Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God



Hey hey! You can't just say that 'he'll be fine' while he was literally screaming his lungs out!

Starting to shake him, I try to voice my dissatisfaction.

We have to help him!

"I’m trying to not get us crushed to death, It’s kinda hard if you keep shaking me like this” Stopping, I start to listen around us.

“AHHHHH” Hearing Alex screaming, I start to hit Martin’s head.

He’s fine my ass! You absolute idiot! we can’t abandon him!

Hearing something land, Looking to my right.

He wasn’t joking? I mean what or who even is throwing the–

“That girl is crazy, I told him to listen to me about the intricacies of the crazy hot matrix–”  Before he could finish talking, I feel my world spinning.

“Shit, less talking more moving” Saying that as he gets me off his back and moves to his front.

He’s suffering and you are running away!

“We can't help him, kid, even if we did we would be a detriment” With my eyes wet, I look in Alex’s direction.

I’m sorry…

“Look at that, he held out for long enough”


“Help has arrived”

Pausing my thoughts, I ignore all the noise, the explosions, and the almost constant screaming. I hear a mechanical voice, robot-like, almost like a whisper.

[Level one]

I hear the sound of music coming closer.



“Thank god you’re here” Hearing Alex talk, a wave of relief passes through my shoulders.

“Of course I’m here, heroes always are on time”

A hero. With that realization, a smile makes its way into my face.
“How did the tentacles catch you anyways? You are not that dumb”

A girl? I thought it would be a robot.

"I didn't think they could go through the ground, so I panicked a little"

"Then why were you screaming like someone murdered your dog in front of you?" Hearing the voices getting closer, I start to hear something popping.

"Let's finish this now and talk later, we have spectators after all"

Somehow feeling a gaze focus on me, I wave in their direction.

"Hey, this place is not safe for civilians! You should–" Before she could finish talking, I heard her gag and land close to us.

Coughing, she talks again.

"Damn, those things are fast. Hey you two, get out of here before something bad happens, yeah?" Now being closer, the sound of music that I heard before is now 'muted'.

Low enough to hear it but it might as well be white noise.

"You might've heard of me, I'm a friend of Enforcer over there so he might've talked about me"

"Oh! Martin, right? He says you–"

"I need help over here!"

"Whoopsie! Let's talk later!" hearing the robotic voice talk again, I cover my ears.

Just in case.

[Level two]

"Let's do this!"



With the sound of someone's   laughter getting away at a fast speed, Martin speaks with a sigh.

"Heroes are crazy"

Isn't your best friend a hero?

"Fuck, I've been stressing a lot these days. I am totally asking for a paid leave later"

How about we stop thinking about vacations and instead focus on the villain attacking your friend!

Feeling frustrated at my lack of  means of communication, I punch Martin on his chest.

"What do you want kiddo? Since Cadentia arrived he'll be fine. For real this time"

If you lie to me I'm going to–!

"Besides you probably don't know this but the Enforcer-Cadentia duo is famous for a good reason. So just watch and learn" after saying that, I hear him gasp in a realization.

"I mean watch and learn– but 

learn, but I don't think it has the same kind of impact as–" ignoring him talk nonsense I start to pay attention to the fight.


Quickly deflecting the tentacle that was aimed at my neck, I grab it with force and yank it.

Got it.

As a blur passes right by me, my expression crumbles.

"You need to focus, Cadentia. I had her"

"My bad!"

Sighing, I quickly look at the arc of the tentacle girl and jump.

Enforcer kick!

With my leg connecting with her stomach, I watch as he quickly makes her way into the ground.

Working with Cadentia always gets me hyped up.

Landing on the ground with a roll I look at the blonde haired girl with mixed emotions.

It's a shame she is not that smart.

Cadentia's power is 'music creation' she took something as Basic as making sounds and combined it with magic to manifest the cohesion of sounds that is called music into reality. With varying degree of effects 

Just like most geniuses, they are amazing in their field but lack in most other things. Like the ability to read the room.

"Mmh what's up? Are you upset? I mean you kinda asked me for help so I just—" sighing, I make my way over to her and pat her shoulder.

"It's okay, Don't dwell on it. We have more important stuff at hand" feeling her start moving again, i watch as she breathes a small breath of relief.

"Oh! thank you, I thought you were upset and you kinda scare me when you get angry" Not looking at her as she talks, I squint my eyes to look at the figure in the smoke.

