Reverse world gacha system

Chap 27: blade works

After a quick get up and brushing and washing, Takumi went on putting some clothe, nothing much but a white T-shirt and a short pants. He move down towards the kitchen to make their breakfast and morning brew of coffee. 

*Arg*"still not strong enough it seemed." Cranking his back with a groan. Takumi went over and start with making making breakfast first.  

Preparing toast, beacon and eggs is simple and easy, no time wasted. He want through all the trouble of learning to make a variety of drink only for Tojiko to settle with black and two spoon of sugar. One of them is a kiss from him, which does not decrease his anger.  

Putting his knowledge into work, at least he can make better coffee now. Takumi prefer something more sweet for the day at work. 

Just as he done setting table, Tojiko hand warped around him.

"Aw, how is my lovely lady feel today ?" Turning his head back, Takumi could see her face smilling, a pair of eyes look down at him.

More than that, he also noticed something soft and bouncy pressed on his back. As her arm now pulling him into it. "Can i just feel my lover ?" She gave a cheeky smile. 

"Not when i'm busy." 

"Then, keep yourself busy. I'll just help myself." One of her hand, move down to his chest. 

"Hmmm. Moving here is definitely better than my old place." The tall woman take a whiff of Takumi hair. 

Strolling in to kitchen bare chested with just an underwear which only serve as covering her lower region. Not the rest of her stone chiseled super toned muscular body. It seemed this world's woman have no clues what modesty is, or maybe that just Tojiko alone ? 

Like a normal 'loving' couple that both of them are. Tojiko when she move in has already revealed to Takumi about her life as a mercenary. Takumi too has told her about his soccerer power, which to his suprise. Din't shock her that much.

He just need to handle her yandere-ish nature. Her obsessiveness only grew more once she knew about his power, that being said. It wasn't so bad having a loving yandere that would go out of her way to do everything he said. He just need to slowly build trust as they live together so maybe he wouldn't end up in chains of a basement covered in his picture. Through that does sound kinda hot. 


Letting out a content sigh as she sipped her delicious coffee, it's soothing effects filling her body with warmth. Tojiko loved her boyfriend’s coffee, always waking up in the morning to find a freshly brewed cup prepared. 

Her chest feel this warm fuzzy feeling inside as every momemt she is with him. She can't get enough of it, to be with him is the only thing that matter in her life. 

She need to go soon, that's why Tojiko would try to fill herself in his scent every chance she could.  


As much as she hate to be away from him but money is needed to keep him happy, that's why she need to go out and make a killing every now and then. But she always try her best to kill them as fast as possible in order to return to her beloved Takumi. 


Takune can feel bead of sweat dripping of despite his 'real' body under no pressure as Takumi. 

"What's the matter, kid. Feelling tired already ?" 

*Ha* *ha*

"That's *ha* funny. Really funny miss Tomoe." He tried to smile through but obviously the intense training had his mouth more on sucking in air than talking.

"Then straighten your back, keep your form up." 

His entire body is sore. Who would've know his teacher decided on such a whip to teach him swordmanship on this day.

Standing in the dojo, both of them are wielding wooden sword. 

One hit. 

He was able to land one hit, every thing that came after was just him being pushed and pressed constantly by the more seasoned lady. 

One hit, then two, then three, then ten. Little by little, the number of time where he was caught with a missteps keep rising as they keep on sparring longer. As their wooden swords clacked together, Takumi was on the back end, almost falling from time to time. 

When she called for a break, Takune let himself fall to the floor. Huffing and puffing like it was the first day. 

'This is going to hurt in the morning.' 

Just as Takune was confident about his capability, reality give him another check-up. 

"So, can i ask why are you suddenly decided to train me with swordmanship come from ?" As he sat himself up on the floor, Takune asked. 

'I have grow stronger, faster, i am sure of it. So why did i lose ?' The boy wonder even through his face doesn't show it.  

"Hmmm, just my hunch. But it doesn't hurt since we using a wooden tool anyway.' 

Takune rubs his thigh and arm." Yeah, just harmles tool." 

"Judging from those eye, you must be wondering "how can i lose" am i right ?" 

Her words suprised Takune, turning to ask her. "Hahaha, don't be so suprise. This old lady can still see despite her age. There's a desire in that eyes of yours."

"Is that why you started teaching me on swordmanship all of a sudden ?" 

"Yeah, something like that. Still, you have a long way to go to learn kiddo." Looking at the elder woman face, he can spot a hint of recognition in her eyes. 

Takune tilts his head in hesitation, before slowly nodding in understanding. “I see.” he began standing up again. 

"Then, please guide me some more." Back into his stance, clutching the training blade tightly. 

'This kid, he is sure learning fast. He actually got a knack for this.' The throught ran in Tomoe head as she regreted not finding this kid and teaching sooner.

While that was happening, Takichi is walking on a crowded street, a pair of eyes follow him. Emerging from the shadow, figure standing in the darkness watching his movement through the street. 

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