Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 940

Chapter 928 Deep learning framework

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the host made a foreshadowing for the afternoon topic.

“For a long time, the operating system has been the lifeblood of the technology industry. Microsoft has used its own growth to prove to the world that whoever has the right to speak in the operating system will control the ecology, developers and applications. It is also because of the operating system that Microsoft It has been in an industry monopoly position for a long time.

Until the emergence of smart phones, it hit the operating system industry for the first time. After years of big waves, Hongmeng, Vientiane, and IOS have become the three major operating systems in the smart phone field and affect the ecology of the entire smart phone field.

And now, another impact in the field of operating systems has arrived, and that is the artificial intelligence operating system. Today we are going to focus on the deep learning framework.

The deep learning framework plays a role in connecting the above and the following, connecting chips, large computer systems, and various business models and industry applications. Therefore, many people say that it is the operating system of the intelligent age.

It can be said that the explosion of artificial intelligence is due to the explosion of deep learning, and the explosion of deep learning is inseparable from the right time and place. The advent of the era of big data and the evolution of chips are all shining for deep learning in this era. Bright laid the foundation.

In addition, what is most fundamental to the explosion of deep learning is the development of deep learning frameworks.

There are currently five deep learning frameworks in the world, namely, Dafeng Group’s Deepwind, Berkeley’s Caffe, Pure Land Lab’s Tianwen, Google’s TensorFlow, and Theano from Montreal Polytechnic.

However, in the past few years, with the in-depth development of artificial intelligence in various fields, the deep learning framework has opened a round of comprehensive and detailed explosions, such as Tsinghua University’s plan, despising Tianyuan, Huawei’s MindSpore, and Baidu Deep learning frameworks such as PaddlePaddle and other deep learning frameworks have begun to show their strengths and quickly exert their strength.

Today, we have come to experience a feast of deep learning frameworks. We have invited more than 20 core developers of deep learning frameworks to the scene to explain the deep learning framework of the topic and our views on the entire industry. ”

After the host made a foreshadowing, more than a dozen companies including Dafeng Group, Amazon, Google, Huawei, and Baidu, as well as core developers of deep learning frameworks such as Caffe and Theano, took the stage one after another.

When the well-known framework developers introduced, they basically started from the three perspectives of the core framework, tool components and service platform, focusing on the advantages of their own deep learning framework.

Some of the relatively new deep learning frameworks are basically Huaxia’s frameworks. These developers will make some explanations for specific areas. In addition, Huaxia framework developers will talk about standardization, automation, and modularization. Promote the arrival of the era of intelligent industrial mass production.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   “I feel that Huaxia Enterprise is going to do something on the deep learning architecture?” Listening to the introduction of a company on the stage, off the stage I started to talk again, “I always feel that these companies in China are doing something together.”

“Dafeng Group and Pure Land Lab have seized the opportunity to occupy an absolute high ground for China in the global development of deep learning architecture. Now a large number of China’s companies have come up with mature deep learning architectures, and they are all rushing to promote artificial intelligence. Intelligent, standardized, automated and modularized. If you really want to do something together, it is really possible.”

“Look, Ali’s XDL architecture is used for advertising, and Xiaomi’s MACE is used for mobile devices…

Dafeng Group has launched deep learning applications in Huaxia Enterprises, and there are new companies that are deeply involved in special fields. If Huaxia Enterprises really cooperate, this is a little bit from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, part of it The company is responsible for spreading the plate, and some companies are responsible for improving the field, and then everyone cooperates and technical data is exchanged.

Does Huaxia Enterprise mean to swallow the entire industry line? ”

“Behind the deep learning framework is a huge industrial chain. Once the deep learning framework is monopolized, it will erode most of the profits of the entire industrial chain, just like Microsoft back then.”

“Yes, in theory, once the deep learning framework is monopolized, it can determine the fate of hardware manufacturers.

Google’s ambitions were not just here. I remember that Google himself said in an interview that once TenslorFlow is monopolized, they only need to abandon the GPU, and GPU manufacturers such as Galaxy Technology will be ruined. ”

“Don’t talk about giving up GPU, even if you don’t give up GPU, once TenslorFlow monopolizes TenslorFlow, if Galaxy Technology wants to continue to use GPU to engage in artificial intelligence, it is working for Google. Google does not need to directly target Galaxy Technology. Galaxy Technology itself will You have to be caught in a dilemma. If you continue to develop, you will always be subject to Google. If you don’t continue to develop, you will have to start all over again, which is a huge loss.”

“The deep learning framework affects more than the hardware. Google also said at the time that the reason for being so obsessed with the deep learning framework is that it can be bound to Google’s cloud services in the later period to drive Google’s advantage in the cloud.”

“I think you are all polite. Think about what Microsoft’s original monopoly was like. Once the deep learning framework is monopolized, the independent development of artificial intelligence by individuals, companies, and even countries may be controlled.”

” It seems unlikely that Google’s previous boasting will be realized now, but on the other hand, what if China has achieved what Google boasted at the time?

Then, in the future, the development of artificial intelligence in the world will not depend on China’s face?

There is no dilemma for Galaxy Technology, but should Nvidia have a dilemma? ”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}  ”But does Huaxia Enterprise have this ability? After all, there is only one Dafeng Group on it now. With such a large ecology in the world, it is not so easy, right? ?”

“Friend, are you here this morning?”

“Yes, what… By the way! China’s prosperity in the application layer and general AI technology layer will inevitably stimulate the ecological explosion of China’s deep learning architecture!”

“It can be said that there is still a way to go for the development of deep learning architecture. This period of road is as small as three to five years, and as long as several decades. Now it seems that the fastest running is not only the technology, but also the application. Is there a market in China?

After a few more years of development, Huaxia Enterprises will join hands to get twice the result with half the effort! ”

“Deep learning architecture is the key underlying technology for the development of artificial intelligence. Holding the underlying technology is the industry!”

“Hua Xia Enterprise deserves to have suffered a loss, knowing that only by grasping the underlying technology can it be an artificial intelligence power in the true sense.

Maybe a few years later, the development of global artificial intelligence in the entire algorithm layer, service layer and application layer is really inseparable from China’s underlying framework However, if China has a monopoly in the future, will China be embarrassed by others What? ”

“It shouldn’t be. Huaxia has always advocated cooperation and win-win situation. From this perspective, it seems that it is not a bad thing for China to take the lead.”

“Although Huaxia Enterprise will not embarrass others, but… Huaxia Enterprise will fight back…”

“what do you mean?”

“Companies in other countries shouldn’t worry about anything, it’s American companies…”

As everyone guessed, American companies are in a hurry now.

The conference is still going on, and Nadella of Microsoft contacted Koziannick of Intel, “Have you seen the news of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference?”

“I saw it.”

“The outbreak of smart phones has enabled Hongmeng and Vientiane to achieve absolute leadership in mobile operating systems. If the deep learning architecture is further advanced by Huaxia, the era of intelligent operating systems will have to follow Huaxia!

Today’s conference, the ambition of Huaxia Enterprise has been shown! They are developing too fast! ”

“So what are your plans now?”

“I contacted many companies, and many of them chat together, so come over.”

“I may not have the mind to think about Microsoft’s affairs now.”

“what happened?”

Koziannick said, “After the deep learning framework, the next issue of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference is the chip!”

I TM also panicked!

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