Reverse world gacha system

Chap 28: stranger danger 1

Doging the phantom gaze he's been gettinng at. Takichi has hidden himself in the bustling street. 

'Yet, this feelling of being watched still followed me.' Dodging the flow of moving people, he know he can't shake who ever was watching him off so he need to go to somewhere with wide open space but no people watching. 

Takichi was going through buying grocery when he was on the way home is when he realize someone was watching him. 

Woman admired him from a distant, that one he was fine with. But this was weird, cold eyes that gazed into his back but when he turn around. There'll be no one that stuck out to him, but the feeling persited. That's when he knew he was being watched. 

40 minutes later, Takumi eventually reached to an abandoned construction site at the edge of the city. 

Hold mutiple buildings of mid-construction, scaffolding surrounds parts of the structure, cranes and other heavy machinery are stationed around the site, lifting materials like beams, concrete, and prefabricated components into place.

Piles of construction materials, such as bricks, lumber, and pipes, are scattered strategically around the site. Safety signs and barriers are prominently displayed to ensure no one enter has been rusted and shreded a long time ago.  

This place used to house several curses before he and his clone purge the place, now it's just an empty arena for him to use.  

"You can come out now, Senjaku." Takumi called out. 

Turning around, he expected to met Senjaku again but a face he had never seen before answer to him.

"Are you one of her lackey ? I was under the impresion that she is looking for me not her underling." Takichi said mockingly at the unfamiliar individual.

Steel crimson eyes, watch him carefully through the mask on her face. A large woman dressed entirely in dark colored outfit, distinguish by only her big broadsword resting on her shoulder. She merely stared down at him with a grim expression, clearly unimpressed by his appearance.

She seemed focus only on him, like a prey to a hunter. That's how he felt when he locked eye with her. Infront of his taunt, she only respon by lifting her blade up and pointed to him. 

Takichi wanted to stall some time in case something goes south, which in a scenario like this. Always tend to happend. 

So he made the first move, throwing a kunai right at her face. The woman dodged by slightly tilting her head to the sides, letting the metal object fly pass her face.  

The woman raise her blade with it's broadside blocking another kunai. 


Sparks fly of her blade when his kunai struck. Right when she drop the blade, Takichi figure has already make more space between them with him running up on one of the constructed building. The woman frowned behind the mask, making a dash to where he is. 

Climbing the unfinish building, Takichi quickly find a postion suitable for him as he draws his sword from his inventory as the woman catched up closer to him with speed he did not expected, the cold katana blade rest by his hip just waiting to be use.  

Surrounded by cement pillar, dry wall, and empty socket with no electricity. The two have to face each other. Takichi enter first and ready himself for combat, moment after his opponent appear. Jumping to throw her blade at him at the first moment of contact. 

The sharp cold metal leaving his scabbard and hitting her blade as they clashed. 

'Heavy' his throught ran as he use most of his power to redirect her blade trajectory away from his face and on to the floor.

Each swung was powerfull, with it's intent of killing. Takichi is thinking if Senjaku want him fro some reason. 


But his throught are cut short, if he doesn't want to be cut in half then he'll need to focus. Her advance are slow but each strike is a warrant on his life, She swing in a wide side cresent arc aiming for his head. 

His eyes trace her movement, in term of physical strength. Takichi is lacking behind, but his good eye sight alowed him to predict her swing and dodge out of the way. Their almost even physical strength helping him keep up with her. 

Takichi is constantly on the move dodging behind pillar and jumping around. Resorting to repeling only when he can't evade her attacks.  

Sound of metal clang against each other rang through the empty place, Takichi grunted as he deliver a swift kick hoping to disarm the woman but she doesnt budge. 

Failing, he step to the side watching her blade cut pass by him and right through the floor. Leaving a gaping hole in it's place as she pull the blade out. 

He was hoping his attacker doesn't have the physical strength to cuts through cement. Dodging another swing to his right arm, Takichi let curse energy flow into his eyes. 

[Paralyzis eyes] 

The room was flashed in green light, in the next moment. Takichi can't belive his eyes as the woman still tries to move, and she was succesing. If left longer, she would be able to free herself 

He wanted to run up and shank her with his blade, but it's difficult enough that he is keeping her within the effect of his eyes. He could feel the vein on the side of his face began to pop up. 

"Wow, i gotta say. You crazy woman are one tough bitches to kill. I mean, really ? What did i even do to receive your wraith." 

The same eyes still look on at him, the hand still aiming to swing that broad sword at him too. Takichi have up on trying to find an answer, he was close to her now. And all it would take is for him to cut her down. 

And he would've successed, had he not been caught with a knife behind his back. 

Grunting from pain, he tried slaming his feet backwards away from where he was standing and keeping eyes on the woman with the big blade.

"Darn, did it hurt. Ha haha, i bet it does. Hahaha." A laughter came from the shadow. 

He din't know where it was coming from, he wasn't even sure that the laughing was inside the room. But he couldn't turn away, that would be too dangerous to let himself be out numbered as two on one match is instant loss for him. 

'Being jumped suck ass.' He throught, reaching for the handle of the blade that hit his back and pull it out. 

He could really use his other self right now. 


[Questline started: mastermind] 

[Survive against Senjaku ploy]



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