Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 941

Chapter 929 AI symbiosis development technology

After the deep learning framework is naturally the AI ​​chip, or the host first pave the way, “the explosion of deep learning cannot be separated from the deep learning architecture, and it cannot be separated from the AI ​​chip.

It can be said that the root of the deep learning explosion is the deep learning framework, and the beginning of the deep learning explosion is the GPU platform established by Dafeng Group, which pushes the GPU into the field of deep learning.

The advantages of GPU in the field of deep learning need not be said. To this day, GPU is still the most commonly used deep learning computing unit.

But we have also seen that with the continuous development of deep learning, the limitations of GPUs have become increasingly prominent. Deep learning includes two calculation links: training and application. GPU is very efficient in deep learning algorithm training, but it cannot show the advantages of parallelism in application. At the same time, GPU cannot flexibly configure the hardware structure, and the market needs new development.

There are now two new areas of AI chips, FPGAs and ASICs. FPGAs are mainly used on the device side due to their programmable specificity and high performance, while ASICs rely on their small size, low power consumption, and low cost. Features such as a high degree of confidentiality are more used in consumer terminals.

From the current corporate structure, Galaxy Technology is the largest player in the GPU field, followed by Nvidia.

The leading ASIC company is Dafeng Semiconductor, and its main players include Huawei, Google, Sony, and Alibaba.

The leading FPGA company is Intel, and the main players include ACTEL, Xilinx, and China Microelectronics. ”

“It seems that both GPU and ASIC are leading by China, and the U.S. currently only has an advantage in FPGA.” The audience began to discuss again.

“GPU is the current mainstream, ASIC is the future trend, FPGA feels like it is sandwiched in the middle.”

“ASIC still has a way to go, and FPGA has a very strong offensive in the field of cloud computing. If you first grab the market, you will be able to monopolize it in the future.”

“The biggest problem of ASIC is its special limitation, but as long as Huaxia Enterprise exerts enough effort and achieves a detailed division of labor like a deep learning framework, this problem can be solved with the most primitive methods.

Don’t forget that although the United States is the core technology player of FPGAs, Huaxia is the largest market for FPGAs. As long as Huaxia can produce replacement chips in various fields, the entire market can completely abandon FPGAs. Of course, if this is necessary if. ”

Discussing under the stage, the stage has also begun to change people, just like the introduction of the deep learning framework, the host has finished laying the groundwork, and the representatives of various companies began to speak on their own products and industry development.

Huaxia Enterprise still has the home field advantage. Most of the people on the stage are representatives of Huaxia Enterprise. Everyone also revealed some common information in their speeches. For example, AI chips will rely heavily on process development.

Those who understand, naturally understand.

The common point that has attracted more attention is the collective explosion of China’s enterprises in multiple AI chip fields.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Among them, wearable AI chips broke out in China, which is the closest to public life. Gale, Huawei, Xiaomi, ZTE, Haier, and other 9 China Companies have launched their own wearable AI chips in 2018.

“The outbreak of wearable AI chips this time, does it indicate that Dafeng Group’s AR glasses have taken another step toward the consumer market?”

“It is more than the promotion of AR glasses. The growth rate of wearable smart devices has exceeded 30% for three consecutive years. This is a huge future trend. Now wearable AI chips are actually being rounded up by China Enterprise.”

“In this field, no US company has entered the market yet?”

“It doesn’t seem to be, but China has an absolute advantage.”

“There is another important point that cannot be ignored. All wearable AI chips use the Hongmeng architecture. This is paving the way for the ecology. After the outbreak of wearable AI chips by China Enterprise, AI chips have been successively used in terminal products. This ecology falls entirely on China’s side.”

“Dafeng Group will work hard again. When will it be able to compete with Intel in the traditional CPU technology and take advantage of Dafeng Group’s process and process, it will really be able to completely oust Intel.”

“Dafeng Group has tied or even surpassed Intel by virtue of its technological advantages? Isn’t Intel’s 10nm+ market response not so good?”

“There should still be a gap in the overall process, right? Now no one can tell, there is moisture in what the two companies say to the outside world.”

Amidst the discussion in the audience, Liang Mengsong of Dafeng Semiconductor stepped onto the stage.

Liang Mengsong also first introduced the main chip development of Dafeng Group in the field of AI semiconductors, and then started today’s last topic, “The development of artificial intelligence, especially deep learning in recent years has further confirmed an argument made by our company many years ago. The development of artificial intelligence requires a new hardware architecture to meet the exponential increase in computing power, which is the hardware revolution we mentioned earlier.

This hardware revolution has obviously begun, and in the process of driving this hardware revolution forward, everyone has encountered a problem.

For a long time, the design of chips is time-consuming and labor-intensive, which has seriously dragged down the iterative speed of chips. This is why semiconductor companies have a five-year, seven-year or even ten-year development blueprint. ”

Speaking of this, Liang Mengsong suddenly paused before continuing, “The reason why Dafeng Semiconductor has made such a contribution in the semiconductor field is that our prediction of the development of the semiconductor industry is accurate.

And this is also the reason why some semiconductor companies have always wanted to monopolize this industry, because the more monopolized, the more accurately the future can be predicted. After all, for the monopolist, the future development can be controlled.

But for the rapid outbreak of artificial intelligence, there are no so-called monopoly semiconductor companies, and secondly, product iteration is too fast, and the five-year and ten-year plan cannot adapt to the field of artificial intelligence.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   Therefore, the only way for the development of AI chips is to find ways to compress the design time. For human experts, facing increasing The evolution of complex chips has no ability to compress design time until we find an interesting technological development direction.

That is to use deep learning to promote the hardware revolution.

Yes, you heard it right. The hardware revolution has promoted the development of deep learning, and the development of deep learning has in turn promoted the hardware revolution. This is why I say it is interesting.

We call it: AI symbiosis development technology. ”

Liang Mengsong began to show a document, “We use deep learning to learn past chip design experience and let the machine participate in the update and optimization of the chip.

Our earliest experimental goal is global routing, because this is the most complicated and time-consuming stage in chip design. We use deep learning algorithms to learn from past layout netlists and successfully create new netlists that have never been seen before. To generate an optimized chip design, more importantly, we compressed the time by 10 times. ”

Liang Mengsong began to interpret the documents in detail, and showed the feasibility and efficiency of using deep learning to push the development of chips through many detailed data In the near future we are likely to see a scene that is , I just heard about 3nm mass production in the first half of the year, and 2nm mass production in the second half of the year, and 1nm mass production will come in the next year. I believe this future will come soon.

And this technological breakthrough can not only compress the chip design cycle, but also help small and beautiful companies to develop special AI chips at a relatively low cost, and further promote the explosion of special chips.

We will provide this technical support to global enterprises from now on, and make another contribution to the hardware revolution and the development of AI chips. ”

“Let me take a look at the current situation, from the underlying chip to the deep learning framework, to the general AI technology, and finally to the artificial intelligence application. In the development of artificial intelligence, China has opened up this line.”

” And if you just bring out an industry, it is an industry chain. Take chips for example, design, manufacturing, materials, craftsmanship, and now there is AI symbiosis development technology, the hardware revolution in front of you…

Intel’s technological process may never catch up with Dafeng Group anymore. ”

“Don’t say catching up, Intel should be grateful not to be left behind.”

“This trick is a bit powerful. The AI ​​chip spurs the hardware revolution, directly ending Moore’s Law, and thus ending Intel’s long-standing monopoly.”

“I am a bit confused now. With regard to China’s technological level and market share, how can American companies have the confidence to restrict them?

Huaxia Enterprise does not restrict them, they should thank God. ”

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