw Xiong Kai and Zhou Zhen coming. One finger next to the empty space: “Sit.”

Xiong Kai and Zhou Zhen sat down. The two knew without guessing. It must be a new version.

宇 Liu Yuxin looked away from the computer’s design document and looked at two people: “How about the new version of things? How about preparations? The day after tomorrow will be online, but don’t give me any trouble.”

Zhou Zhen said: “The problem is not big and the progress is smooth, but we may have to work overtime tomorrow night. There is also the art side … The progress is a bit behind, and the original three paintings and models of the mech are still out , When the version goes online, one should be able to come out, the other two … can only be cut off first, and will be discussed in the next version. “

宇 Liu Yuxin frowned: “New mech … or change the old mech a little bit, change the color, make up … or chop it, it’s fine.”

宇 Liu Yuxin already knew about the lack of art, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Of course, he is the project manager, and it is possible to ask people to face up, but the key is that he does not have this face to ask!

At present, the monthly flow of “Mech Age” is less than one million. After deducting various sharing and announcement expenses, the net profit may be only 200,000. At this point, it is difficult to support the project itself. Immediately If it is to become a purely loss-making business, how can it be more demanding?

Unless it is the project profit that is raised, and then the matter of people, can we be confident.

right now? If you can do it, just do it. To be honest, Liu Yuxin himself is not very confident in this new version. Working overtime to make this new version is more like a dying struggle, and I hope that a miracle will happen.

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