Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 9 - You write the new version plan!

Xiong Kai feels the opportunity to express this opportunity: “Director Liu, I have added background stories to all mechas and drivers. If you work overtime in the past two days, you should be able to complete it before the new version goes online. It should also be able to Play a role. “

宇 Liu Yuxin nodded: “Okay, I hope.”

当然 Liu Yuxin certainly knows that these so-called “backstory” are useless. Who plays the backstory of each mech when playing games on the bracelet? It was a plain text message and looked dizzy.

Counting on players to pay for these background stories? That’s even more ridiculous.

However, Xiong Kai, as a world architect, has taken the initiative to do these things by himself and is seriously responsible for his work. This attitude should be encouraged.

宇 Liu Yuxin suddenly remembered Zhong Ming and asked Xiong Kai: “That new intern, Zhong Ming, how is your performance today?”

“Uh … today, I took him familiar with the project and told him a lot of things, but …” Xiong Kai paused, “I just feel like he may not be in the role right now, and he hasn’t even been off work yet. Just say hello and leave. Maybe this is a common problem for freshmen, haha. “

Xiong Kai apparently excuses Zhong Ming, but in fact, this “haha” has more fakes and more fakes.

“Oh.” Liu Yuxin was a little disappointed. “Maybe he hasn’t adjusted his mentality. After all, he has just graduated. Without your hard work and dedication. By the way, he is very talented and his ability should be good. , You assign him more tasks and exercise. “

Zhou Zhen nodded: “I haven’t asked about this. See what Xiong Kai gives him for his work. Xiong Kai, isn’t there a lot of textual materials like backstory written to Mech by your side? Or you give him some points You don’t have to be so tired. “

Xiong Kai suddenly had an idea.

交给 Give these simple tasks to Zhong Ming?

Write mecha backstory? Draw mecha concept map? Or design a small function?

钟 For Zhong Ming, most of them are not difficult!

Xiong Kai noticed that Liu Yuxin valued Zhong Ming quite a bit. He repeatedly emphasized that he was “talented”. Combined with today’s contact, maybe Zhong Ming was really talented.

When he gave the work to him, he was done beautifully, wasn’t he embarrassed?

I heard long ago that Zhong Ming’s job interview was a world architect. If he did better than himself, how would Xiong Kai mix?

So Xiong Kai turned his head and thought of an idea.

“Director Liu, I think so. At present, I have all these tasks at hand. Basically, this version is almost completed, and those that have not been completed are halfway through. I ca n’t give them out.”

“Otherwise, I think this Zhong Ming has just graduated from school and is still a newcomer. Maybe there are not so many mindsets. Maybe there are some good ideas. Otherwise, let him write a version of the next version. Planning, what do you think? “

宇 Liu Yuxin froze a moment: “Version planning? This is too difficult for a newcomer?”

“The difficulty is definitely a bit high, but it is not necessary to ask that high.” Xiong Kai continued to flicker. “We don’t necessarily have to adopt this plan. I just said that he should write it first. After writing it, I and Zhou Zhen See if you have a good idea. If you have a good idea, maybe you can put it in the development plan for the next version. “

宇 Liu Yuxin looked at Zhou Zhen: “What do you think?”

Zhouzhen hesitated a bit: “I still feel that it is too difficult to arrange such a job for an intern? But I think Xiong Kai also makes sense, and now there is really no other job suitable for him.”

宇 Liu Yuxin clapper: “Okay, give this to him.”

Xiong Kai is so proud, I can’t arrange you as an intern?

Version planning is simple and easy, and difficult to say.

I said it was simple, in fact, it was nothing more than a form, planning what new features to do in the next version, and estimating the development time and investment of each feature can also be considered as a work plan.

I said it was difficult because this thing is not something new people can do.

The premise of planning the version is to have a very deep understanding of the game, know what the current flaws of the game are, and what players need.

Otherwise, you have planned a bunch of functions that are not useful for eggs. Isn’t that adding work to others?

Version planning, as long as you show it to others in the project, everyone can immediately see if you have any problems writing.

Moreover, the deep content of the version planning can not be done with a single table. For example, if you want to develop three new functions, you must have a rough idea of ​​these three new functions? Even some more subtle things must be considered in advance, otherwise the version plan will come out as soon as the program or other designers ask you to live, isn’t it shameful?

Liu Yuxin means, let Zhong Ming try to do version planning, even if it is not very formal, it doesn’t matter anyway, anyway, there is nothing that can be assigned to him now, let him train his hands.

But Xiong Kai doesn’t think so. The work arrangement must have a work summary and results. When the results are taken out, the version planning is not fart. Zhong Ming must make a joke in front of everyone.

Uh …

The next morning, Zhong Ming came to the company on time.

Xiong Kai, who was next to him, had not yet arrived. He was late for more than an hour.

Guangyi Interactive Entertainment is a flexible working system like many companies. It can be used for 9 hours a day (one hour is lunch time), and the excess is counted as overtime, and overtime is paid according to circumstances (different rules for each project).

Actually Xiong Kai doesn’t see much overtime, but he works late at night and reads UU www.uukanshu. Each time Com Liu Yuxin left, he was still there, creating the illusion that he had been working hard to work overtime.

Wu Zhongming is still looking through the design documents and playing the “Mecha Age” game. He was so stiff with Xiong Kai yesterday. Anyway, Xiong Kai didn’t take the initiative to talk to him, and he didn’t plan to talk to Xiong Kai.

As a result, Xiong Kai came to him, and his attitude seemed to ease.

“Zhong Ming, the job I gave you yesterday, you said that it does not belong to your work area. Then this job must be within your work area. Director Liu told me yesterday that I would like to write the version plan for the next version.”

Zhongming is a bit surprised. The version plan for the next version?

Version planning is generally written by the main designer!

Wu Zhongming is very clear that this version will be online tomorrow, and the current version plan is written by Xiong Kai and modified by Zhou Zhen, which can be found in the project file.

How can I write the next version? And is it required by Director Liu?

Xiong Kai continued, “Oh, I know that this job may be a bit confusing to you. It’s okay. You don’t have to take it too seriously. Just write and write. It’s mainly because the development progress of this version is almost complete. It’s really nothing. Good job for you. “

Zhong Zhongming nodded: “Okay, I see.”

Xiong Kai was very happy: “Okay, then I will write this into the work plan for next week, and you go ahead.”

Wu Zhongming ignored him, and from the attitude of Xiong Kai, there must be pits.

Since it is something that Liu Yuxin knows, and it is written into the work plan, then this version planning is definitely not a “write-anything” thing.

But Zhong Ming is desperate for it. Just a version plan, do you think I can’t write it? Sorry, really!

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