Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 5 – Stand Still

Chapter 5 - Stand Still

“Documentaries are so interesting~” said no one

[As the wolf stalks his prey, he crouches to make sure he isn't seen]

Maybe I'm not using my imagination enough.

With the sound of a door opening and the sound of a familiar voice coming in, a small smile slips into my face.

"I'm here!"

Muting the documentary I was listening to, I hop out of the couch.

He's finally here.

Making my way to the door, I begin thinking of the events about 10 hours ago.

To think a villain would attack when he was buying me clothes, what a crazy man. The only good thing that happened is I became somewhat familiar with the house to alleviate my boredom.




Putting my hand in my nose to get rid of the pain, I scowl.

Of course, it's impossible to do that in such a small amount of time. Not even enough time for the first floor.

"Ah- are you okay?"

To think that wanting to give him a surprise was such a dumb idea.

Shaking my head in a nod, I keep my hands on my nose.

“You’re bleeding, let me get you a bandage. Follow me”

Following the sound of his footsteps, aided by the help of my 'somewhat' lacking memorization of the house layout, I start following him.

Wait a minute, is he serious? Are we going to where I think we are going?

The stairs.

Gulping, I feel a small shiver travel through my body.

I don’t think im ready for this.

“Why are you st– are you scared?” 

Why would I be scared of stairs? I’m not a scared baby.

Making a brave face, at least I think so, I step on the first flight of the staircase.

Ignoring the sound of Alex walking back from up the stairs, I step on the second flight of the staircase.

This is really easy, why was I scared? Did I just say I was? I of course didn’t and you never heard it.

Stepping on the third step– I fall.


Feeling a hand touching my back, I gasp in surprise.

"You almost fell there, be careful"

Hearing the sigh from Alex and the words coming from him, I begin to blush in embarrassment.

“I didn’t mean it as a challenge, I’m worried about you, you know?”

Doing a small nod, I keep my hands to my face, too embarrassed to talk.

Not like I could.

“Try to be more careful, okay? With how skinny you are you might break a whole ‘lotta bones”


“Take my hand. it’s okay to be scared you know, that’s why I’m here after all”

Stretching my tiny hand, I feel his hand touching mine.

It's warm

"Let's do this one step at a time okay? There is no need to be nervous kid. I'll be here at your side helping you"

Feeling reassured, I begin the process again.

One step, then two, then three, then four. With each step, my confidence grows larger. The person beside me helps me feel safe.

With a wide grin on my face, I puff my chest in pride.

I shouldn't be this proud of walking up the stairs, but I am.

"You see? It wasn't so scary after all"

With a wide grin on my face, hands still connected. I- we begin making our way into somewhere.

Did he ever say where we were going? I know it's to get a bandage for my nose but not where I'm going.

Whatever, there is no need to worry.

Shaking my head off such useless thoughts, I keep walking.

"We are here, let's get you on the chair"

Making our way into a chair, he lifts me up and puts me in it.

"Just wait a sec, I'm going to get the medkit real quick”

While waiting, I start to observe the room I'm in.

What an idiot, how could I forget I can't see?

Frowning, I stretch my hand forward and touch my nose. How come that by just lightly crashing into a wall I start bleeding? This is way too dumb. It’s not like I feel weak and scrawny.

“Don’t touch the injury, we don’t want it to get infected after all” Quickly lifting the finger that was touching my nose, I nod.

Hearing Alex making his way over here, I 'look' to where I think his face is located.

“Let me put it on, don’t move please” Going as still as I can, I even stop breathing in order to not disrupt him.

“It’s done, you don’t have to take my words so seriously by the way” Releasing my breath I nod as soon as he says it in order to cover up my embarrassment. While touching the now-covered nose I think. Technology is quite amazing after all.

“Let’s go and make you some food, you must be quite hungry” Nodding in agreement, I hop out of the chair.

Snacks are not food after all, they're snacks.

Making our way into the first floor was surprisingly easier.

"You stay here in the dining room while I cook, try to not make a mess" while chuckling, I hear as he leaves.

Walking until I reach a chair I begin to sit on it while I wait for the food.


<1h~ later>


"It's quite dark outside, you should go to sleep"

Is that why I feel so sleepy? Putting a hand in front of my mouth I silently yawn while getting out of the chair.

"Let's go to your room" nodding whilst half listening I begin to follow him into my room.

Getting into bed, I cover myself with the sheets.

I hear Alex say "Have a good night"

Feeling a kiss on my forehead, I begin to fall asleep.

Good night.

I'm disappointed in myself.

Even though technically I still uploaded on Monday (It's not even Monday in my country) I promised I would update on the given schedule. 

I feel horrible for betraying the little trust you have given me, I have no excuses and I will not make any.

I just promise to do better, For you, for myself, and for this story.

I hope you forgive me.

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