Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 11 – Illuminate My Heart, My Darling!

 Chapter 11 - Illuminate My Heart, My Darling!

Fiddling my fingers, I look in his direction.

The doctor said he will recover soon but, isn’t this too much?

Two days after the attack on BioMorf, I am sitting beside Alex, who is currently sleeping. We brought him to the hospital yesterday because he shut down while he was screaming at us.

More like Martin did all the work, but it's the intention that counts. Anyway, the thing is we are here now.

With mixed emotions, I bring the plastic chair closer to the bed.

Why do they have to make this so high?

With a troubled face, I begin to stand up on the chair.

Let's see…

With no apparent reason, I touch his hand with my own.


Moving my hand up his arm, I make my way into his chest.

Shoot, too far.

Climbing into the bed, I settle on his waist. Touching his face, I notice the small bumps and cuts on him.

Ah, The blood is dry.

Bringing my finger with a small amount of blood to my tongue, I swallow it. And as a flickering presence below me settles into my mind, I make my way down, feeling his injuries.

How did he even have the energy to stand after this? The doctor even said a majority of his bones were broken.

With eyes closed in concentration, I settle a finger on the middle of his forehead and a palm on his heart.

Trinities. You only have limited ways to define what a trinity really 'is'

Trinities are a combination of three things, with the most famous being the Christian one.

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Another one is the number of the devil: Six Hundred Sixty-Six, sometimes Six Hundred Sixteen.

The thing is, trinities are important. Not only for a religion or a culture but for humans.

With furrowed brows, I start to feel something within me stir

And on humans, you can see the second possible definition.

Because humans, in their most basic form, are formed by the unity of three things.

As if a clogged pipe has been opened, I feel something warm starting to move within me, circling my whole body with such ease you would mistake it for a surfer.

The mind.

Forcing a sliver of the warmness within me out the finger on his forehead, I feel myself connecting with the energy on a deeper level.

Moving the thread deeper into his skull I feel my energy covering his brain.

The body.

With another thread moving out of my palm, I make it envelop the heart as if it were a snake.

Sweat coming off my pores, my breath coming in harder, I keep going. Ignoring it all as if it were a lie.

And the spirit.

Connecting the third thread from my eyes to the presence below me, I almost hear something click.

The unity of those three things enables you to be human.

When the mind and the body aren't in sync, or let’s say, properly connected. A variety of things could happen.

For example, a mental illness.

When the spirit and the mind aren't properly connected–

The threads start to beat in a fixed pattern, moving on their own and connecting

A coma is the most visible result.

Smiling with my dry mouth, I feel the temperature going up faster, the waves of heat coming in harder, and with the sound of Alex gasping everything stops. 

“Holy shit…”

Not hearing people gasping around me, I drop in exhaustion on his chest.

“What the fuck?”

Heaving my breath, I hear a concerned voice getting closer.

"Kid, what did you do?”

“Ah– I’ll go find a doctor!” Way too tired to say anything, I just simply smile as I hear a voice whispering.

“Martin, it’s fine”

Hearing Martin talk as he puts me in a chair, I try to control my breathing.

“I went with Cadentia to talk with the doctor and when we came back–”

"It's okay" with a cough, the sound of strained coils make themselves known.

"Don't move, with the condition you are in, any forceful movement will make your–" before the voice that came rushing from the door could finish talking, I hear him gasp in astonishment.

"Oh, I'm healing?"

"Th-this is impossible– even if your superpower is adaptation this level of–" Snapping my fingers to get the man's attention, I simply raise my thumbs up and smile.

Don't worry about it.

"You! Kid! You did this right?!" Hearing him start talking faster, I flinch in fright.

"To be able to cure his injuries in such a small amount of time is astounding!"

Can you move, please?

As I squirm at the intense questioning of the man I'm presuming is the doctor, I hear his voice get muffled.

"How about you stop scaring the little girl and do your job? Mmh?"

"Sorry, I get excited sometimes"

Thank you. 

Nodding in gratitude at Martin, I try to pay attention to whatever he's saying over my muddled mind.

"This is… an absolute recovery! A miracle!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Lady Lyra, while we anticipated that he would recover, it was obviously not today, and so thoroughly"

"I guess that's why I feel in tip-top shape"

"I don't know what the kid over there did or how she did it, but it enhanced Enforcer's 'adaptation' and healed him completely"

Tilting my head, I feel the warmness that left my body before starting to trickle in again.

Why isn't it like before? If before it was an unstoppable tsunami now it moves like a paralyzed grandpa.

"Hup! Oh, my eye-body coordination is– wow"

"I think all is good now, you can go Lyra"

"Thanks Mart-o! Hope you recover well Ale– I mean enforcer–! I'll go and uhm– cya!"

“I feel like I could wrestle a mutated bear and still win”

“You could do that before though?” With Martin grabbing me again, I yawn on his shoulder.

With my eyelids growing heavier, My muddled mind only has one thought.

I think I'll take a nap.



1k words

uhm, I'm alive. yay!

so i kinda had a busy week, lots of tests in school. and the 25th was my birthday (I totally forgot LOL). had a lot of fun with friends and ate the cake. shit was bussin fr.

anyways this week i'll be busy too so now, because i'm smart and looked at my schedule I can properly asses the writing time I will have and the wrods per minute I write in average to succesfully deduce that-

ok thats cringe sorry. anyways the thing is that this is the last week (probably) that I will miss the schedule. and im telling you guys now so I dont feel sorry later. got a lot of tests this week too.

also here is a sneek peek to a story I'm working on


UPDATE 2: ok so I was going to upload the chapter yesterday (sunday night) but I fell asleep while writing the author note and then I had school and then I went to my friend's house to finish a group project. Social life is so demanding. Life is too demanding.

I don't want to wake up at 6 a.m. anymore.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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