Rewritten Destiny

Chapter 14: Unlucky Break (Egg Puns are horrendous I know)

It had been three months since the Yule Break, and the three students who had attacked Harry had been dragged out of school for a week by their parents. Hermione, feeling indebted to Daphne for her intervention, was planning to repay the favour, even if Daphne seemed to have a different opinion on the matter.


Hermione had been eagerly absorbing the whispers of the older students, particularly the 7th Years who frequented Hogsmeade and dared to venture into the HogsHead, the Pub owned by Aberforth Dumbledore. The buzz was about a high-stakes Poker game, a legendary event she had only read about in books, with a coveted Dragons Egg as the grand prize.


Hermione had realised she had forgotten this from her 'To Do' list and had hastily scribbled this in her blood-bound diary. The Dragon would have bitten Ron in the books. It's only by pure luck he didn't get a more severe injury; however, without Ron, Harry and Hermione being the 'Golden Trio', no one would be helping deal with the Dragon Egg in a way without getting caught. Possibly someone injured or, worse, expelled, perhaps not that she chuckled to herself; she hadn't been able to say that classic line, and it was probably her biggest regret thus far in this reincarnation.


Hermione's knowledge from another world gave her an edge. She knew the broader implications of such a trade, especially with Professor Quirrell lurking around. Deciding that direct intervention was necessary, she formulated a plan to intercept the transaction without revealing her involvement.


She could deal with this in several ways, most of which involved putting herself in danger along with students, which was idiotic. She knew Dumbles was trying to train his 'Martyr' and that trying to act selflessly and not speak to the authorities or a teacher would mean he was distrustful of people whom he should be seeking for help and advice, which after her conversation where he treated his wounds, was shaping up to meet Dumbledores expectations, much to Hermione's disgust.


The sensible solution wasn't to wait until the blasted thing was in the grounds, inside of Hagrid's tiny wooden hut with a Dragon that would, upon hatching, produce sparks without meaning to, yes what a sensible idea it was for the half-giant to endanger children, and the senile old man didn't just allow this behaviour, but actively encouraged it!


She would address the Giant in the Room later; Hagrid, whilst utterly incompetent as a teacher and caregiver to children, wasn't a bad person, just horribly inept. Dumbledore, however, was either suffering from a type of dementia or was a malevolent force; there is no way that the wards placed by the founders, when Dragons roamed the world completely free, did not have Wards that repelled dragons, so he had to know! This meant it was a test; well, she decided it was time to screw up this test, and sometimes, you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.


After spending a few hours checking the tip of her quill in a somewhat neurotic manner, thinking of how to word the letter she was drafting, she finally settled on one for the DMLE.


To the Department of Magical Law Enforcement,

Subject: Immediate Attention Required: Illegal Dragon Egg Trade at Hog's Head Inn

Dear Madam Bones,


I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of a serious matter requiring immediate attention. A highly illegal transaction involving a dragon egg is set to take place tonight at the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade.


The participants in this clandestine poker game include various dubious individuals, one of whom is a man known to wear a turban. This individual has been seen frequently in and around Hogwarts, and suspicions exist about his true intentions and identity. The presence of a dragon egg in such a setting poses a significant breach of magical law and a grave danger to the public and students of Hogwarts.


I urge you to dispatch a team to monitor the Hog's Head Inn tonight. This intervention could prevent the illegal trade of a dangerous magical creature and potentially unearth further criminal activities associated with the involved parties.


Please treat this information with the utmost confidentiality and urgency.



A Concerned Citizen


Yes, she was happy with this; it was confident enough to come across as credible and certainly made the threat to the children of Hogwarts strong enough that if a Pureblood Wizard discovered they ignored the information, the head would roll inside the Ministry.


However, it was still possible to sweep under the carpet; it was time to start making people doubt that everyone knew best. To do that, she'd need to make people question those in power, and she knew none better than the next person she was writing to.


To Rita Skeeter, Reporter for the Daily Prophet,

Subject: Scandal Brewing at Hogwarts: Dumbledore's Oversight or Ignorance?