Why can't I see her?

"I'm above you, you fucking idiot!"

Quickly grabbing the blonde, I roll out of the way of the attack.


It still hit me, I need to finish this quickly.

"How about you turn up the music again?"

"Damn! My bad!" With the sound of music going up, I feel the pain somewhat alleviate.

"You two are talking like I'm not here? You'll pay for that!"

[Level three]

The buff this time is around 30% enough for me to ignore the injuries.


Watching as Olivia widens her eyes, she hastily makes a wall in front of her.

Jumping straight at her, I do a kick to her left side, Cadentia at her right.

"Do you think you can use the same trick three times?"

Not caring for her words, Cadentia makes a bass blade and aims it at the shield made of tentacles.

These things are tough, tough enough to block a kick from the both of us.

"Hey Enforcer, this chick is annoying don't ya think?"

Don't you say…

"Maybe she should be an octopus instead, Don't you think so enforcer? She even has 8 tentacles, but I guess hers don't come with the extra brains"

Using the tentacle as a foothold, I jump to the side.

We already talked about talking while in a fight.

Already thinking of the lesson I'm going to have to teach her, again, I run to the back of our opponent in am arc.

"I guess it would be a disrespect to octopuses all around the world, to consider such an ugly thing as one of them"

Maybe she should shut up.

"Cadentia focus on the– huh?"

"Shut up"

"What you say?"

The fuck?

With all my breath going away, I watch the tentacle that just hit me.

It wasn't this fast before?

"Buh!" Flying away, I look in the direction of the fight.

"I'm going to kill you"

This is why I told her about making people angry when you shouldn't!

"Both of you"

[Built like a donkey–]

Of course the song isn't helping.

With my field of view widening, my eyes catch Martin and the kid not so far away watching the fight. 

That fucking idiot is going to get a mouthful when I'm done! If he doesn't get them both killed!

With a resolve to finish this faster, I get out of the mini crater I found myself in and start running.

Somehow dodging all the limbs attacking her, Cladentia makes faces at her.

Training with that guy paid off for her.

With the distance being close enough, I jump all the remaining distance between both of us.

And hit her head.

Take that brain damage and sleep.

"Hey dude, I think that was too much" looking worried, Cladentia crouches and starts tapping her with a finger.

"You sure? Look at her she's fine"

"I don't think I would be fine if my head bounced after hitting concrete though?" Before I could respond, I hear Olivia whisper with a grin.

"I already won suckers"

[Target "solar eclipse" has been acquired]

With her eyes closed and asleep, I watch as Cadentia raises an eyebrow and looks at me.

"This is going to be a long day"

1.4k words

So first before me rambling about the making of this chapter, I'll talk about the schedule.

Me and the council (the council is composed of me, myself, and I) have decided to change it.

But dont get your panties twisted!

It will still be 3 chapters per week, it just wont be Monday, Wednesday, friday.

instead it will be 3 chapters per week, no fixed day. So I could upload tuesday, wednesday, Thursday. And that would be all chapters of the week.

I feel like this is better, for me. Because as you can probably tell it's not monday (not by a longshot) and instead of feeling bad for missing a deadline, the deadline is the whole week!

So yeah, let's hope this doesn't come and bite me in the ass and I will have to make 3 chapters in a single day.. ha ha ha.

Also i'll stil try to upload M-W-F

Gosh i am so smart!

Not so obligatory rant ahead:

This chapter was fun to make in the whole lf things.

At the start  of writing this chapter I felt like a chinese writer, you know? Because they write whole bunch of words that dont say shit, or repeat the same thing to buff up the word count.

You might ask why? I kinda felt like I wasn't advancing the story you know. But then! It happened! At 12:00 am of the 22nd of august, The inspiration bug bit me!

And Cadentia  came to life! + the fight scene!

And before I noticed I made my first stereotype: the dumb blonde!

I mean  shes not dumb but, an airhead I guess? Atleast im trying to make it that way. You know like, she is kinda dumb to stuff she isnt interested in? Idk what I mean by that but i will figure it out.

 this fight scene was absolutely better than the first one, no doubt in my mind about that.

Also I feel ashamed that I have to ask chatgpt for a names...

I need more creativity in that regard.

Sorry for any grammar issues on this author note im on my phone lol

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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