Restitutio voluntatis Dei – The Restoration Of The Will Of God

Chapter 6 – summer in her heart

Chapter 6 - summer in her heart

I don't think I'm a morning person.

Having such thoughts while walking to the bathroom, I start to think about important stuff.

Like my nonexistent memories. I don't think there is a lot that could be done about that though.

Gathering water from the sink in my hands, I throw it into my face.

I should be grateful for what I have instead of being sad for what I don't.

Washing my hands, I begin to think about what is next.

Breakfast, I'm guessing. It's not like I can tell the time.

Getting out of the bathroom, I start walking into the living room,

I guess I can watch TV while waiting.

Before I could turn it on, I flinch in surprise at the unexpected grunt beside me.

“you’re finally awake kiddo” Not listening to who I assume is Martin, I begin to search for the remote that is on the ground.

I got so scared I even dropped the TV remote!

Noticing a small sense of touch on my shoulder, I look to my right with a questioning look

Hearing him sigh, I hear him talk. “I didn’t want to scare you like that, Take this.”

Taking the remote from his hands, I nod to him and turn on the TV.

“So, I came here because Alexander is busy with work. And because he asked me to come here to take care of you, I’m here to do just that”

While listening, I turn the TV on.

Doesn’t he have a job or something? Tilting my head while thinking about that, I look at him. He doesn’t strike me like that type of guy though.

“Let me make you some breakfast, Try to not injure yourself” Nodding, I look at the TV again in indignation.

It’s not my fault I crashed into a wall!

Pouting, I start to listen to the show that's on television.


< sometime later >



Rubbing my stomach, I start to stretch on the chair.

“So, do you want to test the clothes Alex bought for you?”

Ah, I completely forgot about that!

Nodding, I get off the chair while waiting for Martin.

“Let’s go to your room so you can try them there” Taking his hand, We begin walking to my room.

I guess it’s mine, hehe.

“It’s good that you are so happy about the clothes, Alex tried his best, He even called me to help him choose”

Wow, to think he cares so much that he went to such lengths.

Feeling genuine happiness, I start looking forward to the clothes.

It's not that I don't like the oversized shirt, instead, I feel kinda attached to it.

But I am really looking forward to it.

Entering the room, I hear Martin leave something on the bed.

What is that?

“I’ll leave the clothes here on the bed so you can try them, I’m going to stay outside in case you want me to show the clothes or need help”

Nodding, I hear him leave the room while closing the door.

Uhm, let’s do this.

Feeling slightly awkward, I begin to shift through the clothes.

Oh, Panties, and a bra.

Remembering I’m only wearing a shirt, I put them on. It doesn’t feel windy anymore.

Touching the clothes, I begin to order them.

Too many panties & bras to make sense, also in varying sizes. I guess for when im older.

Around 30 shirts, 30 pants, 30 shorts, 20 skirts, 10 pair of shoes, too many socks and thigh highs…

Damn, he really went all out.

Feeling something weird in my hands, I start to inspect it.

Is this a straw hat? I guess it's for the sundress. I could try them on.

Wearing the sundress, just as I was about to put the straw hat in my head I remembered something important.

My Halo! I won't be able to slide the hat under it.

Feeling stumped, I leave the straw hat on the bed.

I guess you can’t win them all, Huh? Why is it not there?

Reaching over my head to touch the halo, I felt nothing above my head.

Where is it? Is it gone? Why? Where did it go? It was there like a day ago!

Before I could devolve into a panic, I felt something touching my hands again.

It’s back? It’s gone? Nevermind.

Feeling the halo go up and down, I almost scream in delight.

Oh! I can control its height!

Putting on the straw hat I open the door and look around in search of Martin.

Where is he? Shouldn’t he have seen me by now?

Closing my eyes in concentration, I strain my ears, trying to hear every sound around me.

There is a small breathing to my right. Did he seriously fall asleep? I don’t think I took that long.

Tapping his shoulder, I notice he isn’t waking up.

Are you serious right now?

Grabbing him by the head, I start to furiously shake him.

“HDINFEWNGSHNGUEWQ” After hearing him scream in such a weird way, I stop shaking him and take a step back.

After taking some deep breaths, I hear him talk.

“Oh man, you scared me a lot there. I didn’t mean to fall asleep” Not caring for the scared cat in front of me, I spread my arms and spin around. Showing off my outfit.

“Wow kid, you look cute” Grinning, I stop spinning, bringing my arms down.

I don’t need sight to have a sense of fashion.

“Do you want to go to the garden? The weather is good right now” Feeling my face getting hotter, I look at Martin behind me and nod.

But I guess it helps get a sense of direction.

“Let me carry you there” Grabbing me on a princess carry, He starts walking.

Why is it always a princess carry? This feels too embarassing. I guess it's better than the potato sack style.

While thinking about how long will it be until this degrading stuff ends, I hear the sound of a door opening.

Are we here?

Feeling the glare of the sun touching my body, the calm wind moving, and the sound of trees swishing, The grin on my face gets somehow even wider.

“We’re here, try to not get hurt. I’ll be here watching you” Saying that as he puts me down, I nod seriously.

I’ll try my best.

“Don’t worry about the limits, the garden is big enough for a small kid like you”

Feeling the grass beneath my feet, I walk around.

It was a good decision to not wear the shoes.

Feeling the nature around me, I start to take a deep breath.

It’s beautiful, Nature. The sense of freedom it's giving me is amazing.

Crouching, I smell a flower. It smells stunning,

Taking the flower off the ground, I keep it tight in my hands. Not tight enough to make it crumble.

I’ll give this one to Martin, I guess I need another one for Alex.

Trying to get another one, I search around for a few seconds until I feel one.

With a triumphant victory in my hands, I stretch my hand toward the sky. This is it.

Making my way back to Martin, I walk slowly in order to not lose the flowers in my hands. I’m going to cry if I mess this up.

“Hm? What do you have there kid?” Showing him the flower, I do my best to smile.

I hope he likes it.

“You got me a flower? That’s very kind of you. I’ll make sure to treasure it” Doing a small nod, I look down.

I’m glad

Running back into the garden, I touch my chest. 

“Cute…” Being too far to listen to what Martin Said, I keep running away from him.

This feeling, I like it.


1.3k Words

OOh my god!!!! I'm smiling so hard right now. I FUCKING love this chapter! It was fun doing the character interactions between her and Martin.

Since she's a kid, I felt like I had to show her innocence, after all she doesnt even have memories. Plus, she is a kid. She doesn't know alot about the world, I think i did a good job showing that in this chapter.

Making it feel like different characters are speaking is hard. I don't know if I could make martin and Alex have a conversation and  you wouldbe able to tell which one is talking.

Of course the easy choice is having them have their own tics and stuff but I don't know how to do that! lol. I feel like they kinda speak the same. Actually, I feel like all of the characters speak and think the same. Maybe i'll be able to make it better later as i get better at writing. Idk tho

Anyways here is a pic of mc. Made with AI (Ignore the hands) (And imagine she has a flower in her hands) (this is the best one I could make *sob emoji for comedic effect*)


Hope you enjoyed the chapter (I also hope the image is working, this is my first time doing it. Otherwise it would be too embarrassing) (chapter was delayed 37 mins cuz of the image lol)

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