Dear Ms. Skeeter,


I hope you are in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a scandalous event that threatens the safety of Hogwarts students and could tarnish the reputation of one of the most respected institutions in our world.


Tonight, an illegal poker game involving the trade of a dragon egg is set to occur at the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade. This event, happening right under the nose of Albus Dumbledore, raises serious questions about his awareness and control over the safety of his students. As you may know, the Hog's Head is run by his brother, Aberforth Dumbledore, adding another layer to this shocking oversight.


The presence of such a dangerous item near the school is not just a breach of magical law but a severe risk to the students. How can parents feel safe sending their children to Hogwarts if Dumbledore cannot closely watch the activities at his brother's establishment? Is this a sign of the venerable Headmaster losing his grip on the school's security?


The man with the turban, central to this illicit trade, has been spotted frequently around Hogwarts, further implicating a possible security lapse. Such an event is ripe for public scrutiny and demands immediate investigation. The potential for scandal here is immense, and I trust you will handle this information with the tenacity and thoroughness it deserves.


Yours sincerely,


A Concerned Confidant



A week later, the Great Hall was filled with the usual chatter and clatter of breakfast. The enchanted ceiling showed a bright, clear sky, and students eagerly discussed their plans for the day. Sitting at the Gryffindor table, Hermione was trying to concentrate on her toast when a sudden rustle of wings filled the hall.


The owls had arrived, swooping down to deliver the morning's post. Hermione's eyes followed the flurry of feathers, her heart pounding with anticipation. She watched as the Daily Prophet was dropped onto tables, students grabbing the newspaper with eager hands.


A collective gasp spread through the hall as the front page caught everyone's attention. Hermione glanced at her own copy, her eyes widening as she read the headline:


Daily Prophet

Scandal at Hogwarts: Dumbledore's Oversight or Ignorance?

By Rita Skeeter


In a shocking turn of events, an illegal poker game involving the trade of a dragon egg was raided at the Hog's Head Inn in Hogsmeade last night. The Hog's Head, a notorious den of iniquity, is owned and operated by Aberforth Dumbledore, brother of none other than Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. This raises alarming questions about the Headmaster's ability to maintain control and safety within his domain.


Witnesses report that a man wearing a turban, identified as a frequent visitor to Hogwarts, was central to the illicit dealings. This man, believed to be Professor Quirrell, escaped just as the Department of Magical Law Enforcement arrived on the scene, casting further doubt on the security measures in place at the school.


How can any parent feel safe sending their children to Hogwarts when the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, can't control what happens at his brother's seedy establishment? Has Dumbledore lost his mind, or is this a deliberate and reckless oversight? Is he consciously allowing dangerous elements to fester beside the school, endangering every student under his supposed care? It's baffling and infuriating that such negligence is tolerated, raising serious doubts about his competence and priorities.


The implications of this event are far-reaching. The presence of a dragon egg near Hogwarts is not just a breach of magical law but a severe risk to the students. The Ministry must investigate this matter thoroughly, and accountability must be demanded.


Albus Dumbledore, revered by many, may find his reputation tarnished as the public begins questioning his judgment and capability. Is it time for a change in leadership at Hogwarts? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: this scandal is far from over.


Stay tuned for further updates as this story develops.




"Did you see this?" Pansy Parkinson shrieked, her voice tinged with excitement and disbelief. "A dragon egg at the Hog's Head!"


Blaise Zabini raised an eyebrow, his usual calm demeanour slightly rattled. "And Professor Quirrell involved? This is unbelievable."


Draco Malfoy, sitting directly across from Hermione, smirked. "Well, well, well. Looks like Dumbledore's losing his touch. I bet Father will have something to say about this."


Hermione kept her expression neutral, nodding slightly as if sharing in their surprise. Inside, she was a whirl of emotions, but she knew she had to play her part carefully.


At the Gryffindor table, the reactions were just as animated. Harry and Ron huddled together, but their words were lost to Hermione from across the hall.


The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables buzzed with similar conversations, students reading and rereading the article in shock. Ernie Macmillan from Hufflepuff spoke up loudly, ensuring everyone around him heard his indignation.


"Dumbledore should have known about this! It's his brother's Pub, for Merlin's sake!"


Over at the staff table, the teachers were no less disturbed. McGonagall's face was set in a grim line, her eyes flashing with a rare fury, and she was distinctly looking anywhere but at Dumbledore. Snape's expression was unreadable, but his eyes darted towards the Slytherin table, where his students chattered excitedly.


Dumbledore, however, remained calm. His eyes twinkled with contemplation, and something else Hermione couldn't quite decipher.


Back at the Slytherin table, Theodore Nott turned to Hermione, his voice dripping with curiosity. "What do you make of it, Granger? Think Dumbledore's finally gone senile?"


Hermione shrugged, careful to maintain her aloof facade. "Who knows? But it's a scandal that will shake things up around here."


As breakfast continued, the conversation in the Great Hall remained dominated by the scandalous news. Hermione allowed herself a small, satisfied smile, knowing her plan had set the wheels in motion. The article's impact was undeniable, and the consequences were only beginning to unfold.


The buzz of conversation about the scandalous article had barely begun to settle when the doors of the Great Hall were flung open with a resounding bang. A hush fell over the room as every head turned to see the formidable figure of Madam Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, striding purposefully down the centre aisle. Flanking her were several stern-looking Aurors, wands at the ready, their expressions set with determination.


Hermione's heart skipped a beat. The impact of her anonymous letter was now manifesting in a very public and dramatic way.


Madam Bones, her monocle glinting under the enchanted ceiling, stopped before the staff table. Her eyes, filled with concern and anger, locked onto Dumbledore, who had risen to his feet, his calm demeanour unshaken.


"Headmaster Dumbledore," Madam Bones began, her voice ringing with authority. I need to speak with you immediately regarding the Hog's Head Inn events and Professor Quirrell's whereabouts.


Additionally, I must speak with Rubeus Hagrid concerning this matter."

The Great Hall erupted into whispers and gasps. Students exchanged bewildered and nervous glances, the shock of seeing the DMLE storm into their breakfast only adding to the tension created by the morning's article.


Professor McGonagall stood up, her face a mask of concern. "Madam Bones, surely there is an explanation—"


"Indeed, there is," Madam Bones cut in sharply. "And we intend to get to the bottom of it. The presence of a dragon egg in Hogsmeade, the involvement of one of your professors, and the potential risk to the students here, including my own niece, demands immediate and thorough investigation."


Hermione noted with satisfaction the subtle reactions of her peers. Draco Malfoy's smug expression faltered, replaced by a look of genuine unease. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini whispered furiously, their earlier excitement tinged with fear.


Sitting at the end of the staff table, Hagrid looked bewildered and a little frightened. His large hands fidgeted nervously with his beard as he stood, towering over everyone else. "Wha—what's this about, then?" he stammered.


Dumbledore raised a hand, silencing the students' growing murmur. "Madam Bones," he said calmly, "let us move to a more private location to discuss this matter. The students need not be further alarmed."


Madam Bones nodded curtly. "Very well, but we move now. Aurors, ensure that Professor Quirrell is found and brought to us immediately. If he attempts to leave the grounds, apprehend him."


The lead Auror, a tall witch with sharp features, nodded and signalled her team to spread out. The tension in the hall was palpable as the Aurors moved quickly, their faces set in grim determination.


As Dumbledore, Madam Bones, and Hagrid made their way out of the Great Hall, the buzz of conversation exploded anew. The students were now in a state of near-panic, the combination of the morning's revelations and the sudden intrusion of law enforcement sending ripples of anxiety through the Room.


Hermione kept her composure, though inside, she was a swirl of emotions. This was far more intense than anticipated, but it was necessary. The stakes were too high to ignore, and the involvement of the DMLE meant that the issue could no longer be swept under the rug.


She glanced at Daphne, who caught her eye and nodded in understanding. Hermione knew they would need to discuss this development further, but for now, she was content to watch the fallout of her actions unfold.


As the Great Hall slowly returned to normalcy, the students' conversations were dominated by speculation and fear. The news had shaken them, and the repercussions were only beginning. Hermione knew this was just the start of a much larger battle she was now fully prepared to face.

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